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Atelier Thread: Beginner Friendly Edition Anonymous 10/05/2024 (Sat) 02:17:54 Id: ec297a No. 1023090
What's your favourite game in the Atelier series? Who is best girl? Where would you suggest newcomers start?
Someone recently translated Atelier Marie for the GBC, still menaing to play it...someday
>>1023090 Currently playing through Ryza 1 and its better than I thought. My first time playing it I dropped it because the battle music was complete garbage but I gave it a second try and its not bad. I basically just beat the dragon and got the hammer to destroy rocks is where Im currently at.
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I just started playing Atelier Marie Remake, and only just made it to the first winter, so I can't really say much about it. Cute so far though. Haven't played any other Atelier games. I like Mu.
>>1023090 >Where would you suggest newcomers start? I'd recommend Sophie as a first game but mainly because it's also my first. But generally the only factor people should really consider for their first game is >do I like time limits >do I like the alchemy system >do I like the protag
>>1023095 Is that nigger from Atelier? If so it's another shit series I'll never touch.
>>1023400 You sound insecure anon, it's just a cute nigger what problem do you have with her?
Atelier ayesha is the one that I started with. Didn't complete it though, Can't remember why I never did. Also goddamn I want to mating press every girl in this game. Especially regina. They aren't even thick but something about them just makes me want to mate.
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Oh yeah I forgot I had this.
>>1023092 >My first time playing it I dropped it because the battle music was complete garbage You can always use the music from Blue Reflection, which I like a lot better.
Here's a tip for people who like the concept of the Atelier series, especially the crafting autism, but hate the time limits that limit exploration and can force you into fights that you're not prepared for due to not having time to gather materials: play the Mana Khemia series instead. MK is a spinoff of Atelier by the same dev and has everything people generally like about the Atelier series except time only passes when you do specific, main story quests that are clearly marked as such. The player is in full control of when time passes, which means you can explore and craft at your leisure.
I tried Altelier Ryza back when it came out. I hated the crafting stuff and the time limits, but loved the waifus. I'm conflicted whether to go back and try it again or not.
>>1023860 Go back and try it again if nothing better's lined up.
>>1023860 Don't recall Ryza having time limits. >I hated the crafting stuff Ryza's crafting is pretty simple though, at least compared to older games.
>>1023904 The question is moot, because the games can't salvage taste as shit as yours no matter how good they are.
Didn't this series got the Fate Grand Order treatment where they made a gacha with crazy MTX to milk off the fans?
>>1024020 Atelier Resleriana: Forgotten Alchemy and the Polar Night Liberator from earlier this year. It's for Steam and mobile and you need internet to play.
>>1023904 5/10, made me reply.
>>1023918 >Don't recall Ryza having time limits. You're probably right, I played so little of it that I'm just assuming. I just know there's some sort of time system. >Ryza's crafting is pretty simple though, at least compared to older games. Really? It seemed overwhelming to me, but I only played a few hours, so maybe I just need to play more.
A fix to get better performance on Windows/Linux: https://github.com/doitsujin/atelier-sync-fix Native HDR mods (only for Ryza series): https://github.com/clshortfuse/renodx/wiki/Mods
>>1026864 LOL, it's so funny that normalfag Windows users still haven't figured out that they can just delete all the bloatware files that are in the System32 folder. Games like Atelier run so much faster without all that processing power going to redundant Microshit functions.
>>1026894 I tried deleting the bloatware and now my computer doesn't work. Help!
I hope you guys are playing with nude mods.
>>1026894 i run arch btw
>>1028111 >I hope you guys are playing with nude mods. I fucking miss moderchan.
Can't wait for the new game next March. It looks great.
>>1044009 Do you mean Yumia? Honestly not sure how they're gonna handle a non turn based Atelier game and how impactful the items you craft will be in real time combat.
>>1028111 I installed the nude mod and now men have penises. How to fix this glitch? I tried being gay, but it didn't work.
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I played Atelier Iris as a kid, which was more like a traditional JRPG. Loved it a lot. Years later, I played Iris 2 and 3. They're separate stories, thankfully, as I didn't like them. It seemed like each new entry became more claustrophobic. In 2, the world map went from free-ish roam to forced dotted paths between locations like a modern 2D Mario game. In 3, the world map vanishes entirely, and majority of the game is spent in heavily cluttered pocket dimensions that are timed levels, and the hub town for these isn't very big either. Funny enough, I think the game mechanics are objectively improved in these games, but I just couldn't enjoy them because I hated their worlds. After the Iris series, I know it started becoming about cute girl MCs and sometimes yuri undertones in a comfy setting. But did it also continue this direction I hated with the latter Iris games? NORN A CUTE!
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>>1044640 >lando Those are just Annona. Is this a localizer thing because Americans wouldn't know what they are?
>>1044641 >Lando are real Holy shit. I've wanted to eat the "fictional" fruit since I was a kid. >Is this a localizer thing because Americans wouldn't know what they are? Possibly. There have been several questionable choices I noted throughout the game when I replayed it as an adult.
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>>1044642 They've got a really gooey inside (when ripe! very often sold unripe) and they taste kind of like an egg tart, which is why you'll often see them called custard apples. Go to a Latino, Middle Eastern or Asian supermarket, you'll likely find them. There's around 170 species and they've got a ton of different, often shared names. >Possibly. There have been several questionable choices I noted throughout the game when I replayed it as an adult. Oh, do tell. I love hearing weird translation choices.
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>>1044677 >>1044641 >>1044642 There's an American version too, the pawpaw. It's got wide distribution but it's rather uncommon.
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>>1044677 Here ya go. I used think they were censoring Lita drinking alcohol, but it seems more like some kind of gag where she gets drunk easily, and even if there's no alcohol.
I liked sophie. Sophie best girl. Best game if you're not autistic. There's 4 games with sophie in it. Trillogy and the spinoff. Ryza a shit.
https://archive.fo/0vGbx [Important] Notice of End of Service for Atelier Resleriana Global on March 28th, 2025 >Thank you for playing the global version of Atelier Resleriana. >It is with deep regret that we inform you that the global version of Atelier Resleriana will be ceasing operations on Friday, March 28th, 2025, at 11:00 (UTC+8). >Ever since the launch of our service, we have placed our players’ enjoyment as a top priority by constantly refining the game with diverse events and ongoing improvements. >However, after assessing that we are unable to continue these pursuits at a satisfactory standard for our players, we have made the difficult decision to end our service. >To all our players who have been with us on this adventure, we sincerely thank you for your support, and we hope you enjoyed this journey as much as we did. >Although service will end on March 28th, we have some events lined up for you to enjoy until the very end. Please read on for details about the schedule leading up to the end of service. lmao they waited until the 1st anniversary event was over to announce this. Looks like all those Ryza variants weren't enough to save the game, although the gacha will still be running in JP.
>>1068053 Good riddance I say, gacha made using existing IPs is a parasite that slowly kills of the original IP.
>>1068060 Yeah but big companies don't understand how to make money from new IP, or anything without predatory micro transactions...
>>1068088 No wonder they're all going bankrupt or selling themselves to the highest bidder...
>>1068088 God forbid they cater to the fanbase and give them what they want (and more if possible)
>>1044640 >ESRB He just tells her no, and doesn't even crack a loli joke. Gonna take a swing in the dark and guess NISA did the localizing.
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>>1068786 >Gonna take a swing in the dark and guess NISA did the localizing. Correct!
<h-h-he-e-ey atelier fans!!1! <so uh, remember when we called you guys a bunch of smelly losers who want to see beautiful animu girls kiss and engage in skinship with each other, said we didn't need you and wanted to chase that mythical global audience? <well, uh, preorder numbers for Yumia aren't looking so hot and nobody's viewing our trailers (we got outperformed by fricking Synduality and that game is fucking dead) <and uh, turns out when we were in a tight bind due to our supersmart DEI/BRIDGE/ESG policies absolutely fucking us over, Ryza with her Golden Week bikini and cowtats saved us! Multiple times! Yeah, gacha collabs and everything, she's the only reason we're continuing the Ryz-uh, the Atelier gacha in Japan after the mythical global BPD harpies didn't come out for it! Yeah, uh, can't argue with green, especially with the shareholders being really mad at us over policore, heh. <s-s-so forget about us fucking you guys over, we need you guys to buy the hag title! For us, okay? Look, we even brought out the bikinis and swimsuits. We even have the men leering in that iconic toxic masculinity we totally supported all along. Come out for the ma-shit I keep fucking this up, the female characters. <hahahaha aren't we based in these trying times, w-who would ever think of removing sex appeal from games, w-we're not like those other losers, hahaha who would be so dumb to do that crap, r-right? <oh god fucking buy this pleeeeeeeeease
>>1073389 too old
>>1073389 Have the girls kiss and maybe we'll see.
>>1073389 They can't even give us an option for explicit yuri.
>>1073389 Anon that is too much purple texts I can't read shit.
>>1044800 I like this hag better than the new game hag.
>>1073389 >Series finally explodes in popularity thanks to Ryza and her tights >We want to move away from it to appeal to a "wider audience" I’d bet their audience never got as huge as the Ryza games. So fucking stupid.
Are the ps1 games worth a play?
I tried to get into Ryza, but I realised the time limits from the older games give some structure and decision-making to the crafting and exploration. Without it, i started to lose interest.
>>1073570 >to appeal to a "wider audience" Genshin audience specifically, which is why Yumia got open world exploration and base building.
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>>1073587 I’ve played every PS3 Atelier game up through Atelier Sophie on the PS4 (never played Ryza). I’ve never tried the PS1 or PS2 ones, though I really should. I love the art style >>1073786 So, strip the saga of its main features and everything people grew up loving, just to turn it into another generic anime game with a lackluster presentation and, at best, average gameplay? Why not build on what Ryza did well to keep those new players hooked while tossing in some classic elements for the old fans? It’s always baffled me how developers keep biting the hands that feed them over and over again.
>>1073817 >It's going to sell 2M copies on the first week Nigger even Ryza didn't do that and this shit isn't doing Ryza numbers. You sound like those blackpilled retards, if not niggerpill himself.

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