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NAGATORO GETS AN ANIME Anonymous 07/02/2020 (Thu) 21:11:55 No. 155
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>>155 >flesh fang disgusting
>>156 fuck you
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>>158 He says on /a/
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>>159 /a/ is actually for anikino only! No >cuckime allowed
>>156 Flesh fangs are perfectly fine and you are a nigger for disliking them.
>>163 If you like deformed lips you're a freak of nature on the same level.
>>166 no u
>>155 When, next season?
I just read the entire 60 manga chapters. would give it 7-8/10.
Well, there goes another manga series that will be inevitably ruined by reddit. RIP. Can't say I didn't see this one coming though
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Reminder twitter will stir up a storm over this anime. Calling it pedophilic & saying Nagatoro is black.
>>309 who cares
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>>310 because those retards are the ones who harass the rainbow-haired journalists who in turn write bad reviews to gain clout from those mentally ill losers which could cause shitty changes to the content to pacify the vocal minority
>>310 >>311 Because normalniggers have control over the industry in the west.
Reminder that if you like nagatoro you enjoy cuckoldry and probably would beat off to ntr thinking about being the husband or the whimpy dude.
>>309 I'm sure twatterniggers have already learnt their lessons and realized seething about anime yields no results. There wasn't much commotion for neet isekai and revenge healer even though they're worse.
The animation is pretty good.
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The voices are all wrong. I love nagatoro but I really don't think this should be an anime. I wish nagato would go back to its roots where senpai was a self insert, nagatoro wasn't friends with a bunch of sluts, and the whole work was about sfw femdom only true enthusiasts could enjoy. >>314 >nagatoro is a cuckoldress Nagatoro isn't a real female. In the real world yeah the whole thing would just be her just investing in senpai so she has a fall guy if being a slut doesn't work out, but shes not real. In the manga its shes always turning down other guys and isn't interested in the slutty life her friends have. She also loves senpai despite his failings and works to protect/take care of him, instead of the pick-me lip-service you'd get in the real world. In the real world you'd have to pay out the ass to get the attention she's giving out.
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Thanks Funimation.
>>376 Idiots in funimation fail to realize using modern trend terms are gonna date their efforts in the long run.
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>>376 Can't forget their hip and relevant translation of ojii-san >>377 >modern trend terms I don't think a functioning adult uses the term "sus" to describe something in day-to-day life. It's just an in joke for kids at the lunchtable and 20 somethings that haven't grown up yet.
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>>378 >It's just an in joke for kids at the lunchtable and 20 somethings that haven't grown up yet. Gomennasorry for TRUE but no matter the age they actually do use it 100% unironically! Never underestimate the power of cultural soy
>>377 >>378 Funimation "translators" fail to understand anime fans want accurate subtitles. Not meme subs.
>>376 >>377 And there's no alternative subs yet?
>>381 I'm not exactly in the know but it seems like actual sub groups are almost extinct for anime. They seem to all just rip their subs from official english sources.
>>381 Why fansub something when there's already an official source out that does it 1000000000000000000% faster than you and of "acceptable" quality? Only the really popular shit (or something without official sources) get alternative subs, and those tend to take a while. For a shitty cuckime like this, don't hold your breath.
>>383 >using "official" subtitles >ever Anon, it's not 2003. The official translations are shit and the companies buying licenses have deliberately driven superior fansubs out of existence so they can monopolize the market. I will not give them my attention, let along money, in service of that cause. Patronizing fansubs if the only way to keep them active.
>>388 Tell that to anime sub groups on nyaa. Because most if not nearly all of them will always using ripped subs from official sources if they're available from CrunchyRoll or Funimation.
What kind of fag lets a girl bully him? Just bully her back with your dick, baka yaro.
>>395 Just like one of my japanese doujins.
They keep using internet slang , this will be incomprehensible in a year.
Does someone have that one Nagatoro text where she sees senpai on her job with a wife and kids and it makes her completely broken?
Do you remember the days of translator notes? Where they could use odd terms and you would learn about them . Understanding it didn't require needing to be in their bubble? Good times. Show this to someone that watches Scrubs and doesn't know about vidja and the confusion will be constant.
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New 2nd season image released. Looks kinda like the mangatoro. Actually, Nagatoro making it to a 2nd season is pretty amazing, Senpai! https://mobile.twitter.com/774nanash/status/1512286752387792897/photo/1
>>155 i want to murder this whore, she took from us the great artist who specialized in exquisite pig porn, loli femdom, and pig porn, fuck you niggertoro, does doujin scene pay so little that authors get inclined to switch over to generic romcom trash from their priceless positions of drawing hot bestiality, he was going to make a horse doujin god damn it
>>1084 Did the Nagamonday shills at halfchan finally get this clickbaiting exiled to over here? Oh well, let's do this Senpai! There comes a time when all the loli and pig-fucking gets a bit boring at nhentai and even the most innovative Hentaika can desire something more wholesome and mainstream entertainment than drawing chimps knocking up fertile teen human girls and to become a slice of life Mangaka instead. Thus we have our beloved, feminist, tanned romantic Nagatoro that is around today.
>>1088 still he should've gone adapting that wholesome succubus x salary man comic instead, but alas, it's as i've heard, thanks to that fuck Abe we can't have lolicon themes in big serialized manga anymore, I don't actually hate Nagatoro because it retains some of that femdom spice up and it is pretty appealing and fun story.
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>>1089 774 might have gone Abe wholesome mainstream mangaka but we will always have pig fucking, ape gangbang teen girl breeding hentai, anon.
With the price of the Nagatoro manga volumes going up, I can now only afford a seven seas solution. And not the publishing company seven seas. Arrrrr. Yo ho ho, pass rum and manga please, matey.
Cross Post from GG thread >>853479 >I want to fug art club president. me too anon, her sister is also a top choice. unfortunately most anime always have the worst girl (the most boring or asinine) win out in the end. literally anyone of the other girls in the series would be a better/more interesting waifu then the narcissistic sociopath Nagatoro. somebody so full of insecurity and ego fragility that she makes the emotionally stunted and unbelievably immature "Senpai" look like a fucking a chad. its like being forced to watch somebody play a procedurally generated visual novel and they refuse to ever try out any of the other possible routes. fuck I've had enough of noodle arms abusive antics for the day, stop being a faggot and go fuck that smug bitch with the Orange hair! sorry if necro posting is a taboo here, tell me and I'll make a new thread next time or post in a general if you have one.
>>3387 >me too anon, Based
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>>3387 Personally I think he should go hook up with the big boobie ponytail girl.

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