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Asscreed Shadows delayed AGAIN Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 19:25:58 Id: 8de81b No. 1059141
This just in, Assassin's Creed: Shadows has been delayed another two months from January 9th to March 20th. This comes directly after the report from "People Make Games" who I'm not going to link to since they're massive faggots, where one of their support studios "Brandoville" is charged with abusing Indonesia developers to make assets for the upcoming game. Not to mention the outright fuckery going on with Sweet Baby Inc and general disrespect towards Japanese culture, and you have a game that's set to crash and burn when it releases this March. This is on top of the Guillemot brothers desperately trying to retain control of the company and is trying to go private as the Tencent buyout has currently haulted according to Insider-Gaming. This is ON TOP of the failures of Star Wars, Avatar, Skull and Bones, and XDefiant with some of their failing projects far exceeding 100 million. Finally Ubisoft is likely to go private in 2025 with people within Ubisoft themselves believing that nothing will actually change if an acquisition would take place. Ubisoft is FUCKED https://archive.ph/wip/ZhFH8 https://archive.ph/wip/luh03
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>>1072574 I just hope this shit helps bury this retarded myth so no one else tries to put niggers in japanese related media again. >B-BUTH IF DONE RIGHT No, i don't want niggers in my entertainment. If you have niggers you're already telling me you don't care about making an aesthetically pleasing experience.
>>1072574 >they can skip playing as black samurai I can do better, skip buying or even pirating the whole game.
>>1072574 Great, now the people can shit on the game on it's own merits, without anyone having to bring up the racism card. Bravo Ubisoft!
>>1072574 It's still gonna be garbage and I'm looking forward to it pulling a Veilguard.
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>>1072574 It's too late, they got outcompeted.
>>1072577 The only darkies I want in my Nip entertainment are Okinawans. >>1072577 >If you have niggers you're already telling me you don't care about making an aesthetically pleasing experience. To be fair though I've seen some cute niggerlolis when made by the right artist. Mostly from fan artists and OCs but still.
>>1072594 Dark skinnned only looks good in anime (like dark elves for instance), because they look like white people with tans and they lack the usual nigger features such as a big nose and huge lips. Also, they don't act like niggers in anime. They're just white people with a tan.
>>1072592 The nips need to do more crappy unity shitpost games
>>1068920 >by Jim Jarmusch huh, gonna give it a try Deadman was 3deep5me, but I liked Broken Flowers (Bill Murray is turbo sad)
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>>1072592 Is this Team Sneed with a new name? >HistoryAccurateDevelopers I'm like 90% sure it is Hopefully there's some KC2 shit thrown in for some laughs as well. >>1072577 I don't know, I wouldn't mind games set in Africa, but you never get any of those anymore because Amerishitter press will have a field day calling the game racist for views and clicks. So lets shove niggers everywhere for investment funds and government grants!
>>1072577 You can do it correctly though, Like if you want niggers in your game just set it in a place that has niggers.
>>1072617 >Just have a racially ambiguous sexy black female dressed in either tight jeans or skimpy tribal costumes shooting at infected niggers in africa with his big white cock sidekick bro This is not 2008 any more, bro.
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>>1072617 >tfw no fun Abbo game like Turok with boomerangs and giant lizards >tfw no Africa Souls >tfw no game where you play as a bare-assed Polynesian brown loli going on fun island adventures <naw man here's the 100th race swapped character or the 30th ugly man faced big fro'd negress with a bad attitude <act now and we'll throw in another Niggerai just for free!
>>1072620 Fuck you for reminding me. I didn't even like 2008 but it was so much better than now. >>1072629 Turok is fucking sick, I am totally up for any turok clone.
>>1072615 >I don't know, I wouldn't mind games set in Africa, but you never get any of those anymore because Amerishitter press will have a field day calling the game racist for views and clicks. Seriously, how cool would a hunter/gatherer game set in West Africa be? Imagine doing actual bushcraft and survival shit in the Congo while escaping from Benin slavers with Enfield rifles. You could get all Rambo with the traps and hunt wild elephants. You could sign on to be a guide for some dumbasss British noble who wants to have a safari and decide whether or not a lion eats him. I would play the fuck out of that.
What's this I hear about spoilers for the game already being leaked? Anything good, yet?
>>1074036 It has amazing bamboo slashing technology
>>1074044 I bet Metal Gear Rising is still better.
>>1069366 The problem is african history would just be apartheid or egypt, maybe hebrews, sumeria, and mesopotamia.
>>1074049 Of course it is, it was made by Platinum Game in their prime.
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Some posts about copies of the game leaking early, provided by our friends over on Sleepy/v/. Here is what we have thus far: >Assassin’s Creed Shadows is already being leaked and streamed online a month before release https://archive.ph/UOq3O <t’s not immediately clear how the copies were acquired so early or how many are currently available, but X user @DannyStevens__, who claimed to have bought the game on Facebook Marketplace, posted photos of its box and installation screen, followed by photos and videos of the game playing. These have since been removed, but not before they were saved and reposted online. <TheGamer also spotted a now-removed listing on US auction site Mercari which showed the seller holding multiple copies of the game in their hands. Each copy sold for $100. <Some of those acquiring copies of the game have started sharing its contents online. VGC has already seen two Twitch streams showing the game, one of which is still available as an archive recording at the time of writing. Videos attached are from the dude's Twitter, which were reuploaded by redditors on: https://archive.ph/SzUpg https://imgur.com/a/PPhSeqN From this post: https://archive.ph/fcgbh
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>>1074044 Better than Skyward Sword?
>>1074079 How retarded is the fucker filming this shit? Like you couldn't have fucked up a screen capture much worse than that.
>>1074084 He's a nigger
>>1073715 >Assymetrical Zulu War game >Survival Horror game in a shanty town >Reservation Guard/Builder simulator So much you could do
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>>1074079 So a handful of niggers lift a few copies of the game, how does something like that even happen anyways? >>1074080 of course it's for PS5, the penultimate niggerstation probably the first thing on their empty nigger brains when they were smashing and grabbing anything they could get their greasy monkey mitts on
>>1074091 Literally what you said, games ship out prior to their actual release and the niggers they hired in the warehouses steal a few.
>>1074080 >Limited Edition: includes game Wow, fancy.
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>>1074091 >of course it's for PS5, the penultimate niggerstation probably the first thing on their empty nigger brains when they were smashing and grabbing anything they could get their greasy monkey mitts on
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>>1074118 >all these niggers running away with an empty box even after most would suspect there wasn't anything inside
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>>1074092 >pander to niggers to lie about them being humans >niggers in real life only manage to prove that they are indeed, nigger. Thieves by nature, and with inferior genes who make them behave like monkeys I love when real life and nature prove libtards wrong
>>1074118 Why do these negroes lust so much after an inferior hwite product when the slick, black PSTriple exists?
>>1074118 Why is their first instinct to run away with it.
>>1074233 >Time does not exist to the nigger, there is only the present, the now. A cop yells, "do not run I will [in the future] shoot!" This phrase is meaningless to the nigger. In the nigger's mind he has two choices: be detained by the cops, or run and be free. That the cop will start shooting 5 seconds into the future is incomprehensible to the nigger. Niggers are living in a science fiction parallel universe where there is no continuity with themselves 15-seconds into the future. As a White man you think you are still you 15-seconds in the future, not so to the nigger. The nigger sees no relation to himself 15-seconds in the future, it is a completely different person. Their interests are unrelated if not opposed. >Once you understand that a nigger cares as much about himself 15-seconds into the future as you do about some random nigger, all of a sudden all a nigger's decisions makes sense. Why go into obscene amounts of debt for some chrome rims? Some other random nigger will have to pay it back instead of you. Why rape some random White girl? Some other random nigger will go to jail not you. Etc. Niggers are literally free of all consequences for their actions as they've broken the cause effect chain through nigger magic. >Now you can also appreciate the injustice of niggers being shot or put in jail. If a nigger shot at a cop 15-seconds ago, that was a completely different random nigger to the nigger. The nigger getting shot was just living his life (in an alternate universe where you forever live in one moment) and is now being shot for literally no reason. >Black mamas have been trying to explain this to thick White people for years with the shorthand 'He dindu nuffin'. These obese negresses are trying to explain that, while to you it appears that her nigger son committed some horrific act of violence, in fact that was actually a completely different nigger in a parallel universe. Niggers only exist in the moment, and in the moment the negress is speaking (the only moment she has ever known), her nigger son literally has not done anything wrong. >Being a nigger is like reliving Groundhog Day over forever, but in 15-second clips. The next time you interact with a nigger or goldfish remember that."

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