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(19.09 KB 1980x814 ghostfacelooksatthecar.png)

who likes ghostface from scream? Anonymous 07/16/2022 (Sat) 14:36:43 Id: 415e00 No. 1379
do you like him/her?
>>1379 I liked the mask before it was used and associated with Scream. Honestly I find Scream to be kind of obnoxious, probably because I dislike postmodern deconstruction-reconstructions.
>>1380 scream's first movie was released in 1996, where did you find that mask?
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>>1381 I got mine from Walmart in the early 90's. As per IMDb >The Ghostface mask was first developed for novelty stores during the Halloween season between 1991 and 1992 by Fun World employee Brigitte Sleiertin as part of a series titled "Fantastic Faces", the mask itself known as "The Peanut-Eyed Ghost". The final design was approved by Fun World Vice President Allan Geller. Wes Craven claimed to have originally found the mask, but later clarified that he had misremembered the event, and that it was producer Marianne Maddalena who discovered it. She found it while inside a house during location scouting for the film and brought it to the attention of Wes Craven, who set about trying to obtain the rights to use it. Fun World licensing director R.J. Torbert joined Fun World in 1996 and was given the task of naming the mask prior to its film debut, deciding on "GhostFace" with the blessing of Fun World owners Stanley and Allan Geller. Torbert felt it looked like a "ghost in pain", believing it to be a unique design. The Ghostface design and title are owned by Fun World. So it wasn't a prop made specifically for the movie but rather a repurposed mass marketed Halloween mask. Which is sort of neat given the "first" modern slasher antagonist's iconic mask is also a mass marketed Halloween mask instead of a unique prop. Although in that case it was slightly altered.
>>1379 I like the original Scream and Scary Movie. Scream 2 was bad, and the series took a nosedive from there. If you like the original Scream, watch Urban Legend. As far as I know, the director for it was passed up after the studio secured Craven for Scream.

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