/trapshota/ - Trap Shota

Lolis With A Few Extra Inches

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Anonymous 08/05/2021 (Thu) 06:01:08 Id: 00899a No. 91
Trap shota with adult man
>>91 Unrelated but I do appreciate the grittiness of a shota looking more like he's wearing his moms clothes and looking kind of awkward like the OP pic. Most other trap shota stuff is just "loli with benis", which is ironically the description of this board.
>>95 I know what you mean. I love it as well. Having heavy makeup like OP and >>50 makes it better
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>>144 who’s the artist?
>>155 Joel Jurion/jjfrenchie.
I'm pretty sure the cover picture for this set was in one of the 8chan default banners.
>>158 based romans

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