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ITT: Characters that flopped and how they could've been salvaged Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 18:13:59 Id: b51ff3 No. 1042044
With pic related, I think he could've been much better if he had been programmed to be a more cerebral boss fight where you have to flexibilize your strategies in order to beat him, possibly based on your class and those of your party members. Snipe your big guns, suppress your sniper, maybe some weird supertech that lets him cuck your biotics, and so on. If you rely on one playstyle for most of the game and get complacent he'll wreck your shit and force you out of your comfort zone. His tactics evolve across his multiple boss fights and you have to keep up and avoid stagnating or relying too much on one thing, as well as beat him to the punch. Personality is a more complicated subject. I think he could've benefited from being more no-nonsense, crib off some traits off Shepard to add to his status as an arch-enemy, either bringing his own party members with distinct personalities and skillsets to counter yours or leaning more on his one-man-army hype and make him a cold and detached warrior type. Maybe if you feel adventurous you could have him pick up traits that depends on how you played your Shepard's personality for added contrast. TL;DR: Make him someone you have to struggle to beat, and you WANT to beat to prove yourself superior. What about you? Any characters you could mention that had wasted potential but could've been good?
Needed Better Fucking Writing
>>1042046 Well let's take the time machine and go back, get you a seat in the writing team. How would you have gone about writing her?
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Shallow, constantly manipulated and coerced. VA is good, but you can't make bad writing sound believable. I would've much rather if he was a silent protagonist. Making Brecken or Rahim the MC would have also been nice. Killing Rahim was also completely retarded T. Currently playing DL.
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>cool looking DQ villain that isn't just possessed and isn't a typical Toriyama demon >presents an interesting and complex backstory and jome justifications for his actions <LMAO JK he made all that up and just went Itachi Uchiha on his entire clan and is trying to destroy the world for funzies I hate it. Literally all it would have taken to salvage him is removing the fucktarded reveal and modified the plot a bit to accommodate it.
>>1042044 Never was a big fan of the Mass Effect series, and i blame the succes of ME2 for the monstrosity which is DA2. But, to answer your question. I would introduce this proto-winter soldier wanna be aas a rival in ME2. The Plan B of Martin "not G-man" Sheen, if you bite the dust during the suicide mission. The player can determinate how the rivalry goes (friendly or hostile) via interactions and gameplay. The goal is to make him feel like part of the casting crew but not in you rooster, so when you meet him full brainwashed and full on winter soldier the whole thing would hit harder. The main problem is that you drag into a new character in the final chapter of the story, with very little pay off. If they really wanted something threatening then they should just bring back the cyborgized Saren. Just bullshit that the big bads copied his personality to a new hybrid body to mock you (since you are literally just a clone/copy of the real Shepard). Also for wasted potential, i could offer you faggots the whole disney Star Wars cast. Just pick one and fix it as you like it. Good fucking luck!!! You will need it!
>>1042060 >introducing him in ME2 as a regular cast-member and re-introducing him in ME3 as a brainwashed enemy Fucking hell, that's brilliant and it never crossed my mind. Good thinking anon.
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Not so much (a) character(s) but the programming of their boss fight has much to be desired. I've played the game though 3 or 4 times and I have never managed to fight them as intended. I've either brute forced it or I've accidentally confused their AI. It turns what could have been a genuinely fun little puzzle boss into a bit of a disappointment.
Oh boy. This guy and his voice actor. Both could've been part of a bigger franchise, even with human revolution being a flawed but genuine game. But mankind divided built NOTHING for that. It didnt even acknowledge previous game's actions - just that Adam Jensen is "mysteriously" revived from fucking antarctica. (Its obviously his clone but it never explains it properly). And his voice is so uniqie, sounds gruff and heavy but not too forced. Just chain smoker who speaks softly and not a fake batman voice. Tobias should be a mainstay voice protagonist not fucking Nolan North for the millionth time. But I think the biggest mistake they did with his character was not giving him a love interest. Seriously, that reduced his chances of being remembered for something. That would give his character something beyond the game itself to atleast have fanart of, but there literally nothing of him out there. He had Malik but they killed her offscreen. In the words of his successor - What a shame!
>>1042047 Ok, the problems Emi has aren't really that fundamental. The core of her character arc is that this outwardly happy go lucky girl, actually hold a great deal of internal struggles, particularly relating to her dad passing away. This is mixed with Hisao being a miserable sod about how his heart condition has semi-crippled him and that he's struggling himself to accept it about himself. On paper, these are good premises, With the general concept being that Emi's outward confidence, rubbed off on Hisao allowing him to accept his physical limitations and thus himself, which then gives him the confidence to help Emi accept her dad's passing. I just think it wasn't executed all that well, mostly due to the quality of the writing TheHivemind, the retard who did most of the writing on her route is a bit of a retard and I think there's lots of small problems that I can point to to demonstrate the problem of "poor writing". There's lots of instances, where characters act in ways that "feel" off, or awkward in ways that clearly are not intended. The "casual friendly" relationship that Emi has with the nurse for example, is at times so wildly inappropriate, that it broke my suspension of disbelief (i'm pretty sure they make at least one sex/gay joke about Hisao every time they go to him). Mutou who in all the other routes is written has a overworked, stressed, but well meaning teacher with a passion for physics. Acts like the fucking english dub version of Rintaro from steins;gate with all his pop science obsession, which only comes up in Emi's route. Another one being how during their runs, the seriousness of Hisao's heart problem is extremely arbitrary. Sometimes when Hisao has his heart palpitations/mini-heart attacks, Hisao and Emi treat it as a serious problem sending him to the nurse immediately, and other times they shrug it off like no big deal, and it feels like it's seriousness is merely directed by what is useful to the plot at that particular point in time. It makes it difficult to take it seriously. (Although to be fair, while this is also a problem in the other routes, this is a much bigger problem with Emi's route, because of how much more frequent it is.) Emi often does a teasing routine with Hisao when they go on runs, which at least for me, always fell flat, it didn't feel as if they had any particular animus behind it. It usually felt that she teased "because" her character was that of a cheerful tease, and that's what cheerful teases do. Not as a genuine expression. One way that this could have been improved is to tie it in with her arc. She could have been teasing Hisao, not just for it's own sake, but because she wanted to deflect or hide her own insecurities, or her affection for Hisao, or because she's uncomfortable being too genuine with someone or something like that. It should have been an opportunity to expand her character, rather than it being there to merely fulfil a character archetype. Another problem I recall, being Emi's relationship with other students. In every other route the girl's friendships (or lack there of) has an important impact who they are as characters. If they have a close friend like Lilly, Hanako, or Shizune, or if they don't like Rin. While on paper, Rin and Emi are friends, it's pretty clear that they don't have any sort of deep or close connection. In fact in Rin's route, Emi completely disappears for most of it, and Rin's external loneliness is a pretty important part of the story. But with Emi, none of this applies. The player is told that she's liked by everyone and that she's well respected by the track team, this is never actually shown. By what Hisao sees, she seemingly has no friends, and ever interacts with anyone outside of the staff, himself and her mom. And she never once talks to minor characters like Miki (who is on the fucking track team), Yuuko, or even Kenji (every other girl got at least one, at least humorous, interaction with Kenji, that I remember), and barely talks to Rin after the end of Act 1. The solution to this is pretty straight forward, just give her more scenes with other characters, This could give Hisao (and the player) more perspective on how others treat her, and how she treats others. Maybe you could have it such that Hisao might see cracks in their relationship, if he sees how different her friendships are, versus her romantic relationship is with him. Another thing was that the only fundamental difference why the good ending vs bad ending occurs is because Hisao happens to be slightly more articulate in saying the exact same thing (basically "please open up to me about what's bothering you"), which feels extremely dissatisfying. Unlike the other routes, where Hisao does or says something incredibly stupid/hurtful, here he more or less does the correct thing in all endings and it is more Emi who seemingly arbitrarily decides to open up or to close off Hisao by the end. (Which I suppose is somewhat realistic, but I really don't think that was supposed to be intentional). The good ending, where Emi accepts her dad's passing and opens up to Hisao, is a bit of a anti-climax, since Emi at some point, just decides off screen to show Hisao the grave, and to talk to him about her past. The act of decision, and what specifically causes her to decide to open up is entirely in Emi's head, something that Hisao never sees directly which, again, on some level might be realistic, but it doesn't make for an interesting story. Overall, I feel like, in large part, these developments tend to follow the "and then X happened" style of writing, instead of having clear and discernable causes and effects. A rather simple solution would have been to have Emi and Hisao talk through it more openly, have her explain *why* she changed her mind, instead of just doing it and then giving a vague explanation afterwards. However, I will defend TheHivemind in one respect as to how Emi was written. I know some people have historically complained that Emi was too sexual and thus unrealistic for a high school girl, and that some things like the shed scene were petty wish fulfilment. I absolutely disagree point, there are many girls like this, that I've known from personal experience. Overall, Emi was good idea, that was poorly done, largely due to the fact that TheHivemind, can't write for shit (or more likely, write a lot of the story on autopilot, without really thinking about it). She always felt like the black sheep of that game. I remember thinking the writing was sub-par when I played it for the first time over a decade ago, and when I replayed it a couple of months ago, that feeling was entirely reinforced.
>>1042078 > She always felt like the black sheep of that game. Really? Not Shizune?
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Needs better games
>>1042094 More like needs better porn games especialyl ons involving a human man
Tails has never actually had very good 3D gameplay, which is absurd since he's such a beloved character. In Sonic Adventure he's kind of fun in the hub worlds, but since his main levels are all races, you don't get to use his flight to actually explore, which is what you obviously want to do. In Sonic Adventure 2 he's just an alternate skin for Eggman. In Heroes you end up just using him because the physics in the game are kind of fucked and at least if you're in flying formation you can make yourself float back up to a platform if you fall off. In Sonic '06 you can only play as him in a level and a half, plus it's Sonic '06 and the physics are more fucked than Heroes. If they took the basic ideas from '06 and expanded upon them, maybe it would work. But that's the last time he's been playable in 3D. Alternatively, they should just do a 3D Metroidvania where you play as Tails. I say that because Tails Skypatrol was basically a Metroid style thing and it's awesome. I just want more Tails Adventure. Also, Void and Lumina are cool characters and should appear in more Sonic games. The gods of dreams and nightmares should be more relevant in a series about characters fighting over macguffins that are occasionally phrased as making dreams real. Also, Lumina should have been playable in Sonic Shuffle. Make her an OP 100% reward or something. Not that even I have the patience to 100% that game.
>>1042078 Holy fucking shit the autism NIgga please get some fresh air
>>1042142 No do not tell him to get air. I want more autism like this.
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>>1042086 >Really? Not Shizune? Her story is definitely the most unique in terms of how it played out, but I meant "black sheep" in reference to the consistency of the writing. My impression was that the Rin, Lilly, Shizune and Hanako routes all had a significant amount of collaboration by the writing devs, while Emi's, fells like it was written by one guy and that one guy barely talked to anyone else (or to be charitable, that it was the very first one written and the one that benefited the least from revision) >>1042112 I never played Sonic Shuffle, so I've never heard of Void or Lumina before But I agree with the Tails part wholeheartedly. >>1042142 >NIgga please Stop speaking niggerbabble and use a Hard R next time. Nigger
>>1042078 Remember how some writer faggot said that Emi breaks up with Hisao after the events of KS? I hate NTR faggots with a passion.
>>1042148 >Her story is definitely the most unique in terms of how it played out Could you elaborate? It's been literal ages since I played KS.
>>1042044 >Characters that flopped Flopped is too strong for these two but they were robbed. Technically so were the second two.
>>1042164 >Flopped is too strong for these two but they were robbed. No worries, they also fit the scope of the thread. Air your grievances away, and feel free to suggest ways they could've been improved.
>>1042165 >suggest ways they could've been improved. Well for the last two that's simple, just re-implement their quest line. Maria is literally just proto-Friede combined with Sir Vilhelm. Letting you talk and interact with her and then telling you once you've explored the preceding area to go back home to the main world. Then the game gave you a choice to kill her or refuse and then Simon kills her. Which leads to the boss fight as normal. Micolash is more uncertain but was apparently a similar thing. He has unused dialogue and apparently a related quest where he slowly goes mad and ended with him asking you to look him in the eyes which presumably brought you into the Nightmare as it does now. It gives a bit more context than what we get in the released version. Melina just needs an ending. Period. Especially one that takes into consideration the purified Frenzy Flame condition. The game doesn't even really address whether the needle actually cures you or if it just suppresses the Flame like what the barbed sword does for Midra. Miquella is a bit more difficult. A lot of people diverge on whether they liked his villain turn or not but almost everyone seems to want him to produce a mending rune to lead to an Age of Kindness ending or a St. Trina ending or something that in some way affects the main game in any fashion. Considering that, as he is in the game, the only true threat to your rule as eventual Elden lord (or Ranni's rule) he can be safely blocked buy just not killing two bosses and going to the Shadow Realm. Miquella's whole narrative through out he DLC is frankly a bit of a mess. It seems like it got rewritten at least once and frankly it could have used an additional pass or two. There some unused dialogue that sounds very much like a game ending monologue. I don't know why they didn't follow through.
>>1042148 >I never played Sonic Shuffle, so I've never heard of Void or Lumina before For some reason, Sonic Shuffle has a full blown Dreamcast-era autistic Sonic story. Yet these are pretty much the only characters that the comics didn't use. The Chaotix were major characters in all the comics even though they were only in a single 32X game that didn't even have Sonic in it. Knack/Fang was also a major character right from his first appearance, despite only ever appearing in two Game Gear games, one of them being a spinoff racing game sequel (and the first one was Japan only). Metal Sonic was always a major character, too, despite only appearing in Sonic CD (aka that game that failed to save the Sega CD, and which was probably more obscure at the time than Sewer Shark) and on a few later Game Gear games after Game Gear was already old and failing. And oh yeah, Sonic R, the game that failed to save the Sega Saturn. Hell, even Ray the Flying Squirrel, who only appeared in an extremely obscure arcade game that I'm pretty sure never got released outside Japan, was a recurring character in the comics. But Void and Lumina only appear in one obligatory tie-in issue, then never again. Or okay, Void makes a cameo in the background of one comic (not even a main comic, a spinoff comic that didn't have Sonic in it, but was instead about an OC called Scourge) from like 2013, but that doesn't count. By 2013 the Sonic comics were peak autistic and everyone got cameos, including fan characters. The way I see it, if Void and Lumina are nightmares and dreams, they're basically just negative and positive imagination/emotion. The Chaos Emeralds make dreams real. Chaos, explicitly the same thing as life and destruction going back to the manual for Sonic 1, flows from them. When Chaos (the god) uses the Chaos Emerald, he's fuelled by negative emotions, like fear and anger, AKA Void, and when Sonic uses them he's fuelled by positive emotions, like hope, AKA Lumina. Sonic shuffle also came out immediately after Sonic Adventure, so the ideas of those characters were fresh in the minds of the writers. Void and Lumina are the embodiments of negative and positive chaos (the force). Illumina (their merged form) should be treated as something much closer to the chief deity of the whole series, above beings like Chaos and Gaia. She is imagination, chaos, life and destruction (which are basically the same thing, just positive and negative chaos) itself. Also, I should note that in mythology, Chaos is The Void. In this, I'm arguing Chaos (the being) essentially embodied Void (who is one half of chaos, the force). Now if I were to get really autistic, there should also be some sort of god of Order, to go with the Master Emerald. And maybe that character should also have two different incarnations, one positive and one negative. Knuckles brings order to chaos for good, or at least for positive motives, while Robotnik does it for evil, or at least negative motives. They'd be the Order equivalents to Sonic and Chaos. But they should have some godly incarnations like Lumina and Void. Maybe Argus could be like the equivalent of Illumina. Argus is a mysterious god or godlike being only ever mentioned in Sonic Chronicles, that Bioware RPG everyone hates, and which Sega doesn't want to reference because former comics writer Ken Penders tried to sue them and EA over it.. In it, they say Argus is the being that banished the ancient enemies of Knuckles' ancestors to another dimension. The game ends on a cliffhanger and presumably they would have done more with Argus in the sequel, but they never got to. In mythology, Argus is the name of the being that killed the mother of monsters, Echidna. Here, he only fucked with the "evil" echidnas (even though the group they were fighting was also evil and got wiped out by a different god, Chaos, so this could all be seen as morally ambiguous). Needless to say, Argus is a character that they could have done a lot more with, but and they surely wanted to, but the game bombed and also they got sued over it, so he's never been mentioned again. But if he can send whole civilizations to other dimensions, he's one of the most powerful beings in the franchise, and I'd consider setting him up as some sort of god of Order. He got rid of this warrior tribe, but he didn't do it in a violent way, like Chaos did. He just locked them in a cage. (The dimension is called The Twilight Cage/The Argus Cage.) But I'd try to find a way to connect him to both Knuckles and Eggman, who are earthly embodiments of positive Order and Negative Order. Also, they should do more with Mephiles. He's much more popular, and did have a small role in the most recent game, Shadow Generations, but it's not like it's much. He's likewise one half of a mega powerful god, this time Solaris. Actually, maybe just try to establish Solaris as some sort of Order god. Though I don't know if that works since both halves are evil and Iblis sure seems pretty chaotic. Mephiles I could sort of see as bringing order by erasing everything, but Iblis isn't really very orderly at all. Then again, maybe they could say Solaris and Argus are two halves of some even bigger god. Maybe Argus is actually good and Solaris is evil. Solaris just got all fucked up, and one half of it became chaotic, when it got separated into Mephiles and Iblis. Also also, The Void is the name of the space between universes in the recent TV show, Sonic Prime, which is canon to the games. I would like to do something with that. Void the being is the absence of positive emotions, which leads to him being destructive. The Void is a space of nothing, the absence of universes. Now the problem there is that Void and Lumina don't live in Sonic's dimension, they live in the dream dimension, Maginaryworld. But maybe Sonic's whole multiverse is actually inside Maginaryworld. Maybe the dream dimension is more real than Sonic's multiverse. The Void is Void's realm in Maginaryworld, where he doesn't really create anything, and only destroys old, forgotten dreams, made by Lumina. Maybe all the universes in the multiverse are just Lumina's dreams, and the rest of the multiverse is Void's realm. Or maybe the god of positive order helps to give form to Lumina's dreams, and make universes, while the god of negative order gives form to Void's nightmares (but puts some of them in Lumina's realms, because he's evil like that). Finally, while being max autistic, I feel obligated to point out that in the Saturday morning cartoon and the early Archie comics, The Void was the prison dimension where Robotnik banished Sally's dad and evil sorcerer Naugus. However, in the comics, shortly after the show ended, they said that The Void was actually a separate, less scary prison dimension, and actually they were imprisoned in a separate, extremely similar prison dimension called The Zone of Silence. Over a decade later, Tails does complicated Chosen One stuff and sent the Chaos Emeralds to The Zone of Silence, turning it into The Special Stage. There was an earlier Special Stage but Super Sonic and Hyper Knuckles destroyed it in a fight back in like 1995. Later, Sonic accidentally changed history so that the second Special Stage was always called The Special Stage and never The Zone of Silence, but it functionally was the same as The Void, the prison dimension, but also The Chaos Emeralds always existed there. So The Void and The Special Stage are the same thing. And The Void is the space between universes. And the Special Stage is the dimension where the Chaos Emeralds usually lay. The Chaos Emeralds are portals out of which Chaos flows. Chaos is imagination. Maginaryworld is the world of imagination, of Illumina, Lumina, and Void. But The Void is just part of Maginaryworld. Everything is Maginaryworld. Maybe it would make more sense to say that The Special Stage is just what becomes of regions of The Void where a Chaos Emerald is, as Chaos flows out of it, forming the empty Void into the surreal environments seen in the Special Stages in the games. But now I need to figure out just what White Space is. Just another prison dimension? A part of The Void? They do say The Void is outside of time and space, just like White Space. But what makes The Void and White Space any different? Why is one white and the other black? Clearly both are (at least mostly) devoid of Chaos. And it's not like White Space is less evil than The Void. The Time Eater is no less evil than Void. If anything it's more evil, since Void is sympathetic. Maybe White Space is completely outside of Maginaryworld, while The Void is part of it (and universes of the multiverse are also part of it). It would be more fun to explain that White Space is somehow part of The Void though.
>>1042162 >Could you elaborate? It's the most unlike any other route because, instead of inner emotional turmoil being the source of all the character conflict, the entire problem in Schizune's arc comes from a different character entirely. Specifically Misha being a dyke and in love with her and also if Hisao gives in to Misha, and cheats on Schizune with her. All of this ends up cannibalising the trio's friendship from the inside out in the bad end, or they learn to accept it in the good end. >>1042155 As much as it disgusts me to even nominally agree with an NTR fag. The two of them breaking up after high school is something I can kind of see happening. Their relationship was probably the most shaky, with the worst foundations of all of them. With "lust" and "for the fun of it" being significant reasons why Emi got with Hisao in the first place. If I had to rank the probability of each relationship being maintained for the long run after the good ending, it would be like this <Hisao X Lilly (100% chance: No question, they were by far the most stable and had basically zero real problems) <Hisao X Hanako (98% chance: They work so well together by the end, I can't see much reason why they would split apart) <Hisao X Shizune (75% chance: Shizune's entire focus for the future was career, philanthropy, things like that, while Hisao didn't seem to care that much, and was still very uncertain about his future. It's possible this disparity could have caused problems later on, or hell, even Misha coming back and causing problems. It's not quite as solid as Lilly or Hanako, but I don't think those problems are too large) <Hisao X Rin (65% chance: Rin's good ending left a lot unresolved, unlike the Neutral one, where she was for sure going to art school. So it's a giant question mark, what Rin and Hisao would have done in the future. But the biggest problem is Rin's MegaAutism, since she was by far the most difficult and obtuse person for Hisao to try to connect with, because of it. I'm still hopeful, but I'm not as certain as I am with the others, because that would remain a problem for a very long time.) <Hisao X Emi (50% chance: Again, in the Bad Ending, Emi broke up with Hisao over basically nothing, and she had the least invested in him compared to all the other girls, since her relationship with Hisao was seemingly largely for fun, rather than based on solid foundations.) Disclaimer: None of this is a justification for NTR, just a thought exercise >>1042190 I really appreciate your dedicated autism towards Sonic lore. I remember being quite interested in it back in the mid to late 2000s, but there was a lot less to dig through back then, and a good chunk was probably twisted and contorted by sonic fan videos/games, especially on Newgrounds. I've forgotten a lot of it, and lost interest around the time Sonic Colors came out. But good on you, keeping it alive.
>>1042235 >I've forgotten a lot of it, and lost interest around the time Sonic Colors came out. But good on you, keeping it alive. Honestly Sonic Colors was pretty much the end of Sonic lore for a long time, pretty much until now. That game made a conscious decision to have no significant lore or connections to past games, and all the games following it did the same, until Sonic Frontiers in 2022/2023. Even that game doesn't have a super deep story, but more than any game starting with Colors. Shadow Generations, which just came out, focuses a lot more on story, but it's almost all just tying in to elements that happened in Sonic Adventure 2 and Shadow the Hedgehog, with new plot, but not much new lore. Pretty much all Sonic lore is from 1991-2008. The early games had lore, but it was almost all in the manuals. Colors overcorrected and had almost no lore, not even in the manuals. However, that's why I got bored enough to get into all the spinoff media. The Sonic comics got mega autistic during the era that the games had basically no story. Well really they got mega autistic in like 1995, and the UK comics got autistic right away. But the American comics didn't actually get good until 2006, and kept getting better until like 2019. They're still alright, and have the same author since 2006, but I'd argue they've been going downhill the last five years or so. But really all the best lore is from the games anyway. The comics are interesting, but the games still, somehow, end up having better stories. At least all the ones up until 2008 do.
>>1042044 El cabrón Donté from the retarded DMC remake. Ryo Hazuki from Shenmue, the lamest protagonist of the lamest borefest ego project that will never be concluded in any satisfying way to it's retarded worshipers.
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I know he was only ever intended as a one-off villain, because the director thought it'd be "too lonely" without adding another new rival character like every other game in the X series, but I still think they could've gotten a lot more mileage out of Dynamo. While every other main character is either driven into insanity or passionately devoted to a cause they'd fight to the death over, Dynamo is committed only to himself and his pursuit of "the good life". He's mysterious and cocky, yet clever and coolheaded enough to pick his battles. He simultaneously contrasts with both the main heroes and villains, being even more of an unpredictable free agent than Vile, and he could potentially work nicely as a foil for Axl. Axl is cocky and hotheaded, but also an inexperienced babyface. I could just picture Dynamo trying to sway Axl into leaving the Maverick Hunters and go rogue, appealing to his ego, all while aiming to con him for his own benefit. X7 even introduced the concept of Reploid crime syndicates, all as an excuse to have a cool intro cutscene for Axl, yet they can't think of anything for a lonewolf mercenary to do in the "new age Reploid" era. I also think the X series could use a rewrite in general, as it kinda derails into being Zero-centric, then pivots into Axl's push as if none of that happened.
>>1042322 A rewrite of the X series by modern crapcom would be about trannies, faggots, ugly women and niggers. Reploids wouldn't even exist. And if inafundme would try it, the plot would be about selling NFTs and asking for donations.
I'm gonna use this thread as an excuse to rant about a character I've always felt was underutilized. How underutilized? So underutilized that I think the only games he's in are an MMO and a Lego game. But his franchise has lots of video games, and the /co/ sucks, so I'm gonna talk about him here. The Ultra-Humanite is the first supervillain ever. First appearing in Action Comics #13, one year after Superman's first appearance. For the uninitiated, Superman is widely considered the first superhero. Yes, there were pulp characters that definitely influenced his creation, and if you want to argue about it, you could make a case that Gilgamesh, literally the oldest character we know of, is a superhero. But Superman is the first modern superhero, and The Ultra-Humanite is the first supervillain he ever fought. In his first appearance, Superman is investigating corruption within the taxicab union and finds out that actually it's the work of a crippled old scientist who calls himself The Ultra-Humanite. Ultra, as Superman would come to call him, also says that Superman has been foiling many of his schemes over the past year, implying that many, or even all of, the adventures that Superman had up that point were actually the work of Ultra. Anyway, the clear point here is that Superman's most threatening villain, who might have been behind all of his threats in his career thus far, is a crippled genius. It's an obvious brains v brawn thing, and it works great. After like two adventures, including one where he failed to swap bodies with Superman, he put his brain in the body of famous actress, Delores Winters. This got him out of his old crippled body, and also meant that the police and Superman would go easy on him, or her, because he's a girl now, and everyone refers to her as female, because she has a pussy, and nobody considered this a confusing issue in 1939. She tries to seduce Superman and make him her lackey, but he realizes she's Ultra, so that doesn't work out. Anyway, Ultra's schemes get a lot more complicated than making the taxicab union go on strike, and involve things like weather control. In fact, I think she might be the first character ever to have a secret volcano lair. But after a couple of defeats in her female body, Ultra throws herself into the open crater of her secret volcano lair, joining the 50+% of her kind. Very shortly after, Superman would meet a new mad scientist supervillain, Luthor. Luthor has his own extremely convoluted continuity. For a very light example of this, he started as a redhead, but due to a ghost artist getting Luthor confused with one of his own minions from a previous issue, at one point he got drawn as a bald guy, and that stuck. That also made him look more like Ultra-Humanite's original body (though not quite the same, since he wasn't an old guy in a wheelchair). But the important part is that he would quickly become Superman's arch-nemesis, and Ultra was completely forgotten. There was a new bald mad scientist in town. Over 40 years later, Ultra would re-appear, revealing that she survived and put her brain in the body of an albino gorilla. That gorilla was male, btw, so he's a he again now. However, in the intervening years, the Superman series had actually switched to focusing on a completely different Superman from a completely different universe. In the '60s they retconned it so most of the earliest comics from the '30s through the '50s took place on an alternate world called Earth-Two. This was used to explain differences between early continuity and later continuity. For example, redhead Luthor was from Earth-Two, while bald Luthor was from Earth-One, the main universe. For characters that had been published continuously, it was treated as if stories very similar to Earth-Two stories also happened on Earth-One, but any elements contradicted by later stories didn't happen, and only happened on Earth-Two. I don't know if anything says that no version of The Ultra-Humanite existed on Earth-One, but as far as I know, no such character was ever referenced. The Ultra who threw herself in a volcano and came out as an albino gorilla was on Earth-Two, AKA not the main universe, and the Superman he fought was no longer the main Superman. But he was back and he fought the now older Superman of his universe, as well as the rest of the Justice Society, the equivalent of the Justice League in that universe. Also they did a series called All-Star Squadron which was set in the '40s, and that series revealed how Ultra survived the volcano, and she did a bunch of other schemes before getting the gorilla body. This set Ultra very firmly in the WWII era for many stories important to his history. In 1986 DC realized that whole Earth-Two thing was complicated, so they merged all the universes (well, actually like six others survived, but they don't count). So now The Ultra-Humanite always lived in the main universe in the new history. However, they didn't want Superman to be an old man who was around back in WWII, like the Justice Society guys. They wanted him to be the age of the Justice League guys, who were all basically in their early '30s. They said Superman first appeared "ten years ago," and Batman and the rest of the Justice League guys followed shortly after. The Justice Society guys were old because them fighting in WWII was important, so even though originally they appeared after Superman, now they appeared decades before him. Now Green Lantern (Alan Scott) was the first superhero in modern history, and Superman was the first of the second generation. But wait! Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, and Aquaman were around in WWII, but were also members of the Justice League. In the old continuity, they explained this by saying there were two of them, one in each universe. But now there was only one universe. So what they did was they made up new characters who were similar to those five, and said that in the new history, those new characters existed in WWII, rather than the old ones. So Superman wasn't around in the '40s anymore, but all the stories still basically happened, only now instead of Superman they were done by a character named Iron Munro, the illegitimate son of Hugo Danner, the protagonist of Philip Wylie's novel, Gladiator, which Superman essentially plagiarized. By the late '80s, Gladiator had fallen into the public domain, so DC Comics felt comfortable admitting this. Batman's role in the Justice Society and All-Star Squadron was largely replaced by Doctor Mid-Nite. Wonder Woman was replaced by explaining that her mother was a previous Wonder Woman during WWII, and Diana Prince just took on her mother's mantle decades later. Green Arrow? Uh... I don't know if they ever explained him. Aquaman they straight up forgot until like 2019 when they finally remembered that there should have been a WWII Aquaman, and did a story about how everyone's memories of him was erased. So now Ultra-Humanite existed and was still occasionally fighting the Justice Society and others, but he never had his history with Superman, and was never really acknowledged as the first supervillain, which is pretty damn lame. Meanwhile, Superman ended up fighting a few new villains that were called The Ultra-Humanite, but they all sucked and nobody cared. Some of them weren't even similar in concept, and were just random monsters or whatever. Ultra did have a notable role in the 2000s Justice League cartoon, but that's of course a different continuity. Also, all he was there was an albino gorilla with a giant brain. It's just not the same without his history of being the first supervillain, and a very obvious brains v brawn setup. But now he's most known for being a big-brained albino gorilla. Meanwhile, Delores Winters survived her body swap, but was driven mad by the experience. Decades later she swapped bodies with her daughter, essentially so she could be young in modern stories, and look like her old self (who actually we only saw as Ultra before). After that she swapped bodies with some ice-themed superheroine that even I forget, so she got ice powers and they started calling her Endless Winter. I'm pretty sure she got killed shortly after that. Notably, Earth-One Superman didn't start his superhero career in Action Comics #1. They retconned it back in 1945 so that he was a superhero called Superboy when he was a kid. This made it so Ultra wasn't the first supervillain he ever fought anymore. Indeed, he fought Luthor, both kid and time travelling adult versions, on many occasions. However, when they merged the universes in 1986, Superman's history was changed so he was never Superboy now, but this was the same time they said he wasn't operating in WWII, and made it so he never fought Ultra. Indeed, Superman got several retellings of his origins and early days since, but Ultra was never brought back into his early history. Instead he just always fights Luthor, villains created by Luthor (like Bizarro and Metallo) and Brainiac. Presumably Ultra's stuck with his origin in the WWII era and still fought those guys, but it's just not the same if he doesn't fight Superman, too. Also, in the '50s, Superman first met Brainiac, who would go on to become his second arch-nemesis. More powerful than Luthor, but not quite as personal. Still, those two are the big ones, and Brainiac notably also has a penchant for body swapping. He didn't originally, but in the '80s they wanted to give him a new toyetic body, so they had him put his brain in a robot body. Well actually, he was revealed to be a robot very early on, but a robot designed to look like an alien so he could spy on alien civilizations and they wouldn't realize he was a robot. But by the '80s he gave up on that and just had a cool mecha body. In the late '80s after history changed, they rebooted him and now they said that actually Vril Dox, the real guy who the original Brainiac spy body (and mind) was based on, who was being executed for treason by the Computer Tyrants of his home planet, Colu, happened to be contacted by psychic Milton Fine, on Earth, right before his death. Milton Fine was a circus sideshow who used the stage name "Brainiac" and basically just pretended to be a psychic, but actually it turned out he did have powers. But Vril Dox had a much more powerful mind, due to his extreme 12 level intellect. (Luthor, by far the smartest human, has a 10th level intellect.) So basically Dox possessed Fine. But to keep his control, he needed to eat brains. Yeah, I don't think this has much to do with old Brainiac either. Old Brainiac was a guy who liked to go around and shrink cities with a ray gun, so he could collect them in bottles. But notably, this story was so different that it didn't fully mean that old Brainiac could never have existed. But he wasn't referenced again, at least for a very long time. Anyway, Fine Brainiac ends up swapping bodies a few more times (I think he takes the Milton Fine parts of his mind with him, but Vril Dox has long since been in full control), including notably once putting his brain in Doomsday's body. After he killed Superman, Doomsday lost subsequent rematches, partially due to basically being a mindless beast. But with Brainiac's mind, he should be able to win. But of course he didn't. Later they revealed that actually the original Brainiac was around this whole time, meaning basically a second copy of Vril Dox's mind, and the copy that went into Milton Fine's brain was just a "probe" (so presumably communicating with the original Brainiac) and thus basically became irrelevant. Later they established that there were apparently way more Brainiac probes. So basically, Brainiac completely stole Ultra-Humanite's body-hopping gimmick.
So anyway, they gotta find a way to reconcile things so Ultra can do a few things. 1) Be the first supervillain ever (or at least since the 1930s). 2) Be the first supervillain Superman fights. 3) Be an old man in a wheelchair. 4) Also be a giant-brained albino gorilla. 5) Not feel like he fills the same role in the story as Luthor. 6) Not feel like he fills the same role in the story as Brainiac. So here's my pitch. Back in 1939, Green Lantern Alan Scott, the first superhero in modern history, was investigating corruption in the taxicab union and came across the Ultra-Humanite. Iron Munro sucks and should only serve Superman's role in the All-Star Squadron. Actual Superman stories that are important to universe lore and not just Superman lore should go to Alan Scott, a much more likeable and important character. All those early stories happen with Alan Scott instead. Things otherwise proceed as before. Ultra does stuff during WWII, mostly in the body of Delores Winters, then disappears for decades. When Superman first appears, which happened about sixteen or seventeen years ago in current continuity, Ultra needs to be involved in his origin story, but so do Luthor and Brainiac, because they're just too famous and tied into Superman lore. So early on, Luthor isn't Superman's enemy. That's well established lore. They were friends when they were kids, at least in some versions of history. Since the '80s, Luthor has also been a businessman who hires scientists. He's also smart, but he's busy. So have it so since fighting The All-Star Squadron, Ultra had to ditch the Delores Winters body, since she was already one of the most recognizable people on Earth, and now was known as a supervillain. But the body he got stuck with now also had a degenerative disease that left him a cripple in modern day. So he's back to square one, and if you want, you can ignore all this history up to this point. But if you want to get into deep lore, then it's there. So in modern day, Ultra is an unnamed scientist hired by Luthor. He's using Luthor's money and tools to further his earlier work. Meanwhile, he's so unimportant to Luthor that Luthor doesn't bother to learn his name, even though he's a super genius. He's so smart that he is communicating with Brainiac. Brainiac's thing is that he wants to get the best examples of things from each planet and collect them. He previously got the greatest city of Krypton, Kandor, and also tried to collect Superman's dad, Jor-El, but when he couldn't, he settled for Jor-El's brother, Zor-El, who is Supergirl's dad. Brainiac then turned Zor-El into a Cyborg Superman. Not the original Cyborg Superman from the '90s, though. That's Hank Henshaw. There are two villains called Cyborg Superman, and neither one primarily fights Superman. Henshaw fights Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) and Zor-El fights Supergirl (Kara Zor-El). But anyway, Ultra knows what Brainiac does and wants to be recognized by Brainiac as the greatest example of a human, or in other words, a Superman. In fact, maybe we say that Ultra has been communicating with Brainiac since the '30s (because Brainiac has been going around space for decades before ever getting to Earth. That's also well established in the lore). That way we can say Ultra learned some of that body-swapping tech from Brainiac. Of course, Luthor is an arrogant bastard and also considers himself to be the ubermensch. Meanwhile, there's this new fag flying around town, and the newspapers are calling him Superman. Is he even human? How can the Superman not even be a man? So Luthor is of course keeping an eye on Ultra's work, and upon deciding it's good enough to care about, he fires Ultra and takes over himself. And of course he doesn't realize Ultra is the disgraced supervillain from the '40s, but he does destroy his new identity, just to make sure he can't get work anywhere else or get enough success to do his own thing. So Ultra is stuck doing behind the scenes gangster stuff to make some money and move his plans forward. And some taxicab union stuff happens again, so basically the original story is just plain canon, only Clark Kent (or Lois Lane, if you want to make her relevant), being a good reporter, does recognize similarities with that case from 1939. Eventually Superman meets Ultra, and it would be basically the same story again (or rather, just the original story is canon again), but that's fine because fans would appreciate that it's been made canon in both contexts, both in WWII and in Superman's early history. Then after a couple of adventures Ultra can go out and get the body of Delores Winters' daughter, which looks just like her, as her looking the same and also getting her body stolen is already part of the lore. The story where Winters steals her daughter's body would happen after this, as that's set well after Superman's early adventures. So her body gets stolen twice. Maybe it's her granddaughter or great granddaughter now. Doesn't matter. Whatever. So Ultra is running around as Delores Winters III or whatever, and trying to summon Brainiac to Earth, to hopefully give him a cyborg body and recognize him as The Ultra-Humanite. See? That's why he calls himself that. It's like an equivalent of Superman (which was clearly intended back in 1939, but no writers ever acknowledged). Also, Brainiac considers himself the best Coluan, so he could call himself something like The Super-Coluan or Ultra-Coluan or whatever. But Luthor, despite also considering himself to be the real Superman, recognizes that obviously summoning Brainiac is gonna be a bad idea, so he begrudgingly teams up with Superman to try to stop Ultra, who by this point has reestablished her "Secret Volcano Lair." The cat's out of the bag, and now they recognize Ultra as the supervillain from the '40s, the first supervillain ever, making her feel very threatening to the people in universe, who remember that she was a way bigger threat than Hitler. You could just have them defeat Ultra here, recreating her "death" from 1940, but that's a lame climax. So Ultra fakes her death (as she did in the '40s) and, in a last ditch effort to defeat Superman, finally decides to put her brain in a strong body, to finally have brains and brawn. So Ultra abandons her principles and gets the ultimate brutish body, a mutated albino gorilla with a giant brain. (Remember this story is the beginning of Superman's career, so this is how the albino gorilla body first appears.) Then Ultra can actually have a real fight with Superman, while Luthor is busy trying to mess with the signal to Brainiac to trick Brainiac into going to a different planet or whatever. But of course Luthor and Brainiac are a classic team-up, so perhaps here is when Brainiac recognizes what Luthor is doing (Brainiac is smarter than Luthor and can't be tricked), but respects him and sees him as the real Ubermensch, which is something that boosts Luthor's ego enough to help tip him over the line to villainy in the very near future. So Brainiac knows what's going on, and isn't tricked, but as part of a new plan with Luthor, he delays his arrival and goes to do something else in the meantime. I'm sure Brainiac does some other important stuff to some other planet in the lore, and we can say he goes to that planet instead. And of course Superman still beats Ultra in his gorilla body, and points out that Ultra isn't even a human anymore. In his quest to become The Ultra-Humanite, he completely lost his humanity. Superman wouldn't say it himself, but the point is that he really is the Superman, not because of his powers, but because of his philosophy. Luthor of course would completely disagree, and that would be what they fight over in the future. But for now, Luthor reports that he stopped Brainiac by sending him to another planet instead, which Superman finds horrifying since it's sacrificing a whole other planet, but it's just foreshadowing of Luthor's evil nature, and not an overt act of supervillainy yet. That's saved for the next arc/sequel. But the main thing is that now The Ultra-Humanite can be established as both the first supervillain ever and the first supervillain Superman fought. Also, his motivation would feel deeper since it would have that philosophical Nietzschean thing actually acknowledged. There can finally be a story that actually acknowledges that The Ultra-Humanite was meant to be a thematic foil to Superman, and tries to reconcile that with the fact that he ends up putting his brain in an albino gorilla body. Also also, it recognizes and tries to reconcile the fact that both Luthor and Brainiac steal his major gimmicks, since that's obviously a major reason he got put in an albino gorilla body in the first place, and essentially got removed from Superman lore. And oh yeah, they should make an actually good Superman video game. I know there are like a dozen of them, but I want a good one. DC Universe Online is maybe the closest there's ever been, and you can't actually play as Superman in that. And the game can use the story described above, but without all the WWII stuff, because that would only matter to mega-autist comics nerds.
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>>1042235 >>1042155 is it even NTR if you're not a couple anymore?
>>1042175 >Miquella's whole narrative through out he DLC is frankly a bit of a mess. The thing about Miquella is that his ``life`` is frankly a bit of a mess. That's part of his curse, he can never find culmination in any of his pursuits. The DLC plan only gets as far as it does in the first place because he ritually abandoned himself. I think the main reason people expected an ending from him is that everyone collectively baited themselves into thinking he was going to be a proper companion/quest giver through the DLC. From's promo material with him on Torrent etc didn't really help with that either. Though I am a bit confused that people seem to think the villian spin was a twist, since the main game kept persistently underlining his griffithness in all related descriptions. The only info that was truly new was how hard he was playing poor Mohg. Especially since the dlc text implies that the invasions were done on Miq's behest. (There was some slight dissonance in vanilla too with how all of Mohg's actual things are about bleeding yourself/the formless mother but without context that just ends up looking like a "doesn't matter where the blood flows from" thing). I agree with Melina's whole thing, I was one of the ones who went through the whole song and dance with the needle to save her, also kinda bummed that she isn't acknowledged in the DLC at all (at least a mention from Messmer regarding his sister would be appreciated even without her presence) but I can acknowledge that they probably considered it low priority off of the assumption that she wouldn't be alive for most players when the DLC starts.
>main bad guys aren't interesting beyond the bad girl being coomer bait >this fucking madlad appears and appears both threatening and entertaining >later a betrayal is teased for the streamer brother but nothing comes off it
>>1042190 Appropriate post theme.
>>1042336 >he put his brain in the body of famous actress, Delores Winters Jews pushing faggotry as always. Capeshit is always shit.
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>>1042376 >Though I am a bit confused that people seem to think the villian spin was a twist, since the main game kept persistently underlining his griffithness in all related descriptions. The only info that was truly new was how hard he was playing poor Mohg. Especially since the dlc text implies that the invasions were done on Miq's behest. (There was some slight dissonance in vanilla too with how all of Mohg's actual things are about bleeding yourself/the formless mother but without context that just ends up looking like a "doesn't matter where the blood flows from" thing). I think that people might just be tiring of the whole Golden Holy Guy was actually a villain all along shtick. Pre DLC lots of people wanted Miquella to be the good guy the setting needed The main difference of opinion was to whether Miquella was completely pure (as the Needle seemed to imply) or if he was pure in ideology and intent but had an uncontrollable cosmic curse that made him irresistible, whether he wanted it to function or not. Like how his sister didn't want to be the embodiment of rot but she didn't have much choice about it. I think the "twist" just left a bad taste in people' mouth, especially given they had 2 years to in vision him as someone completely different than he turned out. Even as he is his attempt at ascension puts him in a position that's not much different than Ranni's and lots of the fanbase and possibly even the developers consider her to be the "Good Ending". Hell even his cut dialogue sounds very similar to Ranni's final speech. They're almost two sides of the same coin. Both of them did a lot of betraying and got a lot of innocent people killed. Ranni arguably has a higher death toll even. And in Miquella's defense he's trying to make things better but he seems to be falling into the same trap his mom did. He was aiming for Emperor of Mankind but he fell assbackwards into Griffith so to speak. Ranni on the other hand did everything she did for almost entirely selfish reasons and it feels like and benefit to humanity is a post hoc justification. She just goes full Carian fedora tipper and then takes off to space with a "LOL you guys figure it out I'm sure we can trust this Darkmoon thing PEACE OUT". Of course if there's any at all connection between Elden and Souls then maybe the Darkmoon guy will work out fine after all. Perhaps the lands Between was destined to be ruled by one femboy or another in the coming age.
>>1042235 Rin was gonna need someone to care for her no matter what she does after she graduated. That'd either have to be Hisao or her parents, or she'd just so happen to need to be lucky to find an art school which accommodated for Abaddons like her. I think their chances of staying together are quite high. Hisao's pretty directionless himself in that route, so he would probably be fine following Rin and just making do with whatever is convenient. That goes for the other routes besides Emi's as well.
>>1042424 It goes without saying that Tiara Boobowski is a very underutilized character, given that she never actually appeared in a game. She did get a few non-speaking, non-named cameos in comics, though. More importantly, I think the proposed Sonic X-Treme stories involving CHAOSDOOM and The Rings of Order are very cool. Strangely, the guy who wrote the CHAOSDOOM story said that it was made up purely for a magazine, and not actually intended to be used in the game. I say it's strange because CHAOSDOOM were a group of evil elders of the civilization that abused the chaos emeralds and were destroyed. Those guys were already mentioned in Sonic 2, 3, and Knuckles. But what makes it interesting is that they said those guys were locked in the Master Emerald, and freed when Robotnik cracked it. So not only do they share similarities with Pachacmac (which makes sense since they're both elaborating on mentioned characters from old manuals), but also with Chaos. So these are major elements that would become part of Sonic Adventure a few years later, but it's apparently all a huge coincidence. The other story that involved The Rings of Order is interesting to me, as well. The Chaos Rings were concepts in Knuckles Chaotix, and if the Master Emerald is like a counterpart to the Chaos Emeralds, then the Chaos Rings having counterparts in the Rings of Order sort of makes sense. Then again, I'm pretty sure the Chaos Rings were tools the echidnas used to control chaos energy, so maybe they're already basically rings of order. If I was Ian Flynn, I'd use this concept and just say they're the same thing. It all depends on how they're used. >>1042468 No, it's because Ultra, and by extension the writers, were based. The story acknowledges that women have life on easy mode, and that Ultra would have an easier time getting away with supervillainy if he were a woman. I mean he still gets beaten, but it sort of works. The cops are easier on him, and Superman almost is until he realizes what's going on. Also, there is none of that "man trapped in a woman's body" thing, even though he's literally a man's brain in a woman's body. He has a woman's body so he's a woman. Gender is not a social construct. He's a woman because he has a pussy. When he gets a gorilla dick later, he goes back to being called a man, because it's the dick that matters. When later stories, published post-gorilla, take place in the past and feature Winters-era Ultra, she is again referred to as a woman, because she has a pussy. You're accidentally using faggot rules, pretending it's the brain that matters to if you're called he or she. Nobody cares. If you've got a dong you're a man, and if you don't then you're a woman. And if you've got a giant mutated gorilla brain, then you're that.
>>1042572 It is trannysmi bullshit disguised as whatever excuse they made.
>>1042068 I never posted how the fight could be fixed and honestly I'm not sure how to make it function more consistently. It ain't as simple as fixing the Witch of Hemwick in Bloodborne would be. All that needs to remove the insight requirement for spawning mad ones and maybe move the entrance before the Grand Cathedral gate so you'll be more likely to reach them at an earlier level. The Monkeys I don't know about. Maybe the whole boss arena would need a redesign.
>>1042710 Trannys weren't even a thing in the 30's bar specific demented kikes wet dreams (Magnus Hirschfeld in Berlin)
>>1042071 >I think the biggest mistake they did with his character was not giving him a love interest Did you forget Megan Reed who was voiced by Elias Toufexis' (Adam Jensen) actual wife? Granted lead writer Mary DeMarle did nothing to repair their relationship during the end of HR (1st webm is the last time Adam sees Megan, not to mention she has a friendly tone towards the person who shot Adam at the beginning of the game) and as you said MD didn't build anything despite the post credits showing Megan working under Bob Page just to show some connection to the first Deus Ex. There was also Eliza Cassan but I doubt they were interested in writing a man-machine romance.
>>1042830 Personally I don't think a love interest would have saved his character. We kind of saw that with Megan and Malick (missed opportunity not letting Malick be the love interest tomboy for Mankind Divided). He had the voice, the style, the armaments, only thing he missed IMO was more good dialogue (all he has is basically "I never asked for this" and maybe "get me out of here malick") and an actually captivating story. Maybe a good antagonist would help make him stand out.
>>1042799 That is exactly the point: kikes were pushing that as far back as the 30s. Maybe even earlier.. Remember that kike piece of shit that made the disastrous movie Plan 9 from Outer Space? He made one of the first movies about crossdressing, called Glen or Glenda. Kikes were always pushing for tranny dementia, and capeshit was one of their propaganda vessels.
>>1042830 >>1042843 I always thought Malick would make a love interest and honestly she had the closest relationship to him post-accident. Sadly because it was possible for her to die they didn't bring her back in the sequel and just a little easter egg where he mentioned her.
>>1042142 Going to tell him to touch grass and get some bitches next? Fuck off back to where you came from, "nigger".
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>>1042851 What is this historical revision? Ed Wood wasn't jewish. Glen or Glenda was originally going to be a biopic about Jorgensen The First Tranny and was being produced by a seedy Z grad Hollywood producer, who was jewish. Ed ended up basically discarding all of that and transformed it into a semi biographical story about his own life. Ed for his part was neither a homosexual, an autogenophile, nor was he suffering from dysphoria. He crossdressed because his mother wanted a girl and so she dressed him up as a child. If anything Ed was a victim. >Plan 9 from Outer Space >disastrous It's simply not a particularly good movie but it was no where near "disastrous" I can think of multiple movies that are far less watchable. Actually I don't want to think of most of them.
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>>1042164 These are just interesting characters that could've benefited with more lore or story presence. That's Fromsoft characters in general with how their writing is.
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>>1042421 >>1043797 >>1043827 Take a moment to consider how culture of popular imageboard has changed within 8 years. >2016 >censored pantsu and cabbage stroking simulator getting its minigame cut off means death sentence >2024 (2025 in a month) >memes themselves decry oversexualization of womyn Nothing really to defend cuckchan for anymore. But i know there are underlying discord messaging here too when local sleeper agent wants to play ninja. A real kick in the nuts is how people who had some goals back then are now weighted and pressurised by noticing shit. Which is pointless in sense of previous narrative.
>>1043867 >>memes themselves decry oversexualization of womyn I don't blame them completely. They can't help being "beautiful ones". They didn't make the mouse utopia they are living in.
>>1043867 >memes themselves decry oversexualization of womyn Cuckchan has more lewd posts of attractive female characters on /v/ and even /co/ than 8moe does.
>>1043875 Maybe because of sheer volume of posts. Also porn has always been the cheapest way to get attention on the internet, everyone knows that.
>>1042071 >He had Malik but they killed her offscreen. No, you can save her and canonically she survives. IIRC she's mentioned in passing in DXMD. Still, they did nothing with her otherwise, yeah.
>>1043883 >t. lcp
>>1043883 I never get my post nuked here, must be a skill issue on your end mate.
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>>1042044 >Kai Leng was hated by absolutely everyone, mocked to death and lived in absolute ignominy before fading into shameful obscurity >pic related is a fan favorite, memed to death and still fondly remembered to this day What went different?
>>1044188 Because Kai was an absolute fucking cunt and a faggot, while Sam is just plain fun.
>>1044188 Sam was in a better game, a better written game, and Sam was actually a fun character, as opposed to bootleg Nightwing/Martin Sheen's private bitch boy.
>>1044188 >>1044223 Sam absolutely needs his own full game. He has an awesome weapon too. On the surface it looks like an edgy-cool red katana but when you look at it from the whole perspective you realize that it's a scabbard that shoots katanas and he's monkey fisting it as it fires to give him an edge over other vibroblade users.
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>>1044223 >>1044188 I think it also helps that Sam actually shows up throughout the game instead of spending all his screentime being a silent plot device.
>>1044231 What would Sam's Rival be in this hypothetical game? Obviously excluding Raiden.
>>1044234 >instead of spending all his screentime being a silent plot device. Only in the mod. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=s9A7kxarfGU
>>1042148 >Stop speaking niggerbabble and use a Hard R next time. >Nigger Potato, potahto. >>1043875 Don't forget /a/.
>>1042078 Anon, all of the writing in that game was mediocre and the only reason anyone would say otherwise is for nostalgia reasons and the fact it was made by 4chan
>>1044616 And? You could say the same about Snoot Game and people seemed to like that besides Anons.
>>1044622 And they should have refined their writing style and not disparage the very group of people they were targeting
>>1044625 >disparage the very group of people they were targeting Say what?
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>>1044625 >disparage the very group of people they were targeting Anon what the fuck are you talking about?
>>1044252 The gangs in Brazil. His DLC already mentions what he was doing before he went after World Marshall. Just make some exaggerated hue that gets to be his rival.
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>>1046071 >>1046079 Are you stupid? Let's just pretend that this character didn't exist and that the writers weren't openly mocking him, even though he spoke the truth
>>1046594 >the writers were openly mocking him No they weren't. If you felt disparaged and insecure because they use him as a comedic side relief (and the biggest bro to our protagonist), write atleast 200 word post explaining why he did and why you feel that.
>>1046611 I aint doing that lol. The game says that the entire reason why he became the way he is because he had sex with a woman once and got tired, kek. That's the entrire reason of why he's staunchly anti feminist. The main character even scoffed at his remarks and the only time he doesn't is when he gets drunk on a roof with him which leads to his death. Even more damning is that even in your own words he's a joke character
>>1046661 >>1046594 >when you're so much of an autistic sperg that the only character you relate to is an autistic sperg who murders you if you befriend him Unironically kill yourself
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>>1046662 >murders you This has to be bait right?
>>1046667 >"If I were going to kill someone, I'd do it by throwing them off a roof and making it look like an accident" <it was totally just an accident that you happen to die in that fashion Imagine being this naive. I could probably point a gun at you, shoot you in the face, and right up until the bullet enters your tiny brain you would probably believe I was doing you a favor if I said something "based" beforehand like "This is for the future of the white race." or something.
>>1046662 That was the whole point moron. The writers were mocking us. If you like this trash game, you are trash
>>1046594 That character is proof the game was woke
>>1046669 >us >all imageboard anons are /r9k/ fags Wew
>>1046742 >trust women lmao
I find it funny that a character being openly mocked for his feminist conspiracy theories and people actually defend this shit in current year when we have all seen what feminists have done to the video game industry in a negative way
>>1046742 A lot of imageboard users are /r9k/ fags, robots aren't rare.
>>1046668 That was basically the whole point. They painted anyone anti feminist as overly paranoid conspiracy theorists who'd even stab men in the back because of those conspiracy theories. It wouldn't even surprise me of the writers of this vn sucked moots cock
>>1046873 >They painted anyone anti feminist as overly paranoid conspiracy theorists who'd even stab men in the back because of those conspiracy theories. Anti feminists have good arguments, and feminists have bad arguments. Anti feminists who argue lose, so they rely on manufacturing assent while painting anyone anti feminist as overly paranoid conspiracy schizos. Who was the fat fed woman who did this to /pol/ again?
>>1042051 > I would've much rather if he was a silent protagonist. Nah, it would've just been awkward. >Making Brecken the MC Now we're talking. Rahim wasn't MC material, though him being a constant companion rather than fading into irrelevance early on would've been a good move. Agree with the spoiler 100% by the way. I hate his sister by the way, she was so annoying.
>>1042044 Had no idea who this fucker was when playing the Legendary Trilogy, kinda late to introduce a "rival" in the third installment, felt too much like Gary Stu OC that someone with too much authority shoved in. Save the character by introducing him in ME2, fuck it, if possible at least give him a mention in ME1
>>1046594 >>1046661 >>1046669 Aside from him being a comic relief character. Every time Kenji ends up talking directly to any of the girls, he is completely lucid, and generally quite friendly to the girls, not to mention his previous relationship with Yuuko The fact that he's a conspiracy theorist in private and normal and social in public, really just makes him seem like a normal /pol/ack. Something that the devs treat as humorous, but also have a certain amount of endearment towards at the same time. So it doesn't really feel like he was intended as a simpleminded satire. Plus the fact that he's basically right half the time doesn't help
I want to say the protagonist in Fallout 4 Having a voiced MC was a terrible idea yet the writing also did not help If the protagonist was silent would the game overall have been better, this of course would mean more terrible writing which is likely why they went with a voiced MC. Honestly don't know how one would polish the turd.
This is sort of a general complaint with no real solution provided so sorry in advance but I continue to remain impressed at how utterly fucking atrocious PGI is at writing. The fact that their writing is the bottom of the barrel in a franchise with over a hundred shitty novels is just baffling, especially considering that they don't have to do fuck all themselves. They didn't need to make the setting of Battletech, they didn't need to make the map map, they didn't need to write the history of the setting, they didn't have to make up any factions or faction leaders or notable side characters or current events, etc. It's all just there waiting for Generic McProtagonist to observe and interact with in a noncommittal way thanks to the thousands and thousands of pages of writing and world-class wiki that already existed before MW5 was even a glint in their eye. Nobody was expecting anything better than "barely tolerable" from them but when one of the most frequent criticisms of the game is "this game would be better if the main plot didn't exist" with a postscript of "also for the love of christ please just let me mute the characters and skip dialogue" then you have a pretty remarkable fucky wucky on your hands. As for the solution, I have no idea besides the extremely vague and unhelpful suggestion that they hire actual writers instead of whatever the fuck they're currently doing.
>>1046912 Fallout 4 was boring as shit but I liked the snarky dialogue it sometimes allowed you to have even if it meant like nothing. *8I only liked FO4 'cos the female robots, otherwise I got bored far too quickly. And I played it modded out like mad**
>>1046909 He literally shoved the mc off a roof, obviously he wasn't made to be a comic relief, more of a mockery than anything else
>>1046957 Why would they mock a group to whom they themselves belonged if they wanted to mock Anons?
>>1046958 You're anonymous dude, it means nothing. Just look at the joke that is leftypol
>>1046894 >Save the character by introducing him in ME2, fuck it, if possible at least give him a mention in ME1 It's rather interesting how common this opinion is, even here.
>>1042044 >pic related Just give him a mask and make him never talk, ever. It solves all of his problems and makes him at least not obnoxious.
>>1051244 That's what a modder did. Still feels like wasted potential.
>>1051244 Another silent antagonist who doesn't show his face would have been painfully generic though.
Should have made "KL" a face mask wearing clone like in the ME3 DLC. Just a backup clone of Shepard that is the opposite of the morality your Shep is, went Renegade in ME2 then "KL" is a clone of a Paragon Shep who follows the Illusive Mans orders, did you go Paragon in ME2 then "KL" is a Renegade Shep that will do whatever it takes to complete the mission. Honestly it feels like KL was just shoved into the game by a higher up and nobody had the power to shoot it down. That's how you fix KL, replacing him with the DLC clone Shep

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