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Fucking chess Anonymous 01/20/2025 (Mon) 06:10:13 No. 467558
I keep losing in chess to people who are not as good as me at chess. They just keep getting lucky. Or they're using a bot. Stupid bastards. They need to go fuck themselves.
git gud, cuck
>>467558 Do you think I can become skilled enough playing ai that I can win tummy pics from femboys?
>>467803 Maybe? Honestly I found it easier to just skip the middle man and hit on the femboy in person.
You need to learn the secret pro technicks like turning the pawn character into a queen. Winning with a whole squad of queens is easy look it up just rush all the pawns to the other side
>>467558 >I keep losing in chess to people who are not as good as me at chess. They just keep getting lucky there is literally no luck at chess
>>467835 You know what I mean!!!! They got better sleep than me or they had better parents than I did or something!
>>467848 or trvthspeak, finally African man! time to make reparation
I am pole and germany owers 1.3 billion dollars for holocaust also white women need to repay indecent with child blood. I am fucking pro-Isiah and Psalm 137 so I deserve their punishments.
>>467861 Are you a bot?
>>467862 no i am actually a pole and germany owes us 1.3 billion also.
fucking meant to delete word indecent it is leftover of the message.
if you think i am weird youre probably right my brain is filled with hatred currently i am very very angry here is some art
I am ready to kill a child with the bat.
>>467558 You don't get lucky in chess. There is no luck involved. If your opponent gets lucky, that means you suck. I'm not saying that to be cruel. You just need a wake up call. And, if you didn't know this already, it means you suck. Making this realization and accepting it, is the very first step at getting better.
>>467914 Thats the joke anon. He knows.
Have you guys had any positive irl benefits from playing chess? Like, is it applicable to other things... I've been playing ai just trying to get better without looking up moves and stuff, I want to know if it's worth going all in... Maybe I can win money?
chess is literally multiple branched game of "Simon's Says" I guess for low levels you do need to get lucky sometimes.
>>467917 >Maybe I can win money? Lol no
>>467927 Nigga they do it on findom chess Twitter all the time
>>467915 > be You're giving people too much credit. And to further illustrate my point, there are are unironic Flat Earthers, Satanists, Wiccans and people who thought Kamala Harris would have made a good President. I would also like to bring into evidence the State of California. The City of New York, Portland, Chicago and point out that on College campuses everywhere Gay people were supporting Hamas. Delusional people and morons are not rare. And telling people they are wrong or stupid is considered bullying, so people are no longer being corrected by their peers until they are slow adults.
>>467944 Satanists have to believe in Christ otherwise they can't be called satanists. Satan is an entity from christian canon. Christianity is a cancer religion that invented satanism.
>>467950 that's kind of true, in judaism satan isnt even the angel but an angel, a satan is a deliever of pain. but its only one of many if possible theoritically.
also communism isnt that retarded but maybe not at current period...

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