/sm/ - Shotacon

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Drawthread Anonymous 06/27/2020 (Sat) 11:36:08 No. 864
Never had one before so, here's one
holy shit you niggers are autistic
>>18356 >holy shit you niggers are autistic Look for food elsewhere, you feeble-minded troll.
*sigh* what’s next?
>>18387 WHAT do you want?
It looks like this thread is completely abandoned... However, loliconists are experiencing the same crisis on their boards. Because the artists have exchanged lolis and shotas for money, leaving their poor brothers to their fate.
>>18708 Considering how annoying some fucking autists in here are, I'm not surprised
>>18712 You have some kind of abnormal fixation on autism. You're like a conspiracy theorist who sees the Illuminati at work everywhere.
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>>18723 You can't really call an "abnormal fixation" by me mentioning it once... >inb4 samefag It is the first time I'm posting on this thread but it is obvious that I'm not the only one that these type of behaviors really annoys, but tbh I was just shitposting... Most likely the reason that this thread is abandoned is because almost no modern shota artist visits imageboards like this or 4chan, hell even regular anons are scarce here.
>>18729 >or 4chan Explain /cm/ and NO, there never existed a big agglomeration of shotacons on the internet ever. Besides trapfags.
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>>18732 /cm/ is for the >UwU soft boys <3 type of person... Probably none of artist those artist even know that you can post NSFW shota on /b/ and, even if they knew, they would not even bother to go through the sea of garbage that is posted on /b/ just to look for a shota thread with almost no content/engagement for them. Also... >what is (was) shotachan? >what is baraag?
>>18729 What "behavior"? In this thread people just post their dreams in hopes that someone will respond. But some assholes come and insult them. >Most likely the reason that this thread is abandoned is because almost no modern shota artist visits imageboards like this or 4chan, hell even regular anons are scarce here. Because 90% of so-called shota artists are actually hucksters who draw only for money. Any real and self-respecting shota artist knows about these sites. But the hucksters are not interested in them.
>>18746 >Gibe me me free shit or u a shit It's amazing how you fags prove my point
>>18750 Listen up, asshole. This thread was created for those who can't pay. So that they can post their dreams and ideas here, and artists, if they like someone's idea, can draw it. But you, a huckster, don't understand that. Besides, you're not even a shotalover , you're a troll and a hater of shotacon. Go to your schizoid /to Pizzagate fans, sanctimonious normie with your maniacal idea of ​​a crusade against shotacon.
>>18750 No true shotalover would call his fellow faggots.

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Requesting a remake/new version of the first image, which is of Rocco Rabbit, Montgomery Moose, Zipper Cat, and Bingo Beaver (The Get Along Gang) with the 4 of them playing Strip poker. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1HH6ZLIwd4&pp=ygUYdGhlIGdldCBhbG9uZyBnYW5nIHBpbG90 source/origin of the first image: https://www.deviantart.com/greatkitty2000/art/Request-Get-Along-Gang-Boys-Playing-Cards-849912486
>>18062 Let’s see if i can start a friendly european cartoon crossover war with that one Charly (L&V) superfan by requesting a french forgotten but underrated shota which is Valérian from the obsucre french cartoon Raymond giving Charly anal sex >im not sure if I’m going to do this for fun, lol >>864
>>18752 As a true shotalover myself, A shotalover must stay strong!
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>>18101 In a Gumball mood, so why not?
>>19637 Welcome to the drawthread!
>>19637 NOT OR but, excellent work ;)
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>>9817 And the other Gumball one. I thought of doing the tentacle thing, but I thought some sibling action would be better. I'll try to see if I can do some other request in the upcoming days when I have some free time. This place looks a bit empty.
So, is anyone even interested in getting their art done here? I've only drawn two pictures, but I don't think the requesters have even seen them. I have no desire to waste my time doing anything else if they're not going to show back up.
>>19694 Yes! I’m intrested here! I hope there’s some grateful people after their deliveries
>>19695 Is there any particular request you want done? Hopefully something that's not too complex.
>>19696 >>19281 Yes, this is my crossover request.
>>19694 So have you ever tried drawthread at Rule34? here’s the proof here, >>>/rule34/1918
>>19697 Well, I'll see if I can tackle it one of these days.
>>19699 Thanks Dr. Poletariat! Your a real pal in all of 8chan!
Have you tried delevering requests with the delivery anchor at the Drawthread at /rule34/? >>>/rule34/1920 >>19699 You should give it a try Dr. Proletariat!
>>19701 Not entirely sure what that means, tbh.
>>19702 Wait, no, I thiiiiiiiiiiink I got it.
>>19702 You know, the delivery anchor is for artists who deliver the finished requests to the people who requested their favorite characters
>>19703 Man, those spammers are so annoying these days on /delicious/.
>>19703 Shall you give it a try someday? I’m sure this would make requesters so happy
Requesting Ollie Chen from The Ghost and Molly Mcgee getting caught or walked on when he's sitting on the toilet like his Girlfriend, Molly Mcgee in the image on the right.

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