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Movie Identification Thread Anonymous 03/17/2021 (Wed) 14:21:57 Id: e5cda8 No. 418
Do you have screenshot from a movie that you want identified? What about some movie that you saw long ago but don't remember the name? This is the thread for you. >I'll start I'm trying to remember the name of this one movie that I use to watch as a kid. The plot involved this kid looking for a magic ring that shoots a blue death laser so that he can defeat this evil wizard who also has death laser powers. On his journey he meets this lady that turns into a a spider person that tries to eat him and this band of cyclopes that either wants to marry or eat his traveling companion. Also the evil wizard keeps killing dwarves throughout the movie.
>>418 Was it Time Bandits?
>>423 No that's not it. It was set entirely in fantasy medieval setting.
>>418 I saw a short film anons posted years ago on 8chan. Hopefully there is enough vague and not misleading info here so someone can find it: >It was maybe french or something I can't recall, likely not in English though I think since I remember subtitles >It was about some soldiers or rebels or something trying to kill the MC (who you never saw since it was shot through his perspective like Hardcore Henry) >Every time they kill him, he keeps getting back up >Eventually they blow him up I think and he kills everyone (maybe) or they all kill each other while trying to get him >Lighting was really red-ish/orange I think and it was shot in mostly one building
A silent film, it had a scene where a mirror broke in a rich man's house and his servant had to pretend to be the reflection behind the empty mirror frame so the master wouldn't notice it was broken. It's probably a well known classic, but I forgot.
>>655 Seven Years Bad Luck, maybe I should've fucking looked up that description before posting.
>>654 I forgot to add: >the guys trying to kill the MC are absolutely terrified of the MC's magic Jesus revival/zombie powers by the end of it >I think when they try to blow him up, he lands on a guy after hanging on the ceiling or something for a bit >>655 (digits) >>657 Wish that worked for me. Every few months I try looking for this shit for an hour or so before giving up again. I don't even care about the movie at this point, I just want a name to attach to the damn thing so it can stop bothering me at random points.
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Does anyone know what movie this is from?
I've got a Hong Kong or Taiwanese kung fu movie that I'm trying to identify. I've only seen the start of it. It starts with an old crippled man being carried around on a litter to a monastery and then after greeting him people start killing themselves in front of him. Does this ring a bell? Any clue about the title?
>>886 Ah damn it this is driving me me crazy. I'm pretty sure it was on Wu Tang Collection's channel but that has something like 3000 movies on it. I thought I had it bookmarked but apparently I didn't.
>>693 It's from a Soviet-era kids' movie, 'The Big Space Travel'.
>>916 How were you able to figure out where the movie was from? I tried a brief search and could come up with nothing.
>>886 >>888 Oh by the way after much searching I did find out the name of this movie: Secret Shaolin Kung Fu/Hu die shi ba shi. >>916 Thanks anon!
>>886 >being carried around on a litter to a monastery and then after greeting him people start killing themselves in front of him. I wish Hollywood would remake it, and then get the "stars" to actually kill themselves.
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I remember watching an anime (not Japanese) as a kid and I just have some snippets of memories from it. I remember it involved some anthropomorphic animals in a forest and there were some alien invaders looking like purple octopuses and sometimes they imprisoned protagonists in some sort of bubbles. Maybe there was an human involved in the story. I can't remember more but I think a lot about this movie and trying for years to find the name. Sorry I can't give more details on this one. >inb4 no it's not Squiddly Diddly's Hanna-Barbera and I don't think it's from the series Widget, the World Watcher. It was a full movie, not a series and the octopuses were clearly the bad guys.
>>1215 Sounds a whole lot like Katy Meets the Aliens the sequel to Katy the Caterpillar.
>>1225 >Katy Meets the Aliens >quick search >see VHS cover >This is IT ! Thanks anon !
I'm trying to find a movie from the late 80s to early/mid 90s about cyborgs. All I remember about the movie is that at the beginning a guy's head transforms into a canon and shoots another guy. It looks like something that Charles Band might have made but even if that's true it hardly narrows it down.
im trying to remember a movie i saw were a guy falls asleep at a restaurant and dreams hes part of the three stooges
I need to identify 80's, probably early 90's adventure movie. Main male character and his female follower have been traveling the world to find some treasure. They went Rapa Nui (Easter Island) as well. One screamer-like scene I can remember clearly. Male dove to crashed cargo plane, and then he has been pulling the front window the half of dead pilot body came up from the inside. I should notice that isn't 2005 Into the Blue movie.

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