Ubisoft is fucked because none of its properties are worth continuing except
Just Dance (which is practically turn key as an IP) plus
maybe the
Tom Clancy video game license (which I would not be surprised has contract details making it non-transferable and revert back to the estate under certain conditions like bankruptcy or failure to produce a new entry in X years) and
Far Cry (take it back to basics, cut the bloat and retarded politics of the last one and you could get people to buy something like
Far Cry: The Wild West or
Far Cry: Thinly-Veiled-Yugoslav Wars without stupidly high marketing or budget). Plenty of back catalog you can sell for a small but near totally passive income, but their big IPs have either become such convoluted clusterfucks nobody really cares about the connecting plot anymore (AssCreed. The last time anyone cared was because vikings were the in thing when
Valhalla launched, and before that the ship combat being surprisingly decent. Nobody gives a fuck about the assassin v. Templar or modern day stuff), are so generic you can make your own entry into the genre without the cost and dead weight of Ubisoft's IPs (why do you need the
Watch Dogs or
Driver IP to make a GTA clone? Why do you need the
The Crew IP to make a racing game? They don't bring anything to the table), or are so has been new games would just scare people more than hype them if anything (
Beyond Good and Evil.
Might and Magic could get some Russian oligarchs in a bidding war of double digit millions because there's plenty of obsessive
Heroes of fans there, but you can't sell to those people anymore so that's out)