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There's no better feeling than modding a console, hardmod or softmod. It feels empowering and liberating, the closest thing in PC is installing linux or using a custom wangblows OS and tweaking your timer, affinity and priority scheduler. Fuck it, post your favorite homebrew and modding channels! https://yewtu.be/watch?v=kaaATngW8iY?si=jxA3lk4YGTIaashZ https://yewtu.be/watch?v=dWcMsGa9Kjs?si=Qnpl0oqmpPxcRrs0 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=HBMfRaF22_I?si=jc6wdIU43m_DvDdf
>>905439 Adding these guides: General tech surrounding consoles: https://wiki.console5.com/wiki/Console5_Tech_Wiki https://repair.wiki/w/Repair_Wiki Wii: LetterBomb exploit: https://please.hackmii.com Full guide: https://wii.guide/letterbomb.html Wii Homebrew wiki: https://wiibrew.org/wiki/Main_Page https://wii.guide/ https://github.com/FIX94/Nintendont https://wiibrew.org/wiki/VWii Shitty site that emulates the wii shop https://wiishopchannel.neocities.org/ DSi: https://dsi.cfw.guide/ https://pst.moe/paste/tediml 3DS: 3ds dual ips serial numbers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15tAQ8rI2hm0n9wUD6JcLVUp_13-8vS4jqZtzXKGNjBg/edit#gid=0 https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/Serials PS1: Frequency switcher: https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=Kx1l5ir2644 PS2: https://www.ps2-home.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=3692 https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=havn1naGaR4 https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=dTEIyF5Y6QM PS3: https://github.com/bucanero/pkgi-ps3 http://nopaystation.com/ Some anon's fix for PKGI: >PKGI requires some config files to be transferred into it's install data on the PS3's hard drive. You can use IRISMAN and my files https://files.catbox.moe/7sbxgh.7z to properly set it up to use NPS. Place them in /dev_hdd0/game/. PSVita: >>822861 or https://archive.is/7uJr0 XBOX: Emulation: https://xenia.jp/download/ https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=RFrRZ4_xy3c Online XBOX games servers: https://archive.ph/tSCTv Offline XBOX DLC downloaders: https://archive.ph/OcGzU https://archive.org/details/xbox_eng_romset
[Expand Post] SEGA Saturn: https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=Vh7H6PFbskE Rom/ISO sources: vimm.net https://myrient.erista.me/files/Redump/ https://cdromance.com/ Pinball machines, also soldering guides https://www.pinwiki.com/wiki/index.php/General >>905504 >You will see actually hardware-perfect playboxes of your favorite consoles >Console gaming of the beforetimes will be immortal What a time to be alive
What is the state of 8-bit and 16-bit console emulation on the DSi? Are there good emulators or is the DS too weak?
>>905645 I'm not sure many emulators take advantage of the faster cpu/more ram of the dsi. But for normal ds emulation, the vast majority of games on 8 bit consoles run perfectly fine, but 16 bit can be hit or miss, especially snes
How the hell do you get retroarch to work on gamecube? I have it on Swiss but it doesn't seem to work at all. Ditto for Wii64 (which apparently works on GC) and WiiSX also QuakeGC doesnt seem to work cuz its apparently finicky about wanting to only boot from memcard slot a
Also how do you get FreeMcBoot on a PS2 fat with a hard drive to play PSX games? There's no good guides that aren't an insufferable wub wub dubstep video by a pajeet, they all recommend using a usb or something. Also I have no idea how to actually load them onto the hdd since it requires such an incredibly proprietary formatting of it that only one program i found works to access it and it only is able to load specifically ps2 games onto it
>>905751 >How the hell do you get retroarch to work on gamecube? I have it on Swiss but it doesn't seem to work at all. Why would you use that? The cube already has a lot of standalone programs to run the games off of and they work fine for the most part. >>905753 >Also how do you get FreeMcBoot on a PS2 fat with a hard drive to play PSX games? There's no good guides that aren't an insufferable wub wub dubstep video by a pajeet, they all recommend using a usb or something. Have you read this one? bitbucket.org/ShaolinAssassin/popstarter-documentation-stuff/wiki/Home
>>905753 Personally I've never bothered trying to play ps1 games on ps2 via usb/hdd because the only way to do that is with popstarter (i.e emulation). But if you're determined to do it on ps2, go follow the relevant quickstart guide here https://bitbucket.org/ShaolinAssassin/popstarter-documentation-stuff/wiki/Home
>>905751 >How the hell do you get retroarch to work on gamecube? Simple: *you don't. Retroarch has been a bloatware that can barely function on anything less powerful than the U.S.S. Enterprise for the past several years and it will never be anything more. >Also how do you get FreeMcBoot on a PS2 fat with a hard drive to play PSX games? Did you LOOK in the OP? >>905762 >Why would you use that? Because a lot of lazy retards look at Retroarch and see that it's an "all-in-one" emulator.
Thought people would like some advise on how to play game backups on their PS3. So, the two most common ways is to either go through MultiMAN: https://consolemods.org/wiki/PS3:MultiMAN Or WebMAN: https://consolemods.org/wiki/PS3:WebMAN What you do is that you decide on which device you want to store your PS3 games on. This is important because there are are limitations to each method. The "easiest" method is to store everything on your native PS3 hard drive, but this presents the problem that you're bound by whatever transfer method you're using and the size of the drive. If you want to upgrade the internal drive, here's a guide: https://consolemods.org/wiki/PS3:Upgrading_your_Hard_Drive If you want to use an external hard drive (Or a flash drive), you have to two options, each with their own issues. The first option is to configure the drive into a FAT32 format. This has the best compatability with the PS3, but it poses the limitation that you cannot have any files that are bigger than 4GB on the drive. Here are most of the solutions to that: https://consolemods.org/wiki/PS3:4GB_Files With the easier solution being to use WebMAN to load games from an NTFS formated hard drive: https://consolemods.org/wiki/PS3:Using_an_NTFS_External_Hard_Drive MultiMAN will not load games on a NTFS formatted drive, so all it's good for is file transfers. However, this poses it's own limitation in that you cannot load jailbroken game rips when using an NTFS drive: https://archive.ph/JFMwC#post-169034 When it comes to PS3 games, there are two formats that you can find/extract them as. The first is the standard ISO format. The second is the "jailbroken" format. What the latter literally boils down to is just an extraction of the disc's contents into a folder. The reason for this format's existence is to work around the FAT32 size limitations (As, the only other method is to split the ISO). Once you figure out which drive (And/or it's file format) you want to use, here is how the folders are structured on the drive: https://github.com/aldostools/webMAN-MOD/wiki/Game-Paths-&-Covers Outside of that, the only other thing of note is that you'll have to open PrepISO/prepNTFS every time you add/remove a game if you're using an NTFS external hard drive. And you need to unmount the game through MultiMAN/WebMAN when you're done using it. Hopefully that gives people enough information to get them started and answer basic questions.
>>905835 Second one did it for me, but it's always down to how much you already know vs. how much you want to bother learning.
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For the longest time i could not find a working replacement for the ps3's jailbreaking website, YT pirates and neither were soft modding forums were not helpful . But i found a solution on tiktok of all places, and it worked, but there are soo few games on the library that even appeal to me, but here it is if anyone wants it. You need version 4:90 or lower and i suggest you install the 1TB hard drive before doing it. The Author is lordgingerface and he does other softmodding tutorials, but i'm sure you can find plenty of resources to softmod other consoles.
>>908282 PS3 only has Gundam games and some niche JRPGs outside multiplats.
Someone released a SNES emulator for the N64 this year and honestly it's probably one of the most monumental homebrew software I've seen in a long time. Simpler games such as SMW and DKC run at nearly full speed and audio is 90% implemented, loads from any flash cart as well. https://github.com/Hydr8gon/sodium64 >>905753 Playing PSX games on PS2 other than using CDs has been in a pretty pathetic state for years now, even the Wii has now surpassed it with speed and compatibility. I was hoping that with the MX4SIO someone would pick up POPStarter again but turns out it's >closed source
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>>908442 >a SNES emulator for the N64 Now that is cool. Would be interesting to see it handle the SNES Street Fighter games since the N64 never got one. Better yet, would be more interesting to see the original Star Fox game run on it and if possible, a patch that remaps the controls to be like 64's.
Bump. Getting a 1TB microSD to replace the comparatively tiny 256GB microSD. Hacked Switch, but has anyone had any experience moving all the CFW stuff to the new card?
Supposedly there may be a new kernel exploit for the newest PS4 or PS5 firmware in the near future. https://archive.ph/62pKV
>>924291 Might be time to invest in a noames5 for the PC games that get cucked by Denuvo. Wonder if it's just kernel access to 4.05 or a new opening in current firmware.
>>927354 We don't yet know the extent or range of the exploit, and it has been or will be patched soon enough. Then you will be limited to just games from before the exploit was discovered. Don't go and buy a NogameStation 5 just yet before we know what the exploit does.
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Probably technically the wrong thread but I didn't see a general romhacking one Currently trying to learn OOT modding from this tutorial: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHifXa1TzdydElLH_cSvnWIemkqJvBLDZ
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>>908442 >Playing PSX games on PS2 other than using CDs has been in a pretty pathetic state for years now, even the Wii has now surpassed it with speed and compatibility. I dont believe you, the Wii just does not have enough RAM and heartz speed to emulate PS1 at all, it could not even emulate N64 well other than VC titles, and last time i read about ps1 emulation on Wii, it was pretty abysmal.
What do you think of Wiistation 3.0, i think its nice PS1 emulation on Wii went from being worthless to decent. https://github.com/xjsxjs197/WiiSXRX_2022/releases
>>935463 Wii U can do it thanks to a clockspeed tweak in Wii mode
>>936059 Whats the point on the WiiU, cant do 240p
>>905439 Heard there were some good PS5 soft mods, how true is that?
PS4: GoldHEN 2.4b17 released, brings long awaited PS4 FW 11.00 Support via PPPwn exploit! https://wololo.net/2024/05/09/ps4-goldhen-2-4b17-released-brings-long-awaited-ps4-fw-11-00-support-via-pppwn-exploit/ The wait is over, we now have a new PS4 jailbreak which will work with firmware up to and including 11.0. Video tutorial: https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=c99oey4lz9Q
>>967361 Neat, now all I need to do is find a decent bloodbornebox to play around with it. The exploit was already ""responsibly"" reported to Playstation, so expect a new update that patches this.
>>968074 It had been patched since 11.02, which was released in December of 2023. The way responsible disclosures work is the hacker first reports the vulnerability to Sony, they fix it, and the half a year later the hacker reveals it to the public.
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2 months late, but the original Xbox now has its own FreeMcBoot softmod: ENDGame Exploit github.com/XboxDev/endgame-exploit Originally you had to find a compatible game like Splinter Cell with a USB stick containing the softmod files to make use of the exploit. However, if the Xbox's disc reader was broken, unless you had another console to transplant a working reader then you were shit out of luck softmodding it. There was another method where you could connect the console's IDE hard drive to a PC old enough for still supporting the format to softmod it via a program, but nowadays not many have a vintage PC to do that. With this new softmod method, you no longer need to hunt for exploitable games! All you have to do is >just put the softmod files in your USB stick that is formatted for the Xbox & then simply access it on the dashboard menu under memory Works on every region, Xbox revision, and kernels! The softmod files are also small enough to fit inside the Xbox memory cards if you still have them! You will still need to get a USB stick that plays nice with the Xbox & the Female USB To Xbox Adapter to plug it in to make use of the new method.
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https://yewtu.be/watch?v=oYt9-QGbGfw Bookmark this channel, it's so fucking good, and the british bloke ain't so bad looking himself; I'd let him bugger me.
>>968109 In retard, please?
Has anyone here gotten homebrew working on their New 3DSXL? I'm tempted to try it out so I can play some DS and 3DS Dragon Quest games.
>>969634 You can install CFW on New 3DS XL. Read https://www.3dbrew.org/
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I need some help with PS3 backups. I'm trying to load PS3 game ISOs with WebMAN and the games either crash returning me to the XMB, never load and quiting the game causing the system to reboot, OR just freezes the console altogether about 10 seconds upon loading the game and require me to hard shutdown the system. Thus far, the games I've tested this out with are FF13 (JP version), Record of Agarest War (JP version), BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger (JP version), and Burnout Paradise (US version). This has happened both on an NTFS formatted drive and a Fat32 formated drive with the ISO split for the former three. What am I doing wrong?
>>970271 Did you try Irisman?
>>1031704 >>1002472 bumping to keep this thread alive
>>1031860 Anon, it's been almost 6 months without a real post, it might be time to let go.
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>>1031892 Oh no you don't, nigger.
>>908282 >>908310 Here's over 500 PS3 games, and sorted based on if they're worth your time: Good >After Burner Climax The latest Japanese made entry into Sega's classic arcade fighter plane series >Alpha Protocol A spy action RPG that is one of the very few games where your decision actually do matter >Batman: Arkham series A series of Metroidvania games where you play as Batman, starring the cast of Batman: The Animated Series >Beyond Good & Evil HD An action adventure game that takes place across a galaxy with colorful characters >Binary Domain A GoW clone about robots disguised by humans, from the creators of the Yakuza series >Bionic Commando: Rearmed series 2.5d platformers that are a true-to-the-original reboot of the original Bionic Commando arcade game >Bioshock 2 An FPS where you're using magical mystery juice to save your daughter from her evil mother in an underwater city >Blazblue: Calamity Trigger ASW Guilty Gear successor that is about time paradoxes >Burnout Paradise It's Burnout 3 expanded into an open-world >Call of Juarez series An American West themed FPS series >Crazy Taxi The original arcade game about trying to reach as many destinationas as you can within the time limit >Darksiders series An open-world Zelda clone about the Christian apocalypse as if it was done by Image Comics >Dead or Alive 5: Last Round The classic 3D fighting game series about beautiful girls beating each other up >Dead Space series A third-person survival horror series where you're fighting mutated humans in the depths of space >Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon A fun neon-based FPS on an island >GundeadliGne >Gundemonium Recollection A doujin shmup where you're a witch >Hard Corps - Uprising A contra video game made by ASW >Hotline Miami series Top-down shooters about killing the mob, Russians, and the police >inFamous series A sandbox series where you play as a super-powered anti-hero >Jet Set Radio The Dreamcast classic about being a rebellious roller-skater >Lost Planet series Third-person shooters where your fighting against giant bugs on a dangerous world
[Expand Post]>Mirror's Edge The first-person platforming game where you're running across a city's rooftops >NiGHTS into dreams... An HD release of the PS2 port/remake of the original Sega Saturn classic >Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time An HD remaster of the 2003 acrobatic platformer using time travel to fix your mistakes >Pure An extreme ATV racing game across massive tracks >Rayman Origins A 2D platformer were Rayman and his friends must defeat the Livid Dead who have take over the land >Ridge Racer 7 Bamco's classic racing series where you drive and drift crazy cars across an island >Sonic Adventure 2 An HD port of the Dreamcast original 3D platformer >Sonic Generations A 2D/3D platformer that takes place across nine stages and several bosses from the previous Sonic games >Sonic the Hedgehog CD An HD remake of the original Sega CD game with soundtrack selection and playable Tails >SoulCalibur II HD Online An HD remaster of the third game in the Soul fighting game series, has both Heihachi and Spawn >The Tomb Raider Trilogy All three acrobatic platformers all in one place so that you get the full story of Lara's search for Avalon, inclduing the remake of the original game >Transformers Devastation A hack-and-slash game based in the world of the original G1 TRansformers cartoon >Vanquish A third-person shooter about sliding around the battlefield and killing foes >Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown A latest incarnation of the fighter that popularized 3D combat >WipEout HD Fury An HD remake of the WipEout Pure and Pulse with new game modes and tracks >Zone of the Enders: HD Edition An HD collection of both of the ZoE PS2 games
>>1034280 Recommended >Battlefield series A series of military FPS games that take place across a wide range of locations, from the beaches of Japanese controlled islands in WWII to the modern-day streets of Los Angeles >Bionic Commando A third-person shooter reboot/sequel of the Bionic Commando series >Blades of Time a hack-and-slash game where you're exploring the land of the dragons >Bloodrayne: Betrayal a 2D side-scrolling hack-and-slash game where you play as the titular dhampir >Bomberman Ultra The classic Bomberman experience with eight players and costumes >Bulletstorm A FPS about a band of mercenaries hunting down their former boss >Castle Crashers A simple beat 'em up about knights >Child of Light a 2D turn-based RPG about a lost dead princess >CounterSpy A 2D stealth game where you're trying to sabotage the efforts of both the US and the USSR during the Cold War >Crescent Pale Mist A doujin 2.5d hack-and-slash game >Dark Awake: The King Has No Name A team-based RPG fighting game >Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut An open-world horror game that's "So bad, it's good" >Demon's Souls From's original ARPG that continues to plague gaming to this day >DiRT Showdown A demolition derby racing game >Dragon Age: Origins The last good RPG Bioware produced >Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition The best version of DN3D available on consoles anywhere >Dustforce a 2d platformer about mopping the floor, walls, and cielings of dust monsters >Eat Them! You are the movie monster destroying the city >End of Eternity An RPG with QTEs during battles >F.E.A.R. series A horror-based FPS series, with the first game being one of the best FPS games ever made >Fallout: New Vegas A first-person post-apocalyptic RPG and what Fallout 3 SHOULD have been >Fatal Inertia EX A zero-G racing game >Fez A 2D platformer where you can alter the direction of your viewpoint
[Expand Post]>Frozen Synapse Prime A strategy stealth video game >Fuel An open-world racing game with a map the size of Conneticut >Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved A top-down twin-stick shooter with abstract shapes >Ghostbusters The Video Game A third-persons shooter that stars all the original cast and a story that is literally Ghostbusters 3 >Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams A 2.5D reboot of the Giana Sisters platformer, that was itself originally a European clone of Super Mario >Grand Theft Auto series An open-world sandbox crime-drama series >Grid series A series of arcade racing sims across various styles of races >Groovin' Blocks A rhythm-based puzzle game where you're creating a chain of blocks >Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit A 2D platformer where you're a rabbit takign vengeance across Hell >Hitogata Happa A doujin shmup where you're a witch >I Am Alive An action game about climbing through a crumbling city to find your wife >Killer Is Dead A hack-and-slash game where you play as an immortal assassin from the moon >Knytt Underground An Metroidvania based in an underground world >Lair A dragon-riding simulator >Lego series 3D puzzle platformers based around the Lego aesthetic and using various licensed properties >LittleBigPlanet A simple 2D platformer where you can play dress-up and create your own levels >Luftrausers A shmup where you try to survive for as long as you can and can customize your ship >Lumines Supernova A rhythm-based puzzle game about clearing out blocks >Mad Riders An extreme ATV racing game >Magical Beat A rhythm-based puzzle game where you're creating a chain of blocks >Magrunner: Dark Pulse A first-person puzzle platformer >Malicious A game where you fight against various bosses and gain their powers >Metro: Last Light An FPS where you explore Russia after a nuclear holocaust >Military Madness: Nectaris A grid-based strategy game based on the moon >Mindjack A GoW clone where you can turn enemy NPCs into allows and even directly control them >Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition The block-building sensation that's taken the world >Mini Ninjas A 3D platformer where you're a ninja >Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge - Special Edition The classic adventure game with optional updated graphics >Moon Diver A Strider clone where you're moon warriors trying to save the Earth >Motorstorm: Pacific Rift An offroad racing series with a wide variety of cars >Need for Speed series A racing game series about driving and customizing the latests and fastest across a large open-world city >Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty A remake of the original 1997 platformer where you're saving your race from becoming dinner >Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising An open-world mission-based FPS where you're fighting for the Russians against the Chinese on a random island over oil >Outrun Online Arcade An HD port of arcade version of OutRun 2 SP >Pac-Man Museum A collection of nine Pac-Man video games released over the years >Payday series An FPS where you're a gang of bank robbers trying to make the big score >Pier Solar and the Great Architects An HD remaster of the independently released Genesis RPG where you're trying to save your father >Qruton A block rotation game where you're trying to fix a spell that turned your teacher into a monkey >rain A puzzle platformer where you're chasing after a girl while avoiding water monsters >Ratchet & Clank: Quest For Booty The second entry in the R&C Future trilogy where you're fighting robot pirates >Rayman Legends A 2D platformer where Rayman must once again save the land from evil >Red Johnson's Chronicles series An adventure series that takes place in a Soviet controlled American city >Resogun A shmup where you're saving the last humans held in containment >Retro City Rampage DX+ A top-down sandbox game where you go on an 80's pop-culture inspired crime spree >Rock of Ages An action-strategy game where you throw boulders at the enemy's gates >Rocket Knight A follow-up to the classic Genesis 2D platformer >R-Type Dimensions An HD remaster of the original R-Type shmup that allows you to switch between the modern and classic graphics >Saints Row series An open-world sandbox crime-drama series about being the biggest street gang in the city/universe >Scott Pilgrim VS. The World: The Game A retro-styled beat 'em up based on the comic series that ruined an entire generation of women >Sine Mora A shmup about furries going to war against each other >Spelunker Collection A compilation of Spelunker from the Atari 8-bit systems, the NES, and the arcade >Spelunker HD The classic Spelunker game but for a new generation, and can switch between the new and NES graphics >Splatterhouse A reboot of the Bamco classic beat 'em up where Jason tries to save his girlfriend from Dr. Frankenstein, also includes Splatterhouse 1-3 as unlockables >Stealth Inc. series A 2D puzzle platformer with an emphasis on stealth >Steredenn A shmup where you upgrade your ship using power-ups found in each stage >Strider A 2.5D Metroidvania reboot of the original arcade hack-and-slash game >Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People An adventure game staring the cast of the Homestar Runner webseries >Super Robot Wars series A strategy RPG series that's a crossover of Japan's various mecha franchises and series >Super Stardust HD An top-down shooter where you're destroying asteroids and aliens >Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars It's the beta for Rocket League >Superstars V8 Racing A car sim focussed on cars with eight cylinder engines >Teslagrad A 2D platformer where you control magnetism >The Darkness series An FPS series about a hitman with magical powers, based on the Top Cow comic series >The House of the Dead 4 A port of the fourth entry in the classic horror-themed rail shooter series >The Last Guy An arcade survival game where you're trying to lead people out of cities infested with monsters >The Legend of Korra A beat 'em up where you play as the worst Avatar, but it's made by Platinum >The Orange Box A compilation of the Half-Life 2 trilogy, Portal, and Team Fortress 2 >The Pinball Arcade A pinball simulator where you can play dozens of real-life pinball tables >The Secret of Monkey Island - Special Edition An HD remake of the classic 1990 adventure game, with the ability to switch between the new and old graphics >The Simpsons Arcade Gme A port of the Konami arcade beat 'em up where you're off to save Maggie >The Wolf Among Us An adventure game where you're a werewolf detective solving fairytale crimes, based on the Fable comic series >Thexder Neo A remake of the mecha 2D platformer where you navigate environments by switching between plane and robot mode, also includes the original PC-88 game >Thunder Wolves A flight combat game where you're a helicopter pilot >Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD An HD remake of the 1999 skateboarding game with new content >Toukiden series A series of Monster Hunter clones focussed on the player fighting against Japanese demons and monsters >Trash Panic A Tetris-like puzzle game where you're trying to efficiently place and break trash in a garbage can >Trine A 2.5D puzzle platformer about a knight, a magician, and a thief saving a kingdom >Tron: Evolution An acrobatic platformer where you're a security program protecting the grid, servers as a prequel to the 2010 film Tron: Legacy >Uncharted series A cinematic third-person shooter about a treasure hunter going on grand world-spanning adventures >Valiant Hearts: The Great War A 2D puzzle game about various soldiers during The Great War >Virtua Striker A port of the original arcade soccer game >Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team A top-down shooter based in the Warhammer 40,000 universe >Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine A hack-and-slash third-person shooter where you're fighting against space orks >Warriors/Musou series A battlefield hack-and-slash series with entries taking place during the Trojan War in Greece and Turkey, the Three Kingdoms period of China, the Hundred Years' War in Europe, the Sengoku Era of Japan, the Univere Century timeline of Gundam, the One Piece manga, the Hokuto No Ken manga, the Heroic Legend of Arslan light novel, and several crossovers starring characters from the Dragon Quest series or from Koei Tecmo's catalog of properties >Wet A hack-and-slash third-person shooters with bullet time and a love-letter to 70's action films >XCOM: Enemy Within A turn-based strategy game where you're fighting against an alien invasion >X-Men: The Arcade Game A port of the Konami arcade beat 'em up based on the failed cartoon pilot "Pryde of the X-Men"
>>1034281 Average >Aaru's Awakening A hand drawn 2D platformer where you play as a god's champion >Absolute Supercars A car sim where you drive expensive cars >Alien: Isolation Another first-person survival horror video game, except based in the Alien universe >Alien Breed An HD remaster of the original 1991 Amiga game where you explore a space station overrun with aliens >Alien Breed: Impact/Assault/Descent A top-down survival horror video game that's a reboot of the original Amiga game from 1991 >Alien Rage An FPS where you're a lone soldier taking on an army of aliens who have taken over a mining colony >Amplitude A remake of the original game 2003 Harmonix rhythm game >Anarchy: Rush Hour A janky open-world Burnout clone based in Russia >Armageddon Riders A Carmageddon clone where you're racing across a world filled with zombies >Assassin's Creed series An open-world stealth series focussed upon climbing tall buildings and killing important historical figures >Astro Tripper A shmup where you defeat waves of enemies in an arena >Auditorium HD A colorful puzzle game where you're directing beems of light >Babel Rising A spiteful God-sim where you're killing waves of humans trying to build the tower of Babel >Backgammon Blitz It's Backgammon >Batman: The Telltale Series A Telltale CYOA game starring Batman >Bejeweled 2 A simple puzzle sliding game >Biohazard 5 It's RE4 but in Africa >Bioshock An FPS where you're using magical mystery juice to explore an underwater city >Black Knight Sword A 2d platformer where you're a black knight swinging a big sword >Blade Kitten a 2.5d platformer where you're a catgirl trying to catch a bounty, based on the webcomic of the same name >Blast Factor A twin-stick shooter based in hexigonal cells that increases in difficulty >BlazeRush A top-down combat racing game >Blue Oasis A fish tank simulator
[Expand Post]>Borderlands An FPS RPG series based on a planet of outlaws and known for it's crude humor >Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons A co-operative puzzle game where you're trying to save your father >Brutal Legend Tim Schafer's metal video game about Jack Black becoming a literal rock god >Burgertime: World Tour A 2.5d follow-up to the original Data East arcade game >Call of Duty series A FPS series that is effectively a Michael Bay movie and serves as propaganda for the U.S. military >Calling All Cars! A top-down driving game about rounding up criminals found on each map >Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle An adventure game about the female pirate Captain Morgane >Carnivores HD: Dinosaur Hunter A first-person hunting sim where you're poaching dinosaurs >Castlevania: Harmony of Despiar A 2D side-scrolling platformer where you're navigating across a giant map to defeat the boss within the time limit >Chaos Code A 2D anime fighting game >Chariot A 2d platformer where you're dragging your dead king's casket along the way >Choplifter HD A 2D side-scroller where you're a helicopter pilot saving people >Closure A "horror" based 2D platformer around puzzles using light >Contrast A 3D platformer about an imaginary friend that can navigate through the world using shadows >Costume Quest series An RPG series about a couple of sibilings trying to save Halloween from the evil dentist >Cuboid A simple block rolling puzzle game >Dance Magic A rhythm battle game where you input attack commands with the beat >Dark Mist: The Depths of Darkness A top-down dungeon crawler >Dead Island: Riptide A first-person RPG about zombies on an island >Dead Nation A top-down shooter where you're exploring a zombie-infested country >Deadstorm Pirates The arcade on-rails shooter where you're searching for treasure with magic pistols >Death Track: Resurrection A car combat racing game with stunts >Deep Black A third-person shooter with an emphasis on water combat >DiRT 3 A rally video game across the world >Dishonored A first-person fantasy stealth RPG about saving the princess >Disney Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse A 2.5d remake of the classic Genesis game about Mickey trying to save Minnie from an evil witch >Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock A 2.5d puzzle platformer starring Doctor Who >Dogfight 1942 A WWII-based flight arcade game >Don't Starve: Giant Edition A crafting-survival game based in a world with monsters >Double Dragon Neon A side-scrolling beat 'em up that's a parody of the original games from the 80's >Dragon's Lair The original Laserdisc arcade game that's basically a series of QTEs >Droplitz A puzzle game about trying to get the right number of droplets to the end >Dyad Basically an acid trip shmup, I don't know >Elevator Action Deluxe A remake of the original arcade game about sneaking through a building, includes the original arcade game >Entwined A game about a bird and fish's love for each other >Everyday Shooter A top-down shooter >Fallout 3 What happens when you combine classic Fallout with TES >Far Cry 3 A game where you become a psychopath to save your friends from a psychopath >Ferrari: The Race Experience A racing sim where you drive Ferraris >Final Fantasy XIII The 13th Final Fantasy RPG video game >Flashback A 2.5d remake of the original 1992 cinematic platformer >Fracture A third-person shooter where you control the terrain of the world >From Dust A god-sim where you control the terrain of the world >Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime A top-down shooter where you play as a team of new ghostbusters >Godmode A third-person shooter where you fighter waves of monsters >Gran Turismo series Sony's racing sim series >Gravity Crash A gamer where you're trying to save people while firing on enemies from a moon lander >Haze A super-soldier FPS game where everyone is high on drugs >Heavenly Sword A cinematic hack-and-slash game >Helldivers A top-down looting game >Hitman: Absolution IO's renowned stealth-based series >How To Survive A top-down survival game based on an island with zombies >Hunter's Trophy series A first-person hunting sim where you kill various animals >Hustle Kings A pool simulator >Hydrophobia: Prophecy An adventure game where you climb around a crumbling and sinking floating ocean city >Hyper Void A shmup where you go through wormholes >Hyperdimension Neptunia A JRPG about the console wars >Injustic: Gods Among Us A DC based fighting game were Superman is evil >International Snooker A billiards sim >Inversion A GoW clone where your world is literally turned upside down >Invincible Knight A button-mashing hack-and-slash >Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao A kung-fu based side-scrolling beat 'em up >Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom A 3D platformer where you become various creatures >Ion Assault HD A game where you gather space particles to hurl at objects >Jeremy McGraths Offroad An offroad racing game >Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu series A baseball series focussed specifically on the Japanese baseball divisions >Journey You're a Muslim trying to use magical sentient flags to fly >Karateka A 2.5D remake of the 1984 game that was the predecessor to the original Prince of Persia >Kick-Ass: The Game A top-down beat 'em up based on the movie and comic of the same name >Legendary An FPS about fighting Greek monsters >Limbo An ambient 2D platformer about a boy travelling across a dangerous world >Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut A 2D survival horror video game
>>1034282 Average (cont.) >Madden NFL Arcade A very simple and quick football game >Magic The Gathering: Duels of the Planewalkers It's a MtG sim >Mahjong World It's mahjong >Mars: War Logs A sci-fi role-playing game on the planet Mars >Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond A 2D run-and-gun that is a parody of various modern games >Medal of Honor series A series of military FPS games where you play as American soldiers on daring missions >Mercury HG A puzzle game where you're moving liquid mercury >Microbot A top-down shooter where you're killing viruses >Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor An open-world RPG based in the world of TLoTR >Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes A simple turn-based battle game where you line-up characters to unleash attacks >Minnya no Putter Golf A simple nine course mini-golf game where you can use motion controls (Toro) or standard controls (Jasmine) >MLB 13 The Show: Home Run Derby A batting simulator >Monopoly Plus It's Monopoly >Narco Terror A top-down shooters where you're killing terrorists >NBA 2K10: Draft Combine A basketball practice game where you creat your own character >NBA Jam: On Fire Edition A remake of the classic arcade game with more modern graphics >NBA Unrivaled A simple arcade basketball game >Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent A silly adventure game about a government agent who solves puzzles >NFL Blitz The latest entry in the classic arcade football series >Novastrike A top down shooter >Of Orcs And Men An RPG where you play as an orc >Okabu A puzzle game where you play as sentient clouds >Outland A 2D platformer where you fight against African shadow monsters
[Expand Post]>Pacific Rim: The Video Game Essentially a boxing video game between robots and monsters >Page Chronica A 2D platformer where you use words to solve puzzles >Papo & Yo A puzzle game where you change the environment through the power of illusion >Peggle A pachinko game where you're trying to clear the screen >Penny Arcade: On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness An RPG staring the characters from the Penny Arcade webcomic >Pid A 2.5d platformers where you're using the power of stars to move around environments >Pinballistik It's pinball >Planet Minigolf A minigolf game with dozens of crazy courses across the globe >Plants VS. Zombies The lawn care game where you're protecting yourself from a zombie invasion >Poker Night: At The Inventory 2 A Texas Hold 'Em sim where you play against a colorful cast of entertainment icons >Pool Nation A pool simulator >Prince of Persia: Classic A 2.5D remake of the original 1989 video game using the visual style take from Sands of Time >Pure Chess It's chess >Puzzle Dimension You are an orb turning a voxel environments into 3D objects >Q.U.B.E.: Director's Cut A first-person puzzle platformer where you're inside of a computer >Quantum Conundrum A first-person puzzle platformer that takes place across dimensions >Quantum Theory A GoW clone where you and a girl are destroying a demonic tower that's consuming the world >R.B.I. Baseball 14 It's baseball >R.I.P.D.: The Game It's Godmode but with zombies instead of monsters >Rage An open-world vehicular combat FPS where you're exploring the world after a metor hits the planet >Real Steel A robot boxing game >Realms of Ancient War A top-down dungeon crawling RPG >Record of Agarest War series A strategy RPG and dating sim series where your spouse of choice effects the stats of your children >Red Baron Arcade A WWI flight arcade game >Red Faction: Battlegrounds A top-down car combat game >Renegade Ops A top-down car combat game where you fight against terrorists >Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City A GoW clone where you fight across Raccoon City cleaning up Umbrella's mess during the events of RE2 and RE3 >Retro/Grade A rhythm based shooter where you're trying to maintain the space-time continuum >Revenge of the Wounded Dragons A kung-fu based 2D platformer >Risk: Factions A "blitz"-based version of the classic Risk game >Risk The classic Risk game but with sci-fi tech >Rochard A 2D puzzle-platformer about a miner >Rock Band Blitz A rhythm game where you try to maintain five chords at a time >Rush'N Attack: Ex-Patriot A 2D stealth game where you're brutally killing Russians >Rust Buccaneers A top-down vehicular combat game where you're boats fighting >Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse The latest entry in the classic adventure series based on the comic >Sanctum 2 An FPS tower defense game where you fight waves of enemies >SBK Generations A motorcycle racing sim >Section 8: Prejudice An FPS where you spacedrop into warzones >Sega Rally Online Arcade A slimmed down version of Sega Rally Revo >Serious Sam 3: BFE An FPS where you're fighting endless waves of dozens of enemies >Shank series A brutal side-scrolling hack-and-slash game >Shatter Breakout with powerups and gravity control >Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments An adventure game in the long line of Frogware's Holmes game series >Shiki-tei A game where you make and grow a Japanese garden >Sideway: New York A 2D platformer were you navigate using grafitti >Simple 500 Series Vol. 1: The Mahjong: Tsuushin Taikyoku Kinoudzuke It's mahjong >Simple 500 Series Vol. 3: The Misshitsukara no Dasshutsu - Tsukiyo no Mansion-Hen An "Escape the room" style adventure game >Skullgirls A 2D fighting game with a cast of demonic girls >Skydive: Proximity Flight A base-jumping simulator where you skydive through mountainous terrain >SkyDrift A plane racing game with power-ups >Snakeball The old game of Snake but with more objectives >Sonic The Hedgehog 4 A two-part 2D platformer that details what happened to Sonic between the classic games and Sonic Adventure >Space Hulk A turn-based grid-based tabletop simulator based in the Warhammer 40,000 universe >Space Invaders: Infinity Gene A shmup that tries to be the old Space Invaders but with a twist >Spare Parts A 3D platformer about a couple of robots trying to repair a ship >Spec Ops: The Line A third-person shooter where the player does very bad things in Dubai >Spelunker Black Spelunker HD except 75% of the screen is blacked out >Splice A puzzle game about arranging DNA cells >Stacking An adventure game about tunneling into Russian dolls bigger than yourself and taking them over to solve puzzles >Star Trek A third-person shooter starring the cast of the rebooted Star Trek movies >Starlight Inception A space flight combat game >Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix It's SFII with hand drawn graphics >Swarm You navigate a swarm of blue creatures through an obstacle course >Syberia series A port of the PC adventure games about looking for the lost land of Syberia >Syndicate An FPS reboot of the classic sci-fi strategy series >Tales From Space series 2D platformers centered around a slime consuming items for the purposes of growing bigger >Tales From The Borderlands An adventure game that takes place in the Borderlands universe >Tales of Monkey Island The fifth entry in the classic Monkey Island adventure game series >Tecmo Bowl Throwback An HD remake/port of the original 1987 Tecmo Bowl arcade game with switchable graphics >Terraria It's 2D Minecraft >Test Drive Unlimited 2 An open-world racing game where you're in a competition that takes place across life-size maps of the Spanish island of Ibiza and the Hawaiian island of Oahu >Tetris It's Tetris >The Bureau: XCOM Declassified A GoW clone based in the 1960's where you're dealing with an alien invasion >The Cave A 2.5D platformer about a group of three adventurers exploring a mysterious cave >The Club An arcade style third-person shooter focussed on skillfully navigating environments and chaining together enemy kills >The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion A first-person fantasy RPG >The Evil Within A horror themed third-person shooter by the creator of the Resident Evil series >The Expendables 2 Videogame A top-down shooter where you play as the Expendables, features two of the cast members from the films >The Fancy Pants Adventures A 2D platformer focussed on speed and acrobatics >The Last Of Us A movie game where you travel across America protecting your adoptive daughter from danger >The Surfer A surfing sports game >The Swapper A 2D platformer where you create clones to solve puzzles >The UnderGarden A puzzle game where you're growing an underground garden >The Unfinished Swan A first-person adventure game where you paint the world in order to navigate >The Walking Dead An adventure game made by Telltale and based on the comic of the same name >Thomas Was Alone A 2D platformer about blocks with different abilities >TimeShift An FPS about using an experimental suit to travel across time and save the world >Tomb Raider A cinematic puzzle platformer and the second reboot of the Tomb Raider series that details how Lara "becomes" the Tomb Raider >Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 It's the classic Pro Skater gameplay for all new platforms >TopatoiL: Spinning Through The World A puzzle game where you explore a tree reaching into the sky after crashing onto it >Unmechanical - Extended A 2D puzzle game about a flying robot stuck underground >Urban Trial Freestyle A 2D motorcycle game where you're trying to navigate an obstacle course >Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgemnt A turn-based strategy RPG that serves as a prequel to the 1996 PS1 original >Venetica An RPG about Death's daughter trying to avenge her husband >Vessel A 2D puzzle platformer with steam tech and sentient machines >Viking: Battle for Asgard A viking RPG where you're off to save Midgard >Voltron: Defender of the Universe A top-down shooter based on the 1980's localized cartoon >Wanted Corp A top-down shooter where you're galactic mercenaries fighting monkeys >Warp A puzzle game about a teleporting alien who's killing humans in an underground facility >Watch_Dogs An open world sandbox game about using technology to commit crimes >Wheels of Destruction An arena based car combat game >Winning Eleven series A soccer simulator >Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 A top-down shooter and the third entry in Capcom's classic Commando arcade game series >Wolfenstein: The New Order A soft-reboot of the Wolfenstein series where the Nazis win WWII and take over America >World Gone Sour A 2D platformer where you use legions of the Sour Patch Kids to navigate through environments >WRC Powerslide A top-down rally racing game >Wrecked: Revenge Revisited Effectively a slot car racing game with combat >X-Blades A hack-and-slash about a a treasure hunter unleashing a dark evil >Yu-Gi-Oh! series It's a simulation of the Yu-Gi-Oh card game >Zack Zero A side-scrolling beat 'em up where you use your various elemental powers to navigate environments >Zeno Clash II A fight-person fighting game >Zombie Apocalypse series A top-down shooter where you complete various objectives in a zombie-filled arena >Zombie Driver HD A top-down driving game where you're a taxi driver killing zombie and saving people >Vividred Operation: Hyper Intimate Power A action game and visual novel based on the anime Vividred Operation
>>1034283 It tried >Abyss Odyseey A randomly generated 2.5d platformer >Battle: Los Angeles An hour long FPS based on the 2011 film >Blood of the Werewolf A 2d platformer about a female werewolf with a gun >Brink A team-based FPS game about a war between the police and terrorists in the future >Burnout Crash! A simpler take on the "Crash junction" game mode from the main Burnout series >Cellfactor: Psychokinetic Wars A team-based FPS about psychics >Counter-Strike: Global Offensive A team-based FPS about terrorists and anti-terrorist forces >Datura An adventure game where you're exploring the forest with motion controls >Faery: Legend of Avalon An RPG where you're a fairy >Far Cry 4 A 30 minute game where your reunite with your step father and bury your mother's ashes >Girl Fight A 3D fighting game with a cast of only girls >Hoard A game where you fly around as a dragon and collect loot >Homefront An FPS about Best Korea invading and taking over the U.S. >Ikki Online An HD remake/port of the 1985 top-down shooter where you're a farmer fighting against Ninja >Linger in Shadows An interactive movie that you're trying to break >Mesmerize Use the PlayStation Eye to make various screensavers >Modern Combat: Domination A team-based FPS about terrorists and anti-terrorist forces >Rainbow Moon >Rainbow Skies A turn-based isometric strategy RPG >Rocketmen: Axis of Evil A top-down shooter where you're shooting at Martians >Scourge: Outbreak A GoW clone >Sonic The Hedgehog A 3D platformer that was suppose to be Sonic's first big forray into HD gaming >Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows A co-operative hack and slash game starting the mutated teenage turtles from the comics >The Punisher: No Mercy
[Expand Post]An arena FPS with a storyline, based on The Punisher comics >Tori-Emaki A PlayStation Eye game where you use the camera to control a flock of birds and navigate across a massive interactive painting >Tower of Guns An FPS where you clear different arenas of enemies in a massive tower >Under Siege A fantasy RTS >Unearthed - Trail of Ibn Battuta A third-person shooter about a Muslim treasure hunter >Vividred Operation: Mayonnaise Operation with Akane! A simple 10 minute game where you decorate various rice dishes with different mayonnaise flavors Bad >Amy A survival horror video game where you're transporting a little girl across a hellish country >Bioshock Infinite A FPS where you're using magical mystery juice to kill yourself and destroy your country >RA.ONE: The Game A sci-fi beat 'em up >The Price is Right It's "The Price is Right" Games available on the PS3, but that I have not played the PS3 version of >Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed An open-world beat 'em up where you're ridding Akihabara of vampires by stripping them naked >Bayonetta A hack-and-slash game about a sassy witch suffering from amnesia >BlazBlue Continuum Shift The sequel to Calamity Trigger with new characters and plot lines to discover >Deus Ex: Human Revolution A prequel to the Deus Ex FPS RPG series focussed on a conpsiracy around cybernatic augmentation >God of War A hack-and-slash game where you become the Greek god of war >Goldeneye 007 A remake of the N64 Rare FPS based on the film of the same name, starring Daniel Craig >Hatsune Miku: Project Diva series A rhythm game series centered around songs produced using the Vocaloid software application >Killzone An FPS that is effectively WWII in space >Monster Hunter 3 The 3rd entry in Capcom's monster hunting series >No More Heroes A hack-and-slash game about the world's biggest otaku becoming the #1 assassin >Resident Evil 4 The classic zombie horror series goes to Spain to save the president's daughter >Singularity An FPS about an alternate reality produced through time travel where the Soviet Union never collapsed >Sonic Unleashed A 3D platformer where you play boost levels during the day and beat 'em up levels during the night >Split/Second A car combat racing game centered around courses loaded with traps and hidden pathways that you can activate like power-ups, some even drastically changing the race >Star Wars: The Force Unleashed series An inbetween-quel of the Star Wars series that focusses on the exploits of Darth Vader's secret apprentice >Stranglehold A third-person shooter continuing the exploits of Detective Tequila from the 1992 Chinese film Hard Boiled, produced by John Woo and starring Chow Yun-fat >Surf's Up A game about surfing penguins, based on the film of the same name >Tales of Smyphonia Another entry into Bamco's ARPG series >The Godfather series An open-world sandbox crime-drama series that follows the events of The Godfather films, with nearly the entire cast reprising their roles >Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. An arcade flight combat game about a group of mercenary pilots >Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Trilogy An HD remaster of the original three stealth action games focussed on the exploits of Sam Fisher >Wheelman An open-world sandbox crime-drama based in Spain with a focus on action-movie stunts, starring Vin Diesel Hope something there wets your appetite.
>>908442 >>908457 Cool demo, did N64 ever emulate SNES officially?
>>927542 Did you make OOT mods since this time last year, Anon?
>>905504 >hardware emulation I dont see what benefit this brings the point is still the same, emulating the hardware and operating system of another device difference is that now its being done at lowlevel if its not 100% 1 to 1 hardware+software mimicking, I dont see how it will avoid the same problems current emulators have
(446.95 KB 424x238 nigger monkey.webm)

>>1031892 Get back here nigger, this thread will never die.
>>1059599 FPGAs aren't a magick solution to all emu problems, but they have an inherent advantage in executing their instructions at the same clock due to not "emulating" hardware by translating its instructions into other instructions but rather LARPing as an IC at the gate level, mind you it's still a LARP just like a software emulator. This, provided the I/O surrounding the FPGA is set up correctly and its VHDL of acceptable quality, gets rid of latency problems and also permits use of the FPGA as a drop-in replacement for another chip, which is what the SD2SNES flashcart does to emulate various SFC enhancement chips. Disadvantage is that being a physical chip emulator various software injects, hacks and other features common to current age software emus are either straight up impossible or very difficult to implement.
>>970271 Sounds like you didn't decrypt the isos. Even while they're encrypted you can mount them and see them in the XMB, but they won't run. You need to decrypt them with the proper keys on a PC before copying them to the PS3.

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