/vb/ - /b/ but with Video Games

Just like 4chan's /v/ :^)

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Brother to Brother Communication Anonymous 07/16/2024 (Tue) 17:01:08 No. 4060
>go to 4 chan /v/ (our brothers) >look at a thread >find good (epic) thing >post here
(129.09 KB 1536x864 summertime_saga.jpg)

i'll start btw only ONE image allowed per post (like on the website of our bros) NO sound webms allowed (in solidarity with our brothers
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do you think they are happy? i think they are happy!
(226.54 KB 904x491 what the fuck.png)

what the fuck man
(91.94 KB 902x291 RATIO!!!!!!!!.png)

oooh this guy got ratioed!
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miku is good
(2.81 MB 4000x4000 miku2.jpg)

>cuckchan >brothers nigga you don't forgive backstabbers, I'mma ruin your thread with porn.
cmon dudes and frens this is vb
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How even is 4/v/ these days? I'm not sure I've posted there in ten years at this point. >>4070 >second image Wonderful, isn't it? I requested that originally, though Coco misunderstood my request; it was supposed to be the anon who was all shy and embarrassed, not Dani. It turned out excellent anyway, and I'm not going to bitch about free art like some kind of ungrateful leech.
>>4076 >How even is 4/v/ these days? I'm not sure I've posted there in ten years at this point. These >>4072 are five random OPs from there, moments ago.
>>4077 It looks less insane and more "literal kids shitposting", a sort of endearing quality. I'll probably never post there again though, I've had enough 24/7 ironyposting in my life.
Well there has been an every increasing amount of normalfaggotry actual faggotry here as of late, so yeah I guess you could say it is 4chan's brother.
>>4068 Give the third one the tits of the second one (or alternatively give the height of the third to the second one) loli miku is always cute. >>4087 Yep, dunno what's been happening over the last several months but its getting more and more tiresome to see.
>>4072 I want to fuck that Punchy
>>4088 >>4087 Prolonged lack of exposure to women makes one acquire homosexual tendencies. This is already prevalent in Muslim communities.
>>4061 One of the many things I dislike about modern cuckchan. They'll remake the same basic OP to prompt users to make the exact same reaction each time, and the posters do make the exact same reaction each time. This isn't even in a water cooler thread or anything, just them trying to replay some thread they enjoyed over and over hoping to get the same feelings they got when they first saw it. Its like a poor man's attempt at replicating Banepositng.
>>4093 >They'll remake the same basic OP to prompt users to make the exact same reaction each time, and the posters do make the exact same reaction each time So, they do the same fucking thing, over and over, expecting shit to change?
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>>4094 The one in >>4061 is a response to whenever a western h-game thread is made on the board. Picrel is a recent example. They had this same thread and the same response when I visited on a whim a few months back. The image is a parody of summertime saga, a porn game.
(28.01 KB 1536x864 every h game ever.png)

ok this is kind of funny
>>4087 >>4088 That's always been a thing on 8chins and people have always complained about it. Even going as far back as Anton & Coolpecker we had The Gay. >>4095 I've never seen it but that looks better than a lot of the western eroge I've seen, at least it's not one of those 3DCG monstrosities.
>>4098 get with the times GRANDPA
>>4099 Yeah, but it feels worse now. Maybe they make up a higher % of users since the overall oldfag count is so low these days
>>4064 this is devastating news
>>4064 >blaming DEI But she's latina-coded
>>4116 blame having women in key positions
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Well, /vb/?
lets put phoebe on cuckchan
>>4119 Would an AI powered Scribblenauts reboot work?
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kys faggot, take my dump folders
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End of part 1
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This one is slightly bigger in size just like my cock is bigger in size than OPs little prick
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It's called flood detection because it knows a flood of cum is incumming
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And I'm done Tell cuckchan I said they're faggots
Brother to brother communication shall continue.
>>4138 We're not brothers, real brothers kiss each other on the lips while holding hands
>>4135 You got any vidya porn?
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>>4145 I only have myself to blame.
Someone must talk to our brothers
>>4119 >last pic >missy What's with her?
>>4225 I don't wanna
(64.33 KB 850x661 missy2.jpg)

>>4330 shes a cutie patootie that's what
>>4332 u gotta
>>4225 Last time I tried, he started throwing tomatoes at me from his window and calling me a fed :(
>>4330 She's a wolficus.
>>4076 >how even is 4/v/ these days? It's alot of bots, low quality posts, reddit, and summerfags.
>>4225 Na uh, not going to happen, nope
>>4076 You can only post with a residential IP, all VPNs are banned and you can no longer post in incognito mode. Basically the fed's bitch boy honeypot.
(45.31 KB 249x227 well, v?.png)

well, /v/?
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Holy fuck the sheer fucking retardation in this thread.
>>4828 CoC maybe >>4829 What always gets me about big 4chan boards is how their threads read like gibberish. Most of these posts have little relation to each other. >4 signatures a day It's decreased a lot but it's at least a few hundred daily. I don't know where he's getting that figure.
>>4828 Some dragon quest parody game. Sidescrolling beat 'em up where you played as an evil overlord after he casted a spell that turned the world into a world of just women. Himself getting turned into a woman and using a spell to give himself his dick back so he could fuck his way to world domination. Or, something like that, it's been years man. It had okay gameplay and alright animations and that was good enough for horny teenager me I guess.
>>4828 For me it was Zone's Biker Reiko.
>>4333 >Alf I want to strangle the fuck out of her.
(409.77 KB 500x351 that's my fetish.gif)

>>4062 my posture's the hunchback of notre dame
Our brothers have communicated
>>4943 i saw porn once of captain hook fucking the crocodile
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our brothers now have to wait for 15 minutes to post or register their emails, hence making our brothers defacto redditors i am feeling rather morose, bretheren
>>7206 Serves them right for staying on a site they should have left over a decade ago.
>>7206 If it was remotely possible to pull it off without backlash, there's no doubt that the mods would require email registration to post. They would completely ban the use of certain words too, but they ended up just limiting their use. The memory/shadow of what halfchan used to be is what is keeping it from becoming almost exactly like reddit or other sites. >>7207 Alternatives can be mildly difficult to find, but if you know anything about imageboards, you know that there are far more than just one. So anyone still there has no one to blame but themselves.
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>>7239 bbc bros...
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>>7239 omg our brothers are posting links to 8moe
>>7242 what'd it say
>>7239 gondola billow uwu
>>7244 Comfy pic.
>>7244 fugg
>>7243 its the link in the image >>>/v/1006448
>>4060 tranny to tranny communication
>>7268 True
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tbh i'd react the same (i got bullied a lot in school)
>>7314 They liked anon.
>>7316 i know
>>7314 <what poor self-esteem does to a nigger... Hades would drop a girl in his lap and he'll think its a she's mocking him for not doing leg days
>>4124 >>4127 Y'know this arthur smut is oddly competently drawn. A bit amateurish, but not bad.

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