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New WebM Thread Anonymous 12/08/2022 (Thu) 11:01:04 No. 1436
Post webbums. Need help with making webms? Ask away
(3.76 MB 1280x720 Takamura_Belmont1.mp4)

(4.17 MB 640x360 Takamuras_suffering.mp4)

(7.79 MB 854x480 Pantsu.webm)

(189.10 KB 768x360 Sad Shark Dance.mp4)

(293.38 KB 640x360 Lemon Guts Berserk.mp4)

(594.50 KB 426x426 Jujutsu Kaisen.mp4)

(18.37 MB 1024x576 Big Lunch Age.mp4)

(5.98 MB 1270x720 Bocchi the Extrovert.mp4)

(7.83 MB 650x380 Ryuko_Grooves_Tonight_rsz.mp4)

(2.31 MB 960x540 virgin2.mp4)

(15.85 MB 1280x720 [Gao]_Dogeza_de_Tanondemita.webm)

>mfw a parody of the OP intended to make fun of 4kids ends up doing the same thing as the original OP did (lying to the viewer about the lightheartedness of the show through its tone and words)
(219.33 KB 492x480 PBKENhcB2Irt22dy.mp4)

>>1472 Is this the latest flavor of the month anime?
Here's some good ol' Caligula.
(22.19 MB 1280x720 Caligula Episode 4 clip.mp4)

(27.21 MB 1280x720 Caligula Episode 4 clip_.mp4)

(4.14 MB 320x240 doujin_work_sample.mp4)

Why come none of the mp4s/webms i actually make i can post on here anymore? Do i have to run them thru something first?
>>1495 I'm not sure, that's fucking weird Does it say a specific error or anything? Maybe try putting them through ezgif/avidemux (potentially with a different audio stream type) or re-rendering them?
>>1496 Usually something about unsupported filetype, sometimes some other message i cant recall. Only happens with ones i make with built in video trimmer on me shitty phone but didnt always. Looking into it deeper reading the metadata on some of the files say they are actually .3gp despite saying they are .mp4/.webm on my device? > running them thru a convertor Guess ima have to do that from now on.
>>1501 >>1495 >>1496 There seems to be an issue with metadata contained in files, somethings which this site doesn't parse. Yeah, running it through a convertor fixes that
>>1526 Sucks because most of the time after converting them the filesize bloats and quality drops. I really need to get off my ass and git gud at this.
(3.79 MB 1280x720 Ataru and Lum.webm)

>>1538 >filesize bloats and quality drops that shouldn't really happen? I mean you're suppose to run it in name only, without changing the bitrate or anything. If it increases it means you're fucking something up. Please ask if you need help how.
>>1564 I guess i should clarify since im using various online convertors. Example is this one. https://www.video2edit.com This file was .mp4 converted to .webm with no other changes. Was 2.8mb and is now 3.8mb with no other changes to it other than file type. Pretty significant increase when typically shooting for a particular filesize limit.
>>1566 Looking at your video, it first has 1426kbps bitrate for video, yet looks like ass. A 480p video, doesn't matter the encoding, don't need 1400kbps. Also the audio codec used is vorbis, which is an older tech. The best codec for a .webm filetype (that 8chan supports) is vp9 for video and opus for audio. With your blue submarine OVA I managed to bring it down to 1mb (not that good for 23sec clip) with no major decline in visual quality. And yes, its not a good idea to use online convertor. I have used them before, and realized that current free tools like Handbrake offers faster conversion, even when using a laptop. Don't know about mobile but I won't suggest rencoding on a mobile anyways.
>>1590 The first step - you don't have to convert files to upload here. You can perfectly upload .mp4 raw 24 secs clip at 31.5MB and people can watch it. Sure you'll have people like me bitch about it and bully you, but that's it. You'll have to bear it. You can even chop up videos into part1,2, 3 if it's bigger than filesize, people won't complain about it if it's good enough video, and more posts is always appreciated. Step 2 - download ffmpeg, handbrake, xmedia recode whatever you like, they all use ffmpeg in background for webm conversion. I use handbrake since Im reatrded to learn CLI.
>>1591 There's also nmkoder, a yet another ffmpeg front end, this one with support for av1-an encoding if you care about that. For a 480p video, with anime specifically where there's not much action, you can set the video bitrate to 300kbps. I'd say its the lowest bitrate for anime/cartoon/slow content. Anime also is typically animated in 24fps so you can drop the framerate down for some lower encoding time without much sacrifice. Audio opus is a wonderful codec which at 64kbps sounds exactly like 128kbps mp3/aac codec, that's the best setting unless you're uploading music videos where audio quality is priority, go 128kbps. Do tell me if any of above helps or you need even noobier guide of how to setup ffmpeg/how to navigate the programs. I'll need some indication of how much help you actually need
>>1593 another point - resolution affects your encoding speed. Both the attached videos have 300kbps, same formats (one is mp4 but still is vp9), same filesize. but it took me 2 mins to encoding for the 360p vs. 3 mins for 480p. Since the cpu has to arrange the pixels over a larger area. Also notice that 300kbps @ 480p appears blocky in fast moving scenes, whereas its more manageable in 360p. If you have a slower cpu, its better to use 360p/480p to get encode times under 10 mins. 720p when its already below 32MB.
(3.25 MB 640x352 video_cutter_3_1.webm)

>>1591 Alot of the videos i have to make clips from are .mkv and .avi, so i would need to convert them anyway.
(168.22 KB 1185x633 nmkoder0.PNG)

(161.25 KB 1187x633 nmkoder2.PNG)

(162.17 KB 1190x639 nmkoder4.PNG)

(3.04 MB 1280x720 Cyberpunk Edgerunners3.webm)

>>1601 oh you wanna cut clips from your files, then use nmkoder from below. Its very easy to use for trimming and single file converts, no need to install ffmpeg separately. You're using windows right? https://github.com/n00mkrad/nmkoder/releases/tag/v1.10.0 Here's the simplest way to trim and convert videos - >Drag and drop your mkv or whatever file into it, then go to the 'Quick Convert' tab. There near the bottom you'll find the address location of your file. This will also be the output place for your converted file. By default it will convert it right beside the original file. You can set the location (and file's name) here if you want to. Right beside it is the format for the converted file, choose .webm, .mp4, .mkv whichever you need. >Since you'll need to cut a short clip from the large video, go to the 'Advanced' tab on top where you'll see the trim configure button. Trim as it says, will trim the video from a start time to an end time. You'll have to manually enter the time there, so note it from any video player you're using. >After that go back to the 'Video' tab on top where you'll have to select the 'Codec' for the video from a dropdown. For .mp4 file format, the best is H.264/AVC(x264). For .webm its VP9(VPX). >Next option - Quality Control. From the CRF dropdown, you can set a rough quality factor for conversions. For H264 keep it between 18 to 28. For vp9 24 to 32. Lower values mean higher quality and thus higher filesize. If you're not sure, just select the median (middle) for both. >Next option Speed. Leave it alone to its default Medium or 3 (whichever is the middle setting) for now. >Same for Color Format and Framerate. >Now Resize. You should resize videos down to 1280x720p or 854x480p or 640x360p or anything you like. 720p will take much CPU resource so keep your resolution right. Maintain the original aspect ratio unless you want stretchy faces. >Now for the Audio tab on top, Codec should be AAC for .mp4 and Opus for .webm >Quality can be 128kbps for AAC and 96kbps for Opus, though cna go lower without much loss in quality. Leave other options unchanged Click Start. You shouldn't get any error, and have the progress bar filling. There's lots of tweaking you can do like I mentioned before, so do tell me if this works.
>>1608 > You're using windows right? No, phonephaggin. Ima fix that situation next year though.
(8.61 MB 854x480 Bersucc.webm)

>>1611 Holyshit anon, are you really posting all this from your phone? Do you not have any pc that atleast functions? And you've all those .avi on your phone?
(11.13 MB 512x384 Oborochan.mp4)

(3.22 MB 1024x576 kaijikings.webm)

(3.27 MB 960x720 battle royal high school.mp4)

>>1613 I dont have a "functional" pc, hoping to get a new one after the new year since i havent bought one since 06. I literally have no experience with any windows after xp. Some .avi play and some dont on this phone i dont know why that is i have a couple different video players on here to get around that..
>>1619 >>1501 Kaiji was such a great show, I wish we got more of its type, or more seasons for that matter I wish Madhouse didn't fuck themselves over
(16.19 MB 864x480 Kaiji_13_raw(1).mp4)

>>1620 Yea, too bad the whole "atmosphere" and feel of the first season would be impossible to duplicate even for madhouse after cranking out all that moeshit.
>>1624 There was something about 90s and early-mid 2000s anime, they just knew how to do night-time settings very well for pretty much any show that had it, it felt so dark and tense
>>1619 What pc are you planning to buy? Or build it yourself? >>1624 It was also the whole cultural shift from the 90s sci-fi hardcore realism to 2000s to now 2020s moe and isekai with computer aided drawings. The "feel" of 90s is something you can only get by hand drawings.
>>1620 I think Kaiji was awesome, but adapting ALL of FKMT's filler arcs was way too much, there's some episodes were really fuckall happens. I can't even fathom them adapting the rest of the manga, and unironically the pachinko game with cutscenes taken straight out of the 17 Steps arc are the exact thing I'd wish to see, a highlights/best-of of the new chapters. >I wish Madhouse didn't fuck themselves over What happened, exactly? I'm out of the loop as far as animes go, I just read scanlations. >>1627 It's the economy and changing attitudes, man. Before the bubble burst in Japan, anime was extremely bizarre and out there but also full of role models and manly men and honour. After the bubble burst a lot of that goodwill went to shit and that's exactly when dark, brooding and edgy stories started to become popular, stuff more grounded in reality or "Verosimile" it's a style of story telling where even if fantasy or scifi elements are present, the world and the humans within are presented dealing with it in realistic ways, which I think is what was also popular in AMVs and on forums and whatnot. But after the 2010s were disastrous for society as a whole I feel most people would rather shut reality out of their lives as much as possible and indulge in shit that is super comfy or fantastic but that ignores the real world as much as possible, which is why Isekaishit is so popular. Of note is the fact that most Isekai is in a medieval high fantasy setting, which is as far away from Jap culture as possible, much like the most consumed media in the West right now is Japanese or occasionally extremely wacky Western cartoons with heavy Japanese influences. By the way, I wanted to post these two videos as webms, but I also wanted to overimpose the subtitles that were provided by the uploaders. Is there a way to do it with some tool? https://invidious.flokinet.to/watch?v=VyU5K-NroKc https://invidious.flokinet.to/watch?v=4SGBX3xKwFo
>>1630 Codex cofrx
>>1627 Buy, im not really into all that building it yourself stuff. Probably get a nice laptop but kinda partial to how my netbook was and the only thing out there kinda like it is made by the company GDP. Alot of $$$ for a little computer tho.
>>1630 >By the way, I wanted to post these two videos as webms, but I also wanted to overimpose the subtitles that were provided by the uploaders. Is there a way to do it with some tool? I don't know of any online tools, but there's probably something out there. I usually use either hardsubbing software for the things I care more about, or just regular video editing software that has the option to add subtitles. What you want to do is >download the subtitle files (.srt or .ass file, there's sites online that'll do it) and the video >use either hardsubbing software (i.e. MEGUI) to encode it together (watch YT tutorials for this) >or use video editing software (e.g. videopad in my case) and just add the subtitle files and export the video I found these online things that might do the same, but I have no idea if they're fucked or bad, or will try to jew you before exporting, but they might be an option if you want to just do it online or something https://www.kapwing.com/studio/editor/subtitles https://clideo.com/add-subtitles-to-video https://www.veed.io/tools/add-subtitles
>>1635 followed you, there are any sites that can take closed captions from youtube and output into srt or ass format. After then you'll have to hardsub (burn the subtitles text into the video itself) as the video player here doesn't read subtitle stream/track in video files. Meaning you'll have to re-encode the video too. There's a burn-in subtitles option in ffmpeg, you can't really customize it much. It will add black on white font text in videos while encoding. The online video editors really jew you by adding a watermark or a trial version with sign-in. Video editing in general is not an online solution. Funny how there's an entire photoshop clone in webapp form that doesn't jew you at all though. Adobe has really been trying to shut it down though.
>>1630 madhouse really made an anime for a fucking pachinko machine
(3.59 MB 512x352 making mistakes.mp4)

(661.54 KB 854x480 and they finally met!!.mp4)

(638.01 KB 854x480 froggy.webm)

Has anyone watched this anime?
Has anyone watched this anime?
>>1720 Its the most popular anime nobody ever watched or heard of untill recently.
(8.85 MB 638x480 Gunbuster OP.mp4)

(4.62 MB 638x480 Gunbuster ED.mp4)

(17.25 MB 638x480 Don't underestimate Noriko!.mp4)

(9.12 MB 638x480 More like FUNbuster.mp4)

Gunbuster 1 was nice (though very rushed and flawed, but its high moments were very fun), time to watch 2. Had a good OP and ED too, very much an 80s/90s turn of the decade anime and you can hear it, it has a very specific charm to it. Some minor spoilers in the fight scenes I suppose, don't watch if you care, and they're better seen in full context anyways and its a short anime, but I still think they're worth posting regardless.
>>1735 I dont like to complain but were these made on realplayer or something on my end? A real shame its like watching something streaming back in the early 2ks with a 56k modem.
>>1739 I usually just download them from old streaming sites since those are the easiest place to watch and grab old fansubbed versions; most of the time the torrents are dead for the older subs and its usually newer/official versions floating around and then just clip 'em So that's probably it or something
>>1741 Guess i cant argue with that as i too am partial to some older fansubs of many shows.
(2.31 MB 960x540 virgin2.mp4)

(23.63 MB 1140x690 Iorno Kitahara1.mp4)

>>1939 Neco arc is great.
did someone say neco arc?
(1.68 MB 360x360 neco arc strange cat.webm)

(7.61 MB 640x360 Neco_Arcs_Desperation.mp4)

(174.19 KB 720x736 XEyrqBn8o4fVpff8[1].mp4)

(2.81 MB 540x960 SAO secret ending.mp4)

(5.10 MB 1280x720 L3O7torDyfixRRMX.mp4)

Anyone know anything about this anime? (Record of Ragnarok) It looks like it got shat on a lot but this scene made me laugh at least
>>2457 any reason why the Kaiji one is so low-res?
>>2462 Because i didnt want to convert a whole episode to .mp4 from .mkv to rip a clip from it on muh fone so i used one i had that already was .mp4. Its very old so the whole episode is only like 80mb. Ill fix it later.
>>2463 truly the curse of softsubs
>>2464 Here, i had to use a video trimmer that works on .mkv, which for some reason it always hangs on the first second of the clips and converted it to .mp4 which reduced its file size from 32mb to 20.
(31.77 MB 716x478 hey you, get into my car.mp4)

>>2486 Those are some big eyes >cuts out right before they fall RIP
>>2487 > cuts out right before they fall It was already pushing it with the filesize, sacrifices had to be made. Size limits
(29.60 MB 716x478 Cleopatra_DC_-_02(2).mp4)

(15.22 MB 716x478 cleo meets cory lidel.mp4)

(13.30 MB 960x720 Muteki Kanban Musume OP.mp4)

>>2489 >>2491 >>2486 What's this anime even about? Some kind of girl buddy cop action comedy?
>>2494 She is the head of one of the largest companies in america and controls its economy so she just fucks around doing stupid stuff for no particular reason. Being a rich girl having people trying to take over your company must be so hard. Made by the same guy that made Area 88 so has plenty of eye candy..
(9.57 MB 960x540 do it yourself!! .mp4)

>>2542 Damnit, you've reminded me that this show has been on my backlog for a while now.
>>2542 The music and singing for this is great, I love seeing really good wholesome OPs Simplicity is underrated in OPs, full of soul; wish it had karaoke >>2551 You can tell someone had a rape fetish when it came to this guy
(3.08 MB 960x540 strongest yoko fan.mp4)

free meme
>>2632 KEK well done anon, Wings memes are always hilarious to me poor Yoko
(15.52 MB 1024x576 kaiji_kings.mp4)

(9.14 MB 1024x576 tonegawa_money.mp4)

>>1619 Uploading a better clip since that one looks like crap.
>>2705 >that last one Tip top kek >>2704 Japanese businessmen really are honorary jews
(8.20 MB 960x720 SpittingFacts.mp4)

(5.80 MB 1280x720 F R E E.mp4)

(11.86 MB 1280x720 animethighs.mp4)

(8.53 MB 848x480 METEOR.webm)

(255.69 KB 640x480 sean schemmel.mp4)

(364.64 KB 640x480 chris sabat.mp4)

>>2772 >>2773 accurate, the western dubbing industry is full of retards, snakes, and retarded snakes
(1.45 MB 1920x1080 chainsaw man animation.webm)

Is Chainsaw Man that bad? Webm related has convinced me that it is but I'm open to persuasion.
>>2786 Sometimes I wonder how good a series would look if some studio other than Toei got 'em like Sunrise for example, I bet the girls from Sailor Moon would've looked great under 'em. Did Sailor Moon age well? The audio in this is could be a lot better.
>>2805 The animation is first-rate, especially in that clip. Audio was never very clean in those old anime but it's easy to get used to. Do they not clean it up in the bluray release?
>>2813 For a high profile 90s anime the sound quality should be far better, I thought it was something made in the 60/70s (or at least 80s) from what it sounded like. I'll just blame Toei with their budgeting and whatnot. >do they not clean it up in the blu-ray release just checked on a pirated streaming site which tries to use BDrips when it can for a quick look, it does sound better there.
(11.36 MB 640x480 dtp-jp.webm)

(4.83 MB 1280x720 ED2.mp4)

(4.98 MB 640x360 Fubuki - Im. Scatman.mp4)

(5.07 MB 576x432 Gatchaman OP1.webm)

(5.11 MB 576x432 Gatchaman OP2.webm)

(9.12 MB 540x360 iLL - r.o.c.k..mp4)

(8.57 MB 640x360 Initial D - Deja Vu.mp4)

(6.69 MB 704x480 Inori no Asa.webm)

(11.14 MB 704x480 Kaze no Matsuri (EP6).webm)

(2.23 MB 640x360 kill me baby.webm)

(2.76 MB 720x480 Ko Century Beast 3 ED.webm)

(5.87 MB 720x480 Ko Century Beast 3 OP.webm)

(7.11 MB 640x480 Lain OP.webm)

(6.76 MB 852x480 Ozma ED.webm)

(6.87 MB 852x480 Ozma OP.webm)

(14.88 MB 256x144 Plastic_Love_(eng).webm)

(5.50 MB 480x360 Pomf.mp4)

>>2853 That's it from me.
>>2854 >4Kidz had Tokyo Mew Mew I don't remember this at all, that doesn't seem right What the heck.
(10.40 MB 768x576 Outlaw Star OP.mp4)

(11.28 MB 960x720 Ideon OP.mp4)

>>2785 That looks funny, but check out an actual episode for yourself imo It could just be a kill la kill situation where people took one of the few moments that look stupid because of CGI or some other dumb animation technique and act like the entire anime's animation is bad based off it I've only watched clips but it didn't seem that bad from what I saw of it. >>2833 >3rd webm holy shit. Been a while since I heard a rock OP like this. This is also intense-looking as fuck, what even is this? Is it a hentai? It kinda looks it from what I'm seeing in it. >>2835 >Dead or Rap!! the fuck is this lmfao, music is kinda good though >>2841 >not posting the Outlaw Star OP I'll take care of that for you >>2854 It'll take me a while to get through all of these, but I thank you for your service anon. Sure is a lot of blasts from the past here.
>>2879 >the fuck is this lmfao, music is kinda good though Zombieland Saga >Sure is a lot of blasts from the past here. Any particular vid that stood out as something you haven't seen in a while?
(23.62 MB 1200x720 BullyHunters2.mp4)

(18.11 MB 960x720 Get me Power.mp4)

>>2881 >Any particular vid that stood out as something you haven't seen in a while? Magic Users Club, I haven't seen even clips of that since I was a kid, and I came across it only because of reasons >>2845 >spanish subs for Robotech topkek
(34.92 KB 742x720 riko cry.webm)

(2.67 MB 1280x720 very happy moth.webm)

(1.27 MB 1920x1080 takagi ass.webm)

(559.69 KB 1326x1080 smug laughing forehead loli.webm)

>Webm thread <Bunch of mp4s
(11.81 MB 960x720 takagican.webm)

(736.97 KB 1280x720 jack.webm)

(11.87 MB 1280x720 Cunny Lake.webm)

(2.78 MB 1280x720 softbody.webm)

>>2906 MP4s are much more versatile, but I will humor you and post a takagi webm with some others.
(2.90 MB 1024x576 true friendship.webm)

>>2906 >Webm thread <Bunch of mp4s Says the guy posting soundless webms. Wonder where those were made to be posted... The mp4s i posted were usually smaller filesize than when they were converted to webms. Not always but usually.
(1.17 MB 1280x720 gmodgirl.webm)

(1.66 MB 1920x1080 dodopapa.webm)

(11.64 MB 1024x576 headpats.webm)

>>2908 In my defense, most of the soundless webms I have are from past webm threads.
(568.71 KB 480x480 eat.webm)

(1.09 MB 1280x694 nudie bar.webm)

(2.06 MB 1920x1080 forehead loli bang.webm)

(2.97 MB 1280x694 the price you pay.webm)

(2.51 MB 642x720 dance5.webm)

>>2908 I made all of those myself to be posted here, except for "very happy moth.webm". This is the first time I posted them, and you will not find them posted anywhere else earlier. They were too short to justify using audio, and I already had WebmForRetards open and trimmed roughly to those scenes. You posted a webm though, so even though your assumptions are erroneous, you are not part of the problem. Have some more webms.
>>2920 if they're too short to justify audio, you might as well just make them into gifs
>>2924 Kek, these are good
(4.20 MB 853x480 Saturday Night.webm)

(5.92 MB 640x480 Eiken OP.webm)

(3.85 MB 1280x720 Cawfee.webm)

(3.48 MB 960x540 K-On! Loser.webm)

(21.65 MB 640x480 Pon Pon AMV.webm)

(3.12 MB 500x500 Beep!.webm)

(2.54 MB 640x360 Gold Nico Nii.webm)

(5.84 MB 648x360 Vance.webm)

(5.79 MB 720x480 Magical Play OP.webm)

(5.96 MB 1280x720 Telepathy Shoujo Ran OP.webm)

(1.40 MB 912x1086 Its_Alright♪.webm)

(3.69 MB 1280x720 Himegoto OP.webm)

(5.17 MB 720x480 Yumeiro Pâtissière OP.webm)

(1.96 MB 640x360 Yuyushiki.webm)

(5.76 MB 708x400 Universal Language.webm)

>>2989 > Universal Language.webm Well, I don't actually like boobs. Which is tragic and comedic because my wife has huge boobs, and I pretend that I love them, but I don't. It's probably what gay men experienced before it was normal to come out. You have to pretend to like boobs from the time you're a teen, and deep down you know you actually wanna just say it. You wanna say what you really like, but you can't.
>>2999 is this an april fools joke post
>>3001 It's not. You can tell by the fact that I didn't post it suring April Fools' Day.
>>3003 Well, you could've at least waited a couple a days before professing your homosexuality then, anon :^)
(12.21 MB 1024x576 Keijo!!!!!!!! OP.webm)

(6.36 MB 1024x576 Keijo!!!!!!!! ED.webm)

(5.97 MB 1280x720 Soft Buns.webm)

(4.06 MB 1280x720 Butt Boobs.webm)

>>2999 Funnily enough, I'm decidedly an ass man myself. I just had the video saved from years ago for some reason and decided to share it.
(1.93 MB 1280x720 Move your fat ass.mp4)

(11.24 MB 1280x720 Greatest ass shot in anime.mp4)

>>3026 >Funnily enough, I'm decidedly an ass man myself. My nigger.
>>2999 >My wife had huge boobs but I don't like them Yeah nice try faggot. If you didn't like them why did you marry them?
>>3032 You don't have to physically enjoy every physical feature of a person to marry them anon
(3.33 MB 640x360 itsa me.webm)

>>3035 Funny guy. I didn't marry her boobs, I married her. Anyway, here's a vid I just edited.
(3.07 MB 1278x720 Gatsu Bateman.webm)

>>3167 What show is this?
>>3169 Dropkick on my devil.
>>2836 i forgot the dub of tank police had different music.
>>1467 >first one Take me back bros...
>>1735 It was definately something on my end because these are playing just fine now. Weird.
(31.83 MB 720x480 Encode_17(1).webm)

(19.49 MB 720x480 Encode_12(2).webm)

(24.05 MB 720x480 0083_kvg_1.webm)

(21.52 MB 720x480 0083_kvg_2.webm)

(11.47 MB 720x480 armIII 1.webm)

(14.55 MB 720x480 armIII 3.webm)

>>2879 >Been a while since I heard a rock OP like this. This is also intense-looking as fuck, what even is this? Is it a hentai? It kinda looks it from what I'm seeing in it. https://anidb.net/anime/12324
fresh OC
>>3736 I was never able to get into one piece. Crazy how long it is now.
(16.45 MB 720x480 0083_ep_12(kou_vs_gato).webm)

>>3740 You got stuff like one pace now that cuts off overdrawn scenes and the ridiculous recap times.
>>3749 One Pace is cancer, they literally do shit like cut out animation frames, and remove anything that isn't 100% canon (as in the aforementioned frames), they also have a habit of removing a lot of fun things I used them for watching Thriller Bark, and that was a massive mistake, there were hilarious and great episodes and scenes I missed, and scenes and animations which were literally shaved off and changed for no good reason at all, plus doing that can fuck with things like the music. One example is the Franky mecha transformation sequence for Pirates Docking 6, which was a reference/homage to transforming super robot mecha, and they cut out a ton of it like absolute faggots and defeats a lot of the point of it. Plus the whole Pirates Docking 3 scene never existed in the manga so they cut it, even though it was funny. I only found this out after the fact when I went back to watch certain scenes and noticed they were different from One Pace, and better in the original anime. For recaps you can just skip it, it takes 2 seconds, its not worth it unless you're an actual retard who trusts autistic faggots on the internet. If you don't like the anime, just read the manga. Don't do this kind of bullshit where you try to turn an anime into the manga and remove actual good bits of it and remove the animation.
(21.73 MB 720x480 ep23(2).webm)

>>3751 I never understood this modern concept of watching chopped up shows and watching things at x/times speed to coast thru them. If you watched just 2 episodes a day you could catch up on one piece in 2 years without sacrificing anything in your life or with the show. If you are speeding thru something at a speed faster than normal how can you even call that "watching" it? Treating anime like its a chore to get thru how could you ever possibly enjoy it.
>>3751 Sometimes filler is good, and people who can't understand that are fucking stupid. The example I always use, because it's (at least one of) the most casual anime and everyone is familiar with it, is the Saiyan arc of Dragon Ball Z, or rather, everything that happens between Raditz and Nappa. I love Dragon Ball, and I think Toriyama did have some pretty thoughtful ideas and themes in the story that deserve more credit, but the fact that he thought it was acceptable to just skip over all the actual bonding between Piccolo and Gohan is retarded. Yeah, the story flows, but the anime filler adds so, so much more to it. By comparison, the manga, and Dragon Ball Kai, essentially just tells you're that the two characters have a relationship now, but the anime actually makes you feel like it's earned. Hell, it's also basically your introduction to Gohan as a character. Maybe that's why Toriyama and Japanese fans don't seem to care about Gohan. The arc that made us attached to him is anime only, and just skipped over in the manga. In Japan, maybe a lot of fans only read the manga, and Toriyama obviously doesn't care about the anime, but outside Japan, nobody read the manga without watching the anime first. Yes, that's backwards, but in some cases, the anime did it better. Now, is there other filler that just pads things for no good reason? Yes, but it's less than you'd expect. Dragon Ball Kai, up to the end of the Cell arc, is half the length of Z. But how much of that is pointless padding, and how much is actual story that adds to the characters or world, or might be at least some fun stuff to watch? If you add back in all the filler arcs and episodes, you add back almost all the runtime that Kai cut. People think they're skipping long powerup sequences, but what they're really skipping is the episode where Goku and Piccolo learn to drive, and that's the best one. THE BEST ONE. And you know what? I'm gonna go a step further. I like the movies. I don't give a fuck. Are they great? No. Most of them are barely movies at all, they're basically just special episodes that don't fit into continuity properly. But can I enjoy them anyway? Yes. Garlic Jr is a cool idea for a villain, and his story rises logically from the lore, even if it doesn't fit quite perfectly in the timeline (though it gets pretty close. Its problems are a lot more minimal than most of the movies). Dr. Wheelo's plot was likewise a clever one that would be done a couple times later in "more canon" parts of the story. And you know what else? If you just watch the movies at certain points in the timeline, and squint just a little, they fit well enough that it is easy to overlook the ways they don't fit in the timeline. In fact, while I'm being autistic, I'll explain how, for fun. This is how I watched them when I marathoned the series a while back, and it was fun. >Garlic Jr Happens before the first episode of Z. Everyone seems to understand this. It does contradict the fact that the other characters act like they're meeting Gohan for the first time in the first episode of Z, and Goku shouldn't have his nyoi-bo ever since he got to Kami's lookout, but whatever man, I can overlook these little bits for what is otherwise a pretty fun movie with a pretty neat villain. >Dr. Wheelo Well Goku is dead after Raditz, then everyone goes to space, then Goku is in space for a year, so this can only take place all the way after Trunks arrives for the first time and warns everyone about the androids. Way later than release date, and Goku should be able to become Super Saiyan, but he doesn't do that in the movie. But whatever. Gohan looks a bit younger than he should, but that's mostly shown with his haircut. So okay, Chi Chi gave him a haircut, and it slowly grows back over the next few movies. Then he gets it cut again when they are getting ready to head out and fight the androids. >Tullece Again, over the three years waiting for the Androids. Gohan's hair is growing back. The problem, other than implied ages (mostly by Gohan's hair) and Goku not going Super Saiyan, is that Gohan's pet dragon is introduced here, but then he appears in the anime filler after Gohan comes back from Namek, but before Trunks arrives. In this viewing order, you'd see that episode first, before the character is introduced. Since he's a pretty minor character, I can squint hard enough to overlook these two appearances being slightly swapped. >Lord Slug Still those three years. That weird red Super Saiyan thing is here. Whatever man. The fun fan idea here is to say that Goku didn't master Super Saiyan after that first time, and it took him more time to do it properly at will, hence this form, where he almost got it, but not quite. In fact, Goku does say it took him time to master it. However, he says that he did master it over the one year he was in space after Frieza. Look man, I can squint hard enough to say he didn't actually quite master it and was still working on it by this point during the next three years, when Lord Slug showed up. >Cooler And here is where Goku actually did master Super Saiyan. Actually, this movie fits in the timeline pretty decently. >Cooler 2, Android 13, Broly, Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans, that one Telebikko anime game All happen during the ten day wait for the Cell games. Actually, less than that, because a little bit of time passes in the manga, and then more time passes in the anime filler where Tao shows up again (again, pretty cool, because I liked seeing that guy come back), before these can take place. So that was a busy week for our heroes. The problem with all these movies is that Goku and Gohan are supposed to be in their Super Saiyan forms for this entire period, but they don't do this in these movies. Again, a problem, but I can overlook it for the sake of enjoying the movies. >Bojak After Cell. This actually fits in the timeline pretty well. >Broly 2 There is a specific moment when this would take place, during the period when Gohan is training Videl. Right before they head out to the tournament, I think. There probably was a problem or two, but small enough that I can't remember at the moment. Maybe Videl's hair is wrong in relation to how well she knows Goten or something. >Bio-Broly When everyone was waiting on the lookout, scared to death of Buu, a couple characters snuck off to have this adventure. Stupid, but it kind of works. >Janemba I remember this one bugged me the most. It almost works, but in order to line up with the time when Vegeta is dead and Goku would be available, it should take place during a period when everyone on Earth thinks Gohan is dead, but they don't think that here. I'd argue this is the biggest timeline problem with any of these movies, because you can't shift it to elsewhere in the timeline, and it's a pretty major plot point in the main series, not just a throwaway line of dialogue or whatever. But again, nothing that stops me from enjoying the movie. >Hirudegarn This one fits pretty well in the timeline. After they beat Buu. No big deal. Now, the original Dragon Ball movies are mostly alternate retellings of the main series, so they don't fit at all, but I'm pretty sure there's a line somewhere in the filler where they call Chaozu a prince, like he is in the third movie. So I also still watch them, but I just watch those in release order with whatever episodes they came out around. They don't fit in the timeline at all, but look man, does it really matter? I like getting caught up in continuity, it can be fun, it can be cool when the writer does something clever with continuity, but you shouldn't let it hinder your enjoyment of something. Just enjoy the ride.
>>3752 It's a bunch of retards who don't understand things like the difference between story and plot. They might as well read a synopsis on Wikipedia and think it's the same as watching the series. In fact, I bet a lot of them do. It's especially stupid in One Piece, where it's incredibly obvious that it's an actual theme of the work that it's the journey that's important, not the destination. But then they don't watch or read the series, they read a plot synopsis, or try their best to quickly skim over the work instead of actually enjoying it, so of course they can't absorb this most basic of themes. I have a friend who knows I like Dragon Ball, and he recently told me he doesn't need to watch the anime or read the manga, because he played the video game, Dragon Ball: Kakarot. It has the same story, right? Well what he really means is plot, and it probably does. There are like a hundred Dragon Ball games that all have the same plot as the manga and anime. But it's obviously not the fucking same as actually enjoying the story in a story-based form. And yes, this same argument can be used to say that watching the anime is no substitute for reading the manga. I'd agree, they're different. But of course there are degrees of difference. And fucking obviously the video games are more different. But if you're not trying to enjoy the story, and you're just trying to learn the plot beats, then sure, it's all exactly the same. If you have no care for artistry at all, then sure, it's exactly the same. You can play a video game, or watch an edited anime, or watch it on double speed, or read a synopsis on Wikipedia, or read the back cover of each volume while browsing your local bookstore. It's all the same story, right? Well no, it's the same plot, not the same story. But that's just as good, right? These fucking retards are one step away from saying there's no point in reading The Lord of the Rings because they played Lego: The Lord of the Rings on DS. And if you confront them on it, they'll say that more people watched the movies than read the books, and this is no different.
>>3752 >I never understood this modern concept of watching chopped up shows and watching things at x/times speed to coast thru them. For the same reason why retards binge watch a regular TV show. Because they want to be a part of a discussion rather than actually enjoying whatever it is that they're watching. >>3756 >These fucking retards are one step away from saying there's no point in reading The Lord of the Rings because they played Lego: The Lord of the Rings on DS. And if you confront them on it, they'll say that more people watched the movies than read the books, and this is no different. That's ultimately why I try to go to the source material from the start. Because, if I want to experience the work, I want to experience the work the way the original creator intended it. NOT someone's intepretation of what the creator meant, nor someone "fixing" any mistakes that they think the creator made. Your example with Gohan actually drives me up the walls because he was setup as a replacement for Goku in the manga (As I actually read it). There was enough material built up that he should have take Goku's place. And the series actually "returned to form" when Gohan was the protag, until Majin Bu showed. But, for reasons who knows why, people kept latching into Goku because he was the original protaginst of the series for the previous nine years, so you cannot replace him. Kind of like people endlessly bitching about how they killed off Optimus in The Transformers Movie and rerplaced him with Rodimus, and being loud enough to the point that they finally revived Optimus at the end of season 3 just to shut people up.
>>3758 >For the same reason why retards binge watch a regular TV show. Because they want to be a part of a discussion rather than actually enjoying whatever it is that they're watching. I do binge watch series, and binge read serialized books (manga, comics, etc.), but it's not because I want to be part of a discussion. Usually it's stuff I can't find anyone else to discuss with anyway. I just like it and get into it and then waste too much time on it at once. Depends on the thing, though. Some series I do enjoy more if I only watch a little at a time. Some I enjoy more if I marathon them. Some shows I watched when they were originally airing, and the time between episodes was fun anticipation as I reflected on what happened before and wondered what would happen next. Other shows were way more enjoyable on a later rewatch, when I wouldn't have to wait a week for a good episode to come out, because the last one was pretty lame. Shows with slower paces, or that expect you to care about the overarching plot, but dole it out very slowly, are usually more like this. Or shows that just have rough patches here and there but are overall pretty good. I'll stop watching entirely if there's a rough patch that lasts months. If I can binge it all in a day, though, then it's a lot more enjoyable. Less time between the good episodes, so you don't get as sick of the show during the less good ones. >I want to experience the work the way the original creator intended it. NOT someone's intepretation of what the creator meant, nor someone "fixing" any mistakes that they think the creator made. Very good point. I agree entirely. I did watch Dragon Ball's anime before reading the manga, because that's what I had access to when I was a kid. So maybe that colors my view of it a bit. But what I like about Dragon Ball and certain other anime is that they're pretty faithful to the manga overall, and the stuff they change is usually just addition, not changing what's already there. And usually, I can enjoy that new stuff. But when it's something that actually changes what was already there, that's more of a problem, and usually doesn't work as well. Same goes for things like Lord of the Rings. Those movies are great, but they're greatly abridged, so of course the book is better. What I find interesting is the difference between adaptations of western comics and adaptations of anime. Of course many anime adaptations do significantly change things from the manga they're based on, but many are quite faithful, or are mostly faithful but then add filler, while keeping the adapted material quite faithful. But no adaptations of western comics ever do that. Part of that is probably due to the length, but there are definitely series out there that could be adapted faithfully. You could make a pretty faithful adaptation of Watchmen in 12 hour long (42 minutes with commercials) episodes. It's the most acclaimed comic of all time. It has those text bits at the end of issues, but if fitting those into a tv format is the biggest difficulty with the adaptation, that's not too bad. It can be done. But it hasn't been. Zack Snyder tried to do a faithful movie, but he's a retard who doesn't understand tone, and also even the four hour cut has to be severely abridged. Ultimate Spider-Man has just over 100 issues. It was an acclaimed series with a proper ending. It's long enough you could get a few seasons out of it, with overarching continuity broken into mostly discrete arcs, not unlike popular anime. There are crossovers with other comics, but really not much, and pretty much all of it is just other characters making guest appearances in Ultimate Spider-Man, so it's nothing hard to adapt. But they won't do it. Why? Are they just fucking stupid? I mean I understand why no company wants to faithfully adapt Amazing Spider-Man, with over 1000 issues and tight crossover continuity. That Spider-Man cartoon from the '90s was pretty decent, but it was done by severely cutting up and rearranging select characters and story arcs. But they could easily faithfully adapt Ultimate Spider-Man, but they just don't. Why has Japan figured this out, but America can't? Actually, Marvel did do a pretty faithful adaptation of some comics in the '60s, when they would basically use the comics as storyboards in shows for Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, and Thor. But those got cancelled, and Spider-Man was successful. A couple episodes of that were faithful. Others were literally episodes of Rocket Robin Hood with Robin Hood removed from the scene and replaced with Spider-Man. I guess maybe the success of that is why they don't care about being that faithful. Then again, Spidey did get cancelled after that season, so maybe they should have learned a different lesson. >Your example with Gohan actually drives me up the walls because he was setup as a replacement for Goku in the manga He clearly was in the anime, too. In fact, I'd argue he was set up even harder in the anime, because there was already so much filler that focused on him as the protagonist rather than Goku. Are you saying you think the anime is part of the reason Goku came back? If so, I'd like to hear the reasoning. >Kind of like people endlessly bitching about how they killed off Optimus in The Transformers Movie and rerplaced him with Rodimus, and being loud enough to the point that they finally revived Optimus at the end of season 3 just to shut people up. Transformers is kind of an adaptation of the comics, now that you're mentioning it. Well of course they're all adaptations of the toys, but the characters and backstory were created by the Marvel Comics people and then put on the toy packaging at the same time the comics came out, and the cartoon followed shortly after. And the comics are way fucking better, by the way. They succeed in killing off Optimus Prime for a lot longer. He does eventually come back, but in the meantime you get Grimlock leading the Autobots, but Blaster has to try to take him down because Grimlock is a crazy asshole. The movie is sort of canon to both the comics and the cartoons, but it takes place in the future, so the comics continue and you just figure the movie will happen eventually. But the interesting bit with Transformers comics is that when Marvel published them in the UK, they needed to create filler, because UK comics traditionally come out twice per month, instead of once per month. The filler was actually fucking awesome. It does a better job tying in the movie to continuity too, due to copious use of time travel. Anyway, it was so good the guy from the UK comics, Simon Furman, got promoted from doing "filler" to doing the main comic, and is still basically the main Transformers writer to this day. Yet Hasbro is still too stupid to just make a cartoon that faithfully adapts the original Transformers comics. Which, by the way, were what Beast Wars was a sequel to. (Well mostly. It has some cartoon references, but mostly comics.) Anyway I like later comics (and some prose stories) where Optimus comes back but Rodimus is still around. Eventually Optimus dies for real anyway. There's a cool prose story from some obscure convention exclusive magazine that takes place after Beast Machines, where Cheetor and the gang are working with all the Transformers they rescued on Cybertron, and characters like Rodimus and Arcee show up. It was cool. Well, it was a bit weird that Arcee became an emo and turned herself into a spider (because remember they all changed forms in the backstory to Beast Wars) after Daniel Witwicky died, but I never liked that little fucker anyway. Seeing Rodimus work with Cheetor was cool.
>>3759 >I do binge watch series, and binge read serialized books (manga, comics, etc.), but it's not because I want to be part of a discussion. Usually it's stuff I can't find anyone else to discuss with anyway. I just like it and get into it and then waste too much time on it at once. The problem I found whenever I binge something is that it actually burns me out and leaves me physically exhausted afterwards, even when it's something I'm enjoying. > Are you saying you think the anime is part of the reason Goku came back? No.
>>3760 >The problem I found whenever I binge something is that it actually burns me out and leaves me physically exhausted afterwards, even when it's something I'm enjoying. Sometimes, but I also don't mind taking extended breaks. Sometimes I'm really into something for a little bit, and I want a lot of it at once. Sometimes if I go too slow, I get bored and forget to continue. I'm definitely like that with video games. If I don't beat a video game all in one go, if I try to play just a little bit regularly, I frequently fall out of the habit and just stop playing. With anime and other TV shows, as well as manga and other comics, I usually binge a whole lot at once for this reason. Maybe I'll get a bit burned out, but I'll come back to it later. I can watch like a hundred episodes of One Piece at a time, then I'll take a break. But if I try to watch just one every few days or whatever, it's likely I'll fall out of the habit. I did pretty much binge all of Dragon Ball plus movies and sequels when Super was ending, and that's gotta be like 700 episodes or something, but that's just because I'm particularly autistic for Dragon Ball.
(8.02 MB 1920x1080 Deadman_Wonderland_ep8(1).webm)

(16.49 MB 504x336 ApocalypseZero_.mp4)

(9.14 MB 320x240 Angel Cop Condensed!.mp4)

(8.59 MB 852x480 this is madness.mp4)

(12.07 MB 512x384 definately not Bunny.mp4)

(26.28 MB 640x480 average pre2k english dub.mp4)

(8.18 MB 540x360 zero technique.mp4)

Ded af around here.
(21.94 MB 640x480 gits off me dawg.mp4)

(11.63 MB 570x432 3-b03a56a503.webm)

>>4183 Unfortunately yes.
>>2839 The interlacing in that WebM bothers me.
(10.13 MB 544x408 running on empty.mp4)

(11.75 MB 544x408 were not gonna take it.mp4)

(3.25 MB 512x384 2523053_mp4_h264_aac.mp4)

(10.80 MB 540x360 kodai godai.mp4)

(19.19 MB 612x408 macross plus preview.mp4)

(9.12 MB 612x408 bustin a nut at erika.mp4)

(9.96 MB 612x408 buster keaton.mp4)

(11.65 MB 612x408 oh you outta time baby.mp4)

If anybody knows what song from the ost plays during this part is called that would be great. I couldnt find it.
(4.03 MB 612x408 armitage nightmare.mp4)

(11.72 MB 612x408 mars hospitality.mp4)

>>4252 Nevermind since it basically just in here anyway. I found the original song its clearly stolen from i dont think there is a song in any of the OSTs for it. Oh well.
(12.54 MB 612x408 who wins, best or better.mp4)

(15.99 MB 576x384 schoolyard fight.mp4)

(17.15 MB 504x336 2 girls one mecha.mp4)

(7.80 MB 846x476 couple of fags.mp4)

(12.16 MB 612x408 ethics of androids.mp4)

(21.33 MB 612x408 its a standoff.mp4)

(11.74 MB 612x408 somethings coming.mp4)

(26.85 MB 432x288 ghetto robo.mp4)

(16.77 MB 950x714 wtf dood.mp4)

Hopefully this doesnt fall on deaf ears, does anybody lurking have this same clip with the ORIGINAL sound effects? Going thru my stuff apparently to find my laserdisc of this episode seemingly grew legs, which is bullshit because he still owes me 50 bucks for the phone bill.
>>4324 For comparative purposes only.
(4.74 MB 612x408 dis oldfag can triforce.mp4)

(12.04 MB 612x408 space fort knox.mp4)

(12.93 MB 606x408 Kite_AW_trailer.mp4)

(20.84 MB 546x408 unisex bathrooms.mp4)

(17.39 MB 640x480 Pon Pon.webm)

>>4416 This reminds me, whatever happened to the guy on 8ch prime that was making 16mb webms of whole episodes of stuff. I saved a few one punch man ones but remember there being others.
>let's try another anime but at 720P, for shits and giggles, for a challenge to take on, to really push it to the limit >finished render was originally too big >reduce the audio bitrate to 16 instead of 32 >it's a hair away from 32MB <mfw Here is Squid Girl: The invader comes from the bottom of the sea! I hope it came out decent! >>4417 I don't know as I didn't grab them during that time.
(16.00 MB 592x333 One_Punch_Man.09.webm)

(16.00 MB 592x333 One_Punch_Man.11.webm)

>>4418 Here is a few.
Let's all love Lain...in HD 1080p quality! This is a test of the opening intro. I cannot see an entire episode playing without having to compress the shit out of it even if it were split to two parts. Still worth trying just to see how it would look when finished. >>4423 Those are cool if 16MB was the limit at the time, quality is reasonably good.
>>4424 It was iirc.
(150.51 KB 469x329 lain.png)

>>4424 Update on 1080p Lain The first half of Layer 01 took a while to finish, but the good news is that its file size is 16MB which ironically would've worked by a hair away from the 16MB limit 8ch prime had. That WebmForRetards tutorial using Just Cause 2 would indicate that 16MB was indeed the max size one could upload then Now encoding the second half of the episode... Guessing what its final size will be, I estimate it will be almost 20MB since its 90 seconds longer than the first half as it will also include the credits. If we were to combine all the split videos into 1, then the total size would total around 44MB. It couldn't be uploaded under a single video unless the Opening & Credits were to be removed to shrink down the file size, but even doing that I still don't think a full episode in 1080p would meet the site's criteria. The audio bitrate or video quality could be reduced from what that post in /v/ recommended, but it won't be good that it winds up looking & sounding like shit.
>>4426 And here is the first layer of Lain in 1080p!!! My size estimation of the second half was off, the finished encode was actually 13MB which, much like the first half, would've worked well on 8ch prime's webm threads. All the posted webms combined as 1 video would've been 37MB, which still wouldn't work as a single media file to upload unless further compromises to the qualities were made. As far as how the videos turned out, I can say they turned out great for being 1080p. I think you'll enjoy them too.
(7.70 MB 1088x612 presented without context.mp4)

>>4416 Chapter 2 of Gunsmith Cats
>>4430 And finally Chapter 3 of Gunsmith Cats!
Webm conversion of the 1994 OVA, Plastic Little Since it would be too big to be uploaded as a single webm without more sacrifices to audio & video quality, it has been split into 2 parts.
Episode 1 of ARIA The Animation
(8.43 MB 480x360 Anna dai capelli rossi.mp4)

(29.94 MB 1920x1080 KonoJigga.webm)

(27.90 MB 1280x720 HakumeiToMikochi-OP1.webm)

ZEST AMV _Es rappelt im Karton_ from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5Wf_W1npr8&rco=1 List of Anime used are at end of video.
(23.08 MB 542x408 low key big band music.mp4)

(3.54 MB 544x408 N.E.E.T..mp4)

(10.20 MB 708x360 NHK OP extra spicy.mp4)

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