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Movies so bad you couldn't even finish Anonymous 10/15/2021 (Fri) 12:40:46 Id: a1bd84 No. 907
I really was looking forward to a long ass unrelated-to-the-series treatise on race relations in 1960's-70's Newark too, shame they had to stick those few scenes related to the Sopranos in there.
>>907 I finished it, but I don't know why. Either needed to be a full miniseries or decide if it wants to be a Sopranos prequel or a race riot movie. It had nothing to say. The scenes with Teen Tony were the best. Why not just make that movie?
>>908 My theory is the riots were only mentioned at all for the one scene with Dickie disposing of his dad's corpse, and it expanded into a main black character and all the other shit from there, cause 2021, you can't just mention them and have a bunch of italians being racist and shiiiiieeeeet, gotta have some representation.
I didn't even make it to the bulk of the teen Tony shit I guess. Hopefully somebody makes an edit.
Savages (2012) and The Counselor are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head.
>>907 It’s remarkable how bad this movie is. The kid is also a horrendous actor and doesn’t measure up to his father at all. In fact, all the actors playing roles that exist in the TV series were terrible.
>>914 The kid did fine. He wasn't asked to perform a huge range, and he had the basic mannerisms down. If asked to provide a complex performance it would probably fall apart, but it worked for the small scenes building on an already established character. Completely agree on the other guys. The timeline doesn't even make sense. Silvio, Pussy, and Paulie, all part of the "Soprano crew", aren't running with Tony, and are in fact a decade or more older. Biggest missed opportunity, though? The show set up Tony's first hit being a black bookie. The movie could have salvaged itself by Dickie getting killed in the feud (or by Junior, and it gets blamed on the bookie) and having Tony turn to crime and agree to take the hit under direction of his father. This would give the entire movie a proper arc, and make it fundamentally about Tony and the influence Dickie had on him. Once again, a miniseries could have really done something like this justice. Room to explore Tony and friends in school, and him dating Carmella. Room to explore Dickie's character, especially as a surrogate father in Johnny's absence. Room to let Livia's bullshit breathe. And time to show Tony have a change of heart, instead of just hinting it with a musical cue in the final shot. But no, we got a disjointed mess. And to make it worse, the bookie's name isn't even the same, so I guess there were two black bookies running around causing a problem for the DiMeos back then. Everything was there, but it's bits and pieces of three different movies mashed together.
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Jay and Silent Bob Reboot is the only movie I remember deliberately turning off because it was so bad. I normally will sit through almost anything, but this was just too much. I was a huge fan of Kevin Smith, at least up until he just started getting high and making movies to put is daughter in. I should have known this movie wouldn't be better, but Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back was my favorite, and I could resist giving it a try. A return to the Askewniverse? Maybe it would be more like his older movies instead of Yoga Hosers. I should have known better. Previous movies had already done the self-conscious commentary on being a reboot, but they did it better. One way to do it better? Don't shit on the original, and don't deliberately lean into the tropes that everyone hates about reboots anyway. Once Smith's fat ugly daughter showed up, and she was obviously supposed to be the "new Jay", with a black girl Silent Bob, I knew this was not going down the right track. But it's not even just about the bullshit of deliberately replacing them with girls (and a black one) to highlight the "reboot" tropes, which would perhaps be fine if he wasn't just actually playing it straight as if it were a good thing, and was instead doing some sort of commentary on it like Scream 4, which is the same universe, technically. Making Jay a girl doesn't work because part of the joke with Jay is that he is a loser. He talks about sex but it's supposed to be funny because we know it's mostly a show that usually fails and just makes him look like a fool. We are laughing at him, not with him. When Kevin Smith's daughter talks to her dad about how much she loves sucking cock, it's not the same. We know she can suck cock whenever she wants. She is not the same kind of loser as Jay. We are not laughing at her, because she is successful. But let's back up. What makes it much, much worse is that Kevin Smith sat there and wrote dialogue intended for his daughter, then directed her as she read that dialogue where she tells him and his drug addict friend (who has lived with them for extended periods of time IRL and is also basically family) about how much she loves sucking cock. Look, I can tolerate the disgusting shit in his other films. Clerks is basically about how Dante should be okay with his girlfriend being a slut that sucked thirty-seven dicks. Clerks 2 has a donkey show, and I was already aware of Smith's obsession with donkey shows from repeatedly watching (and laughing at) the deleted scenes from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, which included a running gag about donkey shows. But watching Kevin Smith's awful daughter read dialogue her father wrote where she tells him how much she loves sucking cock is just too much. Call me a prude if you want, I don't care anymore. That was the last straw after a whole bunch of shitty movie before it. I just couldn't take it anymore. And the worst part? It's made it hard to go back and enjoy the previous films that I used to love, because it really recontextualizes them. I could look past Tusk and Yoga Hosers and still enjoy Clerks, but after this shit, I can't overlook as easily how both Clerks and Chasing Amy are about how you shouldn't mind if your girlfriend "was" a ridiculous slut. The degeneracy reached a tipping point, and it all at once flooded into my brain, and now I can't ignore it like I used to. I used to be able to overlook Dogma's pro-abortion elements because Jay & Silent Bob fight a shit monster and that's pretty funny, but now I just wish Smith took his own advice and aborted that fat, ugly, slut of a daughter he made. Of course, Smith's recent He-Man related actions only confirmed everything I realized from watching Jay & Silent Bob Reboot. Of course I always knew Smith leaned rather far left, and I didn't care. But promoting being a slut, in a practically incestuous way with your own daughter, in the midst of a terrible movie that deliberately shits all over your previous (actually good movie) is just too much. Jay & Silent Bob Reboot is the worst movie I ever watched. Kevin Smith is a stupid director. A still fatass stoner who spouts dumb-ass propaganda like a third-rate Quentin Tarantino or Robert Rodriguez. Fuck Kevin Smith. Fuck him up his stupid ass. Kevin Smith is a terrible, one-note joke that only cucks laugh at. He's fucking his daughter. If he didn't look like an AIDS patient that would infect me if I touched him, I'd beat the shit out of him for being so stupid. I can't believe good directors like Wes Craven would have anything to so with this shit. I, for one, will be boycotting his future movies. Who's with me?
>>977 I didn't hate Reboot. It wasn't as funny as his earlier work, but he was a lot better than anything he made after Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back. His daughter was the biggest blemish. Her casting would be bad enough on its own, but even strangers to Kevin's work recognize it as nepotism casting immediately. I don't know if she actually wants to act or he just wants a chance to spend time with her, but it should be limited to cameos and certainly not starring roles. Replacing her in the case would instantly improve the movie substantially. I think you're missing the point of some of the older movies, though. Even with the new epilogues Reboot adds. Clerks is about how Dante needs to stop being paralyzed by choices and just do something with his life. I don't think the intention is to say "if your girl has sucked 37 dicks, deal with it", it's to say that she still makes his lasagna which makes her a better choice than his psychotic ex-girlfriend that broke his heart multiple times already. Dante is perpetually uncomfortable with his work and his relationships but when he tries to leave he only ends up making worse decisions. Chasing Amy is always a hard one to follow up because the core premise hasn't aged very well, although it is a little weird to tack a happy ending on two decades after the fact, even if it's meant to be bittersweet. It's far from the worst movie ever and also far from the worst reboot. That said, the fatman bat-fan should quit weed cold turkey and maybe spend a few months pretending he's some average joe in New Jersey just to get his groove back. I think he has it in him to make a good movie as long as he does that and sets it within his old canon. Everything he's done outside his continuity has been a total disaster. I'd absolutely watch Reboot ten times before watching Zack & Miri again. No question about it.
>>917 Yeah I think the implication is exactly that, as to why the movie ends before doing that... Now this is rumor but I heard the writer is shopping an entire prequel series to HBO. So he's saving that for the inevitable follow up show. Which is why the movie was trash.
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>>999 First image didn't attach properly.
>>991 >I think you're missing the point of some of the older movies, though. I understand the themes you're saying are the ones Smith consciously intended, but I was just pointing out that the real world incest reflected in Reboot grossed me out enough to make me less tolerant of the degeneracy in his other movies. But what I really didn't like about Reboot was how it deliberately leans into the "reboot" tropes as if they are good, with little to no commentary on them. Again, for an example of a movie with the exact same premise, just in a slasher context instead of a stoner comedy context, see Scream 4, which actually uses its premise for commentary on the topic while respecting its past and still being an effective entry in its series and genre. Jay and Silent Bob reboot not only fails at the commentary, but it fails at the comedy. Its commentary, if anything, seems to just be saying that the tropes it lampshades are good things, and like so many Hollywood reboots, it just shits on the old movies and old protagonists. And maybe I could overlook this if it was at least funny, but again, like so many Hollywood reboots, it sucks on its own, which only makes its shitting on its predecessors all the more angering. I'm sure there are worse reboots, but I haven't watched them. But I loved Smith's early work, and Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back in particular, enough to give this one a chance. The fact that it had the same writer/director and star, and so many of the other people involved in his older movies as well, gave me just enough faith to give it a chance. I was mistaken, and it's seeing that my faith was so misplaced that makes it hurt all the more. >>999 When I first saw the Matrix sequels, I didn't understand them and thought they were stupid. 15 years later I watched them again. This time, I didn't understand them and thought I was stupid. They convinced me that maybe they were actually saying something and it was my fault for not getting it. They convinced me that they were actually smart movies. I fully expect the forthcoming fourth movie to dispel me of that illusion, however.
>>907 Way too fucking late to bring the racial tension from 50 years ago, something that Sorosflix beat them to it: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=OAaZIfeQzT0 (With the funny Borat jew you're supposed to take him seriously) >>977 Kevin Smith is the dudebro who hasn't grown up, but lowered himself to appease redditors. Besides doing a movie with "literally me" characters is not that hard, giving him credibility was a big fucking mistake and now he's also butchering superhero comics when he's not getting a blowjob on his many podcasts that only his cattle remember. I guess Bruce Willis was in the right on how to make funny shit and bruised his ego.
I tried watching Journey to the West: The Demons Strike Back. None of the original actors came back apart from the shifu guy. I dropped it ten minutes in. Not a movie, but I also tried reading Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs to compare it to the movie. It was nothing but chapter upon chapter painstakingly describing gay orgies and men doing a shit ton of heroin. I couldn't finish it. David Cronenberg did a service to the source novel that it didn't deserve.
>>914 Gandolfini completely prevented him from watching the Sopranos because Gandolfini put all of his anger at his life, the position of Italians in society, etcetera into his performance. He watched it for the first time during filming for the movie, hence the subpar acting. Michael, the kid, had never seen his father act this way in real life, so he was playing a man who he had never met with the face of his dad. It would be like an actor's son playing an actor after his death, but the son never knew the actor was a well known active homosexual.
>>999 >>1000 I would rather watch any Adam Sandler than the Matrix, same with Harry Potter, both are overrated snoozefest flicks. The only entertaining thing they caused is the drama outside of production.

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