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Reminder to check our friends out at /av/, /tg/, /mahodou/, and /v/

Banners welcome! Anonymous 06/01/2022 (Wed) 00:34:53 No. 804
Hi, I asked Codexx to apply this CSS that you can see in effort to bring our /a/ back to life. However, this board also needs banners of which we don't have none yet, so if you got any post 'em here so the BO can see them (or I can inform him about them) and add them. thoughts on the new CSS? Please help me with some activity, anything ¬¬
Edited last time by pururin on 06/23/2022 (Thu) 04:43:04.
(91.75 KB 232x222 konata.png)

>>804 It's very blue & text is a little too small now.
>>805 not blue enough if you ask me!
>>805 Gay
(26.33 KB 300x100 sipping.png)

(77.89 KB 280x280 smug sipping.png)

First banner. I can make more if you give me pics.
(522.01 KB 500x281 c4284a4f.gif)

>>808 nice can u make one with this?
(259.95 KB 300x100 lucky_star1.gif)

(259.95 KB 300x100 lucky_star2.gif)

>>810 Yes. Any text you want to add?
>>812 you can add 8moe or something if you feel like it, but its fine as it is by me now lets us wait for codexx to notice your post !
>>813 That will take forever.
>>814 Codexx seems to have already added one banner, so that's something.
>>815 Codexx will add your face to your ass. With his fists.
(262.52 KB 300x100 lucky_star3.gif)

(262.52 KB 300x100 lucky_star4.gif)

>>813 done
>>817 nice anon, seems like it was added. looks good!
>>804 It's surprisingly laggy
the CSS is cool but something feels off about the dark blue
>>804 Ey, can /av/ and /a/ be affiliated boards? We are the hispanic /a/
>>956 LOL I only saw this just now.
>>977 And the answer is?
Are we allowed to have a tokusatsu thread here? It's live action but still japanese media.
>>1014 Yes, I allow it
>>1105 What a timely response.
I'm afraid this won't get much traffic as long as smug/a/ exists. The lion's share of people who wanted to talk about anime went there. I'd prefer they came here, but that's how it is.
>>1128 >smug/a/ and this is nigger's slang for?
>>1140 Smug's /a/.
>>1128 You'll find the threads on that board owned by who was originally the BO of 8chan.org's /a/ are that BO and one other person that's probably the tr/a/nny's bff. A 3rd person trying to join in soon finds themselves banned. Speaking from experience.
(525.45 KB 300x100 dreamer.gif)

>>1336 Cool, thanks anon Got any more?
Posted these in another thread, very banner-able though I don't have the skills to do so
(36.09 KB 300x100 fuckyoujap.png)

(23.34 KB 300x100 thejewwasgay.png)

>>1359 should it have 8moe logo or 8chan? People could think its from the older 8ch
>>1445 either one is fine, I don't think anyone cares at this point Whatever looks better for it btw, you don't need to limit the sizes to 300x100 anymore
>>1445 Could just use "/a/" as a watermark, universal for any chan
Also good job with those edits, would be nice to keep the original resolution if possible Here's the originals if that's any help
I'll add these in batches since I'm not technically the BO yet and I don't want to email Codexx each time I want to add in 1 banner Once these 2 are finalized for sure I'll ask him to add em
>>1456 > universal for any chan Then google will crawl this image and people will claim it is from competitor's /a/
>>1478 I don't think anyone cares about that, an /a/ is an /a/
Is this board still under the ownership of pururin or did it fall under someone else's ownership?
>>1521 I'm a vol but I'll be given the board if all goes well, though I have to go to the owner of the board (it's a site admin) when I want things changed, but for all intents and purposes I own the board since he doesn't do things actively for here
>>1481 Yeah honestly, anonymous is legion and all that, /a/ is far more regognizable than anything else. It's a mark of pride to see your OC used across the web.
(2.51 MB 852x480 Diebuster 8chan.mp4)

Can someone turn this into a gif that fits under 1 MB? The closest I can get is 1.25~ MB without the resolution being too small. Can cut out maybe the first second or two of the long planet shot, and obviously can optimize through removing some of the frames if necessary, but I'd like the "planet blocks going in" part in if possible at least
(950.31 KB 284x160 diebuster_fast_12_8_160.gif)

>>1795 this is closest I can get to under 1mb. Chopped up first and end parts. But somehow colors got fucked and I don't know how to fix it
(1009.01 KB 284x160 diebuster_full7.gif)

>>1815 >>1795 wait, got it unfuck itself and crammed more of it. The trick is to split the video up it into sections, and set the framerate according to its need. The 1st wide pan section has 6fps, the planet blocks section is 8fps, and the 8chan logo is 4fps. Then join them into single gif. The framerate and resolution is the biggest source of filesize variation, the color pallete whatever has a smaller effect on filesize but major in visual quality.
>>1815 >>1816 Awesome, thank ya m8, I appreciate the hard work; adjusting framerates by section sounds like a pain >1009 KB could you lower it slightly to be under 1000? I will try to get it added but I have doubts it will work due to the filesize limits generally being pretty hard on the website
(983.68 KB 284x160 diebuster_8.gif)

>>1817 >slightly to be under 1000 is lynxchan that autistic? deleted 1 frame >adjusting framerates by section sounds like a pain it was. I have never worked on gif before, and had to find out why it was phased out. I tried to reduce the color quality to hell to realize it wasn't affecting filesize much, then resolution down to barely visible. Then got to framerate which got the first gif. After fucking up the colors I gave up and posted that. Then guessed that since the blocks section looked the worst it obviously ate up the most filesize, if only there was a way to just keep that high quality and others to low. Cutting up into 4 sections, then individually exporting them, then converting each part to wing out to a low enough size, then joining them again. And then realizing that I can join different fps gifs together (guess gifs don't have a way to implement a constant fps). Maybe I could joined different resolutions too but I'm tired now. So that's where time went. You owe me with more board activity
>>1819 >is lynxchan that autistic? Its been a while since I had to deal with a banner that was around 1 MB so I'll have to see, it usually is with filesize limits though >Maybe I could joined different resolutions too but I'm tired now. You've done more than enough anon, your efforts are appreciated. >You owe me with more board activity Don't worry about on that front, board's been consistently growing in activity over the past month and I intend to keep it going
>>1819 >>1445 >>1336 banners were added! Feel free to suggest more if ya want, and thank you all for your efforts
It's been a long while since I last posted on this site, but I am happy to see this board getting activity and that my CSS is still being put to good use. The original version of this CSS had some spinning text where it reads Discussion of Japanese media and the board header list or whatever is called was of a different color, if I recall correctly. but that's about it. I am really happy to see how far it has come, and again I am really glad to see my CSS theme being used, thank you! It means a lot to me. You have a nice thing going on here, and I think it's neat that you are trying your best to foster a community, I wish you luck.
>>1850 its a good CSS so you should feel proud of it, happy to see ya m8, and thank you for making it if you wanna provide any more like that for further CSS updates in the future or anything along those lines, feel free to do so >spoiler got a screencap or an example I can look at? I'm curious now >You have a nice thing going on here, and I think it's neat that you are trying your best to foster a community, I wish you luck. Thanks friend, feel free to stick around if you feel like it and wanna talk about stuff
>>1851 Yes, I don't believe I have the original file on me anymore but I might be able to easily replicate it soon with a little tweaking if I get the time. in which case I would simply post the updated .css file here. >Thanks friend, feel free to stick around if you feel like it and wanna talk about stuff I just might, you have some nice threads. I'll catch you later.
(44.52 KB 300x100 1411184970207.gif)

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(488.36 KB 300x100 1411185308226.gif)

(494.70 KB 300x100 1411185330533.gif)

>>1524 I see, in any case, I bring gifts. Here is a huge dump of /a/ banners from 8chan Prime to help you spruce this place up.
(16.15 KB 300x100 1411197461552.png)

(8.78 KB 300x100 1411266459127.jpg)

(150.18 KB 300x100 1412040376892.gif)

(8.86 KB 300x100 1413507914966.jpg)

(8.25 KB 300x100 1413507956178.jpg)

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(419.30 KB 300x100 1413508388103.gif)

(12.20 KB 300x100 1413508200991.gif)

(8.40 KB 300x100 1413508398582.jpg)

(9.79 KB 300x100 1413579887442.jpg)

(20.98 KB 300x100 1414268855369.png)

(14.39 KB 300x100 1417153102718.jpg)

(85.26 KB 300x100 1429068593041.gif)

(28.36 KB 300x100 1429068633307.png)

(337.39 KB 300x100 1429068740135.gif)

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(51.21 KB 300x100 1436800564151.png)

>>1898 19 And that concludes my list of banners for 8/a/ Prime
(1.52 MB 384x214 clap.gif)

>>1881 >>1899 Holy shit, thank you very much anon, all of these banners you've posted are great. I forgot just how many talented people we had making these back in the day, a lot of these are really impressive.
>>1901 Just doing my part. I wasn't able to recover all of the old /a/ banners, but these will do.
>>1902 I appreciate it, you've done plenty already they've been added
Would it be OK if I maybe made a banner or two sometime or do you have all that you'll ever need after that kind anon posted his archive?
>>1906 Go ahead and make some if you feel up to it anon, we could always use new banners
>>1914 This site only allows a maximum of 128 Banners per board, I've already dumped 100 banners total and I still have lots to go. I'll dump another 10 to bring it to 110.
>>1916 (Can you donate some of those banners to /av/?)
>>1919 Thanks yo, either put them here or in the META of av and I will add them
30 That's all of 8/a/ Prime banners, every single one of em.
>>1926 thanks again anon, I'll get some of these added, though I'll try to leave some space for new original ones
We just got a banner limit increase, now up to 256 from 128. Good stuff.
has this been made into a banner?
>>1971 Not to my knowledge, no.
>>804 Not sure if it can be done but it looks cute so I figured why not try making pic related into one?
(709.99 KB 300x100 gabu_loop.gif)

(383.31 KB 400x500 Urusei Banner1.png)

>>2003 Gave it a shot, thanks >>2123 Thank you anon, will get it added promptly
(777.96 KB 600x750 Urusei Banner2.png)

>>2126 version without the text to see which looks better
don't know if it's you or someone falseflagging your board but please stop spamming zzz/a/ while telling others to come here if you are the one doing it
>>2496 I have never posted on zzz/a/.
>>2497 okay, just thought i would let you know
>>2506 Nope.
(2.99 MB 640x478 Exactuion.gif)

>>2507 >Nope. Green is the color of 4chumps, you wanna be a green chump anon? I certainly don't wanna be a chump. Don't be a chump, your better than that.
>>2508 Nice try.
(29.09 KB 720x480 1465812349532.jpg)

>>1916 I'm not so sure about the logo so I'll post the raw one too if someone else want's a go at it.
(26.17 KB 479x456 Sakura 8chan.png)

(65.20 KB 900x668 Serious_8ch_Logo.png)

(237.85 KB 1586x1606 8chan_logo_splat.png)

(130.89 KB 2500x1950 _8chanshadow_.png)

(12.90 KB 400x400 1466555619062.png)

For banner-making purposes..
>>2554 Sweet, danke
(33.64 KB 300x100 mad yugi 1.png)

(33.38 KB 300x100 mad yugi 2.png)

(68.76 KB 300x100 v0-30.png)

(67.90 KB 300x100 v0-40.png)

(66.95 KB 300x100 v0-50.png)

>>1916 The maximum is 256. >>2530 There wasn't a good place to put a logo, so I added one in the form of mist of different intensities.
(35.77 KB 300x100 IMG_20230217_200012.jpg)

(34.39 KB 300x100 IMG_20230217_195742.jpg)

>>2567 That post was made by anon before I asked for the limit to be increased Thank ya anon >>2571 On a related note: The banners don't have to be 300 x 100, you can make them at a more reasonable ratio and size to avoid stretching and readability problems We don't mind big banners here, you can more or less choose the size as long as it doesn't feel like it would be obnoxiously huge and you can fit it under 1 MB.
(152.96 KB 600x300 IMG_20230217_203525.jpg)

(134.13 KB 600x300 IMG_20230217_203557.jpg)

>>2572 In that case, will these work?
>>2578 Sure, those should be fine I think (and if they look too big I can resize em myself if necessary), thank you anon! I'll get Codexx to add em shortly, or if he makes me BO once he replies to my email I'll add them**
GOOD NEWS ALL I am now the fully-fledged board owner, so feel free to enjoy yourselves and post to your heart's content. The board is now NSFW by the way (unless I'm mistaken somehow), so there should be no practical restrictions on the types of banners you can post if you'd like. >>2578 Added! if these feel too big, I'll resize 'em later, thank you anon >>2567 Added! I used the first and the last one respectively, though the mist honestly feels a bit too subtle imo, its hard to notice; I appreciate it though >>2127 Finally got this one added >>2123 Added!
Made and added this baby to the banners
>>2594 Hey thats really amazing! Congrats on that, time to add /a/ in our board allies, real cool the NSFW thing. Also thanks for the banner, we really need some banners. Take this one as a gift and good luck from /av/
(973.78 KB 300x100 Alice Banner.gif)

>>2606 Added, thank you anon >>2599 Good luck to you too, you're welcome and thanks for the gift!
(25.25 KB 300x100 GIft.gif)

>>2611 Thanks from av, we also need banners so im gonna grab one from here Here is another one as a gift
(25.98 KB 300x100 caroll_quote.png)

(103.81 KB 850x400 I'm going to Alice.png)

(201.90 KB 300x100 Miria_swimsuit.gif)

(1.04 MB 640x480 Miria swimsuit.gif)

>>2614 Feel free to, and thanks again >>2616 Added, thank you >>2619 Added >one piece swimsuits I am very weak to these, thank you anon
(47.89 KB 300x100 Baka Banner.gif)

(91.74 KB 300x100 Nep Banner.gif)

>>2626 >>2628 Sweet, love me some Cirno and Nep, added Thanks!
>>2567 Hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread. The >>>/sm/ thread is to blocks down. Got anymore?
>>2653 I did one for /sm/ and someone made a variant with both boys. I'd like to make some more banners both for here and there.
(193.23 KB 300x100 Ed Wobble Banner.gif)

I made so many animated banners for /v/ that they don't need any more banners so I guess I'll make some for /a/ or /av/ or whoever wants to use them. My methods are getting more convoluted. I put a smaller version of this GIF inside the 8 because I could.
>>2666 Thanks anon, these will be helpfull for /av/ (Also you can do vydia banners for there too)
(140.11 KB 300x100 Hakase Banner.gif)

(184.89 KB 300x100 GxS Wendy Bikini Banner.gif)

Need to sleep. I might make more new banners tomorrow.
>>2666 Sweet, I appreciate it very much anon, all these banners are great. >I put a smaller version of this GIF inside the 8 because I could. Now that's style. >>2668 >>2669 Added all 3 of 'em!
(95.40 KB 300x100 8-Squish Banner 1.gif)

(92.29 KB 300x100 8-Squish Banner 2.gif)

(496.57 KB 1280x500 8-Squish.gif)

(966.92 KB 1280x720 Original.gif)

Okay, I slept. Here's another banner. This one was more involved. Wanted to replace the object pressing into her crotch with an 8 logo so I had to paint out the object frame by frame then add the 8 logo frame by frame mimicking the motion of the object. Reduced the height from the original so I could more easily fit it into a banner, but it still wasn't short or wide enough to fit perfectly. First banner is zoomed a bit so you can see closer and the logo is bigger, while the second banner tries to force everything into 300x100, but it makes the 8 look squashed since the aspect ratio had to be tweaked too much.
(129.84 KB 300x100 Lewd Banner.gif)

(143.02 KB 300x100 Lewd Banner 2.gif)

(140.47 KB 300x100 Lewd Banner 3.gif)

I think the first one matches the color scheme best.
(615.15 KB 300x100 Headpats Banner.gif)

>>2671 This is great, thanks anon. >Reduced the height from the original so I could more easily fit it into a banner, but it still wasn't short or wide enough to fit perfectly. >First banner is zoomed a bit so you can see closer and the logo is bigger, while the second banner tries to force everything into 300x100, but it makes the 8 look squashed since the aspect ratio had to be tweaked too much. >Fit into a banner Keep in mind there are no actual resolution restrictions anymore, but if its too big that it looks awkward on the page, I would probably try to resize it I'll probably use the first one. >>2673 I'll use the second one because its the easiest to tell what's going on >>2674 Thanks anon! Added all 3 of these.
>>2671 This is really well made. How did you shoop out the wood part?
(665.85 KB 640x360 ika ingurishu.mp4)

Glad to see that this board is starting to gain some traction, in that it can actually sit on the top board list without falling off. Hope to see that this board continues to grow.
>>2735 Thanks anon, I agree on all counts.
(21.62 KB 300x100 lookin.jpg)

(220.72 KB 300x100 Mallow.gif)

(507.81 KB 300x100 roshipan.gif)

>>3173 >>3183 Thanks anon, always appreciated Added
Please change the CSS to Yotsuba B.
>>3183 Source of the images?
>>3282 I don't know who the woman is but it's probably in Dragon ball.
(353.58 KB 1280x535 cum.png)

Board dead can we make board not dead
(67.44 KB 389x158 cumbanner.png)

>>3830 Fuck my retarded ass, I forgot to properly size it. Here's a better version
(125.34 KB 731x939 IMG_20240404_093644.jpg)

(66.59 KB 736x552 IMG_20240404_101341.jpg)

(79.78 KB 381x600 IMG_20240404_102217.jpg)

(494.17 KB 1080x1513 IMG_20240404_102626.png)

(261.42 KB 1011x1500 IMG_20240404_103132.jpg)

So, about that CSS?
For the board's potential new CSS: I was thinking of a new CSS with lighter colors for the background, easier on the eyes, with a picture of Nia in the background. You can incorporate whatever colors you feel are appropriate since a few vibrant ones in certain places might help certain parts of the board stand out. I remember seeing some CSS with stars and whatnot from earlier, that might be cool too. Alternatively, if you think a darker themed CSS would work better with stars or whatever, I'd be curious to see if you had any ideas. The current one has served quite well for a long time imo, but I do feel it's time for a change.
(126.72 KB 420x472 Nia.png)

(109.16 KB 736x1063 Nia the catgirl.jpg)

(1017.88 KB 1820x1214 Example 1 - Multiply.jpg)

(1005.89 KB 1820x1214 Example 2 - Subtle.jpg)

>>4344 Presuming by Nia you are refering to pic 1 & not pic 2. As far as your design suggestions go, you have the right mind with a lighter background color and some few vibrant colors to make parts of the board pop. The tricky part is in making sure that it's not too bright nor too childish-looking. With the request of Nia in the background I assume you want her to take up the background and not have a repeating pattern of her chibi counterpart if it exists out there. If that is the case, look at the 3rd & 4th pics attached & tell me if any of them strike your fancy. The ideas behind them are supposed to be lineart of her blending in the background so if you don't like the wallpaper used in the examples that is fine. Imagine if the wallpaper looked more simple like, say, dots & if the color of the background was pink while the color of her lineart to compliment it is something a little more darker of the same color.
>>4344 I wish I could be more specific, but I don't have a good reference point for a CSS. I don't want the contrasts to be too minimal that the board feels like one big tint, but I also don't want it to look garish. Board CSS's like Miku, Yotsuba and Yotsuba B are easily readable and easy on the eyes, but needs a bit more flashiness/uniqueness somewhere. Redchanit is interesting but the text and its coloring has issues. Here's some potential Nia pics that I assume would work well for a background pic if you don't have any in mind. Lemme know if any need editing for transparency. >>4345 You already addressed most of my concerns while I was typing it seems but I'll still leave what I wrote in my post anyways. Yes, you're correct that its pic 1 Nia. >Imagine if the wallpaper looked more simple like, say, dots & if the color of the background was pink while the color of her lineart to compliment it is something a little more darker of the same color. I think that would be preferable to the pics 3/4 as they are.

(59.13 KB 1280x1182 pink-colors.jpg)

>>4346 Personally the 3rd pic has a good vibe I'm picking up on, but the way parts of her are cropped makes it less smooth to implement. What could be done besides the background being removed for transparency is that a part of her could be deleted with the edges smoothed out with a blur that makes it look more like an illusion of her full veil and body. See the pic attached for that same illusion feeling. Yes it's not transparent but focus on how the illusion is achieved by having the white vignette hit part of her legs. Should be possible to adapt Nia's color scheme and make it into something presentable, especially with her pinks eering on the lighter side as opposed to the garish hot pinks. Will check back when I get the chance & mull over possible design choices.
Some more pics just in case. >>4349 >What could be done besides the background being removed for transparency is that a part of her could be deleted with the edges smoothed out with a blur that makes it look more like an illusion of her full veil and body. Yeah, that's a good idea, it looks good there and should work well. >pink colors Of those on the pic, I think I like soft pink the most. >Should be possible to adapt Nia's color scheme and make it into something presentable, especially with her pinks eering on the lighter side as opposed to the garish hot pinks. Glad to hear it.
(3.31 MB 1000x1778 Nia transparent1.png)

>>4349 There was an attempt. I'm not great at editing.
>>4365 That's OK, you got the gist of it. Still cooking up the CSS theme. In the meantime, use this tool below to get a preview of the colors & tell me if you like my suggestions or if they need readjustments. The trickiest part of choosing the colors is making them work on both marked & unmarked posts. They don't need to be perfect where you get all green ratings as the special text colors may be sacrificed and ironically difficult to notice upon implementation. https://coolors.co/contrast-checker For the background color >posts below OP <#FEDDE4 (Soft Pink) >marked posts <#FFC0CC (Pastel Pink) For the text color >green text (You're looking at it right now) <#305E0F >red text <#A31B1F >doom text <#9E2517 >pink text (You'll be looking at it below) <#921590
>>4366 I think they're mostly good. Maybe a slightly lighter pink on posts below OP, and slightly lighter and greener for greentext, since it looks dark enough to be leaning towards black imo (but that might just be the preview and it might look better in practicec) Greentext is pretty vital to a board imo and it would be nice to ensure its instantly recognized as green. The rest seem fine I think. >The trickiest part of choosing the colors is making them work on both marked & unmarked posts. I can imagine, what you already have might be good enough then.

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(460.05 KB 1440x900 gurrenlagann5.jpg)

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Posting more Nia pics to see how well they adapt for the theme
(424.29 KB 1569x750 Nia1.jpg)

(435.14 KB 1595x727 Nia3.jpg)

(476.49 KB 1480x718 Nia4.jpg)

(470.04 KB 1599x750 Nia5.jpg)

(483.71 KB 1600x751 Nia2.jpg)

>>4374 Pic 2 didn't really work as I hoped, rest of them seem fine (with the exception of Pic 3 as I cropped out the white borders to give a better idea of how it would look) Still figuring out the pink color scheme that isn't too garish. You'll have to take my word on it that the green & pink text still look good & legible. What do you think so far? Put a bit of red somewhere since that's her tie color?
>>4375 Its looking good so far. Some red would be nice I think, yeah. I would propose reducing the size of Nia a bit and seeing how that looks. I was thinking maybe taking up 1/4 of the screen in the bottom right for some of the pictures (though Nia4 fits it well as is I think, it might depend on the pic you're using I suppose). I didn't realize you meant the pic taking up nearly the entire background when you said that earlier. A shame that pic 2 didn't work as well as you were hoping for, that was one of my favorites of the bunch. You're sure there's not some configuration that might allow it to fit decently with what you had in mind? Its a great picture. Also could you show what some of the other picture options would look like? I appreciate your efforts anon, thank you for what you've done thus far.
>>4379 >You're sure there's not some configuration that might allow it to fit decently with what you had in mind? The image can be resized via the background-size variable & inputting the size in px. xpx would be the width & ypx would be the height. Even if the image is big, it will shrink down to that specified size, but if it's not a transparent PNG then a vignette effect should be applied like that white illusion posted here >>4349 Not sure if there's a pure CSS code to achieve that effect. It can also be placed anywhere via the background-position viable, either by entering direction keywords (top, center, bottom, left, & right), percentage values (x% & y&), length values, or offsets. So if you want Nia on the bottom right side of the theme, I would enter bottom right for my value. The main reason I went with some of those pics earlier was from a part of my thinking where it would probably be better to to find one pic that fits on most screen resolutions as opposed to having one that might look nice on a 4K monitor but look bad on 1080p screens. The best wallpaper that works with all screen sizes no matter if its PC or mobile are seamless tiles as they can easily adapt to any resolution thrown at them as long as the repeat value has been added. Lineart of the character might be the next best choice as the simplicity design of them should work with the background color. I found a few of Nina, one was even posted earlier for an aesthetic example, but I don't know if I would consider them worthy for the theme. >though Nia4 fits it well as is Gonna guess that is because there's a bit of some gradient in the original pic that got colored in by the background color & visible the pencil lines in the doodle on top of it being simple, design-wise. While the other pics have too much detail in them & could potentially clash with the other design choices for the theme. A workaround could be to have the background color be lighter, change the opacity, or change the overlay effect for the background color.
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(446.25 KB 1920x863 MoreNia2.jpg)

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(472.02 KB 1920x863 MoreNia5.jpg)

>Also could you show what some of the other picture options would look like? Here's what I got based on my current settings made for the theme. Keep in mind that with my current values set, the pics will change size whenever you resize the browser window or make it full screen. Will try to look into the different size and position options explained in the previous post, maybe even see about getting vignette working so that other pics can be used & not suffer from being too small in size.
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(15.32 KB 800x594 pink clouds 3.png)

Thinking more about the CSS, it would probably be wise to keep the unmarked posts white while leaving the marked posts in soft pink. Too much pink will be an eyesore. I believe I will still be able to incorporate Nia herself into the theme, but I think it would neat to take the same tricks learned from the Space Penumbra theme & make the clouds move on top while the rest of the bottom design is actually a solid color that gives off the illusion of it being the entire wallpaper. Having Nia wait until the anon gets to the bottom of the page would IMO be a better choice than hovering with the pages vertically. Yay or nay on the pink sky?
(300.81 KB 1920x891 pink clouds and white posts.png)

>>4385 Here's a preview of the 3rd pink clouds and the changes made to the posts in one image
>>4380 I'll keep that in mind. >The main reason I went with some of those pics earlier was from a part of my thinking where it would probably be better to to find one pic that fits on most screen resolutions as opposed to having one that might look nice on a 4K monitor but look bad on 1080p screens. The best wallpaper that works with all screen sizes no matter if its PC or mobile are seamless tiles as they can easily adapt to any resolution thrown at them as long as the repeat value has been added. Lineart of the character might be the next best choice as the simplicity design of them should work with the background color. Fair enough. >A workaround could be to have the background color be lighter, change the opacity, or change the overlay effect for the background color. I think an opacity increase might be a good option if the colors of whatever picture in question end up contrasting with the background. It would help it stand out rather than blend in. If the pic colors are similar or light enough to blend, then yeah, >>4385 >Having Nia wait until the anon gets to the bottom of the page would IMO be a better choice than hovering with the pages vertically. I'd have to see it in action imo, but it sounds reasonable enough. I'd say yay personally on the sky. >>4386 The colors look readable and clean (at least in the screenshot), and the clouds are pleasing to look at. Any reason the timestamp information is so light though?
>>4388 >Any reason the timestamp information is so light though? It's to dog ear certain parts of the CSS theme so I know what goes where & editing the color. Also been adding notes in the CSS theme which won't effect the performance. It's to make it useful for those who'd like to take a crack at making a CSS theme themselves but are too intimidated to go down at the line of code or don't want to waste time scrolling through the spaghetti code & remembering all the elements.
(14.55 KB a theme.txt)

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The CSS theme is not final as there's still some polishing to be done but I think there's a design idea in there that should manifest close to the requested theme. Still have to add Nia at the bottom too, and to a lesser extent clean up the code & add more notes. Go ahead & take a look at the 1st file which contains the CSS theme & let me know what you think of it so far.
>>4413 Apologies for the late response, I don't know how time flew by so fast. Things have been busy on my end. I tested it on another board I own. It looks great, I love the floating clouds. The color gradient on the topbar looks good and the overall color scheme is pleasant. It looks quite readable and feels overall satisfying to look at and well-made, I did not notice any major issues. I am wondering if there are other colors that might be used for the "Anonymous" and thread subject fonts, but they look fine as is.
(26.68 KB a theme.txt)

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(394.34 KB 1600x800 reply button and op redesigned.png)

(545.07 KB 1600x800 nia.png)

There's a lot I've done since last month of posting the CSS WIP, I'm hoping it's shaping up to be worth the monthly wait. >custom thumbnail tweaks for both quick reply and uploaded files (If they don't show up for whatever reason, check if they have an extra 8 in their hashes) >added Nia at the bottom right, will be visible when scrolled all the way down >animated static Captcha tweak >polishing up on the theme >skeuomorphic reply button >added some notes for some of the elements. It's not fully complete but I'd rather not waste too much more of your patience If you would like to use this theme, you are more than welcome to unless you think there's some changes you'd like to see for the custom thumbnails or whatever else.
>>4459 Thank you for your work anon anon, it looks great, I am now using it for the board's CSS. The only suggestion/request I might make is for the cloud speed to be slowed down to the earlier version you posted since the current one is moving very fast, the earlier version had a comfy speed to it that I liked.
>>4464 The earlier version of the cloud speed depended on one's browser and hardware as I previously used the animation code. This should hopefully be up to your liking. I have also tweaked the captcha loading animation to Nia since I posted it on /res/.

Quick Reply