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Confession thread Anonymous 08/03/2024 (Sat) 15:40:48 No. 4326
I touch my penis to lolicon
same but wrong board
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>>4327 Cunny is the best video game.
I touch my lolicon to penis
I wish I had a loli to touch my penis against
I haven't touched my penis since 2018 I piss freehand
The first time I touched my penis, I was 23. And it wasn't to a woman(♀)
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>>7008 Well yeah if you're touching your penis it's not a woman touching your penis
fapping is gay
>>4326 I touch my penis to straight shota. The only time I tried it while playing video games was while playing Summer Memories.
>>7016 Makes you gay if you fap to gay.
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>>7318 >touching dick is gay >have to touch dick to fap >QED fapping is gay Checkmate atheists.

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