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Anonymous 08/18/2024 (Sun) 18:30:43 No. 462228
>finally get done doing my necessities in the bathroom >decide to go back to the dining room since I got visits >my sister and her husband are watching anniemoo on the main tv, next to my 60yo dad >feel ashamed, decide to go back to "my bathroom" normalfags don't get the idea of being ashamed of anything now do they?
>>462233 You're gonna tell me putting your 60 yo dad to watch shit like HxH isn't shamefur dispray?
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>60-year-old dad That makes him a teen to late teen in the 80s, when the Third Anime Wave was all in effect: Robotech, Voltron, Akira, First of the North Star, the Five Star Stories, etc. Old head wants to see the new shit? Where's the surprise? He might be showing the kids some Old School goodness.
>>462235 I don't think he saw any anime in general, only one I could say he did was Mazinger Z. Doubt showing him shit like HnK would be a bright idea, I honestly just let him do his shit and that's it, but ehh
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>>462250 Mazinger Z. Heh. I remember when Mazinger got localized in the USA as "Tranzor Z". But what anime was daddy watching anyways? I remember advising people to check out Hellsing when the whole Twilight thing was big. It's not all just Poke'mon, you know.
>>462228 >>finally get done doing my necessities in the bathroom Jerking off?
>>462251 They were showing him HxH, honestly I don't think that's apt for anything but younger audiences. I know there's the old "no but it's actually good!" thing, but there is clearly a difference in tone between something like Fist of the North Star and that. But then again I also don't watch anime in general, I just don't think it's the kind of thing to show to anyone. Only one I was "watching" very sporadically recently is F-Zero GP Legend. Honestly this thread is just for me to rant really. Idk. >>462253 No. 2
>>462228 Shameful Normalfags aren't human though so of course they don't feel that way
>>462254 HunterxHunter is NOT a kid's show as non-Japs would define it. It's got death, murder, assassination, genocide, body horror, treachery, an outright borderline pedo frenemy, and a gloriously complex power system with Nen that makes Naruto's Chakra/Jutsu tech trees look like hopscotch. Fist of the Big Dipper (North Star sounds cooler) is so influential as to be foundational. But it's still over-the-top post-WW3 melodrama with deaths right out of Looney Tunes just with lots more ketchup. Relax. Don't take shit so seriously. Go enjoy some crazy Japanese cartoons. You just might surprise yourself.
>>462259 >But it's still over-the-top post-WW3 melodrama with deaths right out of Looney Tunes just with lots more ketchup. My dad grew up with Hannah Barbera shit so I'm sure he'd be into that >Relax. Don't take shit so seriously. Go enjoy some crazy Japanese cartoons. You just might surprise yourself. Ehhh, I don't really know, it's insanely awkward for me IMO.
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>be me, early 50s >married to a woman who loves me but isn't actually IN love with me, anymore >sexless marriage, and don't even get hugs more than once a month >my two grown kids love me, but routinely disrespect me, the boy because he's dying to move out and hates being stuck here and the girl because girls are fucking monsters to the ones they love for kicks >boomer parents love me, but if I disappoint them in any way, they make me feel like shit >younger brother loves me, but doesn't really respect me much >I live a lonely life, even though on paper it looks like I should feel loved and adored >routinely suffer depression and hate myself >overweight, bald (shave to make it look better), and have the autism, which wasn't diagnosed until I was 39 >I have never enjoyed life the way most normal people do, and I should probably be grateful for what I have, but I feel a hole in my life that will never be filled >want to kill myself but fear Hell and destroying my loved ones' lives >my 82 year old dad was recently put in a nursing home >felt guilty as hell, but my mom is too old to care for him and I can't spend all my time as his private caregiver, so in he went >found a really nice place and, after a month or so of him being against it, he's starting to like it there >visit him at least once a week >the health care aides (not nurses; I'm not sure what to call them) are really sweet and very nice, mostly Filipino as far as I can tell >smile when I see them because I know they're being good to dad, and I always take the time to say hi >this morning I'm feeling down, as usual >watching some anime on Netflix Shield Hero, if you care >wife is off at one of the things she does to occupy her time >daughter and son are out of the house living their lives >just me and the dogs, same old same old >dad calls me on his cellphone >"Hey, anon! You just got the neatest compliment!" >wut >"One of the [women] was in here and asked me if I had any cups, and I said no, and she said 'You should get your handsome son to bring some with him the next time he comes." >...wut >I say "She probably meant [younger brother]." >"No, she definitely meant you! Wasn't that nice?" >"It sure was, dad." >talk for ten more minutes about insignificant things, then say goodbye >sit there for a minute and burst into tears I can't remember the last time I felt like someone actually saw me, and I'm absolutely wrecked. She was probably just being nice, not actually putting out feelers for romantic intent, but I've felt so prosthetic for so long, now, that I think I forgot, somewhere along the way, that I was a human being with feelings. Everyone treats me like a tool for stuff they need, and my needs are completely ignored. I've been living under the mask too long, and the devastation caused by a casual compliment has ripped open every single mental wall I've put up to keep from thinking about the hurts in my life. I've been tearing up all day and I can't explain it to anyone here. I've been pretending it's an autumn allergy attack causing sniffles and watery eyes.
>>462228 Id watch boku no pico with my dad in the room right next to me. Lets see who breaks first.
>>462259 > a gloriously complex power system It's not complex. The nature of nen is just like powers in Jojo. Togashi gave himself carte blanch to pull new superpowers out of any random character's ass to make the plot go anyway he wants, even if he's written himself into a corner. This makes big plot holes like, like why didn't Meruem just make some super expensive Nen contract sacrificing all or most of his power for a healing ability given he's a multi-talented specialist with ridiculous amounts of Nen? No, instead he just decides to die and kill Komugi in the process. Meanwhile, Kurapika with far less innate nen, practically has cheat codes in exchange for his lifespan, including an overpowered healing ability. >inb4 implied reasoning for Meruem's actions No, the writing is not that good. Every character has their motivations spelled out for the viewer. It's why the manga is accused of being "words words words", because on top of having to explain all the autistic powers, he has to explain everyone's motivations and thought processes instead of letting characters' actions speak for themselves. It's why the latest clusterfuck, hiatus aside, is moving at a snails pace. He's going into excruciating detail of the mind of almost every minor character even more than in the Chimera Ant Arc, while having an even larger cast of minor characters, in spite of the fact that he's constantly killing them off. Also, he's senile. He forgot Gon's birthday and had him introduce himself as 12 years old to Palm in the Chimera Ant Arc even though him turning 12 was a key point of the beginning of the story, and Killua went and took the hunter exam a second time the next year during the Greed Island Arc. Gon is an eternal shota by way of Togashi's mental degeneration.
>>464115 Go back to 8kunt, Grandpa. Q is sure to drop another super boomer wisdom post.
>>464115 >>sexless marriage, and don't even get hugs more than once a month You're in your 50s nigger. You should have stopped having sex by 45. You'll throw out your hip, and probably break hers. >>watching some anime on Netflix Shield Hero, if you care Cartoon are for kids. Especially shitty cartoons like Shield Hero. >>I say "She probably meant [younger brother]." >>"No, she definitely meant you! Wasn't that nice?" >>"It sure was, dad." At least your dad loves your old fart ass. He still lies to make you feel better.
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>>464115 I hate old people, I hope they all die.
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>>464122 >>464123 >>464124 Guys, I've been trolling online since before your deformed daddies ejaculated in the blinded and shackled sheep that you call your moms. You can't hurt me in that fashion. As I discovered yesterday, it apparently takes a Filipino nurse's offhand compliment to really make me bleed. If you'd said "anon, you probably are a good guy," I'd probably have shot myself. That said, thanks for your responses. They helped me regain baseline cynicism and rebuild the mental dams. Now I can go back to being a slave pretending he's free.
>>464146 >You can't hurt me in that fashion. <Crying over an alleged compliment from a stranger Lmao.
>>464115 You're essentially just describing the experience of being a man. It's tragic, but if you put that in a movie, men everywhere will understand it. I'm sure there's probably some critically acclaimed film from the '90s like this that my plebian ass just hasn't seen because I was busy watching Dragon Ball Z or whatever. If not, I gotta make it. >>464150 He specifically addressed that point in the post you're replying to. It's what the post was about. But it's okay, we all understand that what you're doing is just how people around here show that we understand each other.
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>>464176 I was over at dad's today for a visit and caught myself wondering which one of the nurses it was. I hope I never find out. None of them interest me, physically, but they're all so pleasant and good natured that they make me smile. >but if you put that in a movie, men everywhere will understand it. I can just see the headlines: "Problematic Incel Movie Lambasted By Critics and Women: Men Afraid to Watch"
>>464115 I can't say I can relate to much of what you speak of. I don't have kids. Nearly 40. Married. Sexless marriage, but that comes with the fact both my wife and I seem to lean asexual and just can't be bothered with the act of sex, but we do care for each other very much. She's my best friend. I'm sorry you feel trapped and see yourself as a slave. You could still live for 30 more years, and living how you are now is no way to live. You have one life, make the most of it. Regarding how you feel, you need to talk to people. Don't damn things up. Maybe there were many misunderstandings where people never knew you felt that way about (topic). Maybe they would understand once you talk to them. Or, if they are vile people who really in the end don't care about you, you need to cut them out of your life. Just because you are related to them by blood, doesn't mean you need to put up their bullshit. Case in point, I haven't spoken with my sister for almost five years, she's a massive bitch and caused my mother alot of money and drama. Also it's not very nice how you view your daughter. "Being mean just for kicks". Remember you were young once and likely were at odds with your parents for this and that. Or you're overreacting to young persons antics. Either way, try to lighten up. Get back to thinking how you did in your 20s and 30s, might set you back on the right course.
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>>464309 >You could still live for 30 more years
>>464312 It's only a bad thing, if you don't change things. Don't wait for change, make change happen.
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>>464314 Honestly, I've tried to change my course and it seems to be set in stone until (if) the kids move out and the parents pass on. It's all I can do to keep my head above water and not eat a pack of rat poison every day. I've tried a few times, just now, to type just how batshit my parents were acting today, and I keep erasing it because, no matter how hard I try to explain their behavior, it looks like I'm making shit up. Suffice it to say that it was a stressful day for my younger brother and myself. He was screaming into the phone while we discussed the events of the day because, frankly, it was his turn to scream. My turn will probably be when I relate mom's behavior when I take her to an appointment next week. Thank you for caring, anon, but I've wasted my life with bad decisions and two old people who love me, but not as much as they love themselves. I'll be free when they finally die, but by then it will be too late for me, because fucking boomers refuse to let go of money, jobs, power, and, apparently, life.
>>464342 >until (if) the kids move out Good luck with that, Gen y and z are fucked in that regard, we can't afford jack shit. In another timeline if I was born a boomer I'd have my house paid off by now. I don't even own a home, it's all out of my price range. Kids are staying at home longer because rent is also fucked. And who wants to live with people just to make rent? Gross. >and the parents pass on. Are you seeing them as just an inheritance at this point? Sometimes people put up with alot of shit from their parents, just so they can get money when they die. Don't wanna piss them off too much, they might write you out of the will. Are your parents on the spectrum? Super narcissist? Sometimes the wrong people have kids... >because fucking boomers refuse to let go of money, jobs, power, and, apparently, life. Well, you never know. They could crack 100, or die at 85. Many factors at play here. Take care anon, try and be a bit more positive. I know shit sucks, but you've got only one life to live, and maybe the next 20-25 for you can be the best yet? Only time will tell.
>>464371 >20-25 for you *years
>>464371 >Are you seeing them as just an inheritance at this point? No. A constant source of worry and aggravation. I don't expect to see much money by the time they pass, and I'm okay with that, but my ulcers have ulcers from trying to make them happy while keeping them from doing stupid things. Their judgement is shot to hell. >Are your parents on the spectrum? Mom for sure, possibly dad, but what they mostly suffer from is being boomers who think they know everything and that my brother and I are incompetent except as their personal serfs. >They could crack 100, or die at 85. Many factors at play here. They might make 100, but I won't (not that I want to). My brother and I have both discussed how taking care of them is prematurely aging us. It's like they're surviving on our lifeforce. >Take care anon, try and be a bit more positive. God bless you, anon. I'll try. There's a tiktok out there of some asian Gen Z faggot saying "Why are we letting Gen X off the hook?", which is usually followed by vids of Gen Xers telling him to get fucked and leave us alone. If anyone is wondering, the reason Gen X is off the hook is because we were the first to be fucked over by the Boomers, who refused to let us have even a taste of power. Instead of standing aside and letting us have our shot, the Boomer fucks have maintained a death grip on everything until now, finally, they're starting to die off... just to leave everything for the millennials and zoomers to try and fix. They left us to raise ourselves, never really taught us how to do things, and now they suck us dry in their dotage while our kids and grandkids are trying to figure out how to not live in a pod and eat ze bugs. We may all know individual Boomers and love them, but Boomers as a whole are a cancer on humanity.
>>464342 Not to belittle your situation, because it's frankly very relatable, but at least you got further than a lot of us. Most of the people on this board probably feel similarly, only they don't have kids, or a wife, or even a place to live that isn't their parents' house. I understand your point that these things feel like hollow victories, but well... it could easily be worse. You were at the cutting edge of society falling apart. At least you weren't born even later into the decline.
>>462235 there’s plenty ‘dad anime’, but usually it’s not seasonal shit. I’m sure older gen xers know nothing about JJBA, but would be into the OVA.

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