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/ss/ Drawthread #1 Anonymous 12/30/2021 (Thu) 02:50:32 No. 1147
Nobody else doing it so I'll be the first to start it. Welcome to the inaugural /ss/ drawthread and hoping for many more. Thanks Dolli for the picture and letting us know that there are a few actual artists lurking so we don't embarrass ourselves. Since this is the first one lets try to lay some very basic ground rules >Requesters try to include references in things you want to get drawn it makes it easier for the artists >Don't be a bitch >Don't be annoying >Don't be gross That's that have fun! If anything else the BO can probably handle other problems
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>>1147 Requesting shota Buryat getting a blowjob by either Katya or DJ
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>>1147 Requesting Wuya with a target pained on her butt get fucked maybe in the ass by Raimundo
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Requesting Bea giving Allister a footjob
Artist here. Still willing, just not super into the ideas so far. Don't give up !
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>>1233 Do you draw futa? Can you draw Allister struggling to free himself from from a futa Bea (see >>1169 for reference on the characters), similarly to the pokeboys in my pics?
Dipper Pines fucking Velma from Scooby Doo, please!
Requesting Lincoln and Lucy having sex with the ghosts of their ancestor look-a-likes Duke Loud and Lucille. Lincoln is doing Lucille and Duke Loud doing Lucy. Feel free.
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Robin sitting in between Ivy and Harley naked covered in red and green lipstick marks all his body
Requesting Cardamon's teacher Ms. Coffee, forcefully fellating him and/or forcing him to cunnilingus her. She has no porn yet. So her first Rule 34 can be /ss/.
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>>1234 Now we're talking. Love all of these besides the Loud House one. I'll get em done, going down the line. Starting with this very (un)lucky pokeboy
Susan Strong letting Finn play with her colossal tits.
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>>1250 Futafag here. I didn't expect to have my request fulfilled, let alone before anyone else. You made my day.
>>1246 >>1249 Lame...
>>1253 don't be a bitch
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Black Cat giving her sidekick, Black Kitten, a blowjob.
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Riley in his little trap outfit getting blown under his skirt by Sarah. Riley is a little brat and Sarah likes to be told what to do so Riley's face doesn't have to be as innocent as the references, he'd probably be telling her what to do
I hate how draw threads like these are dead with no artists around.
Requesting Mowgli and Ranjan nude and getting breastfed by Rebecca Cunningham nude, and with Hyper breasts, dark brown nipples, tail, and big butt while holding their penises, please.
>>1333 Now this is easily one of those most autistic requests so far.
>>1336 Im honestly wondering if they just want free commissions with the amount of detail they're giving
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>>1258 Looking this up took me down a very long and odd rabbit hole on public domain superheroes. In short, this is as canon as the comics.
>>1343 oh hey not OR but great job croc. Only reason I know about them is because of how much /co/ posts them but they just seem like such a perfect pair for us. So this being basically canon makes it a good day
>>1343 This is really good, anon. >>1342 Pretty much what I imagine. They could easily find some degenerate on twitter to draw it for them. But maybe they're just too cheap to wanna pay for their ridiculous fetish.
>>1343 OR here. You are a scholar and a gentleman.
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requesting these two having some cute sweet loving sex together please
Harley holding little boy with tiny dick, while Poison Ivy fucks his tiny dick. Bonus: x-ray showing how boy sperm attacks Ivy eggs. Idea is that Harley and Ivy wanted babies... so their evil minds come with naughty hot idea to start molesting random innocent kids from street, until they both will be pregnant.
Your original character fucking one or more of your other original characters. I want to see what you could come up with.
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Can we get Ben fucking Kevin's mom while she's apologizing for her son trying to kill him, she doesn't have any model reference for anything other than Alien Force. You can either go the two of them route or the Kevin found them route. If you do go the Kevin finding the route you can have shota Kevin bang Ben's mom and Gwen's mom in revenge... Just saying
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>>1483 As a follow up maybe something like this with Gwen walking in on the threesome
>>1406 >>1470 >>1483 >>1484 What shit. And two of them are Ben 10 requests ask by the samn person.
>>1486 Retard do you even know what board you're on?
>>1486 There's nothing wrong with these requests.
>>1488 If you say so hitler
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Requesting my character as a shota with a 9 month pregnant Arachne sitting on his lap while she wears the heart collar.
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>>1147 requesting a little follow up to this where Kit is giving Surge a good ol' fashioned mating press for her troubles or plowing her from behind so shes a soppy mess
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>>1637 Also requesting Surge and Kit with Tails and Rogue in a little foursome that maybe ends with the foxboys laying their dicks across the girls eyes. Regular dicks or fox dicks don't matter to me
>>1147 requesting skylar cruz giving her shota friend a handjob/blowjob after he asks her to help out with his stiff erection
>>1484 >>1483 Dumb Ben 10 faggot.
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Requesting Nate nude, and doing a Doggystyle on Kyubi (Female) with Hyper breasts and wide hips, impregnates her, and she has a baby boy with Purple hair, her mother's 9 tails, her ears, eyes, and markings, and breastfeeds him and Nate.
>>1739 Yo-Kai faggot is at it again. He's the reason why everyone stopped editing and drawing on /sm/.
>>1740 Get out!
Requesting Cat Noir from Miraculous Ladybug, his suit torn, being under hypnotic influence, while a sexy female villain is riding him, can be a canon villain from the show or a completely imaginative new villain you conjure up on your own as long as she's either milf or cake tier.

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Requesting Ava Ire from Ava's Demon as a thick milf lovingly snuggled up to a shota wanting him to be her boyfriend.
>>1336 I'm autistic myself and honestly that dude is just being a retard.
Are ideas for original characters okay here? I wrote >>1913 just to see a tough, buff chick working as a mobster goon for a classy shota You can be creative with their designs or personalities The two images i'm posting are just examples and inspiration but you can make the characters into something else
requesting ena teasing the collector, resulting with her giving him a blowjob or jerking him off
Baseball puppy domming Loona into giving him some Reverse paizuri
Requesting Aki/Akiza as a futanari, fucking Leo's ass hard. Also requestion an alternate pic with Akiza cumming, and bloating Leo's belly up with cum.
Requesting a thick Chihaya Mifune from Persona 5 getting a huge creampie from Shinya Oda (or any shota really) like pic related, being exceptionally horny and lovey dovey
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Requesting Lincoln having sex with Carly Miller from Family Bonding as they're both naked.
Requesting this girl from the rerefence of the right offering her Milk to her little brother in a similar pose from the reference of the left and then a redraw of Her breastfeeding him?
>>1616 what's the character screenshot from ?
>>3937 Looks like Code Vein to me
>>1147 Can we get a sequel with Roxy straddling Gregory?
>>3937 One of my characters I used the Code Vein creator for. It's a great character creator.
>>2015 hes called the_hellhound_kid on e621, incase anyone else wants more of him and wasnt aware
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Here’s a cum edit I made out of one of Pepper0’s latest sets.
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Requesting Reo Miyao from Bokutachi no Ikita Riyuu caressing a fat older woman (he's a canon fatfag lol) or vice versa, having his anorexic body admired by said fat woman Please nothing gay I will draw something back for you if you draw him we can do a trade, but don't expect too much quality here's some art examples; https://catbox.moe/c/flpzzu
>>4044 Thanks for your service.
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>>4174 saw your art,wanted to do a trade! (honest,had seen you on some 4chan drawthread a while ago,recognized the reference template.) reference for my trade under spoiler, as it is loli yuri and this is the shota board
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Requesting Revy from Black Lagoon dominating or raping a shota. Doesn't really matter how or in what position. Only thing I'd like to specify is, maybe, giving her a nice crazy/sadistic smile, but it's up to the artist is they feel like doing that. I just want to see some good Revy x shota stuff since there is almost none out there.
>>5292 wow yes...psycho Revy sucking off shota cock til he passes out
>>5296 >>5292 more like riding him whether he likes it or not.
Requesting Lola getting fucked by Carlos in the shower like in this picture
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Requesting Rune pounding Henriette(both from Fire Emblem Heroes) from behind. Perhaps with Henriette praising the order of heroes' "newest recruit"?
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Requesting Emporio Alniño & Jolyne Cujoh having romantic vaginal sex.

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