Writing the backstory of the classes is fun.
>Air Ranger
>Airborne strategic command ops. Their high synergy of military and civilian expertise, among the EDF armed forces, is a lasting legacy from the Civil Conflicts era. Deteriorating envinronmental conditions and the exacerbation of regional disputes had left the world in a state of diffused unrest. To counter the worsening humanitarian crisis, contingency teams had to become more decisive and flexible. Leadership and teamwork became skill requirements in the face of shifting global scenarios: military tasks, such as securing critical infrastructure could evolve at any time into civilian rescue operations like the delivery of relief goods, or the airlift of endangered personnel.
>The Air Rangers's striking vocation to defend the people is perhaps the best example of the EDF's mission to protect all of humanity, regardless of the divisions within. This call for unity is indeed what propelled them to fame during the turbulent events of the Colonial Uprising. Over 400 mining outposts had been established in the Earth's high orbit, extracting resources from asteroids and pioneering space habitation; until the wealthiest of them, Colony 313, claimed independence and lead the rest to rebellion.
>Clashes between the orbital drop troops and the EDF continued with intensity, until a stray shot severed the cables of the main colony's habitat module and threatened to plunge all of the colonists to their deaths. As the world watched, the Air Rangers unilaterally ceased hostilities and rushed to lead the rescue effort, coordinating the best of both armies and finally managing to reach the falling module in the nick of time. Building a bond of honor between the opposing combatants.
>That unauthorized truce would eventually turn into the peace talks that ended the war. Upon his arrest, one unnamed commander is often quoted saying: 'there was never an enemy facing us in this war, only despair itself'.
>Storm Rider
>Orbital mech troopers hailing from Space Colony 313, an asteroid mining outpost which famously led the other colonies in a secession attempt from the Earth, declaring that the first nation of the space frontier had been born.
>Its romantic fascination, as well as the great wealth of resources extracted from the STORM-313 asteroid by zero-G exoskeletons, had helped the small colony gather a vast fellowship of skilled and technically minded adventurers. In the tumultuous days that followed the declaration of independence, those colonists would go on to earn themselves a fame as legendary mech pilots, pioneering daring zero-G maneuvers as their trademark 'orbital drop incursion'.
>Even though years have passed since the EDF brought an end to the war, the Storm Riders still hold a cocky and prideful attitude toward their old arch rivals, the Grim Reapers. After the tragic arrival of the Primers, Colony 313 still plays a determinant role in disrupting the enemy forces that enter the Earth's orbit and encircle our planet.
>Some say that the old separatist sentiment has flared back up, now that the squadrons of mechs are once again launching from STORM-313. More than one radio operator who tried to contact the site of an orbital incursion, has instead caught an unauthorized broadcast playing the old battle hymn of the frontier. 'Look at the sky and rejoice, those who kneel; for the angels of freedom fly, on wings of steel'.