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Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 22:34:35 No. 453363
What do you think of her? ❤︎₊ ⊹
Ew, I like capable bitches who have their shit together not retards who poke holes through their nipples then light them on fire
>>453363 sauce
>>453741 Thats ur mom.
>>453742 would smash now tell me who the dumb bitch is
>>453743 ur mother you dumb cunt.
>>453744 would pay 0.000001 of a bitcoin for info
>>453745 Oh well shit why didnt you say so. That would be your mother, you ignorant buffoon.

(140.01 KB 360x233 Screenshot.png)

>>453363 >hair I wonder if Bruce Timm would still have invented Harley Quinn if he'd known how many young women (including that dipshit, Margot Robbie) would completely misconstrue her as a rebel feminist instead of an easily corrupted abuse victim.
Who's the bitch?
>>453791 Ion know but I’m finna pull this trick on the next bitch I see with pierced nipples
>>453768 >rebel feminist >easily corrupted abuse victim what's the difference?
>>453363 She looks like she'll do some freaky shit. Definitely a DP candidate fo shizzle. Perhaps even ATM, and I'm not talking cash withdraw! >>454720 The amount of surprise buttsex.
oh thats a future sabine hossenfelder explaining physics on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1yNl2E66ZzKApQdRuTQ4tw
>>453363 Litty titty
>>453363 Desperate for attention.
>>454691 >I’m finna Sad.
Why would she do that? Wtf
yikes. she seems fun
>>453369 Weird. I love tards.
>>453363 not even the engineer could fix her. pass... unless.
>>453363 She will get old and ugly at some point. They all do.
>>464356 >implying she didn't already get too old to bang 15 Yeats ago.
>>453363 imagine her pussy squeezing your dick tighter as she fights against the heat. I'd be into it. Not lifetime-commitment into it, but I'd fuck around for a month or so

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