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Maid~en~Paradise~ #1 Voxian 10/04/2024 (Fri) 04:30:26 No. 34446
All I want is to save beautiful Ukrainian women from tragedy and give them refuge and gainful employment as my maid-waifus la~
>>35214 AMERICA survives for 4 more years... The Jews let Trump win because they want him (AMERICA) to fight Iran et al., for them, hopefully they don't get their wish la~
>>35216 BAKA Amazon, I shouldn't have pressed 'redeem' and should have instead copied the discount code, butt how was I to know how BAKA Amazon is... lost 15% because I couldn't see the discount code after pressing 'redeem' and then not getting the discount. FUCK YOU la~
>>35217 Also, Rumble sucks as it won't send verification emails for some stupid reason... Oh~ maybe it needs Brave shields down like spyware la~
>>35226 OK, I have to try and eliminate time wasters, since I can't seem to find time to do the primary things I want/need to do la~
>>35216 >When one understands the profound difference between American history and U.S. history they will be at square one ... two histories, two forms of government. The American government, a republican form of government, by and for The People, and the U.S. federal government, a democratic form of government, which is commercial in nature contracting with the States dealing strictly with the commercial interests of the States ... two distinct forms of government, two distinct forms of law, two distinct jurisdictions. The criminal fraud is the way in which the U.S. federal government (a commercial instrument) has conflated the two jurisdictions (living people/land and commerce/sea) into one thereby subjugating Americans to foreign commercial law and giving no credence to the Common Law owed the American people. That subject matter is more than this thread can handle but that conflation of jurisdictions is the major weapon used to usurp the American peoples sovereign power la~

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