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Anonymous 06/27/2021 (Sun) 17:28:50 Id: dab621 No. 698
>mfw I realized the last two non-remake films (((John Landis))) produced are titled Some Guy Who Kills People and I Hate Kids
Man fuck John Landis.
(1.39 MB 654x472 nazi-werewolf.gif)

>>698 I rewatched An American Werewolf in London recently after remembering not liking it, yet not remembering why I didn't like it. It was absolutely turbo Jew. In fact, the film should just be called "An American Jew in London" it's so blatant about its message. Illegally hiring children for filming in the Twilight Zone: The Movie, then getting three people killed finalised everything. Though the Thriller music video was pretty good. I'll give him that.
>>705 Howling was a better movie anyway. Speaking of which we need to watch the Howling movies on movie night. Not Howling 7. Never watch Howling 7.
>>706 There was more than one? I've been meaning to watch the original - never got around to it.
>>707 >There was more than one? You have no fucking idea. The first one is objectively the best and 7 is objectively the worst and the others vary in quality and content but all are worth a watch at least once, if not by themselves then as part of a spook marathon. The second movie even has Christopher Lee as the star. The only two to avoid is Howling 7 and the Howling reboot.

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