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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3786: Burning Bridges Edition Anonymous 10/09/2022 (Sun) 17:55:25 Id: 70313f No. 316034
Ukraine Blows Up Supply Bridge in Crimea https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1680221/ukraine-live-vladimir-putin-russia-kerch-bridge-crimea-zelensky-war-latest-updates >Two Russian governors have called for a brutal retaliation to the humiliation the Kremlin has suffered after the destruction of the Crimean bridge, with one making a sinister threat towards Ukraine’s largest cities. In a menacing video shared on Twitter, the deputy governor of Russia’s southern Stavropol region Valery Chernitsov said: “Ukrainians, leave your cities, especially the large ones. Because a big surprise is waiting for you. Sarmat missiles are ready to strike.” Man Stabbed in Sussex Biker Brawl https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11296287/Police-arrest-seven-people-man-stabbed-two-attacked-dispute-biker-clubs.html >Eyewitnesses reported seeing three members of a motorcycle club as they were attacked in Findon Valley near Worthing yesterday evening. Niggers and Shit Revealed as Victims of Irish Petrol Station Blast https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11296335/EXCLUSIVE-One-victims-Irish-petrol-station-explosion-sat-car-outside-giving-lift.html >The ten victims killed in the devastating explosion at a Donegal petrol station include a father and his five-year-old daughter and a mother and son - as a man in his 20s fights for his life in hospital and a further eight are being treated for their injuries. Kanye West Threatens the Jews https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11296623/Real-Housewives-star-Lizzy-Savetsky-leads-backlash-Kanye-West-antisemitic-tweets.html >The rapper, 45, declared war on the Jewish community following his controversial Paris Fashion Week show, where he showcased his White Lives Matter shirts.
Edited last time by YTTB on 10/09/2022 (Sun) 17:56:55.
trouble brewing in LA after audio of the city council being racist leaked
>>316765 keeek I have a hard time believing that a city council in LA would really say or do something racist
>>316764 a terifying 21" big black...knife
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>>316764 so it's illegal to have that out in public you can keep it in your home, but as soon as it leaves the house you are breaking the law why the fuck are they making such a fuss about that? that's fine then fucking LBC retards
>>316719 looks like she is poisoning the next batch
>>316770 death via pancake
https://youtu.be/7f173W_WX98 kino lads demolishing zogmutt until he cries
>>316772 >a disgrace to england more like an honour to england and on top of that I couldnt even tell what races that wierd looking mutt might have came out of
>>316772 >SEVEN YEARS IN THA MILITARY t.starts on a 16yr and needs a woman to hold him back
>>316773 final perfection of the helot underclass that will toil in the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) mines for eternity.
might have a drink
is this board dead now?
>>316778 You're in the old thread you mong keeeeeeeeeek >>315199 >>315199 >>315199 >>315199
>>316779 that's not the new thread that's the old thread you dirty dog. it took me like 3 minutes of perusing the thread to realize there is no thread, lads just aren't posting
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>>316772 >“Go back to Africa” the Brit says to the Native. Some 10/10 IQ right there.
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was hoping the economic collapsed already
>>316784 it never does, you just get ground down to nothing slowly
>>316766 They might've said "some wypipo ain't so bad".
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>>316781 hardly anything to post about these days
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meanwhile in kiev >>316788 just blogpost
>>316789 what's putin hitting with le missiles? i'm sure if i turn on the tv they'll say it's civilians as per
>>316791 jewish orphanages
>>316737 Looks unpleasant tbh
>>316792 Empty buildings then.
>>316791 some military targets, some civilian infrastructure in retaliation for Kerch Bridge sabotage. first time Russia has gone for civilian infrastructure so far, pretty significant development
someone make a new thread.
>>316796 on it
>>316788 also the fear of getting banned tbh
>>316802 Just don't post faggotry

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