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Ultimate /tkr/ Hate Thread Anonymous 07/23/2024 (Tue) 05:29:27 Id: 2a9e71 No. 69138
A lot like the artists hate thread but more broadly focused on this board as a whole. Rant and rave about anything and everything, from annoying threads you don’t like, annoying users you dont like (that are totally samefags I swear), annoying specific posts you don’t like, conspiracy theories, argue about tickle opinions, argue about Lila, argue about literally anything. All hate is welcome here
To start off I think everything being requested and posted in the special requests thread sucks and you should all post and ask for better shit
>>69139 Like what? 5 bucks?
>>69141 Preferably something not bland or ugly
>>69138 Imagine getting stuff for free and still hatin on life. Gtfo you ungrateful, unsatisfied lil p full of s
>>69139 good start
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>>69139 So true. Maybe it's just nostalgia but I feel like there used to be some pretty good art posted from time to time. Nowadays I don't even bother checking anymore
Mass spoilers for no reason
Every single fucking tickling reddit (shut the fuck up I know) is absolute dog shit. Either used for just feet content without tickling or the same fags begging for RP or larping as women. Also shitty amateur content or fat fuck C4S shilling. Gotta be one of the worst fucking places for tickling content.
>>69138 I could piss and shit myself for hours over how much I HATE dialogue in fetish art. It's like porn dialogue but dial the cringe to 11. I understand the fetish has a lot of suspension of disbelief, especially with art, but I can't get hard reading your 8th grade yuri dialogue that no human has ever uttered aloud. And if you DARE to question it or ask for a dialogue-less alt (which is easy to do if you make art in layers and aren't retarded, plenty of people do it) artists usually throw a fit. If anything, the lack of dialogue gets the mind working and you can fill in the words yourself. Less is more, etc.
>>69138 For starters, let's hope that this thread stays about genuine complaints/rants and doesn't just devolve into hate thread 2: electric boogaloo. >"Guys holy shit! Attentionwhore69 just whored for attention on twitter for the 7th time this week!!! Can you believe it???" >blatant and obvious b8 about lolis/AI/etc. being "problematic" >"NOOOOOOO!!! HOW COULD YOU SAY SOMETHING BAD ABOUT MY FAVORITE HECKIN WHOLESOME ARTISERINO?!?!?!?!"
Here’s a little convo starter that seems interesting What is your MOST HATED thread on the board?
>>69253 "guys what the fuck" because of obvious reasons. it sucks it needs to be a thread.
>>69257 Lmao yeah that one is so bad for non-petty reasons that it might as well just be crowned the worst outright and be banished to the mountains so every other thread has a chance
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>>69253 there’s probably worse ones out there but these ones piss me off the most lately >feet pics and fates I hate those gross hairy legs on the cover and the entire thread is just ugly faggots attention whoring themselves out and showing their asses >wtfeather thread nobody even posts the art there anymore. people just ask for it and get the “its in the drive” response every single time and never even post a link >real people art barely ever any non shitty art and the thread very quickly got taken over by people posting random online bimbos going “oh oh you should make art of her” which is not even the purpose of the thread. save that shit for the celebrity tickle crush and online celebrities threads
>>69264 I keep hiding that feet pics thread and it keeps coming back.
>>69139 Maybe my countless years of porn overconsumption has corrupted me beyond repair, but I swear I don't understand how ya'll mfers even get off to some of that basic ass stuff. Nowadays it feels like I have to look through at least 10-20 clips before I find anything even vaguely interesting.
>>69264 If you’re gonna draw irl people, pick like unique people, not some basic white bitch/thot drenched in make up.
>>69264 the drive link is there, just ctrl f
>>69264 The amount of fags in the first one actually turned me off both feet and tickling for atleast a fucking week. Like shit I'm not there for male shit go make a male only thread so you fags can talk to eachother about that shit. It's all trannys, and faggots genuinely. As for the WTFeather one it's just one gigachad with the Google Drive and everyone else is a poorfag leacher.
>>69280 >It's all trannys, and faggots genuinely. yeah no shit, nigga. Women aren't gonna camwhore here. they do it in private discord servers. since I'm here, I hate when characters tongues are hanging out in tickle pics. no one sticks their tongue out when laughing unless they're being intentionally goofy, that's a conscious action
>>69264 I think the real people art thread being like that is just a byproduct of there not being much art of real people. It can be pretty difficult to capture someone's likeness effectively, a lot of people in this community who try swing and miss. Dr-Random-Art is pretty good at it but he's really the only one who stands out in my mind
I'm not naming names cause there are too many but can someone explain this phenomenon to me I hate it so
>>69335 People think more details inherently makes better art.
>>69335 As a footage I strongly agree. I swear I've seen many good foot artists only get worse with time. Or they discover another fetish and that instantly unfollow
>>69335 many such cases
>TK artist comes on >TK artist draws tickle porn >TK artist talks about tickling and tickle porn >TK artist has complete mental breakdown out of nowhere and goes full in denial about having a tickle fetish >TK artist posting long edgy prophetic journals about how they're the devil or how they're stuck in a death trap all b/c they have a tickle fetish >Artist teeters between complete mental gymnastics and frequent breakdowns over having a tickle fetish >Artist repeatedly isolated and cuts friends out of their life because of the denial they're in about their fetish >Artist has deleted, abandoned or "did some soul searching" dozens of accounts between DA, FA, Discord and so on >Always cums back Not any specific artist but something I've seen literally heaps of times throughout the years. Why do they do this? I get this fetish is weird and cringe but it's pretty mundane compared to vore or transformation or some other weird shit
>>69335 >Pic I like that character, can I steal it for my own artistry
>>69335 Cancer
>>69384 not even, I've seen much worse >>69418 go ahead senpai. her name is Carol, she works at a pet store or something idk
>>69412 I figure it's two fold. Number one is being seen by anyone in public with tickle porn being sketched and drawn. And I think artists who can draw and stuff have to really get into the details. So they start feeling like a werido, and especially so if someone discovers their sketchbook or somehow catches them mid drawing. And then I feel that people who commission pieces fuck with these artists' heads with the type of requests, then probably infinite feedback loops of hell where the artist can't satisfy them and have to re draw over and over? So many artists end up "in the hospital" and fake broken hands and shit like that all the time, and I feel it's cause their commissions get stressful and then they have to come up with excuses for people who have paid.
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>>69412 >Why do they do this? a lot of ticklefags blame their tickle fetish as the reaosn they believe they don't/can't have normal, fulfilling relationships with people. I can easily see a lot of artists dabbling in it and then panicking believing it fucked their life up and they have no choice but to bail out entirely, only to be unable to completely bury their impulses later on. I think maybe tickling being such a "vanilla" quirk actually makes it worse; they feel like "this isn't so bad", then panic and feel lied to, like "of COURSE shit can't be normal when I'm like this, how could it?!" and they just kind of rage quit. It should be a surprise to nobody that 90% of them are usually admitted autists.
>>69281 I never said that Women were gonna camwhore here, never asked for that either. Not that desperate but fuck they can't keep their gross shit to themselves or something. Also I agree with the tongue sticking out thing. Shits weird. Also adding my own thing here, the captions thread dying fucking sucks. I would write but I can't because I'm illterate as fuck and my literate friend is too busy playing fucking vidya all day, So sad that thread is dead.
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>be me >scrolling through 8chan feeling horny as fuck >makes my way to the non tickling hot shit thread >new post, insanely hot tanned feet with “tickle slut” written across them in marker >sexy ass to boot >faps my dick dry thinking about destroying those feet and that ass >goes to sleep happy >next day is relatively normal >gets horny again, logs into 8chan >goes back to thread, checks the new posts >”omfg that’s a dude” I can’t believe I fapped to a fucking faggot you guys I’m so angry right now
>>69440 lmao gay boi
>>69440 jesus christo anon I'm looking at the post now >>69283 (20592) if you didn't immediately clock this as a man that's 100% your fault I think I can see his scrotum outlined in that panty shot
>>69440 Why do you give a shit about that anon. Human sexuality is a complex thing, don't put yourself in a box. Hot feet are hot feet, if you enjoyed those pics then enjoy them again. Who cares, you only live once so go and coom to whatever you wanna coom.
>>69452 ...because he was imagining them attached to a woman. Just cause you're on a faggot spectrum doesn't mean everyone is.
Besides the real thing, the only form of media that can turn me on regarding tickling as a whole is literature, which I feel is getting worse and less every year.  Sadly, AIs don't fulfill me and I feel like the small and only niche that made me horny is disappearing from the face of the earth, and I fully blame you all retards that can get hard at will by staring at a pair of poorly drawn feet of the waifu of the season. I hate you all and hope you have a sad day.
>>69452 Some people have standards, dumbshit.
>>69384 Kimberco, I'm pretty sure we killed him btw, if you remember the minor sexting shit. He hasn't appeared in months, pretty sure he killed himself.
>>69461 Clearly not if you're a regular in this place. My advice to y'all that want irl sessions or to find a partner that is okay with the kink. Get the fuck away from this site and it's community. It's like a black hole of poor social skills and self-loathing in here.
>>69335 Dunno wtf happened with Feeteraco, guy must've got obsessed with wrinkles or something, cuz now almost every pic he makes has feet all crinkled and weird, even when they're not scrunched. being a footfag is pain.
>>69458 is right. Faggot here, straight men should be respected as straight men. Tr00ns think of they fuck a straight man it makes them gay; they're retards trying to indoctrinate you into their bullshit kink ideology. That being said; at least 60 percent of this fetish is gay men, even more on the furry spectrum. I mean, let's be honest tickling is pretty fucking gay. I feel for straight bros just trying to fap to women only to be assaulted by faggotry. You got fooled, anon. Don't blame yourself or beat yourself up about it; just go to the next pair and fap on. It's only gay if you actually start seeking out and lusting for men specifically.
>>69479 There are more actual women around than you'd think. They stay quiet because they get hounded by a bunch of obese autistics if they let slip that they're female.
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>>69481 found the woman. Get her boys
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>>69465 He still faving stuff in DA and Twitter (before the private likes bs). And yeah haven't post stuff in months. Also his Patreon Is under review lol
Pet peeves...when someone focuses on holding it in way too much. To the point where no one ever laughs, regardless of the tools, scenario or how things progress in that scenario
>>69602 On a related note, ball gags. What's the point?
>>69384 tf does quinnstix do wrong with their feet, do you just not like big feet
>>69607 This. I get the dominance/helpless aspect don't get me wrong but at the same time i wanna hear them beg, scream and break dammit!
>>69459 Basic literacy is declining at a rapid pace so I imagine that would have an impact on the supply of high quality written smut. Right now, AIs don't offer an alternative as anything generated by them is bound to be a bland concatenation of stilted descriptions and generic phrases, total garbage with zero appeal. It's beyond me how anyone could beat it to that shit
>>69439 Real, it fucking hurt to see the caption thread die. Used to be the first thread I checked out whenever I was on this site. Tri definitely carried the whole thing to a large degree but there were other talented writers too who would drop real diamonds every now and then. Now there's a good caption maybe every 3 months or so
Roller brush tickling. I don't get it. Spinning paint rollers seem like they would induce mildly annoying pressure at best. I see drawings with rapidly spinning fuzzy rollers and I just can't connect it with tickling sensations. Vibrating brushes, like an electric toothbrush, I understand. But what is essentially rapidly rotating shag carpet? I just don't get it. Even moreso when they are pressed super hard into the victim's skin.
>>69666 Yeah, also those scratchy back scratchers from a shower or hairbrushes and scrubbing their soles violently. I also hate when their toes are way too tight and all purple and shit. That takes sensation out of it, dumbass. Looking at that fat fuck who self inserts into every video. He has hot girls but I can't watch any of his shit because he doesn't shut up with the small talk and sticking his ugly fat face into the frame.
>>69677 If you're talking about that Tickle Room guy his videos suck ass and his bondage devices suck as well. He doesn't know good camera work to save his fucking life (light overexposure, poor angles) and he begs for money constantly. I hate that guy so much and people think just because he has hot models it's all good.
Please please please artists! Stop putting words in the background NO ONE CAN READ! It's a fucking massive headache and distraction and it's not fucking creative you prats!
>>69607 Imo at least, gags are pretty hot if they don't entirely obstruct the lee's expressions. Look at the examples I included here. You can still see the lees struggling and breaking. The ticklish suffering is in their empty and panicked eyes, their faces, their movements, the drool and tears, or sometimes even their cackling smile because they're laughing so hard the ballgag cant cover it entirely. Ballgags just make things more hardcore. It enhances other aspects of the suffering that nornally don't get much attention because the laughter is the most sought-after reaction. Like how a blindfold restricts eyesight to enhance other senses like hearing and touch, the ballgag does the same but for reactions.
>>69702 But it literally makes the reactions sound muffled. I get it's hardcore and that they can't beg for help. But the noises a victim makes are the best part for me, a ball gag just removes all the fun.
>>69704 Yeah, it's a matter of preference. In tk art you aren't hearing the laughter anyways, it's all visual. But irl or in a tickle video you obviously have the auditory element as the most important part of the experience.
>>69704 The panicked muffled screams are satisfying in their own special way. It's not like one needs to delete the other. It's all based on the scenario and what mood you're in.
>>69702 One thing I especially hate is obnoxiously huge gags; I think even gagfags can agree shit like this is ridiculous. Once again, gays take shit way too far b/c all impulse and no brakes
>>69647 There's almost no variability. It's just big feet regardless of if that would even make sense. MFS does the same shit, petite characters are still size 10. I love big feet but the character should be proportional
>>69832 yeah badpierrot has the same problem. good artists, but only ever draws one single type of foot, every time.
>>69440 As a footfag, I don't understand how people can be attracted to a pair of feet with no face or any other parts of the body visible. I thought the whole point of sexual attraction was wanting to fuck the person the feet are attached to. You might as well just buy a pair of pic related. Also, us advanced footfags can easily tell the difference between male and female feet, even the feminine looking ones, so It's a skill issue if you accidentally jerk it to traps.
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>>69849 >Also, us advanced footfags can easily tell the difference between male and female feet, even the feminine looking ones Let's see Open each spoilered pic one at a time. Register an answer within 10 seconds upon viewing. Honor rules apply and disclose if you recognised any one of the people immediately that would give away the answer. 1. Male https://x.com/ShiftySan117/status/1616693489483550722 2. Female https://x.com/tannii2kawaii/status/1799015328703533111 3. Female https://x.com/MeiLeeHS/status/1812472120880042368 4. Male https://x.com/asianboysub/status/1755829689770553483 5. Female https://x.com/Footbrat41/status/1810135289253286162
>>69867 you shouldn't have included the answers in this post, should have waited for a few anons to answer before revealing it.
>>69832 >>69838 well in that case then i understand, and i especially agree w badpierrot, their repetitiveness doesn’t even stop at the way they draw feet, most of their works recently have all been the same, though one reason for that is them doing ych comms, but even then anything they make doesn’t feel new from their other stuff
>>69867 My only mistake was thinking 3 was male. Which i'm pretty sure you purposefully chose them for that reason.
>>69867 Holy fuck I failed them all besides the first, I'm so happy I'm not such a degenerate to identify them all
Ik kampfer is a dead subject but can anyone translate to me wtf bro is saying here?
>>70224 You're less accountable for your actions because events occurred in your life.
>>69867 got 1 & 3 correct but I recognized 3. so basically only got 1 just another reason I don't like feet only pics
>>69867 Got all of them right except 4. Should I be concerned that I've hit such an advanced stage of autism?
>>69702 Some of these are ok because as you said they don't completely obstruct the expression, but most pics with gags do. It's doubly awful if it's a gag and blindfold because at that point the person may well be anonymous. >>69849 And on this note, trophy pics or any pic where the feet are detached from the person. Make it come across as if most foot guys see women as a pair of feet with a human attached but it really takes me out of it.
>>69475 Let's be honest anon. People are here BECAUSE they can't find that. And if it hasn't happened by now, chances are so slim they might as well be zero. This means you. Yes, you, reading this.
So saw this pic in a request thread and it's fine and all, but as you can tell very foot-focused. The main exception her being Storm who is also having her armpits tickled. But her dialogue is saying "anything but my bare feet!" This is something I've noticed is quite common and just wanted to clear the air but, why is this done? I never see this done with other body parts. I can only think that, given again she's the only one being notably tickled elsewhere, it's to reinforce to people that she's most ticklish on her feet. Is this something artists just do to make sure no one is mistaken about where the priority is or what? Seems kinda patronizing, like the foot people need to make sure the rest know their place even when they are at the bottom of the food chain.
>Subscribed to Patreon artist who's drawings are all decided by popularity polls >The same overdone characters keep winning every time >He finally decides to open up commissions, which he'll post on his Patreon >"Cool, maybe there'll finally be some interesting picks for once" >First commission is Tifa, literally THE most overdone character of all time >The picture doesn't even have anything interesting going on, it's just a super basic feet tickling pic Man, I wish the people in this community had even a slight bit of originality. >>70514 Dude, I don't think this requires any more thinking than "footfags need to make absolutely sure feet are the focus even when other body parts are being tickled".
>>70514 Foot fags are such a cancer to this community. I get it, feet are the most common fetish to have. But I see shit like "now get her feet" on an upper body tickle pic so often. You already have 90% of the content, just let the others enjoy something without fucking bringing up feet. (Also the huge amount of foot fags that have asked streamers/vtubers to show their feet is both funny and fucking nasty. Youtubers blur feet for a reason.)
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>>70518 UBchad artists should specialize in paraplegic lees from now on
>>70522 Honestly, I would love this for the memes alone.
>>70518 Oh shut up. You pissants cry all the the time about feet. You're like the feminist of tickling.
>>70518 It's you UB, armpit and bellybuttonfags that are fucking annoying. People who enjoy feet are also able to enjoy other body parts fine too, but y'all just hate on feet for no goddamn reason. Have you nothing better to do? Seriously.
>>70545 Bruh this came up because half of the time you see all over tickling it comes with dialogue about how she's most ticklish on her feet, or has some dialogue building up to the feet if they aren't being tickled. I have about never seen this with anything but feet either. Makes it feel like foot people might get upset at the idea that some woman could be more ticklish anywhere else and that seems kinda petty.
>>70548 Haha, feet are the best and the most ticklish body part. Maybe someday you idiots will realize this.
>>70514 Here, have the opposite.
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>>70545 >People who enjoy feet are also able to enjoy other body parts fine too Is that why footfags cannot stop bitching, moaning and whining about the lack of feet in every piece that doesn't include them? Mind you, it wasn't hard to put this together since comments like these are dime a dozen under upper body pieces. I dare you to try and find an upperbody fan making comments like this under a foot tickling piece.
>>70579 Don't forget that they will whine about characters who canonically don't have feet should have feet, as what happened with Charlie Morningstar. Like seriously, footfags can be shown a picture of a character's feet and only their feet (even if they canonically don't have feet) and thats all they need as long as the character's portrait, like in a picture frame, is next to it. They don't care about the laughter, struggles, nothing. to them, tickling is just touching the feet.
>>70579 Saved, lmao. >>70580 >Don't forget that they will whine about characters who canonically don't have feet should have feet This, dude, honestly. Like, look at this shit. How fucking deranged do you have to be to fap to a fucking foot at the end of a tail. Footfaggetry literally rots your brain.
>>70579 In fairness, this is DA. DA comments are ALWAYS going to be filled with the worst fucking brainlets ever
>>70582 Look man, I like feet and even I think this is fucking weird. That being said, who cares? Spend your damn broke ass money on more pit pictures.
>>70582 Jfc am I glad I'm not the only one who thought that was gross. This is just like the furfag who puts feet on his hands b/c he has a Jeffrey Dalmer ahh anatomy fetish Foot tail isn't the first one either we got foot brainrot so bad niggas be committing crimes against anatomical science for foot like damn nigga stop putting foot on everything nigga it's all foot nigga you prayed yo ass to foot jesus too much nigga I like feet too but nigga this shit just foul AF nigga get a MF grip on yo shit and clean your taste up mam fr fr
>>70545 Any comments on this >>70579 you fucking dickhead? Show similar comments from UB enjoyers
>>70579 >>70601 >I cherry picked out a bunch of DA comments that make me mad to prove that everyone except me complains too much >I win!!!!! Holy shit, literal chris chan levels of mental retardation
>>70603 >loud sounds of pig squealing So, you couldn't find any similar comments from non-footfags. As expected
You're all stupid the only way for us all to win is to force artists to cater to footfags and UBfags, Leave no spot untickled.
>>70604 Here, I found a post from a non-footfag that I similarly consider personally offensive. What do you have to say now?
>loOk i- i i FoUnd Who cares what you found? Just show us comments like these >>70579 from non-footfags, or will you continue to do anything but answer a direct question?
>>70607 I just did. Now where's my prize?
>>70603 >>70606 >>70618 >>70545 oh fuck off, I'm saying this as a major footfag myself, footfags are fucking obnoxious, entitled, and gross. you thirsty dipshits are incapable of hiding your power level.
>>70644 I mean yeah you definitely came across that way, just don't lump everyone else in with yourself
>>70647 >yet another "n-no you!" post shut the fuck up. theres a reason why female cosplayers have started censoring their feet in posts and not their bellybuttons or whatever.
>>70606 >>70618 good job on proving us right, dumbass.
>>70618 >no evidence but attacks user, evidence is literally ad hominem >doesn't answer the question >"wElL i FiNd tHiS pERSONALLY OFFENSIVE" >"because you're mad that I didn't provide anything substantial that means I must be winning" Jesus christ how dense are you lol
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>>70660 Dumbass.
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Always fascinating how diverse our fetish is. "Like, yes, tickling is nice, BUT ..."
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Tempted to make a thread just about gargelfetus but I seriously don’t see the ‘game’ going anywhere >be uniscum >pledge to make game tickle based talking heads, fine >’hire’ workers (are they paid tho) >open public server >promise close friends characters in the game >but only if he likes the person, not the characters >claim ‘anyone can have their character in the game’ so all the random tickletards will suck up to him all he wants it to feel special and loved, this is just really sad to see. I hope it actually does go somewhere but I can’t see that happening. It’s 3am so if someone wants to make a thread for it, be my guest
>>70664 guaranteed the only OCs will be his and his male white American friends kek we haven’t even got concept art don’t get ur hopes up bud
>>70664 post your character he rejected, anon.
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>>70664 I just don’t know why he said no
>>70594 Can someone translate this post from Brazilian
>>70664 Mono quits like 90% of the projects he starts even the ones he's commissioned lmao Sad cuz I want to like him i rly do but I have to draw the line somewhere
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>>70723 Idk they seem dead serious about this one, the server has lots of updates, demonstrations and what not, there’s actual progress. We’ll see if it actually delivers though.
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/121149817 perfectly fine tickling art fucking ruined with some of the most vile shit imaginable, it makes me so furious that these faggots somehow get off to snuff and execution shit and then fucking put it in with tickling works just to completely fucking ruin it, god i hate it here
god, tickling art is just so oversaturated with mediocre slop and garbage that artists just shit out constantly with little to no effort or redeeming qualities to; istg 90% of tickling art is all just the same low-effort slop of the bland expressions of the barely-smiling face or laughter with whatever tickle tool is slapped on whichever body part that doesn’t even look to a actually touch the body/lee. just all same-y and bland and i feel like no one else mentions this or hardly talks about this. and then the actual good tickling artists that do put put actual good works always have some twist to them, like commission-exclusive shit or publishes a new pic every nine months or posting on some obscure site with a paywall you can’t even pay for or the fucking link to the art i just posted above along with other shit i haven’t said but you probably get the point; it all comes with a twist that just mostly outweighs the pros and it’s all so tiring and miserable i just wanna see actual good tickling art but i guess im just asking for too much from an kinda-obscure and bizarre fetish
>>70876 That’s hot, Also you’re a tourist and you don’t belong here.
>>70878 retards really love calling others tourists when they don’t like some absurd or vial bullshit that they do
>>70878 >tickling board >cries that other people don't share the interest to fap to death and gore >"Nah you're the one who's weird that you don't find that hot" How dense could one be?
UPDATE ON THE BLARF/MUSK MONTH SITUATION : It turns out, Blarf is first and foremost a scat and fart fag, here is his account, look at your own peril. : https://x.com/pornshlub If you look at both pages, you'll notice : -The scat page appeared months before the feet one -Both are still somewhat active -The feet account is centered around commissions, the scat account is only personal projects When looking at his friends appearing in the musk month advertisement video, we see people like Twisted_Furby in the front row, another scat artist. Monst artists at the table have other fetishes that are mostly considered vile (such as scat, extreme inflation, etc) This is NOT a coincidence, the truth is as follow : Blarf is BARELY into feet. Think about it, why else would he be so bothered by clean feet art? Why the specific hate towards tickling? It's because he can only get off not to feet, but to the smell of fecal matter. According to multiple accounts of interaction with other people on discord servers and DMs, his goal is extremely simple: convince others that artists who draw "clean" art are "le bad", to cause a "cultural shift"into more nasty stink art. Why? Because his end goal is to use footfags as a way of normalizing his scat fetish, and literally groom artists he thinks are fine into his garbage. Remember, this guy is into literal SHIT that comes out of people's ASS. His entire online identity is a weird convoluted plot that revolves around an overton window to get more scat content. If you are an artist, and he tries to interact with you, it's because he thinks the feet you draw look like they smell like actual shit.
>>70891 So what do you suggest anon? Should we spam the Musk Month hashtag with his fart/scat art? Also we should make a copypasta or something that summarizes your theory to put it on the caption of each post
>>70892 Definitely spam the hashtag with his shit, this should be enough visibility to embarass him and at least publicly come out about it
>>70893 Check the cringe thread, people already talked about doing it but no one did shit in the end. If you end up going for it by all means please do, but do also know that he probably has seen this post since he's addicted to drama. Anyways here's a side rant. I believe on /ACRG/ on regular old 4chan he had a lot of his friends visit the general to shit it up since it seemed to suddenly obtain some turorists who were suddenly wanting to talk about the guy. They also tried doxxing him or some shit because of that too. Either way he's such a small fish he relies on harassing bigger fags the community generally also doesn't like (Causing a scene in the Caroline's Domain server, making fun of DeepCreases). Honestly just avoid him since he'll use you to boost his own ego and influence along with his cock ridding discord gang. Don't associate with shit flinging scum I say.
>>70894 Today is Blarf's birthday btw, in case any of y'all wanna give him a gift wink wink
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>>70894 If this nigga likes to cause a scene, I'll give him a good excuse to cause a scene. The fact he is into literal shit is disgusting enough for at least some people to feel utterly repulsed by him and his way. I'll make a few tweets about it. If anyone wants to join, do it on burner accounts to shit up his hashtag; this way all he can do is complain to his butt buddies
lil bro couldn't take it
>>70898 >Got him to own up to it >Small dub >But he handles PR well >Doesn't actually affect musk month though with just one block >Most coomers will probably just not care Why did I expect something to come out from this. Just call him out for making fun of another artist after said artist banned him for smell and somehow thinking he's making a change. Besides with how all his butt buddies are constantly and literally huffing his farts it would just be best to leak actual DMs of him talking shit or something.
>>70900 Forgot to mention this but hello blarf, us the shadow tickle government are coming for you or something, Screencap this and send it to boost your numbers and reinforce your annoying personality nigga
>>70900 You think he's handling PR well I can assure you, this nigga has never been this seething. He knows I tried to get under his skin and it was the only way out. Watch him go at other people trying to figure out who could do such a thing
>>70891 >>70896 >imagine being a self-righteous kinkshamer when you're into tickling and feet like a retard
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>>70905 Hello Blarf!
>>70906 Nope. just someone with basic common sense
>>70907 In that case, hey Blarf's friend. You gotta be Shazzul or BlossonFlower. If not then you obviously haven't seen half the shit this nigga does to get attention
>>70907 >Brappy boy trying to adequate the peak that is tickling to the absolute disgrace that is scat Hahaha nigga hahaha what are you talking about pfftt hahahaha are you ok brappy? Brappy are you ok?
>>70908 Never even met the guy actually just pointing out how retarded it is to throw stones from your glass houses >>70909 Not helping the retard accusation my guy
>>70910 >N-Not helping the retard accusation my guy
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>>70911 >yeah well i made you the dumb wojak rekt lmao
Why is bro so mad hahahaha!
>>70889 He's objectively right though. That's a great pic by any standards and >>70876 is just being a niggerbrain.
>>70910 Let me toss you this vid really quickly then and start mansplaning on some points as to why I think he's a dickhead >He somehow thinks foot smashing, sludge slime or goo, dangling and falling to death, and foot spitting is more normalized than smelly feet >Last year's video made more sense, as giantess worshiping and tickling are the big three >Draws caroline as a retard, despite sperging out in their server on purpose >Says white steam clouds are fine, meaning he would have a healthy diet of smelly feet >Still says feet with cheese are hated somehow That's just what I dislike, and if you check this thread https://8chan.moe/tkr/res/48499.html You'll see another thing that happened at the first of the month where some dude got banned for doing some stupid joke, which boils down to >"I don't like drawing it this way" >"Jack ass" >Makes joke ping about not participating in his little group's event >EVERYONE FUCKING KILL HIM, BAN HIM, TALK SHIT BEHIND HIS BACK NOW >Made one person leave and another get banned That's why I dislike them anyways, doesn't include the shit talking he does behind others' backs and his friend juju's annoying ass personality and pushy attitude to get free art.
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People are losing the plot here, It's one thing to be into foot stink or farts or whatever the fuck It's another to sit there going "UHM, UHM,, NO?? IM, NOT WEIRD! Y-YOU GUYS ARE THE WEIRD ONES FOR LIKING TICKLING! THAT'S EXACTLY AS WEIRD AS MY INSATIABLE LUST FOR ASS GAS AND TOEJAM!!" and constantly shittalking behind people's backs Like if you wanna be into gross shit, you could at least have the courtesy to be a pleasant person. but nah, gotta have an attitude as nasty as the foot braaps you huff.
>>70919 Honestly. I don't think anyone gives a rat's ass what your into (except for moralfags but they're moralfags), but acting like feet that have been hit with the cheese ray and the people who like it are the modern day equivilent of jews during ww2 or black people during the 1800s is beyond retarded. I don't give a rats ass and anyone who doesn't ride the short buss would probably agree anyways. Another problem I have is apperently blarf got blocked by another artist, ssunsalm, over how blarf depicts stink. It's retarded to block someone for this of course but then he decided to have the calm, humane response of calling sunsalm a pedophile everytime he was brought up in VC due to one piece he drew which was like, roblox or something. So even then he was causing friendly fire and judging someone else for their kinks though mostly was just smearing their name. This shit's a bunch of hear say from friends so make sure to take your complimentary grain of salt with this.
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>>70920 >jews in ww2 Being completely insufferable, bringing the inevitable consequences and acting like the victim? Sounds exactly like what happened here tbh
>>70922 >ruins the mood with overused oven calculator joke
>>70920 damn, so that's why salm left the server i shared with him, i always liked seeing his stuff i never liked blarf but knowing he did that makes my disgust for whenever he shills his art multiply tenfold
>>70920 Fairly certain that salm blocked blarf because blarf is a megalomaniac/nutcase. For real though it’s from my understanding that blarf does have a clique of orbiters that praise him and agree with him no matter what. Artists like salm and valentine want nothing to do with that, and left, hence blarf and his brappers shit talk the hell out of them.
>>70945 >>70946 Basically his groupies always say yes and that he's right about everything. If you disagree you obviously just are retarded or aren't socially aware. But yea he basically somehow gets away with basically bullying and burning bridges. Besides afaik he wasn't in any privater group with blarf and they gladly started talking shit in there as well.
>>70948 Honestly if someone really wants to take down Blarf, the best way to do it would be to emphasize that this is what he does. He fucks himself over through his attitude and treatment of others. You somehow highlight that, then you fuck him over, probably a lot more effective that flooding the musk month tag And to any of his lackies browsing here, it’s not your fetish, it’s him, himself.
furaffinity's DNS got taken over by someone, and until the other people in charge of FA figure it out, we've lost one of our biggest places for nsfw art. that is all. i'm sure someone here will continue that
>>70949 He honestly just has this as his MO anyways. His entire server is just full of big names and anyone who would be able to suck him off. >And to any of his lackies browsing here, it’s not your fetish, it’s him, himself. Trust me. From what I've seen in /acrg/ on 4chan, it literally id like >I don't like him because of this >Oh so because he does smell >No because he's a dick >Oh because your jealous >No because talks shit >Oh because your jealous of Sherry There is no explaining. Literally cannot accept him being the problem.
>>70951 Hence why this retard needs to be constantly mocked.
>>70941 I mean yeah someone's fapping to this and that's weird but is it really that much weirder than wanking to any kind of footcare ad
>>70891 >>70892 >>70893 >>70894 >>70895 >>70896 >>70900 >>70915 >>70948 >>70949 >>70956 >terminally online weirdo is into weird shit >bunch of other terminally online weirdos try to start a le ebin internet justice mob on him over being into the "wrong" weird shit N👏Y👏P👏A👏 FAGGOTS👏👏👏
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>>70960 >Go onto hate thread >Expect reason and logic PICK ONE RETARD
>>70961 >go onto 8chan >expect lack of autism and faggotry True
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>>70962 Yes, so let us have our Tortanic moment against the subverting scatfag, thanks
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>>70940 sorry massa Shekelbergstein i's gwine be a good goy yessuh
>>70965 >Unironic /pol/-posting Alright, I know you'll brush it off or won't read but i'll run the calculations for you : The calculator meme wrongly conflicts that Aushwitz had 5 ovens, when it had 5 Crematoriums, accounting for 52 total incineration chambers. It also uses the 6 million figure without taking into account that the evidence points at Auswhitz making 1.1 million deads over 3 years. Lets compute the cremation rate for it to be possible : 1.1 million dead -> 366.666/year. We'll round it up at 365.000 for simplicity. This means we would need to reach 1000 cremations/day for the figure to be possible. 52 chambers * (1body /1.5 hours (the estimated time to cremate a body)) * 24 hours = 832 We approximate a cremation rate of 832 bodies per day. Which over the entire usage period would mean 911k cremations, without accounting for the possibility of using a chamber for multiple bodies, and the accelerated cremation rates because of the emaciated bodies as well as the presence of children in the camp. >muh chimney The chimney was reconstructed post-war. It's not a secret for anyone except /pol/-acks I don't give a shit wether you believe it's fake or not, or if you hate me for the sins of your government, but make an effort to get your facts straight, it hurts your point to use microwaved boomer facebook propaganda. I'm done here, I will not take the bait if you answer me.
>>70970 ACK >Anon Shapiro OWNS the USS Libtard over two and a half hours of FACTS and LOGIC leaving 34 dead (and sinks the lifeboats for good measure) and we all learned not to question the Holy Six Gorillion ever again
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>>70965 >>70972 nigger this a tickle porn forum tf you doin
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Like the part of the thread where after blarf makes his tweet you got totally not his friends defending him with vague "You are also weird" statements. Exactly what is weirder with tickling a girl vs having her fart and sniffing it up anyways? And again conviniently skipping over the actual problems with him and going straight to "Your fucking weird". This shit happened on /acrg/ last time anyways.
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>>70980 >t. fucking ponyfag
>>70983 'Lee' has another meaning here, anon that image holds no power.
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>>70986 Right I forgot this "fetish" was just a bunch of retards competing to be the king of picrel Hope you win that Special Olympics gold little buddy 👍
>>70988 Shut the fuck up brappy boy
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>>70990 Still not that guy. Go back to Reddit
>>70992 >Uses marvel screenshots >'G-Go back to reddit" Fartniggers are just as stale as their preferences
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>>70988 >>70960 >>70910 What is the purpose of this shit then. I'm doubting anyone suddenly gained intrest in this thread for no reason since after his tweet we now have fags joining into the thread, yet so far no one has said why exactly /tkl/ is evil, and the only angle I can see is it being due to feet tickling. Even then that doesn't work because if blarf didn't do braps, he also does cheesey feet. Not worse but it's feet related. So far he's called people pedo, he's talked endless shit, and still thinks feet with smell is under rated when 90% of musk month shit so far is white puffs which is what everyone likes. But hey, no green = probably clean. Maybe considering what people here are saying and how they're acting, he could make the argument this thread is but no one aside from here from what I see outside the thread hates it. Unless they're autistic. Maybe they could also just, not be an asshole. What goes around comes around and all that.
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>>70980 You will never see any of his friends defending him on Twitter with their main account, they don't want to compromise their own art account and so their internet points and commissions or simply they will play dumb once Blarf gets caught on something nasty and go I never knew that about him TLDR: Art friends circles shatter once money is involved, they will throw you under the bus when necessary
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>>70988 >emoji someone's far from home.
>>70996 Never seen a phone poster before? >>70994 I'm sure you aren't arguing that what 54ae55 posted ISN'T weird, quibbling whether or not it's WEIRDER than Brazilian fart fetish porn is academic.
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>>70997 I'm just saying, if there's gonna be ad hominem levels of arguments, at least state WHY it's weirder than smelly cheese or gasious shits. I don't care because I can scroll past that shit, but you can't expect to defend your friend by just going "Oh your fetish is also cringe" and not explain it further than that. It just shows there isn't really a defense for the actions he does, character or not. Cherry picking would be fine but obviously I assume blarf doesn't associate with the toejam group, so not exactly fair grounds to say tickle snuff is also accepted. Just seems concerning they're willing to say stuff here but not on twitter too like >>70995 said, and even then only give flimsy excuses. Except twistedfurby. He's already open about that.
>>70914 where are these retarded snuff-loving degens coming from defending this dogwater, go do us a favor and hang yourselves since apparently that's what gets you off
>>71007 Where are these retarded gatekeeping neo-puritans coming from policing other peoples' fetishes do us a favor and go offline permanently since apparently you hate what people look at on the internet
>>71020 this dumbass doesn’t even know what they’re saying, just wanted to join in and say shit to say shit, no thought process behind it
>>71020 >you’re a Neo Puritan if you think farts are a ridiculous fetish Wow
>>71035 All fetishes are weird and cringey but some worse than others. Tickling would be fairly tame on the BDSM spectrum but entirely too many of you are so aggressively retarded as to push it into full on red flag territory. Seriously, I frequent vanilla loli communities on the side and not one of them are the level of screeching shit-flinging autism that I see from ticklefags.
>>71037 >too many of you are so aggressively retarded as to push it into full on red flag territory. So it's not even about the fetish then? I can agree since that random dude who decided the best course of trolling was to make a burner account. But I argue calling others pedo because you got blocked, inviting other big artists to push your content and shit talking them behind their back, and trying to pass off harassment of others as a quirky joke is pretty worse. Besides, most of the feet community is fucked hence this harrasment trying to pass off as socially acceptable. Again, they made fun of that caroline character because blarf broke the rules and wanted to seem like he was the victor. Can't exactly go into whatever server he's in and say it's a dub for the loli community by posting underage characters getting fucked then proceeding to get banned for it.
>>71042 Nigger is this even English
All I dislike about this board is how toxic it can be (but wtf did I expect from an imageboard) and the loli/shota. Other than that, this place is pretty good.
>>80320 >"Pretty good" You don't have to lie, dear anon. We all know how much of a cesspool fuckfest this place is.
>>80321 I'm not lying? Like I'm just not sure what you're referring to
>>80321 I'm assuming they're a braindead twitter or reddit user, so the average person here probably seems pretty sophisticated to them
>>80320 Lolisho is the best aspect of this board. Also for the love of christ stop Necroposting.

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