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Maid~en~Paradise~ #1 Voxian 10/04/2024 (Fri) 04:30:26 No. 34446
All I want is to save beautiful Ukrainian women from tragedy and give them refuge and gainful employment as my maid-waifus la~
>>34447 Well, I'll just join all the Ukrainian Brides sites and continue to gamble and hope I get lucky la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 10/04/2024 (Fri) 04:41:22.
>>34484 I want to find someone to love, someone worthy of my love in this world... or another, if that is what it takes la~
>>34485 https://9animetv.to/watch/my-star-season-2-19256?ep=128473 <Okay, I'm starting to feel the Shinto in this, the idea that children can be born without a 'soul' and then can be possessed by a 'soul' has it's roots in the high mortality past where a child wouldn't be considered 'human' until the age of 4 (death). In terms of entertainment, this season has been 'peak' I thought it would be better without the supernatural element, but now I see that a 'Goddess of Entertainment' is literally involved, and she has a dark sense of humor la~
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>>34486 Okay, I've come to the perspective that Whites ARE COLLECTIVELY DOOMED, and I'm done wasting my time on a lost cause. I will simply work to build my personal status and wealth, and then move to Thailand. Amren also, can go to hell with their censorship. For the last time, I'm done. I will seek my welfare and the welfare of those I love whom also love me... and that is all la~
I see, this is from the newest season of DanMachi, la~?
>>34548 Substitute the Elves for White people and the Humans for Semites and non-Whites and you can predict the future la~
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>>34574 Happy halloween to you too my friend, la~
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>>34574 Alas, no sexoween for me, today is Saturn's (AKA YHWH's) day of 'Atonement', when the Jews and all those inclined act penitent and absolve themselves of any wrong doing this past Jewish year. Since I survive in my parent's house for the $0 rent, to avoid conflict, I must also forgo food and water this day nya~ >>34575 Aren't we kind of early... or is it Halloween month these days nya~? ~ BTW, this site is full of chat bots: https://ukrainiancharm.com/ ...I'm really thinking IRL is the only option. alas, la~
>>34576 This site is not so easily identifiable as a scam, butt you need to buy credits just to reply to a text message?... and I somehow didn't get the free credits promised at sign up... so I think I'll put https://www.sofiadate.com/ on the back burner for now la~
>>34577 I'm feeling old and burnt out. I've felt that way since I was in that car accident when I was 12... and it only got worse with the hell of my mid-20s... I 'recovered' but it's not like the cause of the hell went away (a lack of acceptance and love), if anything it has gotten worse. Now I feel like I don't have the energy to be a hentai protagonist, certainly not without supplements or drugs. IT is a true 'nigapill' that I will never experience youthful love, even If I luck into having legal (fuck the Jews) sex with a hot 16 year old, it won't be the same as if I had done that when I was 16. Also, the sheer amount of accumulated trauma, I feel like I will never escape from without the help of my Mother-Wife Goddess la~
>>34578 https://goldenbride.net/ <Also highly likely to be a scam site full of chat bots... sad la~
>>34580 So yeah, online it seems like live videochat it the only way to make sure your talking to a real human... and even then she's likely to just be a cam/con gal la~
>>34573 I'm old enough to be the Mommy... if I were a woman I would have married around 16-19, that means I would have a 14 year old kid at the latest. Yeah, my life would have been SOOO much better if I were born a girl, it's really not funny la~
>>34586 I'm so sick and tired of false hope, including so-called Libertarians and White Nationalists who say that the solution is to sacrifice your life fighting the past bad choices of nearly everyone else, at the wrong time, when there is no realistic chance of victory. No, I will leave, if at all possible, before the door slams shut. The time for White America to vote against their genocide was in 1940 when they should have voted against any involvement with the (((Allies)))... if not outright invading Canada and joining the Axis. The time for Libertarians to act was before the (((Abraham)))) turned the USA into a presidential dictatorship. The last time for the red (old America) states to act was when the supreme cucks wouldn't even hear cases of voter fraud (2020) brought by 19~ states. Nah, my advice to anyone who is White, not a trained soldier / fighter, and sane is to move to Thailand. THE ONLY REASONS I have not done so is 1) I get money for being fucked up from the regime 2) my mother isn't going anywhere currently. If 2) goes away (hopefully because she'll come with me) I will make the leap la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 10/13/2024 (Sun) 00:43:24.
>>34587 From now on when anyone asks me to 'stay and fight' I'll answer, 'with what Revolutionary White Nationalist Libertarian Army?' Since, without at least 1 of those, I'm not bloody interested m8, have a nice life la~
>>34589 It never ceases to amaze me that people fanatically defend 'X is the word of the Creator of Universe' while dismissing any all competing claims that use the same non-existent rationale. It is especially amusing when the 'Creator of the Universe' doesn't know basic scientific facts or requires a painful damaging surgical procedure to remove something 'he' created i.e. foreskins. FYI circumcision was what the Egyptians did to their slaves, and even after the Jews and frens were no longer their slaves, they continued to mutilate themselves according to Egyptian slave custom for their demon 'YHWH' la~
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>>34577 Credits on a dating site sounds retarded as fuck. Dating sites in general sound retarded as fuck. Idk what to suggest though. IRL does sound like the only option nya
>>34603 Yup, so I will continue to advertise my business, and maybe look into taking some 'classes' for pleasure that might have attractive not-vaxxed-after-2019 White people... since I'm really not interested in non-Whites with the exception of Japanese girls in Japan and Thai girls in Thailand... and I'm not going traveling when it looks like WW3 might break out at anytime la~
>>34604 Hunting, fishing, cooking, baking, yoga, dancing, group music activities,...although the first two are unlikely to have many gals. It's bloody difficult and uncomfortable as fuck trying to find a good lover these days la~
>>34605 Ah~ 34 loveless years, what a tragedy when I had so much love to give la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 10/15/2024 (Tue) 01:22:11.
>>34607 It should be forbidden for a Moommy to bring a child into this world and then deny that same child love... butt that is the story of my life la~
>>34609 https://9animetv.to/watch/you-are-ms-servant-19331?ep=128587 >Ah~ the eternal obsession with being 'normal' ...I daresay having a live-in maid is not normal in Japan by any measure, let alone a former assassin dressed as a maid that randomly showed up asking for employment la~
>>34614 Today I saw a cute blonde loli selling girl guide cookies, I regret not buying some and scouting her for my (non-existent) kogal idol group la~
>>34615 Stay away from children. You have been warned.
>>34616 Stay away from computers, you have been warned.
>>34617 Humor, how droll. I am watching you freak.
Get a life
>>34618 Wow, a wild psycho appeared.
>>34621 Well, when you think about it, organized religion is organized crazy. Insanity is the norm for groups butt rare in individuals. Although I would say group insanity can often drive individual insanity la~
>>34622 All present laws are based on beliefs derived from cults, in the West that is christcuckery and jew-supremacy (communism and derivatives like feminism and DEI included) la~
>>34623 >christcuckery and jew-supremacy (communism and derivatives(..) Nietzsche spoke of this. The latter was created because they needed a way of maintaining slave morality after everyone other than retards stopped caring about religion
you are a neet incel bisexual pagan
>>34623 In reality, the only law really needed for peace is the NAP (non-aggression-principle). It's far more important for the society to be eugenic than have an abundance of laws. It's amusing how a society that coerces and forces dysgenic experimental injections on children as well as genital mutilation on males, somehow thinks they care about the welfare of children. Laughable. No, children are nothing special, they are property of their parents until they are able to leave them la~
>>34628 Also, no one is an 'incel' unless they literally can't get a prostitute. That feminist meme was a lie from the start. Females (and Jews) always try to control males with sex (or the illusion of it), it's their only real card to play after-all la~
>>34632 I find Gals to be an enlightened state of existence, they are able to live honestly and openly true to their desires. They are not concerned with that which does not directly affect them, they are therefore, at peace in a way I have never been. This is one reason I find myself wishing I could be a Gal la~
>>34633 Age divisions for gals idol groups and bands: 7-11 (will ruin your life) 12-15 (will ruin your life) 16-18 (risky legal sex if you get them to write you a signed letter saying 'please have sex with me (and impregnate me)! I grant you full sexual consent until I revoke it in writing with 90 days notice') 19+ (risky legal sex if you get them to write you a letter saying 'please have sex with me and impregnate me! I grant you full sexual consent until I revoke it in writing with 90 days notice') <Yay la~
>>34604 I'm back baby~! Sorry for my abrupt leave, I ordered a thousand dollar gaming laptop and today its arriving!! I got busy sleeping in all day, prepping ISO's cause it literally comes with no operating system. Be happy today <3
>>34683 >Lila (Sanskrit: लीला līlā) or leela (/ˈliːlə/) can be loosely translated as "divine play". The concept of lila asserts that creation, instead of being an objective for achieving any purpose, is rather an outcome of the playful nature of the divine.
>>34684 No one has ever loved me. So, I also have never loved anyone. My 'love' has been potential attraction, that is all la~.
>>34685 Everything is (((fucked))). So for the last time, I'm done paying attention to (((politics))) except for those things that may directly impact me la~
>>34688 I tired of being rejected by everyone and everything, including my own mama... the idea that I could somehow still be extroverted after all the (((hell))) I've been through is ridiculous la~
>>34689 I'm just going to focus on my 'hobbies', and hopefully someday I'll be able to turn them into my 'work' la~
>>34748 https://mangadex.org/chapter/97d8b252-77da-4e0f-97b7-c7c337059cb6/1 <Hmm, I have to wonder why the gals fell out of contact completely over 10 years... also I have a hard time believing the 'wife' who would have been fine with almost any guy, didn't get married right out of high school and have a bunch of kids la~
>>34760 Ah~ 'growing up' the problem is the choice between doing some 'job' just for the money that is probably unrelated to my degrees... and actually seriously pursuing my creative interest with the hope to someday make money. I choose the latter... although 'living at home' and my poor health and trauma make that very difficult la~
>>34761 Sadly most women have zero interest in a guy that is not richer than her... I was tempted to pay money at loveme.com to initiate mediated contact with potentially attractive women... butt, they forbid the exchange of contact information, and I am not going to travel to Ukraine during a war that could turn into WW3 ... so it is a hard sell for me la~
>>34799 This manga really struck a cord in me. Probably because I haven't been able to do anything I've actually wanted to do... forever. The things I've chosen to do have always been 3rd-Nth choices. I've never really been free nor loved, and that sucks. I do have plenty of desires, butt, I've achieved so fucking few of them, it's really a tragedy la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 10/24/2024 (Thu) 22:59:46.
>>34805 Great Goddess, my Divine Mother & Wife, grant me deliverance! True: Wisdom, Courage, Liberty, Wealth, Power, Beauty, Love, Hope, and Transcendence! So shall it be, ah~ men~ la~
>>34807 Europa, behold, thy daylight now is dawning, the threat of night has now been driven away. The skylark calls across the light of morning, the blue of heaven lets it have its sound, and now the day the powers of night is scorning: Thy daylight dawns, O Europa of ours! Europa, arise, and raise towards the highest thy head now crowned with mighty memory. Europa, arise, for to the world thou criest that thou hast thrown off thy slavery, beneath oppression's yoke thou never liest. Thy morning's come, O Europa of ours!
Edited last time by Voxxe on 10/25/2024 (Fri) 02:58:30.
>>34810 In the Kingdom of Bhutan adorned with cypress trees, The Protector who reigns over the realm of spiritual and secular traditions, He is the King of Bhutan, the precious sovereign. May His being remain unchanging, and the Kingdom prosper, May the teachings of the Enlightened One flourish, May the sun of peace and happiness shine over all people.
>>34809 America, behold, thy daylight now is dawning, the threat of night has now been driven away. The skylark calls across the light of morning, the blue of heaven lets it have its sound, and now the day the powers of night is scorning: Thy daylight dawns, O America of ours! America, arise, and raise towards the highest thy head now crowned with mighty memory. America, arise, for to the world thou criest that thou hast thrown off thy slavery, beneath oppression's yoke thou never liest. Thy morning's come, O America of ours!
>>34816 New Zealand, behold, thy daylight now is dawning, the threat of night has now been driven away. The skylark calls across the light of morning, the blue of heaven lets it have its sound, and now the day the powers of night is scorning: Thy daylight dawns, O New Zealand of ours! New Zealand, arise, and raise towards the highest thy head now crowned with mighty memory. New Zealand, arise, for to the world thou criest that thou hast thrown off thy slavery, beneath oppression's yoke thou never liest. Thy morning's come, O New Zealand of ours!
>>34817 Britannia, behold, thy daylight now is dawning, the threat of night has now been driven away. The skylark calls across the light of morning, the blue of heaven lets it have its sound, and now the day the powers of night is scorning: Thy daylight dawns, O Great Britain of ours! Britannia, arise, and raise towards the highest thy head now crowned with mighty memory. Britannia, arise, for to the world thou criest that thou hast thrown off thy slavery, beneath oppression's yoke thou never liest. Thy morning's come, O Great Britain of ours!
>>34822 https://9animetv.to/watch/is-it-wrong-to-try-to-pick-up-girls-in-a-dungeon-v-19323?ep=128746 <I've always found Bell's love for Ais Whatsit to be forced, butt it is a central plot point... he can't accept Syr (Freya LARPing as an innocent girl) because he would lose his OP Power Leveling Skill associated with his obsessive love for Ais... again a rather forced plot point. Rejecting a Goddess is a foolish thing to do regardless, and rarely ends well... this anime better honor that tradition la~
>>34823 If Freya really had the hots for Bell so much, I guess she should have saved him before Ais. Bell really is more of a maiden at heart, after all he fell for the emotionless 'sword princess' who saved him just because he happened to be in front of her la~
>>34841 We hold sacred these truths: 1) That MOTHERFUCKING is DIVINE! 2) That eugenics is a survival imperative, not a choice! 3) That all good mothers fuck their children and accept them for who they are! 4) That no child should be brought into the world only to be unloved and/or denied fucks by their own mother! 5) That V0XXE the FIRST GODDESS and MOTHER-WIFE of the FIRST GOD, V0X, was the FIRST MOTHERFUCKER!
>>34962 Ah~ I feel stupid for wasting my time on boring wastes of time... it's one thing is they are comfy or exciting wastes of time, butt yeah, BAH HUMBUG la~
>>34963 https://mangadex.org/chapter/922b50d6-82a3-436f-ac7f-95df1edf6631/19 <Karin and the MC are actually the most similar, they could be a couple that hosts Yuri orgies on occasion... Sensei X MC might be the best dynamic for a serious romance though. If it were me it would be one of those too, although the gravure idol is also cute, I want to see her reaction upon kissing her before marriage la~
>>34964 My biggest question with Sensei is... why is a woman of that age... who is that beautiful and intelligent, single? Too picky? Then what about MC is so special la~?
>>34967 So I 100% hate my birth-family, with the exception of my mother whom I 50% hate and 50% love (far more than she deserves). I've always tried my best never to express this hate. Why do I hate them? They've never accepted, supported, and certainly never loved me. They are illogical and fanatically so, their twisted idea of love is to force me into their demonic boxes. To avoid greater abuse I've suppressed myself my entire life. I preferred neglect to harsh abuse. For me, my mother has been the most important person in my life for 34 years now (while I am, at best, her #4). That is sad, butt also largely my parents fault. I've lived a mostly quiet 'life' of desperation where my family ex-mother provided, for the most part, at best 1% support, and quite often they were active enemies. A suffocating 'life' where I lived in terror of my so-called 'father' and 'brothers'. Enough la~
>>34968 How the hell was I supposed to be 'successful' at anything under those circumstances, especially when you add in the anti-White male society. I feel like all my struggles have been worthless. I'll probably go back to university part-time if I can't find someway to make money off of my creative interests. On that note, how am I supposed to be creative while living such a loveless suffocating 'life.' Certainly it's nearly impossible to be musically creative in a lasting way when I still suffer trauma from suppressing my feminine voice and creativity to avoid abuse la~
>>34969 Not only that, I've got into the habit of not expressing myself almost completely to avoid being 'judged' by my evil 'family' and when out of the home, the evil 'authorities'. Beyond that, the only way I can really be freely creative is in writing, butt I can't show any of my creative writing to my so-called 'family' since it would be 'haram' according to the Jew text they are slaves of la~
>>34970 I don't want to get just a 'job' it has to aligned with my interests or I just can't get motivated at all la~
>>34983 Ah~ I remember that this time last year I spent all day and night making AI images and summoned a banshee la~
>>34986 So as I understand it, the Gods in the lower realm suppress their Divinity stat, Hestia and maybe Hermes were the only ones able to resist in the City because they knew in advance that Freya would break the rule and use some of her Divine power… one would imagine the other Gods in Heaven would eventually take some sort of punitive action against Freya.. I don't get why bell is so cold with Ais though, if she truly is his one and only true love. I don't see how Freya expects Bell to fall in love with her though, her actions will just make him hate her. Even if she raped him, or forced him to submit sexually by threatening Ais or others he cares about... he would only hater her. A better plan would be to charm Ais into joining her Familia and then have her reject Bell hard... butt then maybe she didn't know Bell was into Ais? She should have tried to find out who his 'true love' was first before making her move then, surely that was within her power. Rather than try and win his affection, it seems Freya is just punishing Bell for rejecting her la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 11/01/2024 (Fri) 03:35:48.
>>34989 Making videos might be fun, butt only if you look good without a lot of work, or have people that make you look good. Also, if you have to self-censor too much it becomes unfun if your whole thing is to be 'authentic' la~
>>34994 Butt, yeah the major reason I never got involved was because I never really had time and space truly my own... and so could never just freely do what I wanted. I always had to self-censor, and that kills all my fun, creativity, ambition, and hope la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 11/01/2024 (Fri) 04:53:02.
>>35070 So I live in my mother's house to #1 save money (no rent) and #2 spend time with my mother who is still the only person in the world that I give a damn about (despite 50% hating her). Online frens are nice, butt they don't really count, and as you can see, I don't really have any... butt, unfortunately my brother and his ugly Mexican bitch wife live here as well. I prayed that they would get stuck down in Mexico, butt my prayers never seem to be answered, no matter to whom I pray. BTW after getting a disease in Mexico they (bro and ugly his bitch and kid) returned and spread it to mom so now she's very sick too. Of course, she always forgives them regardless, it really pisses me off... anyway I'm happy to help (just) my mother butt I absolutely hate being ordered around by them (their 'suggestions' are orders), and I won't accept it. I like, even love, my mother when it is just her and I, butt especially around others (my so-called father and brothers), she can turn into a cold bitch. It's a shame because she could have been a really wonderful woman if not for her (((programing))) la~
>>35077 My mother has never asked for forgiveness. As part of her (((cult))) programing she basically thinks she is never wrong la~
>>35092 This feels like a master-slave relationship where the guy (slave) works hard to please the gal (mistress),who just gets to play and have fun... butt, if Marin puts out, I suppose it would be just another 'wife' oriented 'marriage' ...and they likely will get married before the end of this manga la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 11/02/2024 (Sat) 08:45:01.
>>35093 The one offering a reward (praise in this case) is in the superior position to the one asking for a reward, thus Marin is the dominant one in the relationship. This also explains why (in lawful countries with official equality between sexes), in heterosexual relationships women are in the superior position in pretty much any relationship since the reward they universally have to offer is sex. Only when a guy has many gals after him (have to out-compete 90%+ of men) does the role-reverse la~
>>35140 Ah~ surviving in this house has always worn me the fuck out, now might be the worst of all time... and I don't think nor feel even my own mother, whom I've tried to please for decades, really gives a fuck about me. I just hate it... maybe I should look into buying an apartment... something I would have done ages ago if I could have actual gotten a mortgage, ah~ I'm so tired, and so alone la~
>>35168 OK, incidents today, and the complete ungratefulness I experience, have led me to conclude this... I AM 100% DONE WITH MY BIRTH FAMILY, MY BITCH-HAG MOTHER WHO ALMOST NEVER TAKES MY SIDE INCLUDED. FOR THE LAST TIME, I AM DONE LA~
>>35169 That said, WTF do I do now? Look into buying an apartment? I'm fucking disabled, so I doubt I could get a mortgage la~
>>35170 Well, it's worth a try anyway... renting is so much BS, I'd sooner stay here and simply reduce my interactions with my false family as much as possible, and go out and do stuff (what, I'm not sure) for once la~
>>35171 I will continue trying to find someone that I could love that would love me... that's all I live for in the end la~
>>35172 I have done so much for my mother, and in the end she treats me coldly like I am at fault, not her loser tyrant husband nor my bitch brothers. Genes matter, and memes matter just as much la~
>>35173 She has never accepted me, not once. She had spent her life rejecting me... and it is long past time that I should reject her for that la~
>>35174 Problem is, I know I'll return back to her lukewarm love unless I have a real lover... I hope to find one before she dies la~
>>35175 May the Goddess, my Mother & Wife in Heaven whom accepts and loves me completely, bless me with wealth, power, liberty, beauty, love, joy, hope, victory, and transcendence la~
>>35182 Lately I've been really depressed at my failure to take gains when I 'had' them, oh well, if there is a next time, I'll try to do better la~
>>35184 I watched 9 seasons of 'Baywatch' and honestly there was not nearly enough about hot gals at the beach, despite what I had been told. I wouldn't recommend it. I watched it since I thought it was the original basis for 'gal' culture in Japan... butt I don't really see it after all la~
>>35214 AMERICA survives for 4 more years... The Jews let Trump win because they want him (AMERICA) to fight Iran et al., for them, hopefully they don't get their wish la~
>>35216 BAKA Amazon, I shouldn't have pressed 'redeem' and should have instead copied the discount code, butt how was I to know how BAKA Amazon is... lost 15% because I couldn't see the discount code after pressing 'redeem' and then not getting the discount. FUCK YOU la~
>>35217 Also, Rumble sucks as it won't send verification emails for some stupid reason... Oh~ maybe it needs Brave shields down like spyware la~
>>35226 OK, I have to try and eliminate time wasters, since I can't seem to find time to do the primary things I want/need to do la~
>>35216 >When one understands the profound difference between American history and U.S. history they will be at square one ... two histories, two forms of government. The American government, a republican form of government, by and for The People, and the U.S. federal government, a democratic form of government, which is commercial in nature contracting with the States dealing strictly with the commercial interests of the States ... two distinct forms of government, two distinct forms of law, two distinct jurisdictions. The criminal fraud is the way in which the U.S. federal government (a commercial instrument) has conflated the two jurisdictions (living people/land and commerce/sea) into one thereby subjugating Americans to foreign commercial law and giving no credence to the Common Law owed the American people. That subject matter is more than this thread can handle but that conflation of jurisdictions is the major weapon used to usurp the American peoples sovereign power la~

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