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Male Tickling Thread Anonymous 01/18/2021 (Mon) 21:11:12 Id: abe7bb No. 14
Obligatory male tickle victim thread. Slightly killing the boners of f/f-onlies since 2021
Edited last time by Flatty on 01/25/2021 (Mon) 01:23:35.
I misspelled "Slightly" and that's something I'm gonna have to live with for as long as this thread exists.
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What's the name of the artist of the previou post? The f/m gang tickling pics
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Here's some nipple tickling.
Ryu is a favorite of mine although I don't know how soft his feet would actually be due to walking around barefoot all the time.
I wish persona guys got it more often
Scott is cute.
Does anyone have the uncensored version from n° 22?
Does anyone have the uncensored version of n° 22?
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>>732 Does anyone know the name of the artist from this one?
>>735 bdsmtoall
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Anyone paying for Cadomiumu’s patreon?
>>820 While we're on the subject how about his locked twitter account? I've been trying to follow but he never accepted.
>>821 It’s really not anything that amazing. He hasn’t posted new art on there since July and it’s all untranslated stuff involving a disembodied foot. Well drawn, but his main page is better. He mainly uses this account for retweeting.
Honestly, this was a pretty big waste of time, y'know... You're just gonna be left with sweat-covered fingers... I'm not gonna laugh or anything, so you should probably just... y'know, put your fingers away. Unless you actually *like* the smell of my sweaty feet on your hands. That'd be pretty weird, y'know. You really wanna have to deal with *that*? Yeah, I thought so. Just go ahead and... sliiiiide those fidgety digits away now, K? (he's stalling...) By Alptraum472 I always enjoy when an artist add a little story with a pic.
>>821 >>822 Is that the account where he was posting the Hand vs Foot comic?
>>896 Yeah it’s literally all “mr big foot” stuff.
By redjack_036 Seeing a ticklish Endeavor is always fun for me.
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By Jon/st05254 The blush and bit of drool are nice details. They even got in a foot for some tickling.
>>1141 Always loved this one
There was a japanese picture on deviantart by a reuploader with a boy being tickled (supposedly by his mother as a punishment but the images do not show who does it), I think it was 4 images, at least in one of them his feet are immobilized by a metal thing. Anyone got it?
>>1252 It was monochrome.
>>1286 Very nice pic. Where does it come from? Do you happen to have an uncensored version?
>>1361 oh hai Shinn is dat u
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personally i don't like male tickling, but i do have a small fantasy that may as well be posted here, has it ever happened that you come across the "silent type" character who's strong and at the same time partly femenine? i like to believe those kinds of guys are deadly ticklish and use their seriousness as a facade as to not get poked, picture very much related.
>>1961 Oh fuck, I want to snap that cookie in half. What a good, good choice anon. I do admit I find it interesting that you don't like male tickling but do have males you want to see tickled. Maybe you like male tickling a little more than you think.
>>1972 i definitively consider myself a fetish chymera of sorts, i'm into a bunch of shit, but i keep males on the down low, even if i have friends who are male and like to be dommed, i still keep myself to girls, but i can absolutely make some exceptions if the guy fits my criteria, which is extremely specific. that said, i thought this thread was the best place to share my toughts about it, and i'm glad you agree with this one at least.
>>1995 I bet your male sub friends would love for you to work them over. Give it a thought now and again.
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>>1997 hear me out, i run a specific DND campaing for two male friends who love being tickled and the purpose of the campaing for me is to try out as many wicked methods as i can come up with, on DMs i have a guy who i haven't talked to in a while who wants me to domn him via roleplay with his self insert, and i have a friend who i know is in this board and who's shown me his OC various times getting licked silly and naked, i've tried it with guys and it doesn't get me running, but i can make my exceptions.
>>1998 >i run a specific DND campaing for two male friends who love being tickled and the purpose of the campaing for me is to try out as many wicked methods as i can come up with Wait holy shit this rules, more info on this
>>1998 fucking based female anon, we need more chicks like you
>>1961 Ugh, get away from me with your trap shit. Even silent trap shit remains trap shit. >>1998 Or in other words, cybertickling. Why bother and put DnD in there?
>>2030 >trap shit Sometimes I think /tkr/'s taste can't get any worse, and then shit like this happens.
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>>2003 >>2017 >female nah, a dude here >DnD because i enjoy the aspect of roleplaying in a DND more than the actual rules, my DND is heavily homebrewed, with just stats for attack, deffense, support and speed (though i've been thinking about adding charisma, but idk, it's better to just roleplay it), right now a big fox with a rather large potbelly and a slightly bulky but mostly normal looking dudes are stuck in tangle forest, a forest known by the locals to have a plant that fuels itself on salt water and noise, thus it has a tendency to spread its vines around the forest to catch unsuspecting pray, which it then tangles in and drags close to the bulb to go on a fulll-body tickle treatment, lucky (or unluckily) they haven't been captured but they almost got knocked out on the first set of vines; their objective right now is to reach a temple where a ghost spirit is going to trap them in a time loop, with each time that they fall into a devious tickle trap time will be reset but echoes of their past will be kept within the trap they got captured in, which pleases the spirit in said temple. >>2030 >comes to a thread about male tickling >gets angry when males are being tickled fuck off retard, at least i came here willingly.
>>2042 Yes, that's the problem, that you willfully contaminate the only men's thread here with this stuff. I do not know who seriously with such clothing and such a drawn physique still thinks that these should be men? Fuck off with it and look for one of the 2 million other women's threads for the trap shit out.
>>2054 Wait, wait, wait... So what you're really saying is... Traps aren't gay? BASED Man, there's so much bitching over nonsensical stuff like this going on in tkr as of late, I don't know what happened or where these fuckers came from, but it's quite entertaining.
>>2055 This is not about whether fall are gay, they are, I never claimed they weren't either. The point here is whether they look like male and they just don't in the pictures. This is the male tickling thread, not the gay tickling thread. If it was the gay tickling thread, I would be fine with it. But it isn't.
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>>2057 >They are dudes but don't look like dudes therefore they don't belong in the dude thread
>>2057 Oh boy. Alright, I'm not even gonna try to unpack that one, I'm just gonna straight up level with you, for the sake of civil discourse. This is the male tickling thread, yeah? As in, a god-given dick and balls between the legs, XY chromosomes and otherwise non-female humans, however you define them? So a trap, that is, a boy that looks like a girl but is still a boy, by definition, fits in. If that's upsetting to you, I'm afraid you'll just have to deal, because as long as the character is canonically male, they fit the thread. Simply put, no matter how much you don't care for them or try to rationalize why they, despite being males, shouldn't be allowed in the male thread, you have absolutely no power to prevent anyone from flooding the thread with girly looking boys if they really wanted to, meaning any amount of criticism towards anyone posting them is nothing but a glorified tantrum. But hey, fret not, things aren't that dire. Trap tickling threads are a thing for a reason you know, most people into those cuties don't like the more manly stuff shared in these threads, so they mostly keep to themselves. Ffs, there's what, 5 trap pics currently in the thread? 6? I reckon you'll survive, you can take it anon, I believe in you. And hey, if you absolutely cannot, and your blood just boils at the idea of the manliest of threads on the board getting even an inch of cute dick in it, here's an idea: spare yourself the trouble, set up a nice burly thread, and fill it with the biggest, heariest, toughest men in the land, all getting tickled out of their wits for your amusement. And feel free to kick any cute girly boy out of there with extreme prejudice if you feel like it. So, what's it gonna be? Nice, polite, good-internet-etiquette behaviour? Or another useless tirade about 'contaminating' the male thread with, uh... males?
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>>2055 Traps? Not gay? Suuuure they arent. Go ahead and post it in the female thread then, afterall if theyre not gay than suuurely your other straights will accept it, no? Lmao I LOVE you fags who go through every hole JUST to swear you're not gay, all the while you're playing with cocks. Wake up, its the 21st Century, no one cares if you're gay, and you dont have to spam pride emojis and go on about eating ass in the Twittersphere, you dont have to act or dress a certain way if you're a faggot. But please go on about saying how traps are straight and how you're 1000% super straight while playing with cocks. This is hilarious.
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Just look at the graph and find out for yourself
>>2066 >>2069 Lol, my dudes, try to follow along. The traps not being gay thing was a joke at the expense of an anon with some.... 'interesting' ideas. You were having a lot of fun there it seems, so I hate to break it down to you, but I'm a comfortably bi man, and I fap to traps as easily as I do to bara and cute anime girls. So you just wasted a bit of your time, but hey, you got all that out of chest at least, right?
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>>2071 >>2069 what if I dont care about the graph? what if i dont care about the jokes? what if i just wanted to make hoes mad?
>>2072 >what if i just wanted to make hoes mad My advice would be to try harder.
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i only wanted to share some stories that i thought you guys would like, what the actual fuck...
As if by magic, the shitposting is sorted. Anyway, can we go back to posting art? I don’t know why the tickling community is full of so many screeching autists.
Nothing like a good riot .
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The Trollangina Challenge Pages 1 through 5.
The Trollangina Challenge pages 6 through 10
The Trollangina Challenge Pages 11 through 15
The Trollangina Challenge pages 16 and 17
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>>822 Another
Where did you find this again? Don’t see it on their profiles >>2586
>>2555 Fuck this one is good, only way it could be better is if he got his navel tickled too.
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It sucks that this thread is dying. We’ve gotta unite in our faggotry. What is the oldest piece of male tickle art that you guys have saved? (Pics not related)
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Old stuff
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>>4306 >>4305 Damn, you delivered. That’s some vintage tickle art. I wonder how much tickle art has been totally lost to time? I hope somebody somewhere is archiving it all.
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>>4859 I'll post some more.
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>>4929 >>4931 It’s pretty amazing to see how long KitELCat has been drawing tickle art and how his style has developed. Out of all the western /m tickle artists his style is probably one of the closest to being like a professional cartoonist’s.
Pic unrelated. Vague request. Does anyone remember an artist that had a handful of pics probably on a yahoo group that were kind of amateur and looked like they were done with marker. One had a whole facility of guys strapped into tickle machines, one had some tied to trees in a forest tickled by fairies and one had aliens tickling and abducting some out of a window.
Where was the second one from? Couldn’t find it in their profiles. Well, all of them, really. >>822
>>4983 His main Twitter account is here https://mobile.twitter.com/cado_tk32 But the image you’re asking for is posted here https://mobile.twitter.com/Calcium_oax As I said though, it’s basically all this disembodied foot stuff. He hasn’t posted anything new there in a while, and he seems to be mainly focused on patreon right now, which I get. Considering his skill level, it’s pretty wild he was sharing his art for free.
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>>5385 God I wanna tie up Boyfriend and just fuck his bare feet while his girlfriend watches. Just use that idiot's big-ass feet for my own pleasure while his loved one squirms. There's a mod that genderswaps Girlfriend into a boy, and let me tell you, I think this specific male Girlfriend is the hottest and cutest boy I've ever seen, and these two boys being in ticklish love is everything I desperately want in life. Been meaning to write something about these two flirting with each other.
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On 8kun, before it died, the male tickling thread was discussing making a Discord server. Did anything ever come of that?
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>>6686 Do you have the source of the last one?
>>6690 It’s from bootyelectric
>>6686 Wow, do you know where the first one come from?
>>6793 CollaredKid06
What’s the most intense and cruel tickle art you guys have ever seen?
>>6802 Something about the expression on this one always bothered me. Like I guess there’s not anything wrong with the art exactly, but he looks like he’s posing for a photo rather than laughing.
Have any of you male lees experimented with jerking off while your feet are being tickled? I get the feeling it might be unlikely, but I'm really curious about it. Even if you haven't, do you think you'd be able to finish through it, or would the tickling be too distracting and make it more like edging?
>>6895 I wish
>>6895 My feet are not ticklish so that doesn't work for me.
>>6895 I have. It’s way too distracting for me to finish while it’s happening. Fun way to interrupt an orgasm though. Now, jerking off while my feet get nibbled and licked? Some of the best orgasms I’ve ever had.
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This new collaredkid is gonna be great when it's finally coloree
>>8296 I am into this
>>6957 hot
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I think we can all agree that "cock stocks" are very underutilized in both art and IRL. Just imagine, you locked by one of these and a dominatrix there who could do anything they wanted to it.
>>8552 Cockstocks are hot don't get me wrong but the second you said dominatrix you got me sippin on this https://youtu.be/nOPIu7isD3s
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Too many beefy dudes. Need more twinks and prettyboys.
Not all tickling but the boi's got nice feetz
>>8574 If the character is literally indistinguishable from a girl, I genuinely don’t get the appeal at all. This is a male art thread. That character has tits and a female body in both pictures other than the shirtless one.
>>8668 No, its a male character. The shirt is cropped to create the illusion of a female character. That's the point of traps. They dress in ways that hide their true genders but once the clothes come off its revealed they are indeed male. Some of us don't like hairy, beefy dudes getting tickled. Its just a matter of preferences.
>>8676 is there any term for in between traps and beefcakes because that's my favorite form of male tickling, not a trap but not overtly manly. And this specifically applies to anime males, not real life because my autism
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>>8731 You don't have to repost the same image in every thread that it fits you know
>>8676 >>8677 I generally get what he's talkin about though; some trap OCs are designed too much like just a girl without tits that it somehow manages to stretch the suspension of disbelief.
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>>9015 Please tell me there will be a follow up.
>>9020 So is there ANY tickle artwork of Ian?
>>9038 Barley has more but if you dig around tumblr you might find some Ian stuff.
>>9020 Nice Barley.
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Anyone has a colored version of this?
A thread for guys getting tickled while they're getting fucked, by dick, dildo, tentacle, fingers, etc. m/m, f/m, and */m are all acceptable. futa is acceptable but not preferred. pics semirelated, best I could find in my collection in my short attention span.
This thread already exists >>56
>>12198 they're different. That one's about getting milked, this one's about getting fucked. Different parts involved my guy.
>>12238 Pretty sure they meant the thread your currently in already exists and that your not actually making a new one :/
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Anybody got this? I fucking love f/m arts with a focus on victim's feet, and CollaredKid is good at it.
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>>15853 Best I can do is Jill
>>6799 I love scenarios where the victim gets tickled to death. >>6802 I'm actually the guy who commissioned this pic. It's Alex Mapeli getting tickled to death. The monitor on the left-hand side originally showed his heart flatlining from laughing and being tickled to death on his feet.
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>>15912 Saw this, but yeah, this one is so good. Just a thought of manicured female nails viciously playing with well-kept big feet is arousing for me. >>16058 Too hardcore for me lol, sorry
>>9015 > Does anyone who is the artist by any chance?
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>>19176 */m fags...
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>>15853 I gotchu, my friend.
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>>19257 Not the one who requested the pic, but anyone got CK's latest piece?
Tickle Slave Jack Frost by Zemmuem/ Cado
Post more f/m arts. Sharp female nails + soft male soles is a killer combination for me.
has a /f in it too, hope you don't mind too much
>>21233 source?
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Happy Father's Day!
Does anyone have a bunch of ticklefanatic/topticklefever art from his Firtastic days? There was a whole load of art but he deleted it all.
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>>25235 Seconding this. Someone has to have his old art archived.
>>25288 That doesn't like a ticklefanatic work, did you draw it?
>>25540 Check the filename, its Umajor, now goes by BadPierrot. Probably related to these ones (forgive the m/f but there's a f/m one too)
>>25550 I tried reversal image search, checked the whole badpierrot's gallery, and I've found nothing. Where and how did you obtain that drawing?
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>>25602 No, I wasn't talking about these two >>25550, I was talking about these one >>25288, I can't found it
>>25961 >>25963 Thanks anon. I love all these old firtastic era drawings.
Some stuff from Tumblr.
>>26464 I don't like all that clearly gay beefy shit from this thread but the third one caught my attention. If only it was manicured female hands instead of pens... Who's the author?
>>26835 >I don’t like all that clearly gay beefy shit Anon, you’re in the male tickle art thread of an anonymous fetish board. You don’t need to say no homo when you post. Pretty sure there’s a femdom thread if you’re looking for more specific stuff, but as it stands this is the only thread for gay shit. This is the artist >https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/44999182
>>26940 >this is the only thread for gay shit >>14 >Obligatory male tickle victim thread. That doesn't exclude f/m at least. Thanks for the artist tho.
>>26952 Exactly what I’m saying. There isn’t a thread for just m/m or single male focused art apart from this one, so this is inevitably gonna be where all the gay shit is.
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Achilliesheelart Zikkon witchfinder part1-5
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Achilliesheelart Zikkon witchfinder part 5-10
Anyone know what studio this is? https://spankbang.com/5phrk/video/f+m+tickling+23
>>29370 Why even bother posting this?
>>29373 Why's the bar for male tickling so fucking low? This looks like something straight out of The Mandela Catalogue.
>>29430 Because male tickling is fucking gay. Like tickling muscular men is fucking gay. But twinks, femboy? Still fucking gay but not as gay as muscle men
>>29431 >People who want to see sexual content with men are attracted to men You figure that one out on yourself?
>>29431 Depends, if you are turned on by the act rather than who it's done to. So no it ain't gay without context.
>>29430 male tickling is gay as fuck unless it's a twink with a ticklish dick.
>>29476 >it's not gay if I think its hot
(204.80 KB 358x341 shit I can.jpg)

>>29431 >>29476 I don't give a rat's ass about it being gay, I'm asking why the hell does it look like shit so fucking often.
>>29431 >>29476 You two retards are still gay as fuck, just trying to look less homosexual. Pitiful.
>>29563 post your cute-ass feet, faggot
>>29430 >>29552 Most people won't just pay for quality.
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>>29563 use the golden rule anon, it's not gay as long as you're on top.
>>29603 Nah, man. Even if you're on the bottom you're still good. Just don't let the balls touch.
>>29603 Nah, man, just don't let your back entry touched. But it's hard if you're that one true asshole. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Art from Clover (Or was it CloverDog?)
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>>32216 Jesus christ did you screenshot this image from behind a pane of glass while it was raining? Found the source, btw. https://twitter.com/PluginArt1/
I'm tired of pretending Genn Greymane isn't hot and now there's finally s o m e fucking tickle art of him
Credit to Pmarshmello. I really hope he releases an uncensored cuz I've already cum my brains like 3 times to this and had a dream about it.
>>32360 Well then prepare to cum harder anon. It's No Nut November so we're gonna have to harvest your cum even more now to get through this drought. I don't know if he posted uncensored anywhere, I just know he posted it uncensored first, I snapped it up, and then he deleted and reuploaded it with the censor (or it got taken down).
>>32223 Thanks! And no I found it on Instagram and the guy posted low quality version with no link to the source.
I have no clue if it's NNN or if I'm just in a strong submissive phase but I've recently just been craving to be teased mercilessly. Just the occasional teasy reply keeps getting me overwhelmingly flustered.
>>33275 Well keep up the good work Anon or else You and me will be having a loooong talk ;)
>>33320 Hmph, I can take whatever you want to throw at me... Just please be gentle.
I have a fondness for WikiHow art. And some of the guys are kinda cute.
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everyone look (all the celebrity men on the art look fucking ugly)
>>33275 >>33320 Ill join in on the conversation too! Right after Ive got my nails done and ive purchased a fresh roll of duct tape~
>>33563 Y-you're just getting those things for fashion and home repairs right? Right?!
This one isn’t kinky at all and barely looks like tickling, but I think it’s cute
>>33551 yooo source?? love this btw
What’s the bump limit for this board? This thread is gonna be hitting 300 posts pretty soon
>>33662 This might be the gayest post here and I love it.
>>33684 Shut up I’m not gay I’m just a man who exclusively likes to watch naked men tickle each other and be boyfriends like a true hetero
>>33590 Oh anon, you're silly if you think you can smooth talk your way out of this. I want you to laugh, and break, and beg me... Either to stop or for more tickles!
If this thread is just going to become a rp thread, at least tell me the ler is a femanon
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>>30111 I found the other parts
>>35588 Holy shit anon🥵 Any clue who the artist is?
>>35590 No clue. If I did I'd post it. Hopefully someone else can find that out.
>>35588 Where? Also thank you!
>>35789 It was part of this. Not sure who the original artist is. https://imhentai.xxx/gallery/689434/
>>35590 >>35632 I've seen these before. It says "PAU" on the 1st one. Not sure how helpful that is...
>>36239 It looks like this artist but I have no clue who did this one either. Saucenao just leads to an artist that doesn't have the same style
>>36256 Thank you. Sadly it looks like he hasn't posted since 2015
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>>36289 I don't know why but I just like it when a dude is ticklish but sits still and takes it.
Sauce for the Ninja turtle one?
>>36580 Who is the artist for the pokemon one?
>>36580 My dumbass couldnt find it even with the name. Needed a link to be more specific
I’m searching for some tickle art, and I’m hoping someone ok here has saved it. There was a bunch of /m art that was originally from some Chinese forum or something. One of them was sort of a redraw of pic related, but it was much cleaner and digitally drawn. There were multiple others too. I know this isn’t much to go on, but is it ringing any bells for anyone?
>>36655 It was on kemono.party type up birch in the post search for the pic or red in the artist search and you'll find him.
You are looking for joaey81's Hadashi archive. It's not up anymore, but do let me know if these are the pics you were looking for: https://wertzunge.tumblr.com/tagged/naruto%20tickling
idk if irl tickling is allowed here but:
>>37630 No, sorry, this isn’t what I meant. It isn’t other art by the same artist as this. It’s just that one of them was a redraw/reimagining of the image of Naruto tied to the tree that I posted earlier. I believe one of the changes was that Konohamaru is the ticklee, maybe. Other than that one, I don’t think the artist had any other Naruto artwork, but there were some based on characters from other series.
>>37647 >konohamaru is the ticklee Sorry, I mean that he’s the tickLER, like he’s behind Naruto tickling his feet.
>>37648 Ahhh I remember the one you mean, it is a pretty great /M pic...Naruto is laughing pretty hard in that one, too.
>>37636 Very nice, anon...crossed ankle tickling is best tickling, conveys an even greater sense of helplessness.
Anybody has lucas565 complete gallery?, he nuked his DeviantArt and Blogspot
I put a MyFriendsFeet pic through an AI app and got this third image. Worked surprising well, actually.
>>37764 wait how so? just cuz the bottom foot is trapped?
>>38509 This isn't bad but I wish Cloud wasn't cosplaying Ricardo Milos
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>>291 Who’s the artist of the fourth pic?
>>39108 Holy fuck I need this done to me. I'm not even gay but I'm tempted to just hit one of the millions of gay ticklefags near me and tell them to destroyme
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>>39863 this fetish transcends sexuality, anon. live your life.
>>39863 Do it anon. Theres nothing wrong with it, I regularly use Grindr when I want to be tickled and foot worshipped and I cant resist the horny any longer. We only live one life. Broaden your horizons. Fulfill your fantasies. Find fulfillment.
>>39863 I love how you go right to finding a man to do that to you, even though that's from a F/M tickling session. Then again, your chances of find a woman to do that to you are incredibly low (Not dissing you. It's just rare you find a woman into that).
>>39908 Bro, holy shit you were right. It worked.
>>40001 Good stuff anon! Care to share your experience?
>>40001 tell us about it :3
Who is the best current /m tickle artist, in you guys’ opinion? I feel like we’re kinda eating good right now, there are more skilled ones around than there used to be.
>>40938 DokiDokiMuffin triggers my bisexual ass like no other m/m artist can
>>40938 Source for first pic?
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>>41145 Thanks.
>>39863 >>39929 One thing I will always give to the gay community is they do this tickling hook up thing so much better and more efficiently than the plethora of thirsty heteros holding out for a female playmate that most likely will never come unless they’re willing to pay for it.
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(23.05 MB 466x524 foxy_claw_tickles (480p).mp4)

>>42426 >>42347 >>42346 >>42345 >>42343 >>42342 >>42341 >>42340 >>42339 I can’t speak for everyone, but personally self-tickling pics don’t do it for me at all. (also you can put multiple images in one post anon, no need to flood the thread)
>>42432 For some strange reason, it wouldn't let me post more than one video at a time (except for the last two videos).
>>43310 Source of the fourth one?
>>43345 I SECOND THIS!!!
>>43345 It's a tumblr artist, lovelymessybubbly.
>>44005 not quite, I think it's ssnicker-doodless
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>>45102 >>45103 Beg in the Request Thread Anon.
>>40942 >>45117 This guy's really good.
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>>45224 Who's the artist?
>>46737 Source pls?
It's almost June, time to gay it up!
Furfag anon here. Any writers in this thread willing to write a private revenge pornfic about irl people? I have someone whos been asking for it hardcore and it's gonna get seriously perverted and hard, like make someone renown their gender and make the truth come out hard, animal licks might be a thing too
>>47058 Topkek. Tell us the story anon.
>>47058 I'm listening :>
>>47095 I've told my tale a time or two here https://8chan.se/tkr/res/15941.html#q18022 to avoid same posting I'm ready to take the next step by commissioning a fic if anyone's willing to post their FA/DA/Discord/etc I'll discuss details in private
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>>47095 Still looking if any writer's are still offering
>>47248 >>47249 The fuck is this bot shit
>>47246 If this story is typed, what would be in it and how would you like to be given it
>>28260 This is amazing. Where to get more?
>>47383 It would be about the user mentioned in the venting thread, it would would involve his tweets, his personality, he (as his fursona) would be kidnapped by a figure he's long since forgotten about. A figure who craves vengeance, he would be subject to tickle torture by many means, claws, brushes, lotions, oil, moisturizer, etc. He would cum with each method uncontrollably, as the figure picks apart his carefully crafted persona and humiliates him. Showing him that the sexuality he prides and boasts about being nonstop is in fact a front for his fetish, and for sexually venting it. Animals would be bought in to lick, he would break to them completely. He'd give the figure the truth, a truth the figure would take advantage of. Recording his admittance with the target's own phone before uploading it to his social media. Watching the truth come out, and the target's carefully crafted superficial life and relationships he crafted in the name of clout fall apart. As the target is tickled into insanity, being kept as the figure's personal tickle slave As for how to receive... I'm open to options ranging from discord to email and so on, just tell me what your preference is
>>47383 There's other details too but I'd have to go over with you in private
>>47396 I can do discord. Can you gimme your stuff so we can talk about it in further detail?
>>47424 Rattl3m3b0nes#7756
>>47428 I sent you a friend request
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Someone else post some art or I’m gonna cry and shit my pants
There was a pic of FGO's master (Fujimaru Ritsuka) being mummified and tickled, but the artist nuked all his stuff. Does anyone have it?
>>48112 so much miguel stuff but nothin of hobie (spider-punk), perfect lee candidate imo
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>>50232 No one finds your fatass attractive, get over it.
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zxdewa_3 is awesome
>>50774 Hey man whatever floats your boat but don't be a bitch about.
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>>50715 Some of his bondage setups are top-tier, yeah
Genuinely considering just meeting with a guy at some point to do a tickle session, desperate for it and haven't found any girls into it at all, even the ones I've dated.
>>51605 Benj's chubby guys are solid.
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>>51554 Well I doubt you’ll have any trouble finding a guy to tickle you. In my experience, tickling a straight guy is like the #1 fantasy for most of em
>>51554 I had a session with a straight guy this spring for exactly this reason lmao. He contacted me with a desire to see how ticklish his feet are. I usually immediately reply "I'm straight, gtfo", but this time I thought why not, told him to get a pedicure and we quickly agreed on time and place. Also no homo. He turned out to be an actually handsome 21y.o, similar to >>51689 and other "handsome anime guy" types. We had a quick chat, he went to the bathroom to wash his feet and we got to action. His feet were very similar to Feeteraco's style, somewhat narrow size 11s with long toes and high wrinkled arches, pretty smooth after fresh foot care... but not ticklish at all. Hairbrushes, electric toothbrushes, TENS units, metal fingernails, switching between knismesis and gargalesis - nothing worked. I managed to squeeze some rare chortles out of him after applying a thick layer of moisturizing lotion to his soles and drying it/helping to soak into with a hairdryer, and that's it. After that "session", I asked him something along the lines of "why won't you get a girl and tell her your desires, with your looks it shouldn't be a problem, especially if you're a lee". He told me that he has a gf for like 3 years but is too shy to tell her about his tickle and foot fetishes. I hope he admitted his desires to her since and now gets his feet mercilessly and enthusiastically tickled whenever he wants.
I'm so ducking envious. How do you get hot guys into that kind of arrangement?!
Made a tickle edit of the original RevealYourSins post
>>52179 Good stuff! Got anymore?
>>52248 thanks! Here’s a couple other variants I made (I’m not great at background removal and I didn’t wanna pay for it lol)
>>52248 didn’t allow me to upload these others in the one post so here’s some others I worked on
>>49931 Yo where did you get that? The links on kemono don't work at all
Post all the images you got!
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Aladdin Comic from Pixiv
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>>55554 do you have any of those full comics?
Am a ler, used to have tickle session with both guys and girls (I'm a guy myself). Guys generally have way softer and more ticklish soles than girls, idk why.
>>55914 Probably because men tend to have their feet covered more often than women and they wear softer/comfier shoes & socks. Women wear open shoes and heels and such and have their feet exposed to the elements more. Women get pedicures more than men usually but most techs are not great and the technique they use causes the skin to grow back harder and tougher. Even a guy who doesn't take care of his feet beyond basic washing will probably have softer soles than a woman who shows hers off regularly.
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>>55957 Exactly this, women have lovely shape to their feet in many cases but yeah, if you keep your feet in thick socks and sneakers, they're going to be softer and more sensitive to touch. Just look at the women who go on nights out in heels then walk along the road barefoot late at night on the open sidewalk, who is more likely to get hard skin/callouses?
>>56844 Super cute ticklees, where did you get that?
>>56844 Also this would be amazing colored.
>>57058 Commissioned by me from TwoMario, just got it a couple days ago. He'll likely post it soon, but I'm giving you guys a sneak preview.
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Humplex have some cute guys! This one is Brom.
I know this isn't really the right place to ask but, any img hoarder had this artist's work? Things i remember, it was uploaded on da around 2017-2018ish, aside from these two pictures that i had found there's one more where it's three men tickled by some flower creature. What i'm searching is this picture where a soldier is being tickled by his sergeant(?), it had some english text where the tickler teased him that he liked it, and also it has little blurbs of Korean text (not so sure about this part), oh maybe this would help but after some digging the artist's name was cpsean94 (unfortunate naming ik).
>>57143 Source for the first one?
Ask and ye shall receive. Good to know someone benefits from my hoarding lol
>>57563 Holy fuck thank you anon
Fuck it, I want to spread awareness so I'll post in here as well. I noticed some amateur tickle content that features a type of tickling that the tickle community is generally starved for, despite art attempting to make up for it. None of these creators have been uploaded to coomer.party, however in drawing attention to them, maybe that can be changed. One of them is not a tickle-focus account, but the video is good nonetheless. I hope you enjoy.
(2.43 MB 1280x720 Double tickling.mp4)

(4.53 MB 1280x720 Face down tickling.mp4)

(12.04 MB 1280x720 Hogtied tickling.mp4)

(4.02 MB 1280x720 Naked boy tied to table.mp4)

(4.65 MB 1280x720 ShrimpBoi.mp4)

(3.70 MB 1280x720 Stocked feet tickling.mp4)

>>57563 You're a hero, Anon!
Your thanks are the best thing I've heard all day <3 I don't want to waste comments, so here are a few random pics
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Dunno if this is the place for it but I came across this one video randomly on coomers of this big dude getting his massive size 22 FEET tickled. https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/mastersize22/post/588147492
>>59975 That artist is excellent, love their stuff on DA.
>>59975 >>60237 This piece is pure excellence. The ler, the dialogue, the lee's soft sole, everything. I actually wish to see part 2 with endurance training.
>>60282 Exactly, how often these days do we see artists nail the setup, the ler and lee, the foot/feet themselves, and the expressions all in the same pic? Pretty seldom. I love the way she so elegantly and effortlessly seems to be restraining his ankle too, artists need to do more with leg locks.
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(22.06 MB 856x382 Foxy Tickled Tortured P2.mp4)

(22.55 MB 856x382 Foxy Tickle Tortured P3.mp4)

>>57143 Source for the second one?
>>60345 >>60344 i'm sick of seeing this fucking fox twink all over this board with his average ass feet and lame as fuck persona. man's not even ticklish or giggling at all, just wiggling his feet around and pretending to struggle. fucker probably is tickling himself (hence why the video is split) stop trying to be cute and get a job ffs
>>60344 >>60493 It’s absolutely a fake split screen. The body movements don’t sync up at all between the two sides. Truly carrying on tkltkltklyou's legacy of fake staged and totally not self tickling videos.
>>60344 >>60345 Furfag with a tendency for twinks here; I'm fucking sick of seeing these faggots in these Walmart ass looking pajamas trying to pass them off as "fursuits". Don't even get me started on the rubber masks....then there's the fake ass laughter and the "uwu" personality. I may like raping twinks but that doesn't mean I like them as people.
>>60517 At least some of tkltkltklyou's content still gave me a charge. The Dr. Jahli vids are kinda hot when imagining the text to speech voice as a tickle machine. This fox stuff though, fucking oof.
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>>60687 Is there a version of the first picture uncensored?
Yes on YH_Beijibei twitter. Still blurred tho
>>60775 if more men had nice feet like that, we would be living in such a better world
>>60235 Man, you could spend a great afternoon licking every inch of those feet and still not run out.
>>60888 revoking his footwear privileges and tickling him senseless for turning me on with those perfect bare feet
Oh helll no! 🤭
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Dip is truly a dream lee
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These are all low res. If anyone has any higher quality versions of any of these it would be appreciated. Not many have been archived anywhere.
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>>52989 Wish this guy kept doing pics along this theme. Not usually into guys like this, but the humiliation aspect of authority figures or tough guys all bound and gagged like that while their enemies tickle their feet is hot as hell.
>>62975 >Male thread >Post female Do you are have stupid
>>63023 What are you talking about that's just trunks from dragon ball
>>63026 The way that Truck's chest has been drawn, makes it look like he's a futa more than a guy. Even still, it's pretty good.
>>63026 Princess Truuuuunks
>>63040 Actually I can see it now whoops. The tags under the pic didn't specify so I don't know wtf is going on.
>>60775 Any more of this guy?
>>60344 Even if it's a "Fake" split, guy's feet are cute as hell and their outfit has a hot anonymous angle to it that gets me going Fellas can't appreciate a little bit of put-together showmanship; people put down tkltkltklyou's old works for the same reason and I don't get the hate, it's some of my all time favorite
>>63688 Never understood the hate on tkltkltklyou either. Dude was pretty damn creative making those videos. The pitch shifted voices didn't do anything for me but the text-to-speech he used was surprisingly hot.
Sort of a rant, but holy shit do I want a twinkish boy tied up and naked on my bed for me to tickle incessantly as I polish and overstimulate his femboy dick. Serves them right for being cute and feminine when they should be big, burly men that split logs with their bare hands
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmQpPQ3e-MzhboCGjBCjWsL6oTzVbl_q_ As someone who usually hates lers talking too much, something about this dude's teasing drives me fuckin crazyy 💖
There was also a channel called straightjockfootlover who filmed guys' feet with their consent. It's so hard to find his videos nowadays.
>>63683 >>63694 >>63688 >>63963 >>63857 If you guys are gonna yap at least contribute.
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>>63982 Mald, cope, seethe :)
>>63982 Nah I'll keep yapping and you can get tickle fucked by santa.
>>64137 >>64079 Step on a Lego.
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This one's cute. Poor guy's soles are just getting absolutely WRECKED
>>64176 No wiggle room is the worst feeling.
Nothing like breaking a guy until he's in tears and drool.
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>>65710 Tickle artists usually have really nice and pampered feet themselves, EverydayComix definitely deserves it >:3
Wew lads, ticklefanatic actually returned! Show his new account some love: https://www.deviantart.com/ticklingobsession I still don't know why he originally left. I think it had something to do with his art being reposted without his knowledge. For that reason, I'm not going to post his *new* stuff here. Just sharing an old favorite.
>>65753 This is, what, the 4th new identity he’s returned with? Firtastic, Ticklefanatic, Tickletorturefever and now this. Love his art but this is chaotic. I hope he doesn’t disappear in like a year again.
>>65756 >>65753 Well this recent time he stated it was COVID and art repost. TF is a bit of drama queen but I'm glad he seems to be on the upswing again.
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>>65753 An interesting note on his commission rule "Nothing explicitly sexual can be depicted" I wonder why, i know it's not a rare rule and artist have their own boundaries but like... most of his work it's already pretty erotic, why he didn't go the extra mile? Either way still appreciate the promise of not paywalling art tho
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>>67530 Awesome pic 😉 this should go into the F/M thread as well. SymbionTickles has been knocking it out the park with the last few.
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KitELcat is apparently going to stop updating his account for good. End of an era. Does anyone have any of his really old art?
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There’s a part 3 but that and the uncensored part 2 are on SunnySolesArt’s Patreon and that isn’t on Kemono
By TheMoore
Brother, can we cool it spamming mid slop? Let the thread move at its own pace.
>>72911 Nope but feel free to stay or enjoy the other threads.
When Edgeworth talks about cutting Gumshoe's salary, this is what's actually happening. It's a code phrase, you see.
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Still so gutted mystic-touch vanished. Her art was top notch and always getting better. And she was really leaning into tickle edging and butthole tickling towards the end, I'd kill to see what she would have drawn next. Also I'm not really into m/m but the thought of a girl who is into it is fucking hot.
I have a bunch of Mystic Touch art but I'm not sure about posting it here, since it's largely available on DA...
>>73118 I mean the uncensored ones are for sure harder to fine, feel free
Would anyone happen to have the uncensored versions of her Aero/Argo drawings? or tkl-boi's steamier pics?
>>73846 >that third pic Man, Achilles never fails to introduce scenarios that seem absolutely insane and yet appeal to me in a very specific way. The idea of getting back at Mr. Tickle is a fun enough idea but seeing a whole bunch of the Mr. Men line up to have a crack at him really appeals to me in a perverse way. And he mimicked the style so well, I didn't realize it was him until I saw the particularly detailed feet and his signature. I'm glad he's still producing art!
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Does anyone have any of Cadomiumu’s art since Kemono stopped updating?
Nope. It really feels like the /M side of kemono has been on its way out for a while, I haven't seen anything new on it in... i don't even remember. Wish I was a good enough person to celebrate, but I'm really not xD
>>74563 >Be zp92 >Make fantastic feet and ocs >Be an actual autistic lolcow nigger Was it ever proven he posted pics of his real moms feet?
>>74037 sauce for the first two pics?
>>74037 sauce for the first two pics?
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>>75604 Hold up, wait, stop, just a second. What's the source on this one? Apparently it's too new for Saucenao.
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Not to be cringe or whatever, but I tried my hand at making my own tk art. Here are my fellas.
>>75940 I love the playfulness of it.you should post them in the Tumblr thread as well.
>>75948 Thanks anon! I think I will. :]
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>>76061 >Wow, his cock is twitching from being tickled. nice~ >There's a giant cock being rammed into his ass God damn it.
>>76106 >tfw tickling is a minor inconvenience at best Feels bad man
>>76119 I can dig it when it's like this extra little tease on top of already falling apart from tickling. Like a guy getting tickled to gasping breathless giggles and then a little buzzing bullet or single finger in a sleeve goes in for that extra bit of humiliation is hot to me. But it's always that big ramrod and the tickling takes the backseat when these two are mixed.
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Does anyone have an archive of TrueTickleFanatic’s old art? It would be a huge favor for this anon. Love his art and I’m always sad to see his accounts go inactive or deactivated
>>76496 Most of them from his first comeback are on Rule34 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=trueticklefanatic+ And somebody on DA has his older stuff https://www.deviantart.com/hvaltsart01
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Tell us about the most ticklish guy you’ve ever met, anons.
>>76522 One of my cousins, who I'll name Jake for now. Really nice guy, fair-haired, just under six feet tall, athletic build (he does a lot of running). I visited Jake and some of the family over in Australia a few years back, in 2019...he'd have been around 20 by that point. We met for a drink round at his flat, catching up, having a laugh, etc, just us two and his sister (my other cousin... let's call her Sandy, who was about 22, same as me). I was sat on the sofa with Jake, Sandy was sat on the other. At one point Sandy was telling us about some tattoo that she got on her ankle after being told it was dumb to get it done on the sole of her foot...Jake shivered at this and said he'd hate that. I would have let this comment slide but I remembered tickling him very briefly previously, maybe 6/7 years before, and how he'd freaked out back then. I innocently asked, "why's that?" and, before he could answer, I slowly dragged a finger along his right socked sole, which was facing me as he'd raised it onto the sofa; he yelped and pulled his leg back instinctively. Apparently Sandy was on the same wavelength as me as she approached with a mischievous grin on her face. Well, one thing led to another, and seconds later, we'd torn off his socks and I had his ankles pinned, gently pulling his toes back while Sandy tickled the crap out of his surprisingly soft soles while he pounded on my back. You know sometimes they just giggle, or laugh intermittently in-between struggles? Nope. I hadn't remembered him being so ticklish but he was putting out loud, deep-belly laughs the whole time, his eyes screwed up sometimes and his mouth was wide open as Sandy went to work on his feet. It only went on for 25-30 seconds but it was enough to leave him red in the face by the end of it. Anyway, that was the end of it, we didn't mention it much after and we had a really fun evening together. I have a few guy (and girl) friends who come close but don't know anyone quite as ticklish as Jake.
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>>76531 Thanks for sharing anon, very hot, here’s hoping one day he gets kidnapped and tickled for hours without any mercy whatsoever
>>76552 Lmfao, well if my younger cousin does get kidnapped, I hope tickling is the worst that happens to him (knowing him, that might be genuine torture).
>>76522 It's me. I curl into a ball or flail around at the slightest prod. And yet here I am, with nobody to tickle me.
>>76531 Fags trying to be kinky without being incest pedo or beastiality challenge (literally impossible)
>>76851 Lol, Anon asked a question and I answered it truthfully. If my cousin is the most ticklish person I've met then go figure. If other people find that hot, that's up to them.
>>76851 There's an entire thread on loli shit and there's a 0% chance that it's any women posting that degenerate shit
>>76851 Why are you in this thread?
>>76915 Because making fags mad by pointing out basic shit is funny
Woah, you totally just owned all the fags right there. Yup, sure did. They will never recover from your actions. You did such a good job. Who's a good boy?
>>76933 Nah that's cope The real reason is you're a fag in denial hoping that someone will have enough of your shit and tickle you until you beg for another man to make you cum
>>76976 Bruh wtf are you talking about? Lmao I never denied being a faggot myself i just like stirring up the hive by pointing out stupid shit
>>77120 Nice, you remind me of a class clown. Kinda sad that your only source of joy is spending time here and pretending to be smarter than other people.
>>77120 > i just like stirring up the hive by pointing out stupid shit dude you're so fucking cool. you're like an agent of chaos dude. yuo're like the joker, intelligent, nihilistic, and a wicked sense of humor bro youre like my hero rick samches from brick and mortar haha sechuan sauce mulan hahahaz pickle rick?? Pickle JOKER more like!!!
>>77122 >>77125 The fucking. Salt. Kek.
>>77149 grow up, nigga
>>77067 got the source on this? also, anyone have ticklingsogood's comics? I want to support him but there's no way i'm going to pay for this content. crazy high prices.
>>77201 This guy used to be good but he fell off hard once he started using AI. Now he's using it regularly ON TOP OF charging exorbitant prices. Not worth supporting.
>>78047 It's a shame because I'm noticing a large amount of artists and producers who do male tickling resort to AI. I wonder why that is? I know it doesn't do nearly as well as female content but it's a shame
>>78047 Yep, as soon as I saw this image I was out. It’s wild because he can draw really well. AI slop looks so much worse.
>>78057 Because AI is easy and cheap and we're finding that most people's taste as to what's "good" is very limited, so when the computer chugs out something that's barely acceptable fap fodder they lose their minds over the magical free porn machine they've found. Why pay an artist (ugh, gross) and wait (UGH, GROSS) for the art you want when you can just ask the AI to do it when you don't care about style and visual aesthetic so long as it has the right face and acceptable feet?
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>>78118 >Tries to imply AI is bad >"Why pay an artist and wait for the art you want when you can just ask the AI to do it when you don't care about style and visual aesthetic so long as it has the right face and acceptable feet?" >Literally described why using AI for fap material is optimal This is true especially for a niche fetish like this, since anyone can just make their own fap material in seconds. I'm honestly just waiting for AI to become good enough, when that happens I'll just toss artists in the trash. If you're an artist and your whole career was built upon making fap material, you should NOT expect people to care about you enough not to replace you with a robot that can do your work faster. I don't care about you, I wanna cum to tickling.
>>78122 Absolutely based take. Honestly some of the stuff AI can do recently is far better than a majority of tickle fetish art I see these days. Unless you are making animations or 3D model stuff as a fetish content producer there is absolutely no reason to pay for tickling fetish art.
>>78122 Stop feeding your cum to machine succibi, you spiritual retard
>>78134 >Stop feeding your cum to machine succibi Jokes on you, putting it like that makes it so much hotter
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Anyone have any videos from ticklingmalefeetasyoulike/ Erotickles? His content is what made me want to get my soles tickles and sadly hes left and would love to see more videos from him.
>>78122 You could kill yourself instead
>>78183 >>67621 Try this
https://vkvideo.ru/@id431059863 This channel is a goldmine for m/m stuff. Some actual vinrage twink on twink action unlike most mainstream videos where old creep tickles a twink
>>78204 I will die between the boobs of a waifu in ultra realistic futuristic VR
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>>78122 Yes and No. AI is just a tool and it's intended for artists. It sucks when you rely only on prompting but it can give stunning results in an assisted workflows with manual drawing and sketching. It takes hours and sometimes even a few days to make a good AI drawing assisted artwork especially if you are not a good artist and it does involve a lot of manual work and technical skills.
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AI assisted art. Manual sketching, photoshop and stable diffusion combined.
>>78599 Do you have a place where you post your art? Your AI isn't slop, it's good
>>78651 >pic 1 This is likely the only clearly AI art that I like. The young pretty boy trying to contain giggles while the ler's manicured hands are just resting on his smooth round heels. How utterly soft his huge feet are, practically inviting to be touched. The adoring look on the ler's face who is clearly into what she is doing. The overall vibe and a bit of age dynamics suggesting that this is some sort of interrogation or correction facility and she is going to expertly tickle the hell out of her captive's tender tootsies. I just fucking love that pic.
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>>78679 AI is definitely getting better. I usually kinda hate it but I’ve been seeing the good shit lately.
>>78881 Those look fairly good. How did you make them?
>>78895 I didn’t, I found them on DeviantArt. Username is TicklishAIBoys
>>78679 You was spot on. The story is here https://8chan.moe/tkr/res/957.html#q57639
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wish we'll get more gacha slop tickles this year
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