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Why are Americans so Cheesy? Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 06:56:31 No. 455986
All they do is act like they are in a Movie.
(1.09 MB 1280x720 Trade_places.mp4)

I would >>455987
>>455986 This is your brain on capeshit.
>>455986 The avarage iq for America is 98 including niggers
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>>455986 Germans are far worse, they are probably the most influenced by american media. To the point they've allowed some +100 american bases within their country not to mention most germans are woke as fuck, their government feed them lies, allows thousands of refugees into their country and they don't even complaint against it. The whole Tucker Carlson thing with his interview to Putin made me realize, turns out Tucker is american but he was not sanctioned by anyone in his own country but the german government and other EU countries placed a travel ban on him from traveling there. Americans at least have freedom of speach, so get an idea who is worse.
Because America was the main character of Earth decades ago at the height of their dominance, but even through their current deconstruction and self flanderization into degenerates and fucktards, they're convinced they're God's gift to man.
>>459795 This is the imperial cycle, accelerated by personal digital media where anyone and everyone can be and is the star of their own show.
The American mind is a Cringe Worthy Cheese movie.
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>>455986 >white women twerking The grossest fucking thing a white woman can do is twerk. It's literally based on chimps shaking their asses for mating purposes. It's as big a turn off to me as tattoos or piercings.
>>460182 Probably your turned off because your not very good at it...
Cheese Bitch Breath Marry a Kentucky Fried Kitchen Nigger.
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>>460185 >Probably your turned off because your not very good at it... I'm turned off by twerking because I'm not good at twerking?
>>460224 You just are simply put, sleeping ALONE in your BED.
Gahoole is a virgin.
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>>460240 >sleeping ALONE in your BED. I'll let my wife know. Maybe then I can get some fucking blankets And if you were going to call me a virgin, why didn't you just say that? Telling me I wasn't good at twerking is one of the weirdest attempts at a burn I've ever seen
>>460346 It's so odd that I am myself just a Weaboo Anime Virgin.
Swallow a Black Dick.
>>455986 Fuck you black COCK nigger lover OP
We are in a movie. We’re in a dystopian future movie set in the 21st century where society is run by a religious extremist cult ✡️, and the hero is an orange man that gets bloodied and bruised like John McClane in his struggle to save society.
>>455986 because this is the only thing they are taught. to produce publicity, to produce a fake ass image of themselves to the world and capitalize on it.
Cheese Breath.
>>455986 Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
>>460595 I will find 5 black men to rape your butthole and make you Bond with Nastassia Ponomarenko.
Fuck Niggers
This thread is boring
>>461240 >>455986 Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
I love big black dick
>>461608 Nastassia Ponomarenko is a Goddess.
We live in the only important country in the world. That is why we can do whatever swe want and also command all other countries. Too bad that you are a subhuman born in some shithole (ie, any place that is not the USA)
>>461620 Listen to me, Nastassia Ponomarenko is basically YOUR Mother. Go and eat Sand basic 4chan user.
A Mexican stole my umbrella....
GOD knows our Menko...
>>461822 Faggot
>>461849 Shut up nigger bitch
Make love not war
>>455986 It's like hardbass without the bass.
I love Anatashhia.
>>463078 Honestly, I would
(2.02 MB 400x704 russian_girl_dance.webm)

The best kind of dance is when it comes from within, to move and have fun. Not for the cameras to show off that you're having "fun". A fake tikitok dance routine with your "friends". Even if this video is recorded you can see her dancing from within, that she dances like a jackass just like when she's alone, and she doesn't mind sillyness
>>463417 Unironically agree
>>463417 but this is just how white people dance for fun, and its disgusting
They are consumerists living in their own reality and fantasy ignoring what real life is like
America is filled with sissy-boys and sissy-girls who leave a mess in their bed-rooms and have pink dildos with George Floyd's picture on the wall. America - Wake The Fuck Up.
Nigger sons.
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It's specifically the projection of nigger culture on Western women. Real bad combo and we have a lot of it.
>>461608 God why can't wokies draw
>>461311 post moar salt
>>465108 They can't do anything because they don't focus on merit, but rather only on race and sex. Big surprise, but being a black lesbian doesn't mean you know how to draw.
>>455986 Hollywood has them convinced they all have the talent to be movie stars

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