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Wikipedia update asking for money Anonymous 02/22/2025 (Sat) 19:28:23 No. 469184
The internet we were promised February 21: An important update for readers in the United States. You deserve an explanation, so please don't skip this 1-minute read. It's Tuesday. Our fundraiser will soon be over, but we're still short of our goal. If you've lost count of the number of times you've visited Wikipedia this year, we hope that means it's given you at least $2.75 of knowledge. If just 2% of our most loyal readers gave $2.75 today – more or less the cost of a coffee – we'd hit our goal in a few hours. After nearly a quarter-century, Wikipedia is still the internet we were promised—an oasis of free, collaborative, and accessible knowledge. By visiting Wikipedia today, you're casting a vote for a free and fair internet: a space where you can find the facts you need without being distracted by ads or the whims of wealthy owners. Most readers don't donate, so if you have given in the past and Wikipedia still provides you with $2.75 of knowledge, kindly donate today. If you are undecided, remember that any contribution helps, whether it's $2.75 one time or monthly. Thank you. Fundraising payment formPlease select an amount (USD). The average donation in the United States is around $13. Many first-time donors give $2.75. All that matters is that you're choosing to stand up for free, open information; and for that, you have our gratitude. $2.75 $15 $25 $50 $100 $250 $500 Other Amount Other ($) We ask you, sincerely: don't skip this, join the 2% of readers who give. Maybe later Wikimedia Foundation Logo Proud host of Wikipedia and its sister sites Wikipedia()com
I will donate to those who kill leftards instead.
its better if wikipedia was purchased which would have been disaster for everyone involved.
>>469223 wait no i meant its better if it wasnt. sorry tautology

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