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Meeting other zoophiles Meeting other zoos 05/18/2024 (Sat) 23:35:13 No. 13798
Share your experiences and stories of meeting other zoos and relationships
>>13798 Didn't know that my ex was fucking her dog until after we broke up. I let her know that that was super hot but it wasn't enough for us to get back together again. She claimed that she developed an allergy to dog cum but I think that's just her saying that she's moved on from the lifestyle.
>>13798 Met a dude from Chicago. Was a little surprised how he looked, being a small slightly fat dude with black whiskers for facial fair. He was nice enough but kinda weird. We have a nice meal at BK and got to walk around his city.
I'd like to meet other zoos but I'm so damn paranoid. I think I can only really trust other owners
>>15652 Bro I promise I won't tell on you, send me your full address Seriously though, I can't imagine trying to tell another physical human you like dogs and not moving countries. Lucky fellers out there
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>>15652 I'm an owner. @cwbi6
>>15658 Anya! <3
Might as well post a guide me and a fellow zoo made. Cowboi69 & Kindlethedragon's guide to IRL meetups First meetings should happen in a public place you both agree to with a number of randos and cameras near by. Don't meet up at night. You both should state what type of clothes you'll be wearing and what color. On the first meeting never go somewhere alone, never go to their home until you've felt them out. scout out the location on Google maps, and make sure to also to scout using satellite view as well. Have an exit strategy. There maybe be walls or fences you can hop over on satellite view. Use a burner phone with Uber installed. Try not to have telegram installed or any connection to your real info, unless you have some sort of easy kill switch, like a near by river or a busy highway that you can put the phone on. Don't carry an ID or any credit cards, just a stash or two of cash, preferably hidden like inside a monkey fist keychain, and bring some sort of self defense item. I prefer pepper spray for this. Never bring your animal on first meetings. Be wary of electronic devices. Agree to leave phones in pockets beforehand. And watch for third parties taking pictures or video. There's a laundry list of stuff you should think about during first encounter. Ingression/egression, sitting facing doors and away from bathrooms, watching people's hands and eyes, not leaving food and beverages unattended ever. If in a building stay in a corner so you can keep an eye on everyone, or stay by an exit. Next feel out the person in person. Generally speaking glowies will 99% of the time will not engage in kissing or intercourse(unless it's like a Russian spy woman) so that's a good way to figure them out along with the way they dress and look. Chances are the zoo you meet on tele won't be a tall muscular clean shaven, crew cut, +7/10 dude with sunglasses and cargo shorts. It's going to be a small, fat, maybe smelly dude, who has average looks and average hair or even some facial hair and may even be wearing an anime shirt. Psychos you can generally feel out by having a long form conversation asking the right questions over a bit of alcohol. It would never hurt to tell a friend or family member where you're going to. And maybe the most dangerous group of all, moral busybody antis pretending to be a zoo. See how they actually respond to talking about zoo shit. Someone who is faking being a zoo is going to respond to talking about animal genitalia with complete discomfort. They will avoid eye contact, fidget, get nervous, misspeak, any number of obvious behaviors if they're trying to pass themselves off as someone they're not. If they don't know ANY anatomy/zoo terms, they're either a virgin lying about having experience with animals or are recording the shit out of you. Seeing how they respond to porn/videos in person is a quick way to tell.(Be careful, some states it's illegal just posseing zoo content.) anyone who's not a zoo who sees Dragonboi or MisterED getting plowed by a 18 inch horsecock will get visibily disgusted. Anyone who is will be visibily turned on. Maybe bait them in by saying "hey look at this hot gif/vid someone sent me" or whatever and show them. 100% of the time if they're not into it, you'll be able to tell instantly. And considering how horni most motherfuckers are on here being "shy" isn't an excuse. I also recommend a reasonable level of physical fitness like being good at running, and being able to jump/climb over walls. And finally writing down and memorize the number of a good lawyer and if arrested plead the 5th and don't talk until you've talked to a lawyer.
>>15687 Lol, that's mostly common sense ideas mixed with Jason Bourne-wannabe techniques. Just use your head. Also, getting with a perverted girl and shaping her towards zoo is the better path in any case.
>>15689 I blame the Jason Bourne stuff on dragonboi.
>>15687 so have you actually met someone using this as a guide? seems excessively paranoid
>>15698 Yeah. He's an extreme autismo from Chicago. Good guy, likes to talk about life and spend time chilling.
>>15701 given how paranoid he sounds it's hard to believe he'd ever meet with anyone does he even have an animal? and he says shit like >It would never hurt to tell a friend or family member where you're going to like what friend or family member would this not instantly send up red flags to?
>>15703 He's not dragonboi. He's a dude from ZV who talks way to much about spiritualism and whether all dog ownership is a master/slave thing, and talks a lot about his cat. Dragonboi blocked me for some reason. >like what friend or family member would this not instantly send up red flags to? Just tell em it's an online friend or a date.
>>15687 >Go somewhere with randos and cameras near by >Show them zoo porn to sniff them out I feel like these two contradict each other as a guide made by someone who is really paranoid.
>>15707 Well don't show them in view of a camera. I shouldn't have to explain that.
>>13798 Met a guy on BF who wanted me to 'help train' his dog. But I got some bad vibes from him the first time we met, so nothing ever came of it. >>15687 >And considering how horni most motherfuckers are on here being "shy" isn't an excuse. Genuinely shit take. I'm a generally anxious person, and fidget and act uncomfortable in most situations. No amount of horny is going to get me over that anxiety.
>>15715 Want me to remove or amend it?
>>15658 cookie close up plz?
>>15687 You are a retard. How about just have an online conversation with someone for extended time and then decide if they are meet worthy. Couple years of daily/weekly non sex related personal messaging will easily terminate any wankers interest...
>>15736 Some of us are more paranoid than others. Some states are super anti zoos, and conduct sting operations.
>>15749 >Some states are super anti zoos, and conduct sting operations no they dont
>>15736 what's they point of doing that for so long? y'all both know it's ultimately for one reason, right? to fuck animals? wouldn't it be easier just to get your own? dogs, goats, whatever?
Where do you meet other zoos online?
>>15762 zooville probably
>>15751 https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/may/20/arizona-sheriff-joe-arpaio-bestiality-video-craigslist-trump >>15762 I've literally found another zoo on a Facebook German shepherd group once. He was so paranoid he left my group when I said I found him on Facebook.
>>15778 >responding to a craigslist sex ad dude must have been a total retard lol craigslist stopped personals in 2018 though so can't do they can't do those "sting" operations anymore
>>15801 >can't do those "sting" operations anymore There are plenty of ways to do them, telegram, discord, zooville, grindr
Does your area have a good zoo community? Mine seems like a wasteland (New England)
Hit the damn jackpot, I'm in a poly relationship with 2 zoos! I came out to one of them ~a month ago, and their response was "lol me and F are too" really threw me for a loop for a second, but I love then both so much. If either of them are reading this, shoutout to you guys, love ya both. More likely to be H than F tho.
>>23224 Mixing poly and zoo? Well enjoy it while it lasts and hope your jackpot doesn’t end up in life ruination. I can’t tell if your abbreviations are just something I should know and just can’t put together or how you’re anonymizing the other 2.
>>23228 First letters of their names lol
>>23224 Most of these don’t work out long term, I have seen it first hand. It all starts with one person getting jealous of someone else or a dog. Normally zoo relationships I see that are the most effective are just one person and an animal or a gay couple who has a third animal or multiple animals but they arent really treated like the humans. Based on real experience.
I might be going to a swingers party this weekend. How open are they to zoo shit?
Only once have I ever met another Zoo, and it was my first experience with anything sexual with an animal. Browsing Grindr when I was 19, guy had a zoo pride paw on his pfp so I got talking. 4 days of just talking to each other on snap and sharing pics, then he invited me over to his place. Wanted to double on his retriever (male) but I was so awkward and nervous that I couldn't get erect lmao Ended up just watching while sat on his bed as he went at him, got a little put off at the smell and sounds since it was a little "dirty" but loved how vocal he was. Came SUPER hard when I got home and talked for another week or so, but never saw him again.
what I get from this is that everyone here is gay
>>23285 Publicly they hate it. Privately, I wouldn't be surprised if a maybe half of the degenerate cucks were wanting to see their hotwife dominated by a dog. I know two who were like that. >>23285 If you're a man and don't have a trained pup then they won't tell you shit because you have nothing to offer them.
>>23298 This, i've even noticed it on zooville. The M/M threads have double the engagement compared to M/F threads. What causes zoos to become fags?
>>23325 Same reason propaganda works. If that’s all there seems to be and what they’re inundated with, if they’re not disgusted by it, they become that. The powers that be have cracked down on it so hard that it’s basically all underground now. And in the underground the extremists thrive and spread. Men are more risk takers and women follow the socially acceptable consensus. So there’s less and less stuff with chicks and mostly shit with guys. Porn alters your sexuality, at least subtly. There’s a large market for deviant fantasy stuff among women - monster literotica, fantasy/monster sex toys, furries, etc. The market is there and definitely larger than faggotry or sadism, it’s just sealed by the powers that be and so untapped until that crackdown wanes.
>>23325 >>23340 Doesn’t help ofc that knots work on the prostate same as for chicks
>>23224 Update: We broke up lmao
>>24362 no surprise. when you're getting sex from a sexually superior animal, why bother with a whiny and troublesome human? If it weren't for pussy, normie guys wouldn't even bother talking to women. If trees suddenly had good pussy, the population would plummet in one generation. Seems a shame that normie guys are too dumb to know their dog has a way better pussy than their wife.
>>24362 most average poly relationship
>>15689 This. I got my girl turned on like nobodies business after i showed her a video of a guy plowing mare pussy. We were looking at BD toys like the tentacle and horse dildo. We fucked till 4am during which i told her i like to watch horses getting fucked and if she wanted to see a girl playing with a horse cock. She was interested. Taking it slow though but i will remind her how much it turned her on on occasion. Does anyone know any videos of couples having fun with a horse? Want to have something to watch with her that isnt a solo adventure.
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>>24531 Here's a guy doing his wife then a pony. By a guy who goes by TDK if you want to find more, dunno if his wife is in any of his other vids though.

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