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RoboCop: Rogue City sequel announced Anonymous 03/07/2025 (Fri) 01:18:40 Id: e9f8d8 No. 1077827
Nacon had a show earlier today and surprisingly enough one of the games they announced during the show was Robocop: Rogue City - Unfinished Business which everyone thought was DLC due to the game not having a "2" in the title. Although it seems like this is a straight up sequel to Rogue City which is great because I personally loved Rogue City. Linking the steam page if you guys are interesting in playing it, comes out sometime in the summer. I wonder if any of the choices from the first game matter at all. https://store.steampowered.com/app/3527760/RoboCop_Rogue_City__Unfinished_Business/
Both this and a new Styx game. Hopefully both are good.
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The first one was surprising good, basically a Deus Ex clone. It could have used a lot of work, but I enjoyed it. It's also one of the few UE5 games I've played that runs well. It was reportedly a surprise hit, exceeding the publisher's upper end expectations. SteamSpy estimates a million copies and considering the PC-console split tends to be about 6:4, my guess is it sold 1.4 million copies. I hope this adds more immsim elements, I especially loved tinkering with the Auto-9's mods. Really impressed with Teyon so far, they went from shovelware to actually good AA titles that feel like they'll become cult classics.
>>1077944 They updated the Auto9 mods so it isn't completely broken. Originally a mod you got early on which made the weapon full auto completely surpassed the later ones in terms of DPS, the later mods were even worse than some early game models. I don't think they're going to make a Dree game by the way, I don't think they were able to grt the rights, which is why you're seeing this standalone expansion with Robocop on a walled off Citadel ala Dredd 2012 so soon.
>>1077976 >so soon Teyon are also just a very efficient developer, they once released 17 games in a year. Their previous game Rennsport was also a complete flop, so it makes sense to quickly go back to something that worked for a quick infusion of capital to fund their next project.
>>1077944 Agreed, Teyon really learned a lot since Rambo and really made a solid bunch of games with Robocop and Terminator.
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>>1077976 >They updated the Auto9 mods so it isn't completely broken. I still think it is one of the best mods in the game.

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