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Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 23:13:33 No. 3728
>2nd disk to fail me in the year
but bro physical media bro I'm assuming you're talking about game discs and not hard discs Disc rot is very real, DVDs and CDs only last about 30 years. A lot of my teenage albums don't work anymore, but I keep them as a memento. Blu-rays are believed to fair better but they haven't been around long enough to know, their estimated lifespan is around a century.
>>3729 No it's my HDDs that just keep fucking up. Right now I ended up changing some wires that go to the PSU, and it is working alright now, but it's only a matter of time until it starts fucking up again
I was told teh internetz never forgetz, How come?
Switch to an SSD maybe? >>3733 Are these old drives or what, if not are you sure it's not your computer?
Is the HDD model known to fail?
Cont. of >>3733 , it stopped working again >>3837 >Are these old drives or what No they're not, I bought them less than 5 months ago >SSD Aren't these bad for storage in the long term? Because you can't technically erase what's inside of them? >>3854 It's a blue Western Digital, and it's not the first. I sincerely don't know if my computer has something that just kills disk drives, or if it's something else, because if these disks don't come out alive, why this disk that I've been using for the past 5 years still works fine? I don't get it. If I try running games on them in Linux they start dying, so that's the best I can say.
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my disk sounds like this, I just don't know if it's the OS, or if something is fucked with my build. This is the second disk that has this happen, so I really don't know what the fuck is wrong
>>3899 Sounds like the reading head is slipping. Stick your drive in the microwave for six minutes, that'll fix it.
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>2nd dick to rail me in the year
UPDATE UPDATE I used one of these babes to connect the HDD to a wall socket, and ended up connecting it to the PC via USB. IT WORKS So apparently the issue isn't the disk but something is fucky with the way my PSU gives electricity then, maybe it's the cable, maybe it's something else, but either way, I'm just glad things are working now >>3953 kys
new fucking update I decided to connect the disk with the SATA cable again, and lo and behold, even with the current coming from my wall socket, the disk keeps doing the skipping noise at >>3899 So either my SATA cable is fucked, or my mobo has some weird issue with SATA connections now that I didn't knew about. It's not the wattage because connecting it from the wall socket it gives the same issue, but if I used an USB it doesn't have this. So what the fuck is it? What the fuck is wrong with my PC? EXTRA FUCKING UPDATE NOW INSTEAD OF MY GAME DISK NOT WORKING, IT'S MY DISK WHERE I STORE MY FILES THAT DOESN'T WORK WHAT THE FUCK
>>4009 Whatever you do, back up your most important stuff to a flashdrive first.
>>4025 The disk is ok, it's not an issue they have, it's something the motherboard has/had. I decided to update the BIOS and removed the disk from fstab, and now it seems ok, but we can't tell really. Only time will tell if things are working now.
last minute update, the issue came back. I just don't know what the fuck is the matter, holy shit. On the brightside, seems like while resetting i can at least get to see the disk for a short while, until the disk tries to boot and fail at it so eventually I can't read it. what in the absolute shit its the problem?
>>3728 Thats why the best method of preservation is to keep it in circulation across multiple media. Worked for hundreds of years
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Aaaaaand this is what I get for sending the PC to repair shop Unbelievable
>>4604 >linux could never b me
>>4606 fixed it btw, for some reason docker was taking 150gbs
>>4607 someone doesnt delete their instances lol.
>>4608 what does that mean?
>>4608 docker ps and docker rm son

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