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New WebM Thread Anonymous 12/08/2022 (Thu) 11:01:04 No. 1436
Post webbums. Need help with making webms? Ask away
(11.74 MB 612x408 somethings coming.mp4)

(26.85 MB 432x288 ghetto robo.mp4)

(16.77 MB 950x714 wtf dood.mp4)

Hopefully this doesnt fall on deaf ears, does anybody lurking have this same clip with the ORIGINAL sound effects? Going thru my stuff apparently to find my laserdisc of this episode seemingly grew legs, which is bullshit because he still owes me 50 bucks for the phone bill.
>>4324 For comparative purposes only.
(4.74 MB 612x408 dis oldfag can triforce.mp4)

(12.04 MB 612x408 space fort knox.mp4)

(12.93 MB 606x408 Kite_AW_trailer.mp4)

(20.84 MB 546x408 unisex bathrooms.mp4)

(17.39 MB 640x480 Pon Pon.webm)

>>4416 This reminds me, whatever happened to the guy on 8ch prime that was making 16mb webms of whole episodes of stuff. I saved a few one punch man ones but remember there being others.
>let's try another anime but at 720P, for shits and giggles, for a challenge to take on, to really push it to the limit >finished render was originally too big >reduce the audio bitrate to 16 instead of 32 >it's a hair away from 32MB <mfw Here is Squid Girl: The invader comes from the bottom of the sea! I hope it came out decent! >>4417 I don't know as I didn't grab them during that time.
(16.00 MB 592x333 One_Punch_Man.09.webm)

(16.00 MB 592x333 One_Punch_Man.11.webm)

>>4418 Here is a few.
Let's all love Lain...in HD 1080p quality! This is a test of the opening intro. I cannot see an entire episode playing without having to compress the shit out of it even if it were split to two parts. Still worth trying just to see how it would look when finished. >>4423 Those are cool if 16MB was the limit at the time, quality is reasonably good.
>>4424 It was iirc.
(150.51 KB 469x329 lain.png)

>>4424 Update on 1080p Lain The first half of Layer 01 took a while to finish, but the good news is that its file size is 16MB which ironically would've worked by a hair away from the 16MB limit 8ch prime had. That WebmForRetards tutorial using Just Cause 2 would indicate that 16MB was indeed the max size one could upload then Now encoding the second half of the episode... Guessing what its final size will be, I estimate it will be almost 20MB since its 90 seconds longer than the first half as it will also include the credits. If we were to combine all the split videos into 1, then the total size would total around 44MB. It couldn't be uploaded under a single video unless the Opening & Credits were to be removed to shrink down the file size, but even doing that I still don't think a full episode in 1080p would meet the site's criteria. The audio bitrate or video quality could be reduced from what that post in /v/ recommended, but it won't be good that it winds up looking & sounding like shit.
>>4426 And here is the first layer of Lain in 1080p!!! My size estimation of the second half was off, the finished encode was actually 13MB which, much like the first half, would've worked well on 8ch prime's webm threads. All the posted webms combined as 1 video would've been 37MB, which still wouldn't work as a single media file to upload unless further compromises to the qualities were made. As far as how the videos turned out, I can say they turned out great for being 1080p. I think you'll enjoy them too.
(7.70 MB 1088x612 presented without context.mp4)

>>4416 Chapter 2 of Gunsmith Cats
>>4430 And finally Chapter 3 of Gunsmith Cats!
Webm conversion of the 1994 OVA, Plastic Little Since it would be too big to be uploaded as a single webm without more sacrifices to audio & video quality, it has been split into 2 parts.
Episode 1 of ARIA The Animation
(8.43 MB 480x360 Anna dai capelli rossi.mp4)

(29.94 MB 1920x1080 KonoJigga.webm)

(27.90 MB 1280x720 HakumeiToMikochi-OP1.webm)

ZEST AMV _Es rappelt im Karton_ from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5Wf_W1npr8&rco=1 List of Anime used are at end of video.
(23.08 MB 542x408 low key big band music.mp4)

(3.54 MB 544x408 N.E.E.T..mp4)

(10.20 MB 708x360 NHK OP extra spicy.mp4)

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