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Dearborn County is Indiana's asshole Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 00:40:26 No. 464833
Former Hickiana resident who left months ago. I will only return if kidnapped and dragged back there. Dearborn, and by extension Ripley as it has nothing whatsoever to separate it. Mosltly white bigots, modtly Christian, 95% of them range from indifferent to rude. If you don't share their MAGA samethink they will turn hostile, either getting their cop buddies to harass you or file bogus criminal complaints- and Dearborn courts are notoriously corrupt, handing out harsher than typical jail sentences. Resident hicks are usually good buddies with any authority so they get their way. Lots oflarger families in the area that are forrupt if not criminal, still a KKK presence. Definite ACAB vibes with the cops. MAGA family who hated me got cops to harass me, which they were happy to do as I had a BLM sticker on the car. Pigs said they found me by pinging my cell, which was a LIE as my cell was 15 miles away at home. They stalked me. They ignore cars with foul language anti-Biden stickers. 5 of them showed up for this traffic stop, finally letting me to when they could not cook up a fake criminal charge. Christians everywhere. I rejected that trash after having to deal with them, I am positive hick religious fanatics are not capable of being decent human beings. No shopping outside of a Walmart that barely restocks. Multiple overpriced grocery stores. The place looks run down outside of the riverboat casinos. Businesses frequently closing because the economy can not support them. Sunman looks abandoned. And Milan, that championship was 70 years ago, stop obsessing over it like it was yesterday. I get it, your town will never matter again, but stop shoving it down our throats. The majority are on welfare and food stamps, yet they vote for politicians who want to cut them just to "trigger the left" I do not get how an area so close to Cincinnati can be so backwards, but it is. I'd sooner die than live there again..
LOL Fly-over Country
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Ah, I was wondering where your God-hating ass went after you stopped reeing about Doom on /V/ and /VB/. Good to know you're still alive, shithead. I thought you'd feel welcome in such a place, more rural areas have higher concentrations of practicing satanists and other occult ritualists, as their animal cruelty, blood sacrifice, and occasional actual murder is far less likely to be caught in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Remember, God loves you, even if you don't love him.
>>465031 >/V/ and /VB
>>464833 I want to reach through this computer screen in front of me I want to put a rubber band over your tiny cock and balls It will cut off circulation Your tiny cock and balls will turn red After a week or so, the cells will die Your tiny cock and balls will turn black; dry up; shrivel even smaller; your body will reject them as an organ Your tiny cock and balls will fall off your body And then you have my permission to die

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