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Site Meta Update Acid Board owner 05/12/2021 (Wed) 05:38:29 Id: 196953 No. 2514
SITE META UPDATE 5-12-2021 Well this has been a fun week. I had one of these coming down the pipe anyway since we're over a month from the last one, and considering the current headaches this seems like as good a time as any. Before I go over the usual boring stuff I'll get straight to the issue of the day: /hebe/, their content on /b/ and elsewhere on the site, free speech, and the recent waves of spam. In short, our position is this: Pedos have a right to free speech, but do not have a right to possess or share unlawful content especially on our site. Global Rule 2 has always been quite strong, in my opinion and gave the staff and BOs some leeway to use common sense when removing material or banning users who post borderline material. Leeway is good. Good faith is also good. It means when we doubt what you post, it gets removed but you don't get banned, we don't assume you're a pedo, and nothing else comes of it as long as you don't repost it. Users have a little freedom to make honest mistakes, because the law in this area is murky, grey, and largely untested (yet must be followed.) So we do the best we can. Unfortunately this leeway has been translated into ambiguity about the content allowed under Global 2, which allowed for the rise of /hebe/, the appearance of their target audience, and outsiders from places as varied as /tvch/, /cow/, anonib, and "CIA Triad Security LLC" some of whom have proceeded to cause problems sitewide on both that board and the global level for going on three days. Much of this drama is manufactured in my opinion, and our concern level is low but we owe our anons and board owners a clear response. Please direct your attention to the new, much more specific Global Rule 2. This now hard-codifies what our base restrictions are and have been, but names the particulars. BOs are free to take a harsher stance if they so choose, but these will be the guidelines for global enforcement going forward. That said: We will not be deleting or removing /hebe/ so long as they operate in accordance with the rules. If they wish to have a board purely for discussion of their preferred interests, it is not our place to judge them for that or deny them provided they are in accordance with the Global Rules and the law. Free speech means free speech. Linking or making available unlawful material is already itself unlawful, and is covered fully by Global Rule 1 already. The rest of the site meta stuff Very little to report, honestly. We have received no warrants or court orders since the last update, the hosts and server are doing well, we took on the nice little community at /hisparol/ who have made themselves at home and the site has experienced two months of steady growth. Codexx is working on further improvements for Lynxchan 2.6, and I have a server OS upgrade scheduled for sometime next month that will probably cause a day of downtime, which we will announce well in advance. If anything comes to mind that I forgot, I'll edit it into this OP. As usual this will be merged into the meta sticky after a week of visibility. Onward and upward.
This is how 8moe dies. not with a bang, but with a pizza.
You guys should really THINK this through before you allow pedos on the site and get cut off from the web ring because no one wants to deal with your baggage.
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You are a total fucking clown you nigger-semen devouring cuckbitch, everyone will abandon your shit site but your fellow mentally deficient retards roleplaying 2014 in the GG cyclical and your fat kike compatriot. And they're all totally butthurt at you for not being an even bigger cuck, and they will eventually eat your dumb ass alive. This is what you get for trying to lay claim to 8chan's legacy as the furthest thing from a representative of it. I wash my hands of your faggotry.
So just to clarify, I can't say that I want to rape a specific real life child to death, but can I say that I want to rape real children to death in general?
>>2521 Only if you're jewish.
>>2514 >We will not be deleting or removing /hebe/ so long as they operate in accordance with the rules Should include "(which include following US law)" or the like to make it clear to retards and glows.
>>2514 Are you going to inform the webring people who cut you out of this change? They severed ties because /hebe/ was a liability to the rest because you couldn't get your shit together until now.
>>2524 Lol no it wasn't. They were just looking for an excuse. Also, Gahoole, who owns the second biggest board on the ring, considers loli CP so good luck with that. >>2514 Is pic related allowed? Just asking. Are dead children in general allowed? I saw some behead child stay up for hours on /b/.
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>>2525 this one I meant
>>2514 >Much of this drama is manufactured in my opinion Nearly all of it was. All the usual niggers swarmed on this like flies on shit. >>2524 >Are you going to inform the webring people who cut you out Who the fuck cares about it at this point. Everyone here knows how to reach those places (the opposite is true too) already so getting "cut off" does fuck all.
>>2524 We've discussed what sort of response, if any, was needed since the start. Its a matter of not compromising our principles while also protecting the site, and that requires a level of nuance that takes a day or two to properly form. You don't want us to be gun-jumping faggots rewriting the site's mission over every little spam attack or bit of drama, I assure you. >>2527 The webring sites each make their own decisions anon. I can't speak to what they will or won't do as circumstances change. If they don't already know what we're doing I'm sure they'll hear about it.
>>2520 I can't tell from which direction that you are butthurt from. Could you plese clarify?
>/delicious/ has existed for almost a year It's just free speech. >/hebe/ was created a few days ago SHUT IT DOWN!
>>2528 Answer my questions please. I need to know how you want the rules enforced.
>>2523 >Should include "(which include following US law)" or the like to make it clear to retards and glows. Yeah that would be a good clarification given how retarded the hebes have been all week.
>>2514 >obscene textual depictions involving sex acts with real children I'm not sure how this will work since there isn't be a way to tell if a story is describing a real kid unless it's somebody famous enough to be found online or if the author is retarded/sick enough to provide a description that can be used to track the source of "inspiration". I guess the only way will be to search every name in a story and see if there's a match online. Also does this cover the use of deceased children and de-aged adults, or just alive underage bait? There are multiple loophooles that can be used here.
>>2532 Only one actually illegal picture was posted, and it was removed in 5 seconds.
>>2533 On rulecucked boards such as this one, the general rule is: if you have to ask, it's banned.
>>2527 > Everyone here knows how to reach those places (the opposite is true too) already so getting "cut off" does fuck all. So you say, but always there's more anons who say they only learned of 8moe recently like >>>/v/307397 and I don't want to leave 8moe even more stagnantly starved for activity than the site already is. >>2528 >If they don't already know what we're doing I'm sure they'll hear about it. Assuming they don't just go "8moe brought back /hebe/, we should take them off for our safety" then forget to re-add us since they won't be diligent watching this place with the easiest link gone and no longer caring since they "washed their hands of the danger". Could at least send an Email over to Smug/a/'s place since they were willing to inform us about their removal? >>2490
>>2535 I mean just general retardation at this point.
>>2529 None, thus the confusion. It has become clear I was always right and I have personally triumphed.
>>2537 >I don't want to leave 8moe even more stagnantly starved for activity than the site already is Fair point.
>>2525 Gore isn't prohibited under globals in and of itself. Posting this here, as an example on the site meta board, is in no way sexualizing it and it has no other sexualized content about it, so no. "Context" in the case of global 2 applies to where and why content is posted as well as what that content is. Posting it in a gore thread on /b/ would likewise not be a violation. Posting it in a /hebe/ thread about "dead babies are hot" would be.
>>2531 Context matters.
>>2544 Anglo morality in a nutshell. Thread for dead babies? Fine. Thread sexualizing dead babies? Too far!
>>2544 >I can read your mind and determine the intent and context of any sexual image but gorefags are opaque to my magical powers and if they get off to it that's okay since it's just dead kids and not live happy kids lmao keep making retarded decisions please bury this bitch
>>2537 They've been reached out to. No response as of yet. They have my direct contact information, but they did not reach out before making their post. I'd be happy to discuss the matter and find out if the change over the last day has been to their satisfaction. Please politely encourage them to get in touch.
>>2547 Its dumb, but it keeps us out of trouble. Blame the clown world we live in.
>>2550 Acid always ready to wear the mask, eat the bugs, live in the pod and even more gleefully than all of the above let a nigger rape his (shit by the way) waifu.
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>>2552 I do none of those things, but with them I don't have a community of 600 people and thousand of visitors to watch out for.
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>>2528 i reported your site for flagging on all jewish social media this is what happens when you make an enemy of your users free speech my ass you're censoring what you like and dislike based on preference and not based on rational judgement as such i have opted to retaliate in an honorable way.
>>2544 >>2545 OK, then I have some moer scenarios for you, just because I need to know how to enforce those laws: If someone post about Anne Frank, who was a real underage girl, and say he thinks it's hilarious and hot as fuck that she was gassed to death because he is both a nazi and a pedophile, would you allow that? Would it make a difference if a picture of her was posted or not (or a drawing)? Would it be allowed to post a picture of and discuss an adult real person for example, but actually talk about the underage person? So that means: Could I post a picture of Emma Watson, for example, and make it clear through context that I actually wanted to fuck her when she was twelve?
>>2549 Thanks for that. I sent a message their way in their meta thread in /support/, I noticed the message listen a secondary reason for removing us in the form of falsifying webring statistics. Any of you want to comment on that? https://smuglo.li/support/res/1.html#q6150
>>2553 >600 people, thousand visitors dead site well done
>>2554 You did shit and both of us know it. t. Moderates a Jewish social media site
>>2556 The addon is the same one used by every other LynxChan site. They're free to verify the numbers on our boards list. All the software for the site is open source and I'd be happy to let them audit the numbers. Additionally, we made it clear to /hebe/ early on that we would be removing any illegal content. Like I said, I'd be happy to speak with them, but they should substantiate their claims.
So, how the fuck do I get past the 404? Does it require cookies or something?
>>2560 What 404? The one you get by going directly to https://8chan.moe/hebe (replace it with boards.js delicious, b, loli, sm, tot or h)? You need to access them from another part of the site, like the front page, the top navbar or a crossboard quote like >>>/h/.
>>2561 I'm getting 404 from the front page itself. And /v And /v/
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>>2555 >>2553 >>2544 And what about this video?
>>2561 The only way I can get on this site is tor.
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>>2566 What the fuck is this?
>>2567 justice.
Fuck the gay webring, they can't handle free speech, let it die.
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>>>/v/307565 The fucking AUDACITY of these niggers.
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>>2571 >>2570 I hate Americans so fucking much...
>>2570 Cry more, faggot.
>>2570 Well, if girl doesn't look underage, it's not really a pedophilia.
>>2574 Wrong, if you think it's okay to have sexual desires for a girl who is 17 years and 364 days old you are an evil pedophile who should be burned alive. Now let me jack off to this comic of a 8yo getting raped.
>>2572 Fucking nuke 'em and their bullshit joke morality
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>>2572 >>2573 >>2574 >>2575 >>2576 Codexx, Acid. Look at this shit. They are having a whining, shitting tantrum about having to follow the rules and the LAW. Do you really want to have to put up with their whiny, entitled asses forever? Just give them the boot.
>>2577 He won't, and you'll have to deal with it for as long as this shitty site lasts. :)
>>2577 >>2578 And even worse for you fags, you're always one Twitter/Reddit raid away from being ruined! :D
The "is jailbait pedophilia?" kind of reminded me of "are traps gay?". I guess it's the intent that matters. If you go for traps because they are traps, you are gay. If you fap to your girls, and one of them happens to be a trap, you aren't really gay. The very words "jailbait" and "trap" are very similar, don't you think?
>>2580 Seems like a homo cope to me. If you are attracted to men, no matter what, you are a homo. If you are attracted to physically mature women, no matter what, you are not a pedophile.
>>2581 Bingo. And these dumb retards insist you only become physically mature at 18, like it's some kind of magic.
>>2577 They should boot the bitches who constantly demand more censorship. They should've done that long ago. There should be CP in every thread 24/7 until all these faggots fucked off back to cuckchan.
All of you swallowed at least 5 spiders in your life. All of you are spidereaters.
Extremely useful for whoever that was, lmfao.
>>2514 Good, "no pictures of minors in a sexual context, such as a board named /hebe/" was pretty much the only clearcut policy broad enough to prevent potential legal issues. Now hopefully it gets consistently enforced and they don't find some other way to fuck with the site. >>2556 I'm pretty sure that post isn't saying 8moe falsified statistics, it said that either /hebe/ or falsifying statistics would be two reasons they would potentially remove a site from the webring.
>>2588 Yeah, that was my lack of reading comprehension.
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A couple of questions to you worthless maggots. If you wanted to talk about your brain tumour without putting the rest of the site at risk or without malicious intent, why pick the name /hebe/, knowing it's history of being a gayop? You are aware you could have picked any other name and avoided much scrutiny, right? If this site is cucked so horribly now why not make an effort to link to a seperate site to escape that allows you or make a new one? I mean the BO did make all these aggrandizing and philosophical posts about being beyond the material and all that jazz, a new site where you are the boss isn't that hard. You barely have a history here and whatever posts you made could have easily been recreated no problem if you ported your sub-30 people there.
>>2601 Only the person who created it can answer why he used that name that seemingly triggers your faggot ass into oblivion. I just love when dumbfucks who pretend to hold up certain principles get exposed for being the massive hypocrites they are, and this place is filled to the brim with them.
>If you wanted to talk about your brain tumour without putting the rest of the site at risk or without malicious intent, why pick the name /hebe/, knowing it's history of being a gayop? Why not, burn everything. Watching people wriggle is fun. >You are aware you could have picked any other name and avoided much scrutiny, right? Sounds boring and gay. >If this site is cucked so horribly now why not make an effort to link to a seperate site to escape that allows you or make a new one? I'm already on several such sites. I don't really link because I don't care about this particular dead site. Sucks I haven't really went to 8chan before it went poof, nothing really resembles it anymore. There are a few attempts, but they don't seem to live long enough. There are sites with only pedophiles, there are sites with only pedophilehaters, it's rare and fun to see them both at the same place.
>>2601 >If you wanted to talk about your brain tumour without putting the rest of the site at risk or without malicious intent, why pick the name /hebe/, knowing it's history of being a gayop? You are aware you could have picked any other name and avoided much scrutiny, right? That's the exact reason, dumbass sperg. >also calling it a psy-op, even retroactively Lol, take your fucking meds. Can't really blame you though, as the retarded admin came up with that one. >a site where you are the boss isn't that hard <On 8chan, you can create your own imageboard for free with no experience or programming knowledge needed. lol
>>2601 They'll never do it. Pedophiles are psychopathic parasites incapable of building anything themselves. They will never put in the effort to make their own site, since they know damn well how illegal what they post is. They don't want to take the risk, they want YOU to take the risk for them. Putting aside the depravity of raping kids, these people are the worst most self-centered assholes you'll ever meet and frankly deserve to be hanged for that alone.
>>2605 Now that I think about it, you really do sound a lot like an Australian schizoposter who would pretend to hate pedophiles but actually was one. He would say how children didn't have genitals and demanded proof of them having them if you disagreed. That among all sorts of other shitposts.
>>2606 On kohlchan, I forgot to say, which is an imageboard that is okay with almost everything that isn't illegal, btw, and also has about 10 times the userbase of this place.
>>2605 >They will never put in the effort to make their own site This is what I'm talking about, you retards are incredibly amusing
>>2607 Then why not fuck off there? Why throw a shit-fit that you aren't allowed here if you can easily just go back where you came from?
>>2607 Y-you mean they don't lose there shit, break down crying and rage for days on end when someone posts a picture of a kid or mentions pedophilia there? This is madness, this is illegal.
>>2609 >Then why not fuck off there? Classic, such a predictable response.
>>2609 You shouldn't make predictable posts because I already know the answer to them. The reason is that you can't make boards there + it is an /int/ board which is cancer.
>>2611 Yet there is no answer. >>2612 > I already know the answer to them Anon I am not asking you questions for you, I'm trying to understand your schizophrenic horseshit. You say there are other places that allow it yet you seek this one specifically to talk your shit that is explicitly allowed there. >The reason is that you can't make boards there + it is an /int/ board which is cancer. Pot, kettle. /hebe/ was made as a successor to the /b/ thread that got deleted. You can make or hijack an isolated thread there no problem or make your own. Anything would be more productive than having a spergout here.
>>2613 I meant "explicitly not allowed"
>>2613 >/hebe/ was made as a successor to the /b/ thread that got deleted. You can make or hijack an isolated thread there no problem or make your own. Anything would be more productive than having a spergout here. You are clearly incapable of introspection. I'll leave it at that.
I have another question about the rules that I just thought of btw: If someone posts lolicon and talks about how much they want they want to fuck children or that children are sexually attractive to them, is that allowed? And I have to state again that all these questions are meant seriously because they relate to how I have to enforce the rules. I really do expect an answer to them at some point, but take your time if you need it.
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>>2615 So a /hebe/ just so happened to be made as it got deleted? Just for old time's sake? >>2616 You don't need a permission or a guide to glowpost. Give it your best and remember to keep your (you) when reporting to your superiors.
>>2617 I'm a volunteer so I do need to know, you low IQ unironic schizo. All your problems would be solved if you would just take the meds. TAKE THEM!!!
>>2613 >Yet there is no answer. I'm not obliged to give you a reason for why I use 8chan. I can use multiple websites at once, plus I like to see you squirm when you try to explain your unjustifiable censorship. This is advertised as a place free for anyone so I should have the same right to post here and discuss anything I want as you have. The reason why (I think) Kohlchan is brought up is because it's live evidence that a free speech website can exist without immediately being shoa'd because [muh scapegoat] is abusing their freedom for posting [thing I don't like]. There are other places where you can talk vidya and animu, you know. Why don't you fuck off there?
>>2618 >I'm asking as a vol Don't you fags have an IRC for this? Go on, blow me the fuck out, sign in. >>2619 >This is advertised as a place free for anyone so I should have the same right to post here and discuss anything I want as you have. You can still talk as you like and you can still discuss your pedo issues like you'd do in ATF, problems arise when dealing with you faggots because you bring CP with you when jailbait posting faggots arrive to "test the waters". Then you'll invite and advertise more of your kind thinking they are welcome to post CP on other boards. Again remember, this is not any other board, this is the originally Sarah Nyberg founded /hebe/ successor that was made right after the /b/ thread was deleted.
>>2620 This thread should be about those rules, not about whining about whatever conspiracy you retards came up with.
>>2621 I still don't see "global volunteer" on your post, "volunteer".
>>2619 >This is advertised as a place free for anyone so I should have the same right to post here and discuss anything I want as you have. You can talk all day about how much you want to have sex with children and teenagers. Problems arise, once you post pictures or clips of CP. Even the most hardcore libertarians do pay their taxes, not because they think it's lawful or moral, but because they know that if they don't they go to jail. They can talk all they want about not paying taxes, but at the end of the day they will pay them, same with here, people can talk about wanting to fuck underage children, but if they keep posting CP, then the whole sire will be shut down.
>>2622 ok troll >>2623 I ban CP and legal stuff that the admins want me to ban. I'm just saying that there is a whole lot more to what is legal than you like to think, as is evidenced by less rulecucked sites.
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Question about rule 2 re: jailbait--it has the caveat of "IF POSTED IN ANY SORT OF CONTEXT THAT IS SEXUALIZED, SEXUALLY SUGGESTIVE, OR OTHERWISE INTENDED TO ELICIT AROUSAL." So normal pictures/portraits should be allowed by those rules then, right?
>>2625 /hebe/ has been deleting them because they consider all pictures sexualized, even the ones like portraits of Alina. But that is NOT the global rule as I read it, correct? Just one that the board owner feels compelled to enfroce because he is afraid of the cuck global moderators?
>>2626 the /hebe/ owner seems like a /cow/schizo to me, so who knows what goes through xiers head
>>2627 He seems alright to me, just new/afraid of displeasing his Amerifag overlords. But I've only been on this site for 3 days now so I don't really know any of the political nonsense.
>>2625 I don't really think it should be considered bannable if it's an unambiguously normal picture, unless we develop technology that literally enters the bloodstream of paedos and clogs their penis whenever they think of the children, which sounds like they kind of shit that DARPA would develop to appease their moral overlords. I think 8kun has boards like that and the admins can't do a thing but get ass blasted that no rules are being infringed upon.
>>2623 Nobody ever asked you to allow CP and there barely was any CP posted to /hebe/, if there was it got taken care of within minutes, you disingenuous cunt. It might shock you but the absolute vast majority of pictures of people under the age of 18 that exists on the internet is not considered CP by law and there are websites that host these pictures while being on cuckflare and having a domain, so your whole argument about the website being kill the moment you allow such a picture to stay up falls flat. The only reason why you faggots cry so fucking hard right now is because you're bowing down to the outraged censorship fetishists on your gay webring.
>>2625 Problem is that even such a rule can be easily exploited. They could post pictures of underage children in bikini or topless, and say "whoah those are simply the pictures I took when I went to a French beach, nothing erotic about it", or post some naked children and go "whoah those are from a french/art movie, nothing erotic about it", and when the content gets deleted, they will screech about how you can find pictures like that on Google Images, so it's fine, problem is that Google doesn't play by the same rules this site has to.
>>2631 >They could post pictures of underage children in bikini or topless, and say "whoah those are simply the pictures I took when I went to a French beach, nothing erotic about it", or post some naked children and go "whoah those are from a french/art movie, nothing erotic about it" The hot linking denial plays a huge part in this. I think unindexing would severely mitigate this problem.
>>2634 Because the law is not applied equally on every website, and even if something is in the law, they will still shut you down, so while it might be fine for Google and Youtube, and even legal, they will still claim muh CP and get it shut down. >It's a double standard Yes, welcome to the jewdiciary system.
>>2630 Exactly. Anonib is on Cloudflare and it is (as far as I know) the most provocative English-speaking board on the clearweb. They have some problems with authorities, sure, but they are fine. And they garner much more traffic than this Saudi/Amerifag board does. >>2635 Seems more like a problem with Administration than with the content itself.
>>2626 It is a global rule, any photo of a minor is banned if it is posted in a context that is sexual or intended to elicit arousal. Some examples of context: 1. If posted on a porn board or a board like /hebe/, the board is a sexual context and any photos of minors are banned. 2. If it posted in a "pedo thread" or the like, the thread provides sexual context and any photos of minors are banned 3. If the post itself implies you are attracted to children, the post provides sexual context and any photos of minors are banned. Based on what you said in your spam on /hebe/ the child you are now posting apparently features in CP. By itself I think that's enough to imply the reason you are posting her non-nude photos is sexual, so I'm pretty sure it is banned.
>>2636 Anonib had nowhere near the infamy or attention 8chan has or had.
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>>2637 Right, but when I was a child (and I'm sure 99% of you reading this) I also had nude pictures taken of me. Showering, diapers, the likes. So by that logic, nearly any picture of a real person could be subject to being banned. And, since /hebe/ seems to be erring on the side of caution, that would be a certainty. It should not matter what a person has done in the past. Only current context should matter. Alina is 18 and does not do any nude modeling (I've asked her myself). The claims that she does still do it are false. So then the /hebe/ board is pointless; someone suggested there was a CUTE board. Could these pictures be posted there? What about other hebe girls, such as ones in bikinis that are very cute? If you are sexualizing portraits or pictures of girls in bikinis then that's on you, not me.
>>2638 Is that right? I've literally never heard a single thing about 8chan, yet for Anonib I am constantly hearing about various states trying to shut it down due to revenge porn and CP.
>>2640 8gag most notably had some manifestos posted on it by terrorists that were in the news worldwide. And I guess gamergays... got mentioned by Rick and Morty or something?
>>2639 Everything you are suggesting is very blatantly against Rule 2 and would be deleted and banned. But you seem to be acting deliberately obtuse so I probably shouldn't be spending time responding to you.
>>2642 You seem to be unintentionally acting stupid. He's talking about legality and this entire thread is about the rules, and how other webring sites blacklisted 8moe for "hosting illegal content".
>>2643 Exactly. I posted the link in /hebe/ about the American law regarding CP (specifically the parts that show my bikini girls were legal and the CP drawings that are allowed on this site are strictly ILLEGAL). I am just trying to get some clarification on why the jannies are fussing about hebes being posted to /hebe/. I even emailed the laws to the Global Admin, which was unanswered to directly but I suppose this thread (and the other one that shows how many of my pictures got deleted) is reply enough.
>>2643 >>2641 You still haven't verified yourself "volunteer"
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>>2644 My email to the Admin, which still hasn't been entirely answered I feel.
Yet another good question that came up on /hebe/: Are legal adults even allowed? Because it would be impossible for me to judge whether a woman is either 16 or 20 for example.
>a decade ago when reddit used freedom of speech as part of its appeal, it defended its jailbait subreddit >later the subreddit was banned because people kept posting CP >6 years ago when 8chan used freedom of speech as part of its appeal, it allowed /hebe/ to exist >later the board was banned because people kept posting CP >8ch.moe uses freedom of speech as part of its appeal, it allows /hebe/ to exist YOU ARE HERE >the board gets banned because people kept posting CP How many times do we need to repeat the pattern before you fucking learn?
>>2647 Why not ask in the IRC channel? you are a "volunteer" after all.
>>2639 This also raises another question. Say that a picture of someone who is clearly long dead (think 1800s baby pictures) are posted. Does that count as anything? That obviously ignores shit that is clearly seen as abuse.
>>2649 >>2645 What circlejerk are you coming from and why is everyone there so stupid? >>2648 Nice revisionism.
>>2651 >Nice revisionism. If you know better, why don't you tell everyone what happened instead?
>>2651 Verify or get out.
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>>2651 Perhaps you should listen to your own advice, and take that medication.
>>2652 They got banned because they were too controversial and when the sites started getting more popular normalfag whining got far too bad. Since you are clearly a gamer, where did the gamergay reddit go? >>2654 >>2653 You will always be a low IQ retard.
>>2652 >later the board was banned because people kept posting CP The board wasn't deleted because people kept posting CP, it was deleted because Jim and his gook abomination didn't like it. Same for the other pedo boards that got deleted later, some of which barely even had pictures on them and consisted mainly of discussion. It wasn't a hosting issue or anything, jim was the host, faggot.
You do realize that rule about drawings of things like loli/shota aren't illegal right? If they were, tons of fucking artists no matter the like would be arrested for this type of shit. Not to mention, that rule is from what I heard of to supposedly be declared unlawful, which now most judges deal with it on the matter of if said bad criminals had the actual shit, which if they did, get ready for that extra charge to be jail time. People who just like the fictional stuff seem get off easy through since in that regard, why shouldn't we ban violent vidya? fictional rape? furry porn? It opens a whole can of worms that most would agree is not a good wise of time to deal with, since not everyone enjoys one simple thing. But really through, if said stuff of fiction was illegal, then the amount of time that could best be spent on actual kids being rescued over some artist who draws this shit for kicks or money is really just confusing. Also, this vid explains your question regarding hentai of fictional characters very well. Not to mention, if you actually check back 2 years ago from 2019, the US in a way defended that type of shit, only if deemed obcscene, which again, goes for every sexual shit out there on the internet that isn't illegal. In case you might be lazy: https://nichegamer.com/2019/06/03/us-and-japan-reject-united-nations-proposal-to-ban-various-forms-of-anime-manga-and-games/
>they're already posting pictures of children in this thread You dumb fucks deserve this.
>>2657 You might want to look a little deeper than just a few Twitter posts. It is still illegal to have CP drawing and animations that are obscene (and in many states, even ones that are NOT obscene are banned on a State level).
>>2658 That's correct, the 9th reply to be exact. Not just that, it's dead as well!
>>2657 I'm not sure what America calls their minor politicians, but call up your local member of parliament and ask them about that laws (chances are they won't know shit--they never do--but they will direct you to wherever they keep your particular State Laws). You can find all the links very easily with a simple Google search, but doing your own research is always a good idea :)
If they are really banned on a state level, why the fuck do sites like rule34 still have them then? It's clear most people in the country don't give a rat's ass about it and it's mostly used as an extra charge towards those who do the actual shit. It's fine if you wish to say whatever you wish, but it's pretty damn clear that the US clearly isn't enforcing this shit, otherwise, hentai artists and the like would have been banned 20 years ago. And it's not just a few twitter posts, since if you can actually look, said poster provides links to disprove your own claim that said shit is illegal. Again, if it was really illegal, then this site along with many others would have been treated on the same level as the actual shit, and in reality, it clearly isn't as cut and dry as you people seem to think.
>>2662 >b-buh my porn sites!!! If real kiddy porn is illegal, then why is Facebook still up? The reason is nobody actually cares about grey zone stuff, which funnily enough, is the point the person you're arguing with is also trying to make.
>>2662 Just because something is illegal doesn't mean the authorities care about it. That wasn't my point. Cannabis in my country was illegal until recently, yet no one ever got arrested for it (unless they were being a nuisance for other reasons, in which case cannabis was used as an excuse to detain them--just like you said). Also the very links on t hat Twitter post are the ones I sent to Admin to defend my point with the hebes. So I've already read them; they help my point. Leave the hebes be.
>>2663 Exactly. I don't give a shit about American Law or CP (fictional or otherwise). I am just fighting for the 100% LEGAL TEENS to stay.
>>2663 The fuck you mean no one gives a shit about the actual shit? Fucking a majority of the world sees the actual shit as not a grey area, but as more immoral than degens who like loli and shit. Reason Facebook and major sites are still uo is because they have tech and many humans dealing with that awful shit, which if they did decide to do what Twitter did, oh boy, fucking clown world... And my main point is a bit different since I am arguing >>2664 I get your point and all, and that you are arguing in faith as to how sites like Facebook allow photos of real kids and all, but to me at least, that's a clear fucking difference than having their shit on this site that they hardly know about. I suppose I may be wrong, but even so, there is a clear result of an actual kid having the bad luck of an actual pedo stalk them and do who knows what, compared to some fictional character that anyone can imagine them in many weird shit, since again, they are fictional.
>>2665 So you're saying you wouldn't care if an actual photo of yours was photoshopped and used for sexual purposes of a sick fuck? Why not? I can understand the fictional shit, but the come the fuck on man. And I gotta ask, do you personally see fictional hentai of underaged characters in the same vein as the actual shit? Or do you clearly see a difference in that one is based on actual events while the latter is clearly in the mind of sick fucks that while we are at it, why not include gore and all that? Do you hope the artists and the shit get banned?
>>2667 I have no photos posted to public media because I don't want my pictures online. These girls I've been posting DO want their pictures online. They are not private; every single picture I've posted can (or could) be found on their social media accounts for all to see. I don't particularly enjoy hentai or anything animated, but I also see no harm in it in any sense. I don't think either is wrong: neither CP nor hentai. As long as the girl/character seems happy. I wouldn't approve of depictions of rape or the link, animated or otherwise.
>>2666 My main point was that while you two were debating how the fictional material was illegal in the US, I provided a video where while yes, it's on Twitter of all things, a person who was more knowledgeable provided more key evidences such as 1466 being declared unlawful, which now said material is based on the grounds of it being merely obscene, which means that even a fictional comic of adult characters can also be illegal in that same contrast. State laws may be different of course, but clearly the only known case was Christopher Handley who only had the fictional smut, which is what got 1466 axed in 2008. And if any new cases that have only the fictional smut ever came up, it would likely not be ruled in court and would be dismissed since this can easily transfer to other cases of fictional or adult legal porn which can be a mess or it would be a waste of everyone's time since how would anyone deal with a fictional character?
>>2668 Fair enough, aside from what I disagree on your take of actual teens, but whatever, I'm done with that. Your take on the actual shit is a bit weird, but whatever. I mainly have a question in regard to hentai. Since you don't approve of fictional rape, would you simply just ignore the artist and move on and say that it's not your cup of tea? Or would you say that you would want to see them die even through it's only hentai?
I guess, would you just simply ignore it like how most people ignore all kinks that they don't like or would you give your take and also be spiteful, showing many that you would want them to die or be hanged?
All this shit about "But AnonIB (cybercriminal site using a cybercriminal host and a series of negligent services to protect itself) gets away with it!" just makes me want to spam abuse emails to try and get AnonIB taken down. That'll show em.
>>2670 I would just move on. It's the same for bestiality. I don't enjoy it; the animals can't consent perse. But who am I to judge? If I felt someone was in danger (IE the rape of the real child) I would definitely try and figure out how/if I could help them. Otherwise, live and let live. (As for hentai--there is no helping fictional characters; I ignore them)
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Two very natural and organic anons downplaying literal pedos making their now crippled board. Acid is retarded for even thinking of allowing it to fester and burning bridges with the webring over it but I hope this has been enough of a hit for the main userbase of these nigger boards. Regardless I have heard the suggestion of making /hebe/ hidden to hide it from the webring and the implementation of a /direct/ for NSFW boards. Smug has been considering it a fine compromise but this would make the board completely inaccessible. Does it even matter now that Kazu has been demodded and you dumb fucks can go back to your designated /b/ thread?
>>2550 >it's dumb that sexualizing children is worse than seeing them dead Excuse me retard? Do you really not see the problem in that moral equation? I guess that explains why you're letting pedophiles stay here.
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>>2514 >Codexx is working on further improvements for Lynxchan 2.6 Regarding Lynxchan, I found that a horsefucker from cuckchan's /mlp/ has been working in an implementation of inline replies for his personal project, and is looking really good. I'm hoping that it becomes publicly available as an add-on or even as part of Lynxchan so it can then be implemented here.>>2514
>>2676 Wait, why are the horsefuckers moving are they related to /pone/?
I haven't really been paying attention to this mess because it's pointless internet drama but I think Acid's stance is not really pragmatic and that this is a retarded hill to risk dying on for something that isn't even your userbase. I'm aware of the precedent that it may set, I know it'd be frustrating to compromise on the core ideals of the site given that it was made precisely with them in mind, I realize it may be possible to shift things around so that it could technically be just legal enough for them to post about their fantasies of fucking kids on the site. I don't think it's worth dealing with all this mess for the supposed benefits or getting into a position that is virtually indefensible for those supposed benefits, I don't think it's worth testing the law or living on the razor's edge for this shit when people have been picked up by law enforcement or erased from the fucking internet for much less, I don't think it's worth risking the rest of the site for a bunch of morons very obviously doing a gay ops, and if I were acid I sure as fuck would not think it'd be worth risking my neck for this when there's better and much more important fights to fight. Ultimately I'd like to imagine that the very real risk of getting V& would mean he would really do the research and carefully consider what he's doing and the spectacular ways in which it may backfire since there's no better incentive than losing it all. The amount of obvious manipulation going on however is amazing to see. >>2674 >Kazu has been demodded I didn't find anything regarding this in the global logs. Proof? >>2676 I remember requesting this when the site was new and then not too long ago I remember reading somewhere that it was a planned feature. I hope eventually something gets made.
>>2678 check /b/
>>2679 Oh, I thought he was a global since everyone was talking about him.
>>2678 >I haven't really been paying attention to this mess because it's pointless internet drama We got delisted from every website that cares enough about anonymous posting, I think it goes a tad bit higher than simple drama >but I think Acid's stance is not really pragmatic and that this is a retarded hill to risk dying on for something that isn't even your userbase My thoughts exactly. He gains absolutely nothing from it, the vast majority of the userbase either doesn't want the boards or asked unindexing those that can get us in trouble and all he's been doing is avatarfagging and MONITORING THE SITUATION. We can't really afford to become even more of a black sheep than we are now just to defend literal cropped cp. >>2674 >Two very natural and organic anons Will you stop with this shit? The only organic posts ever happen on the GamerGate thread and the shittiest boards.
>>2681 >We got delisted from every website that cares enough about anonymous posting And? Why is it desirable to let them dictate what's allowed here and what not? The Smug retardo admin accused acid of hosting illegal content as reason for the delisting, which is simply a false statement. You call pedos disingenuous but look at yourselves and at the people you want to associate with for once.
>>2677 They aren't moving. One of them is just playing with Lynxchan in order to be prepared in case cuckchan (and as a consequence /mlp/) dies. They have a whole general about developing alternative pony sites in case the de-facto main ones die or get cucked, and another one for pony-related projects in general. So far they have made: >3 boorus because the main one cucked out and tried to ban non-PC images (principally nazi/zigger jokes) and comments (mostly against pro-BLM images) and shadowban users complaining about it >a text paste service after Pastebin implemented a gay filter that makes pastes with "wrong" text private >a huge archive of old pastes dating as back as 2012, made two weeks after Pastebin shat itself >possible /mlp/ bunkers/alternatives in the working as a contingency plan if the main board goes down >an advanced text to speech software that uses voice banks ripped from the show and neural networks to generate natural outputs in order to preserve the voices of their horsefus
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Hey faggot mods, instead of deleting pictures that break no rules you instead answer the questions we have in this thread? Hello?
Hey Flacid, when /hebe/ inevitably moves sites can you delete /hebe/? There's no point if it had no user and all it does is bring bad blood with everyone, everyone who knows their history knows why it's hated and other webring boards such as ZZZchan and cafe have joined in the boycott.
>>2685 It's such a stupid hill to die on. Instead of setting precedent that the site doesn't tolerate pedophiles when these bad actors were raiding, he decides to set precedent that the site where 99% of the core user base wants nothing to do with pedophiles is now using a site known for going to bat for pedophiles when they're just going to fuck off anyways once they get bored. I just want to talk about basic shit. No one cares about this autistic free speech crusader shit to the extent that they're going to ride the razors edge of US law for a minority user base talking about their absolute degeneracy. Such a stupid fucking position. People have said from day 1 of this site and even before this site that they no longer give a fuck about absolute completely uncurated board curation. People have had the general expectation or hope that they would be curated to some degree. I think there's a very small number of anons that think this is worth all the unbelievably sketchy shit you're bringing on their little hangout site with these decisions.
>>2686 >99% of the core user base wants nothing to do with pedophiles Prove it.
>>2683 Just direct them here, with /pone/ dead they can take their place.
>>2686 99% percent of the users are pedophiles, and half of those aren't suffering from cognitive dissonance thinking that jacking off to cartoons of 8yo's being raped doesn't make them a pedophile. Relatively speaking there are probably less pedophiles on /hebe/ (because it's /hebe/) than on /v/, because every niGGer is a lolifag.
>>2689 >99% percent of the users are pedophiles No, you think they are pedophiles. Not because they are but because you are which makes you think they must be too. That's faulty thinking.
>>2689 If you like anime CP then you are a pedophile, full stop. It's not a bad thing, but they need to stop trying to make others feel bad so that they can feel "okay" with themselves. It's completely delusional to target pedophiles when you yourself are looking at loliporn. And yes, pedophiles and hebephiles are generally kept separate (not by the general public who likes to lump us together; I'd happily fuck a 15 year old but I wouldn't even consider diddling a tot). Get off your high horses. Freedom of speech should be for everyone.
User was banned for this post.
>>2690 >yeah I just came to this cartoon about this 8yo being raped and then discarded, with an ending scene of her being wrecked by the trauma included in the porn, it's not pedophilic an sadistic though, it's a cartoon Like I said, cognitive dissonance. I'm not a pedophile because I'm exclusively attracted to physically adult women, unlike you.
>>2691 Jesus fucking christ these niggers will literally never stop trying to push boundaries. You're actually a brain dead retard for letting this shit go on Acid. It's beyond naive at this point, it's just incompetence or you're unironically sympathetic to these degenerates.
>>2694 I'm not pushing boundaries, lolisperg. I'm a volunteer and I need to know how to enforce these retarded rules and thus I have questions regarding them.
>>2691 No.
>>2694 It's not about pushing boundaries. There is no rule breaking and yet certain members of the site are being unjustly targeted because of a sexual fetish (age). If there is no law breaking then what is the problem? No one is asking to post real CP, just beautiful hebes because they deserve to be seen.
>>2696 Now answer the other questions, please. Also, what if they're anime children?
>>2696 What is your stance on the request of anons from both your own site and Smug (and the cafe apparently) asking you to at least unindex malicious boards? Also, have you been talking to them any?
>>2698 >Expecting anything to be answered The admin team is now going to conveniently silent and not answer anything. Clear moderation has never been a strong suit of 8moe.
>>2696 can you ban /interracial/ and any /cow/schizo starting shit. /hebe/ from what i know haven't done anything illegal yet, and aside from some suspect behavior from some of the users, which are most likely from /cow/cels, they seem to be behaving fine.
>>2699 >>2696 It's about interpretations so I do need answers. Also, janny dearest, could you please help me find that quote I was talking about, because I can't find it myself and it's sure it's up there. It's urgent now because any reference to children on /hebe/ is pedophilia and thus illegal. I'm doing my best but I definitely need your help now.
>>2703 Never mind. It's not there anymore. That, or I'm starting to remember things wrongly because I have been awake for too long.
>>2700 >>2696 This please, we need some answers if we are going to keep friends with other boards.
>>2700 I don't know what the plans are regarding that, I haven't talked to them today. It's a logical next step, but I think there may be some technical issues with the webring code. >>2703 It's like in real life. I am sure you're familiar with restraining orders, you can't go near children. The same thing here, you don't get to go near pictures of minors. You can't post them, you can't link them, there can be no trace of them in /hebe/. Do you understand the rules this way? 2D is fine as long as there's no issues with this >>2435
>>2688 Actually, there were two people (not me, I swear) suggesting to keep 8moe as a possible alternative refugee if /mlp/ died or went beyond shit. >>2691 >>2696 A bit overkill in my opinion, but I assume it's to prevent attempts at using another board as an image repository for pics of underage girls.
>>2707 By them I meant Acid and Codexx. I don't have contact with admins from the other sites.
>>2707 Unlike you, I'm not attracted to children, so I wouldn't know. Now are you going to keep being a passive-aggressive retard or are you actually going to answer my questions that only need to be asked because of your shit rules. I know that pics aren't allowed now but most of my questions don't even revolve around those. Now are you the cake jew? If that's the case I can understand your autism a little, as, well, you're literally so autistic that you live in a home for the mentally retarded. And you're definitely a pedophile btw and Gahoole has repeatedly stated that he considers it pedophilia, so I doubt he'll unblock you. I also really doubt the other sites will take you back as they already were asshurt about this site, all for their own schizophrenic reasons, they just needed an excuse. If only your gamergay niggers hadn't been so autistic about some simple discussion on /b/, now hadn't they?
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>>2707 If pictures like this break no rules anywhere except /hebe/ (which apparently has more cancerous rules than other boards), why would anyone post on /hebe/ instead of somewhere less rulecuckery? Isn't the point of /hebe/ to segregate hebephiles and pedophiles?
>>2707 Also, why even worry about even actual illegal stuff being posted in your case, as you are probably too retarded to be held accountable for anything in the first place. Not that I advocate for that, of course.
>>2710 >these are the kind of people you're bending over backwards for If we thought being known as a the blacked cuckolding site was bad enough now we get to witness the admins going to bat for literal pedophiles as they mock and insult them. At some point did none of you guys realize that setting the precedent that you'll go to this extent for pedophiles much have worse consequences than the alternative? Watching this shit unfold is making me physically fucking cringe. At least we could write off the blacked.moe shit-posting as light hearted. What a fucking unfortunate situation we're in now.
>>2710 You only asked one question, here >>2691 >>2711 You'll have ask the BO of /hebe/ what the point of the board is. As for the pictures, it's stated in the rules, the context can not be sexualized in any way.
>>2713 I'm not insulting him. I'm showing genuine compassion. Just look at how cluelessly he responds like this >>2714. It's like he didn't even read the thread. I don't even want to kill all jews or hate them in the first place. That makes me more cordial with him than probably 80% of this site. >>2714 I didn't as one question, as my IP changed a few times. As for your "the context can not be sexualized in any way", it already shows that you, an admin has no clue about these rules either. We can't post pics on /hebe/ regardless of the situation, because it is automatically sexualized. There would have been no way for me to know this if it wouldn't have been asked. Please, dear Mark, don't go and try to answer all the questions on your own, because I doubt you are capable enough for them. Please ask Acid to answer them for me. I'm willing to wait a bit longer for that. Until that I'll just take the most absolutely cucked interpretation, just for you.
>>2717 Like I said already, I read them, but I have questions regarding them. And like I also said, and I seriously don't mean this insultingly, but I don't want somebody who is on the spectrum giving me reactions like this that clearly show how clueless you are about what I'm even asking. Ask your superiors, I'll take my time if it means not having to deal with you.
>>2718 Your history has no other posts in this thread, so I am not going to guess who you are. Go ahead and post your questions. I'll even ask Acid to come here.
>>2521 >>2604 The ID's of these two. You yourselves can separate the questions from the absolute garbage shitposting.
>>2692 >If you like anime CP then you are a pedophile, full stop Absolutely right. The only reason "lolicons" argue against this is because they'd get raked over the coals otherwise, and they damn well know it.
Fictional loli art is not to be conflated with pedophilia.
>>2719 You're amazing, btw, baby. Love you, im going to sleep now.
>>2689 Listen, I get and kind of half agree with your point. But, I at least mainly don't call those who like it that sickening word since they aren't the actual sickos. Is it disgusting? Sure. But to me, we might as well start calling those who like gore would-be murders, those who love seeing dead bodies being fucked nechros, those who love seeing anthros or ferals of any smut be called zoos, or those who like seeing rape rapists. Just doesn't sit well with me and I would rather simply ignore these users if they aren't interested in the actual shit.
>>2720 Regarding the questions you asked, you should just be as strict as possible, don't let things be taken too far. This isn't a completely objective rule, so you're not going to get an explanation for every little scenario you can think of. You can be certain that you must keep underaged pictures out.
>>2693 Again, I wouldn't call you a rapist if you like seeing hentai-themed artwork of women being raped now would I? The loli/shota thing is not my cup of tea, and I would rather avoid conflating them with the actual sickos since if they were really a problem, then the country would have not changed any laws regarding it as confusing to the point of 1466 being outdated as of now.
>>2725 >I wouldn't call you a rapist if you like seeing hentai-themed artwork of women being raped now would I I wouldn't call you a child rapist if you like seeing naked children regardless if they're fictional or real
>>2726 Eh, if someone like the former, it's really weird to me mate. Now the former through, I would agree since like I stated, if we are to use that same logic, most people would hate to be put in groups of the actual sickos.
>>2727 >Eh, if someone like the former, it's really weird to me mate. I meant the latter.
>>2727 >>2728 >most people would hate to be put in groups of the actual sickos It's called denial
Same anon who recommended emailing smug here, I also sent an olive branch over to Anon.cafe, since they were another major branch of the webring that blacklisted us over this incident. Seeing as another reason is because all of Acid's "promises" about the plugin in https://archive.ph/eiQHX were ultimately ignored for a long time, trying to get in touch with them personally would be a good way to restore faith -- I gave them Codexx's cock.li. https://anon.cafe/meta/res/14384.html#q14385
>so long as they operate in accordance with the rules This assumption of good faith falls somewhere between incredibly naive and completely fucking retarded. Mostly leaning towards the latter.
So, to be clear, does the expanded rule 2 cover any fictional depiction of a real child, or just realistic ones? Just for example, if someone posts one of shadman's drawings of a real person, is that alright or does it need to be deleted?
damn this thread reeks of infiltration from off-site. Good on you Acid, you did the best you could and I believe its the correct course of action. Trust the sound principles of free speech, don't listen to people using obvious emotional appeals and social manipulation tactics. Keep it up, this is probably one of the first big hurdles the site will have to overcome, and while the drama is almost certainly manufactured, it will have ill effects regardless because drama-niggers do their best to maximize damage. Just stay firm, and oppose their bullshit while not forgetting your own principles and you'll do fine.
>>2736 This. As we know, this site has always been filled with Anons who love and support pedophilia. Thank you for your very organic post, Anon.
Though hold on a second. Reading the new rule 2 I did have a question about it. It says any depiction of a real child, does that mean shit like Shadman and his shenanigan of drawing lewds of children from irl events would be considered not able to be posted for example? The part about drawings and shit not being prohibited seems like a general rule, what about that kind of example? >>2737 >tornigger >stirring shit up in the midst of drama that he likely contributed towards tip top kek, cry harder.
>>2739 >your identity is anonymous on this anonymous imageboard therefore your posts are being made in bad faith Feds aren't sending their best tonight.
>>2740 >conflating tor with anonymity as a whole damn "anon", talk about delusional.
>>2741 Not having a literal unique identifier attached to every single one of your posts is by definition more anonymous.
>>2733 Completely unrealistic parody depictions like Shadman's are fine under the law as we understand it. Realistic images, obscene text, and 3DCG are not..
>>2739 torniggers are better than fucking pedoniggers.
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<LOOK EVERYONE I'M A PEDO You sure showed us!
>>2744 >implying they aren't largely one and the same
>>2742 So this strip of 000000 means Tor user? Huh. Why would anyone not use Tor on sites like this?
>>>/eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh/ What the fuck is that, and how did they change the font to that one? >>2750 >Why would anyone not use Tor on sites like this? Commodity. The clearnet domains load faster than the onion one (specially since faggot drug dealers have been engaging in DDoS wars on Tor nodes for months) and doesn't require a special browser. The obvious downside is a decrease of privacy and anonymity.
>>2723 >Sure. But to me, we might as well start calling those who like gore would-be murders You could, as being a would-be murderer isn't a bad thing, as it means you aren't murdering people. those who love seeing dead bodies being fucked nechros Well they are, because they feel sexual desire for corpses and are thus necrophiles. >those who love seeing anthros or ferals of any smut be called zoo Anthros would be getting halfway there already, I don't see ferals that often and from what I get it more some sort of cuckoldry than zoophilia > or those who like seeing rape rapists. They aren't, because to be a rapist you would need to rape. All you need to do to be a pedophile is be attracted to children. You could have never had sex and never jacked of to anything, or you could be a notorious killer/molester and in both cases you'd be a pedophile if you felt a sexual desire for kids. >Just doesn't sit well with me and I would rather simply ignore these users if they aren't interested in the actual shit. Well the thing is, I think if you think that jacking off to drawn depictions of children doesn't make you sexually attracted to kids makes you delusional and suffer from cognitive dissonance. You could probably justify actual CP under the exact way gore and loli, but keep in mind I'm not actually advocating for that, just stating my mind. What I also think is retarded is that you cannot inflate loli with what it is. Where did you those artists get their inspiration from? Biology books? Lol, if you paid a bit of attention to the CP spam from a few days ago, or anytime, you would notice they draw those ugly childcunts pretty realistically in some cases. Do you think they got that from real CP or from their own personal experiences ;). It's much easier to get away with either in Japan. A question that I still think is left unanswered would be whether pictures of adults would be allowed on /hebe/. You seem to be okay with them in this thread. >>2725 It wouldn't make sense calling someone who doesn't rape a rapist. And laws regarding this are retarded and made purely by moralist asshurt. There are also countries that do criminalize sex dolls and loli under the same reasoning. >>2727 That's called cognitive dissonance. I'm far less of a pedophile (not at all, actually) than lolifags are. I am mostly calling for at the very least open discussion. >>2731 We've been enforcing removal of illegal pictures better than /v/ has in the past few days.
>>2755 >It's much easier to get away with either in Japan. Very true, having cp was legal until 2014 and I'd guess they aren't as radical and hysterical about enforcing that law as in the west. Even production/distribution/sale only gets 5 years at max and/or a fine if wikipedia is accurate. Meanwhile in the US you'll get your life ruined for any of these offenses.
>>2757 >Very true, having cp was legal until 2014 For some reasons, "lolicons" either ignore this or act like it doesn't matter. It's just more cognitive dissonance at work. I don't care if you're a pedo as long as you aren't doing anything to kids, but Christ.
>>2758 But the characters have fancy hairstyles and no noses while actual children do have noses so even if their cunts look like nuanced depictions of real child vaginas its still not pedo you know... because that's why.
Acid, you want to know why people said that /hebe/ being allowed is retarded, this is why. They will always ask for more in very clear rulings and will always conflate others in bouts to find and report "hypocrisy". /hebe/, by the name they chose to pick and how it's userbase have been acting, have been made with malicious intent to not just take down the site, but the community as well, its userbase hold no regards for other users of the site and will argue incessantly to find excuses to post the shit they're explicitly not allowed to post or ban others. You said you wouldn't repeat the mistakes hotwheels made and host people deliberately threatening the site and shitting up all the boards, lo and behold /hebe/ fags are doing just that. The fag on /b/ with the sole intent of posting his shit is left untouched and they're going on utterly meaningless drivel and raising false alarms both here and the /v/ meta thread. The PoW meant to contain them is slowing the site to a crawl and might as well doom slower boards.
>>2766 /hebe/ is being abandoned because pictures of real people are not allowed there. Hello? What kind of backwards segregation is it that forces the hebes to post on other boards instead of containing them in the kiddy corner?
>>2767 And it will persist until you and your board are banned for being disruptive vermin.
>>2768 Wrong. It will just continue in other boards as it always had.
>8moe >be a pedophile, legally
>>2773 more like >The entire planet >be a pedophile, legally
>>2774 Ahem, Saudi Arabia and Africa.
>/v/ notices /hebe/ exists >"oh noes a board where our beloved cake squad isn't banning everyone and deleting their entire post history on some nonsensical whim like here! NUUUKE IIIIIIT!" The child of reddit and twitter combined.
>>2686 >when these bad actors were raiding Been here since it opened many of us are just sick of this place, it's never been fit for purpose.
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Is this pic allowed?
>>2784 this is not an islam tolerant zone
>>2775 Nigger what are you talking about, it happens plenty across all of asia too, and Saudi Arabia is far from the only place in the middle east that does this shit. So yes, 2 of the most populous continents and a large portion of a 3rd depending on which part of Eurasia you count the Middle East. (and Asia is the largest continent by far)
>>2766 >They will always ask for more in very clear rulings and will always conflate others in bouts to find and report "hypocrisy". THIS >/hebe/, by the name they chose to pick and how it's userbase have been acting, have been made with malicious intent to not just take down the site, but the community as well, its userbase hold no regards for other users of the site and will argue incessantly to find excuses to post the shit they're explicitly not allowed to post or ban others. And THIS.
>torpedos >being allowed to post images >not being on text-only mode
Hi Acid, the thoughts of an anon on the matter. Partially reposted from the Friday Night thread. The site has gone in a direction I don't agree with. Since its inception, Acid wanted to push rules as much as reasonably possible. Allowing everything regarding 2D is something that is legal in the parts of the US and parts of Europe. I can understand why Acid made the decision since it is still technically legal, but even loli pushes laws in the US and outside. I don't care for the 2D stuff but it's art and thus unambiguously legal. This is not really a problem, since the site was hidden fairly well, it was on the clearnet and good moderation was applied. From a legal point of view, yes - the real discussion is allowed. I think it is morally ambiguous but I will come back to that later. In this case, it is more a question if this site needs to be the place for these matters. I am not a legal expert, I am not a US legal expert but even then, I can estimate that you are treading on thin ice here. The main issue here are malicious actors who might and probably will abuse this to their fullest extent, with possible consequences for the site, her users and possibly you - the owner. Other people who have more legal knowledge might be able to fill in here. For the moral, personal argument: the whole real discussion just strikes a wrong note and the whole idea is just disgusting and immoral. The discussion as a topic in itself is reprehensible, the action itself is illegal and not wanted by nearly everyone. This link is for at least me enough to write it off as at least just as immoral as the real deal. My last point is that looking at what happened to 8ch, which also could attribute some of its internal feud to the whole "only discussion is allowed" . It might not be a great idea to just let it be and it could possibly attract bad actors, spammers or even bad people. I think the board is more of a potential risk than what it could ever bring. This also has the consequence that all the other imageboards (understandably) disassociated them from 8chan. Imageboards are already heavily fragmented and only allowing this topic because of the moral "it's legal" argument falls flat that only part of the userbase agrees with this or not. This is of course a decision from the imageboard owners themselves but keep in mind that there is really only one coherent post-4um imageboard community. To sum up: legally ambiguous, it divvies imageboard groups/communities and (personally) morally reprehensible. All in all, it's just me and potentially some other anons who dislike this choice but from a legal, (pseudo)moral and "imageboard coherency" point of view it seems like such a poor idea. I am going to leave imageboards for a while, just to wait until this shitstorm has flown over. Again, all power to Acid to do whatever he wants - this is his site and project but I won't blame myself and potentially others to not accept and/or condone this. In the end, I'd rather wait for Acid to make a decision by himself instead of trying to convince and defend my argument against anons. Might be better, might be worse. On top of that, I am still a bit unsure of what the yes - don't care - no distribution is. This was hastily hacked together, but I hope that this might serve as a counterargument for the ongoing state of affairs.
>>2795 tl;dr: >muh pedos bad >morally outrageous much >talking about pedophilia is as bad as raping kids Opinion discarded, arguments not found.
>>2796 > Yes > Yes > A hard line I draw. Something else for you, so be it.
>>2797 I can already guess how consistent you are on that "hard line" and I'm sure you have some solid arguments why that applies only to this specific topic and not to anything else. Fuck off.
I don't support censoring them, but can they be delisted so they're not at the top of the recommended boards and board list every fucking day? Makes this place look like a pedo board more than anything else, and I don't think they would mind being delisted either.
>>2799 If that means awe can actually post PEOPLE in the board (and not just loli stuff), then the board should definitely be delisted. Hello, what kind of retard allows what SHOULD be a segregation board but bans the very thing they are trying to segregate (pictures of hebes), forcing them to be posted elsewhere? Absolutely retarded.
>>2684 mods remove this shit
>>2801 Fuck you. https://www.famousbirthdays.com/people/alina-nikitina-alekseevna.html AGE IN PHOT: 18 years 1 months 7 days or 217 months 7 days or 944 weeks 4 days or 6,612 days or 158,688 hours or 9,521,280 minutes or 571,276,800 seconds
>>2801 >>2802 All the photos above are even more recent.
>>2745 and this one as well
>>2784 and this as well
Yo Acid, either you or the BO of /b should take look at what the fuck is on there. Fucking pictures of the real shit. You said it was banned right? Then you really should get rid of that shit.
Future advice, you really should take out /hebe. Dosen't matter if it's dead or deleted to me since they are sickfucks. I am just laughing at how they are comparing the loli shit to the real shit and talking like they know US laws. If it was really illegal you pedos, wouldn't that shit be banned across all sites? Not just moe? If you really wanna back up your fucking claim, then you might as well present some evidence. Oh wait, the US defended loli back in 2019 from the UN (who have some shit in their closets outed, but still haven't fucking done anything to clean up that shit) and the 1466 section was taken out of the Protect Act since it was deemed unlawful. Now really, loli is sorta on the same level as any other fetish/kink in fiction or otherwise legal adult porn site. Meaning, you might as well ban everything sexual since not everyone is gonna have a clear objective ruling over everything. What next? Violent vidya caues irl shootings?. Gore means you like the real shit? them that. Furry is zoo shit? Nechro means you wanna fuck a dead body? Etc??? No to fucking anything that is in the realm of fiction. Most people can clearly see what is what, and I am pretty fucking sure that they will just call you a sick bastard for liking any weird kink, but they won't be going to the next level and comparing your shitass to a fucking actual sickfuck who deserves the noose. If anything, it's fucking funny how you few actual sickfucks wish to use stupid fallacys and try to proclaim to those who like anything that is illegal in reality to the disgusting crimes that you bastards do.
>>2808 Nobody there is arguing that loli should be banned you autistic dumbfuck.
>>2807 At the time of your posting I believe all such content had been removed
>>2808 Present advice, kill yourself. There is no law or grey area about posting unsexualized hebes either (especially tame social media pictures) yet here we are. I don't see anyone there saying Loli should be banned either. Forget the Covid vaccine, take Trump's advice and inject bleach, faggot.
>>2808 Kek loli is illegal, retard.
>>2813 Acid enforced it so that he can try and have his cake and eat it too--allow "free speech" by giving the pedos a place to hang out but squelch that very free speech by denying us the ability to post LEGAL pictures. Acid fucked up, but for reasons different than what you faggots keep suggesting.
>>2814 Pictures of children are not free speech.
>>2815 Notice the quotations. Also, Alina is 18 in the photos posted.
>>2815 It seems that pedo along with many on /v think that loli is somehow equal to the actual shit. Along with one saying that if the actual shit is illegal, then loli would be as well, when yet, that same reasoning was said in the courts of the US in the 2000's right before the US got rid of 1466 of the Protect Act and defended the shit in 2019 if not obscened like most of any other kinks/fetishes. Said judges to said that it's unlawful and that there is hardly any evidences to present that it indeed does. If a majoity of loli was also traced, most users would be able to tell and shame the said users who did that and move on to someone else who didn't do that shit. Yet, it's so fucking more complicated than the actual shit that every country besides the UK, Australia and Canada banned it because it's such a mess to begin with. If they outright banned it, 911 operators better be ready to hear how some fictional character is harmed in any way, or the fact that someone getting in jail over a fucking DRAWING is somehow achieving something compared to an actual pedo. >>2816 Do you have proof that your photos that you post are indeed "18"? Did she even give fucking consent in the very least?
>>2817 >Do you have proof that your photos that you post are indeed "18"? Did she even give fucking consent in the very least? Yes to both. >>2802 They are still up on her Instagram account. Feel free to check.
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>>2817 Drawings are fine, I should have clarified I meant photographs. Drawings based on the real thing do not deserve to exist.
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>>2676 Update: The ponyfag finally made inline replies work. He posted the JS and CSS required on https://smelle.xyz/lynx/res/1916.html#2379 This requires replacing a couple of files on Lynxchan, but since that guy was working on it along with 8moe's (You)s implementation I think it shouldn't cause a lot of trouble to implement this feature on the site.
>>2825 Of what? Fucking drawings of entirely fictional characters? That's hardly releated to anything. Anything else otherwise that is traced or are based on actual photos should go.
>>2821 I wish the order was reversed. The post being replied to should come first, then the reply comes after, so it reads top to bottom. The way that currently is, the go up to read later posts in the reply chain which is confusing.
>>2821 >>2827 Looks nice, but I have to agree with top->bottom order. Currently, the order is inside->outside. The original post should just be above the reply posts contents. I'm not sure how this will play with images/embeds.
>>2827 lol babbys first trying to understand the chan flow
/h/ got raided and spammed.
Asking these questions here as well they're probably more relevant in this thread. >Rule 2) subsection b) Obscene textual depictions involving sex acts with real children are banned. How in the hell is this enforceable in any way? Does this mean fictional descriptions of pedo fantasies with real children, or descriptions of real things that have taken place, or both? In the former case, why does the same logic not apply to visual fictional depictions of sex acts with real children, like the fantasies depicted in UnterAlterBach, or things Shadman has drawn? In the latter case, how do you determine the act was real without evidence that's illegal to view, or famous case where pedophile was caught? >Legal, fictional 2D or 3DCG artwork is not prohibited and is not to be conflated with pedophilia or any content banned under this rule. I have two issues with this rule. Firstly, while I find it on it's face immensely retarded to ban any such assertion that loli==pedo due it stifling legitimate debate on the subject, there's further implications to this rule than that. Does this mean posting any lolicon that uses the word pedophile/pedo is verboten? What about lolicon that merely describes traits of pedophilia without directly naming it? How the fuck does this work? Secondly, is this rule actually being heavily misinterpreted and misenforced? Instead of banning the assertion that loli=pedo, is it actually intended to state that for the purposes of global rule violations, loli is not to be reported as a rule 2 violation? I feel like the fact that it is neither in the main section of rule 2, nor in any of the subsections, but rather an addendum at the end, supports this theory. If this is the case, you need to inform everyone including the globals, because this rule, even in this very thread with posts like >>2721, is being heavily misenforced to the detriment of free speech and debate. >>2536 Is posting banned? Oh shit. >>2533 >I'm not sure how this will work since there isn't be a way to tell if a story is describing a real kid unless it's somebody famous enough to be found online or if the author is retarded/sick enough to provide a description that can be used to track the source of "inspiration". I guess the only way will be to search every name in a story and see if there's a match online. >>2555 >Would it make a difference if a picture of her was posted or not (or a drawing)? >>2616 >If someone posts lolicon [based on a real child] and talks about how much they want they want to fuck [the child] or that children are sexually attractive to them, is that allowed? These posts Though not initially using the best wording in the latter two cases raise pertinent questions about the changes to rule 2 that need to be answered. >>2605 >They'll never do it. Pedophiles are psychopathic parasites incapable of building anything themselves. They will never put in the effort to make their own site <What is the dorkweb? >>2620 >Don't you fags have an IRC for this? I think that's only for BOs. Either way, this thread about the recent update to the rules, so for transparency's sake, it's a good thing he's asking these questions here, regardless of whether he's really a vol. >>2639 >Uhhh, she's 18 now, so posting her child modeling photos should be fine That's not how it works, you disingenuous niggerfaggot. >So by that logic, nearly any picture of a real person could be subject to being banned. And this you just pulled out of your ass without any reasoning behind it at all. >>2647 That's a good question, that I don't think the site admins can answer with a clear "Yes" or "No" as it hits in the core of how CP laws make posting real internet pornography legally untenable on most sites in theory, unless you restrict porn to milfs and gilfs in terms of physical looks. Without killing internet porn like PornHub did, and banning all porn that doesn't officially verify the ages of all participants, there's no feasible way to determine the age of every nude picture posted. When it comes to effective enforcement, the best that can be done is to simply remove anything that even looks vaguely too young unless it comes with hard unfalsifiable proof of age. And even doing this, lots of jailbait will get by. There's probably tons of underage 15-17 year old porn floating everywhere on the internet, including this site and OG 8chan, that goes entirely unnoticed because the girls look physically mature. There's also likely plenty of totally legal porn taken down on the regular of girls that look too young. There's no good answer that doesn't require heavily restrictive measures. >>2723 >we might as well start calling those who like gore would-be murders He called them pedos, not would-be-child-molestors. Though I understand you may see the two as synonymous, much like a feminist sees all straight males as would-be-rapists. >>2743 Why is obscene text disallowed while cartoon parody is? Did you make this rule, or are you merely explaining it as a vol or BO? Site administration really needs to use capcodes or tripcodes in this thread, as it's getting murky as to who is speaking with authority on global rules. If you made this rule then you do realize you just created a situation where you can have your unrealistic cartoon parody, but making a text description of that parody is banned, right? You see the silliness here? Unless you're actually referencing the law, in which case, you definitely need to cite where obscene text describing a real child is illegal. And even then whether such law is enforced, or is total bunk, like loli obscenity law 1466A. >>2789 Forcing Tor to text-only accomplishes nothing. This was made clearly evident as even the PoW + Captcha has failed to stop imagespam coming from new IDs every single post. >>2813
[Expand Post]>IF IT WAS FUCKING ILLEGAL, PEOPLE WOULDN'T BE DOING IT AND LARGELY GETTING AWAY WITH IT! Piracy, weed, jaywalking. >>2818 >Did she even give fucking consent in the very least? Those are clearly selfies, anon. >>2819 >Spoiler >>2826 >or are based on actual photos should go. What do you make of Unteralterbach and Shadman's drawing then?
>>2931 >That's not how it works, you disingenuous niggerfaggot. See >>2802 The pictures of her I am posting are all of 18+. They were being deleted because she had "featured in CP." But that was years ago and those are NOT the pictures I was posting. So instead of just jumping to attack someone why don't you work on your reading comprehension (heck, you can even see the comment I was replying to in that post you linked). Try rereading the conversation there and see if you understand it after a second pass.
>>2802 >>2684 Look at her eyes. She will never experience happiness. Ever. She'll think she's happy, at various times, but she won't ever actually be.
>>2932 I see. I misinterpreted your post. Sorry. There was pedo around somewhere arguing the retarded shit that I thought you were, that because someone is 18, their underage pics were okay. Thought you were him.
>>2934 It's all good, it happens. Not me with that weird argument though I have seen it once or twice on this forum. I wasn't going to reply because the rest of your post is on-point, buuuuut-- >>2933 Such is life
>>2934 >I see. I misinterpreted your post. Sorry. There was pedo around somewhere arguing the retarded shit that I thought you were, that because someone is 18, their underage pics were okay. Thought you were him. lol, you are so mentally ill it's not even funny anymore
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>>>/v/320558 >>>/v/320559 >>>/v/320563 >>>/v/320568 >>>/v/320571 >>>/v/320573 Why do you continue to put up and give shelter to these asshats? They've proven time and time again that they are here purely to drag the site down. They aren't a poor oppressed internet minority they are a fucking gayops meant to ruin the site if not actually get it shut down. Note this exchange took place only a short time after these pedofaggots posted child modeling CP shit== apparently judging from the flow of the conversation, I wasn't here when it happened. They have literally admitted that they are not going to stop. And they are doing it completely out of spite. Codexx try to reason with Acid about this shit. The pedo's free speech doesn't trump everyone else's free speech.
>>2937 >t. faggot who posted CP just so he has something to complain about You're so boring dude.
Acid. Codexx. This >>2938 is percicly the kind of shit that I'm talking about.
>>2937 >>2939 Your seething fuels me.
>>2937 >>2938 It wasn't CP, but it still should not have been posted.
>>2937 We've been keeping an eye on these incidents ("pedos" provoking anons, stirring up trouble, etc) and in every single incident we've found no evidence they're regular users of the site. Our conclusion in every case (including this one) is that the user is from off the site entirely, here to cause controversy and division. Similarly, we've caught certain entities posting their usual rhetoric alongside pro-pedophilia posts and banned images, criticizing the site for content they themselves are posting. These guys aren't being given shelter because they're bad actors organizing elsewhere.
>>2942 >Similarly, we've caught certain entities posting their usual rhetoric alongside pro-pedophilia posts and banned images, criticizing the site for content they themselves are posting. Typical
>>2942 >all this wall of text let me sum this up for you as simply as i can THESE ARE BORED ANONS
>>2944 Reminder that when somebody started spamming CP from Tor Acid thought that it was because the CIA was attacking the site. The owners are literal schizos.
>illegal under applicable laws I'm not sure exactly what laws are applicable. Is zoophilia allowed? Is it like loli, being that fictional stuff is fine and 3DPD isn't?
>>2947 All fiction is okay, except possibly textual depiction of fantasies involving real minors. t. not an authority on da rulez.
>>2948 And IRL zoophilia? Many states in the US have bestiality pornography legal iirc. I feel I should know the status of this before "white girls fuck dogs" becomes actual videos being posted of white girls getting fucked by dogs
>>2966 The laws are irrelevant here. That's why we can post lolicon even though it's not legal (no one convicted on it alone, though it IS illegal if obscene, which it is by the legal definition). Has anyone been convicted for posting zoo? I don't see any cases but I haven't checked too much into it....
>>2969 As I recall, all cases where conviction of loli happened was a guilty plea, not actually fought out, and while it is a gray area, the law is intended and primarily used against depictions of real children. It dodges arguments about a record of abuse not being itself abuse, it is a purely digital simulacrum of events and no child is harmed in its distribution or possession. Think of that matter what you will, but laws that you could bring against loli are more suited to stopping CP, and tenuously stopping drawings or 3D renders based on real kids. A fictional character is not a child. But this is getting into the weeds a bit and not very important, and no one wants to start pulling up case files and judge notes on verdicts. Payment processors have pulled out of situations where bestiality is involved, and people get arrested for committing the acts themselves in some states of the US, but some states partially or fully permit doing it. Pornography-wise, I don't know of any cases where someone was arrested or convicted for it. Still, many sites forbid it.
>>2970 That's exactly my point--laws are irrelevant here because the site owners are completely retarded and don't know anything about them. Lolicon is illegal but the site allows it because the courts don't care about it (unless you make it easy for them to care, such as pleading guilty). And just FYI, many hosts and payment providers pull out of sites that allow lolicon. All depends on which host the site uses (and if they know what's actually posted on the site).
>>2971 Just in case my point isn't clear (doesn't seem to be on a re-read), I am not saying Lolicon should be taken off the site. I am saying Zoo should be allowed. That's all--
Question about the 3DCG "based on real kids" rule Obviously, if I were to get a photogrammetry app and 3d scan a real kid into it, that's breaking the rule. Most video game lolis that aren't toony or anime as fuck are "based on" models or actresses, as it's easier to start with a base idea, and then edit it to fit the style of the game. This includes many characters like Sherry, Sarah, Natalia, Alice, Emma, young Ellie, and likely any other realistic stylized character. These characters are not real kids, but fictional game characters that resemble the actresses or models. They have been retopo'd and edited, and retextured. Any nude model is a head hack onto a daz body which is a body of a non real person. Hermione Granger isn't Emma Watson. But a lot of Harry Potter porn resembles Daniel, Emma, Rupert etc, because that's what the characters look like in the minds of fans, and videogame based models are designed to resemble them. Are fictional characters that look like real people included in this rule, despite not being actual photorealistic versions of them (anyone looking at 3D porn can tell it's not a photo) or are we safe to post vids and pictures of videogame characters?
>>2947 >Is zoophilia allowed? >>2966 >And IRL zoophilia? I honestly have no idea what the law says here, but if you want an imageboard that allows it, I pointed out zoo porn on zigger /b/ to the local and global mods, and it's still up months later, so it's apparently okay there. Why the fuck do I like snakes so much? What's wrong with me? I think it was in the "post here to get banned" thread.
15 isn't pedo.
water is wet
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>>2999 13 isn't either.
If you guys would just allow jailbait content then the site would grow more.
>>3041 Okay, explain why.
>>3042 Because jailbait no longer has a place on the Internet. It's content that people want, but there's nowhere to post it (on the clearnet). There's an alternative out there somewhere for every other type of content that gets posted here, but there's no place to post jailbait. It's almost guaranteed traffic.
>>3043 What about Motherless or the other million porn sites that let you upload photos?
>>3044 They don't allow 14-17 year old content.
>>3045 Why? Is it illegal?
>>3046 Only if certain criteria are met.
>>3049 That means its an inherent risk and this isn't actually 8chan so its not going to take any kind of risks. They'd rather take the no risk no reward model that every other dead altchan is taking and so the site will never grow.
>>3050 And that is why this site will continue to suck.
>>3050 This just sounds a bit baseless to me. There's jailbait all over instagram and facebook and twitter and maybe still MySpace. Jailbait is normie content. Why do we want normies?
>>3054 Nobody cares what you want.
>>3055 Then replace "we" with "you" and reread the message
>>3056 You don't get the point, it's not about what you or I want.
>>3057 Well, them not actually wanting the site to thrive and just wanting to stir trouble is likely, but I still like to give them some benefit of the doubt to explain their reasoning. I like seeing these discussions
>>3058 The same is likely for interracial content, but I wouldn't demand it to be banned regardless, because it's not illegal and 8chan doesn't exist to be another curated chan.
>>3054 What are you smoking? Jailbait has been banned on almost every site on the Internet. In no way is it "normie content".
>>3041 >If you allow jailbait then the site would grow more Back in the early 2000's you could had easily done that and gotten away with it. Nowadays you can get in serious trouble if you get involved with that. You're better off sticking with 2D girls no one is gonna bat an eye if you waifu anime teenage characters unless you go on Twitter where feminists and SJWs are dominant. >>3043 >Jailbait >Guaranteed Traffic More like guaranteed death. You allow that and 8chan.moe goes offline like all the countless ded altchans out there. Not even the normal pics are safe to post. >>3054 >All over Instagram and Facebook They only allow non-sexual uploads and only if they are uploaded from said person. Doubt they would allow unrelated pics to be uploaded by anons.
>>3060 The legal stuff is absolute normie content. The illegal stuff is illegal, and also appeals entirely to normie teen boys. You're not appealing to anybody that anyone would actually want on the internet. >>3061 >Doubt they would allow unrelated pics to be uploaded by anons. Point remains the same, it's normie content and therefor not something the majority of people on this site want. Really it just supports the fact it's not worth it. Risk it all to attract the people that would kill it anyway
>>3059 >8chan doesn't exist to be another curated chan This isn't 8chan any more than jim's was, thats why they both curate whats permitted to be posted based on subversiveness to cover their own ass at the detriment to their own sites success. 8chan as everyone knows it was the site that took in gamergate despite it being subversive as fuck and costed the site a great deal, this site isn't that.
>>3062 >and also appeals entirely to normie teen boys No. >You're not appealing to anybody that anyone would actually want on the internet. Also no. >Point remains the same, it's normie content and therefor not something the majority of people on this site want. Still no. >>3063 Which is why the site is dead and will ultimately fail.
>>3062 And mind you, no one here wants /interracial/ yet it's allowed.
>>3067 Because the site owner is a literal cuck.
>>3063 >Gamergate costed 8chan It was /pol/ and a few edgy faggots that ultimately sunk the ship. 8chan globals and mods were not fast enough to respond to the lone wolf mass shooters. /v/, /b/ /a/, /co/, /delicious/, /cake/ and /t/ were all doing great when 8chan was around. Hell even /hebe/ did not contribute to 8chan being taken offline by Cloudflare or DNS providers despite how controversial it was. It was /pol/ the one that took 8chan down after 3 consecutive mass shootings that came out of it. Before 8chan got increasingly political under Jim/Ron Watkins it was all about video games, hobbies, lolis, shitposting and fun. 8moe while not as big as 8chan was seems like its returning back to its original roots on what made it great. >>3066 Word needs to spread about 8moe in order for it to be more active. 8moe is not easy to find via search engines despite carrying the 8chan brand. Only ones in here are those that have experience with altchans or found this site in the Webring before 8chan was takened out because 8moe kept /hebe/. We gotta get the word out on forums, select boards on 4chan, and a video or two on Youtube. That would get the place active in no time. It would probably be more efficient if we found a place and time we can coordinate the site's growth.
>>3069 The consequences of /pol/ were no different than the consequences of gamergate, both resulted in a deplatforming and having to change domains. The difference is hotwheels responded to it by getting the site back up as soon as he could while changing nothing about it, while jim spent MONTHS rebuilding it from the ground up as a sanitized platform to prevent it from ever happening again. Your assumption that the only reason this place isn't as popular as 8chan is due to a lack of exposure is as asinine as suggesting that the reason 8kun isn't as popular as 8chan is because of a lack of exposure. This site serves as a bunker for the few people that still remained on 8kun and will never garner an audience beyond that because thats all it sets out to be. All the people that stopped going to jim's 8chan will see no reason to come here.
>>3069 Except this is not true, 1 or 2 of those "mass shootings from 8chan" happened while it was temporarily suspended, and they just lied and said it was posted there. Also, most big crimes like this are posted to, or even live streamed from facebook.
>>3071 If some communist on twitter did nothing but complain about the rich and surrounded themselves with antifa people that encouraged them to commit violence and eventually they crashed a party in hollywood and started gunning down champagne sippers left and right you would rightfully blame twitter for allowing that radicalization to take place. Whether or not it was online at the moment of the shooting is irrelevant, and whether or not they used facebook as a platform for livestreaming the event doesn't implicate facebook in why that event took place. The real question is whether or not we should censor peoples freedom to say radical things for the greater good, and in the current political climate freedom is a thing of the past so the answer to that seems to be yes. Things like hate speech laws have been introduced in progressive countries without free speech protections first but of course that doesn't mean they won't worm their way into places like the U.S as well as those protections seem to serve more as a roadblock than an impenetrable barrier.
>>3076 >If some communist on twitter did nothing but complain about the rich and surrounded themselves with antifa people that encouraged them to commit violence and eventually they crashed a party in hollywood and started gunning down champagne sippers left and right you would rightfully blame twitter for allowing that radicalization to take place No one here would "rightfully blame" any platform for the actions of some lunatic individual just because they allowed speech that was critical of a certain class of people. >The real question is whether or not we should censor peoples freedom to say radical things for the greater good, and in the current political climate freedom is a thing of the past so the answer to that seems to be yes. It's easy to say that we should control all speech and virtually impossible at scale to actually execute on that goal regardless of the perceived benefits.
>>3077 >No one here would "rightfully blame" any platform for the actions of some lunatic individual I blame /pol/ for spurring lunatic individuals into action that I believe wouldn't have otherwise so thats not true. The point of contention is whether or not everyones freedom of speech should be violated in the effort to stop lunatics from being fed a bunch of bullshit that poisons their mind towards violent acts. When a jihadist allah ackbars a building full of people I don't say "well they're just a lunatic that would've done this no matter what", I rightfully blame islamic indoctrination for putting into their head that killing random people is a good idea. Does that mean all qurans should be burned and the very knowledge of their existence should be wiped from the history books? Not in my opinion as thats a dangerous slippery slope. >It's easy to say that we should control all speech and virtually impossible at scale to actually execute on that goal regardless of the perceived benefits. People in scotland for example are being terrified into silence over the restrictions on speech put in place there, you aren't even allowed to commit the crime of hate speech at the dinner table anymore. Its one step away from communist china where one of the best ways to improve your social credit score is to snitch on other people for their illegal speech. If you think things like this have no influence on controlling peoples speech then you're just being willfully ignorant on the subject.
>>3078 >I blame /pol/ for spurring lunatic individuals into action that I believe wouldn't have otherwise so thats not true. There's a difference between fed posting and merely criticizing systems of belief and discussing political happenings. /pol/ has and had a lot of fed posting, but even that doesn't necessarily influence lunatics. You can make a series of perfectly innocent and well meaning observations about the world from any political perspective that are irrefutably true and with a slightly off intonation a lunatic might be influenced to do something crazy. >The point of contention is whether or not everyones freedom of speech should be violated in the effort to stop lunatics from being fed a bunch of bullshit that poisons their mind towards violent acts. When a jihadist allah ackbars a building full of people I don't say "well they're just a lunatic that would've done this no matter what", I rightfully blame islamic indoctrination for putting into their head that killing random people is a good idea. Does that mean all qurans should be burned and the very knowledge of their existence should be wiped from the history books? Not in my opinion as thats a dangerous slippery slope. I don't think there's an answer, and where you can't find an answer I think it's best to just appeal to the principle. There's clearly an issue with how modern communication works. Humanity is not mentally or physically built to interface with each other through the internet. The internet has done irreparable damage to society that will echo through all of time. As someone who is generally quite empathetic I'm not comfortable with the damage being done through rampant misinformation, but I'm also not comfortable with solving this through losing freedom and autonomy. There are people on the planet, even the majority of people in fact, that should not at any point in their lives spend time contemplating political ideologies as they simply aren't physically equipped to come away with any meaningful conclusion. This is an undeniable truth, but there is no solution I can find to the problem of facebook boomer storming the capital because an anonymous shit-poster on some forum told them to.
>>3079 Your eagerness to disqualify any radicalizing that went on as "fedposting" showcases your own personal bias on the matter more than anything, but aside from that we seem to be in agreement for the most part.
>>3080 I didn't disqualify anything, I specifically agreed that people can be "radicalized" by virtually anything. I don't think we can solve that by simply disallowing strong opinions about controversial topics. At least not on a national or global scale. What I meant was the fed posting doesn't necessarily influence lunatics any more than anyone with a strong opinion about any political issue that is rhetorically effective enough to make the problem seem immediate and concerning enough to the reader. It's incredibly easy to induce fear and panic into the average person with enough rhetorical skill regardless of how edgy or blatant your messaging is. Even without a single shred of malicious intent you can "spur" someone into doing crazy shit or just becoming plagued by anxiety and depression.
>>>/cutedeadgirls/ WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?
>>3134 used to be a subreddit for a few years until eventually getting shut down. Conceptually, it's a classic internet gore board.
(10.20 KB 300x100 60ad313ac32e035bb96e8808.jpg)

The experimental captcha is hurtful for eye but I solve it easier than regular one. >wrong answer See? >loli obscenity law 1466A. tfw loli is immortalized in usa law
(11.48 KB 273x185 idiot.png)

>>3134 >something exists and causes me psychic mind-beam damage by existing! How about you don't click on it
>>3176 He didn't say it hurt him or even complained, he was just asking what it is. That anon is simply looking to understand.
> Obscene textual depictions involving sex acts with real children So a fanfic about fucking young Emma Watson is bannable? Let's try that you: I totally banged Emma when she was 13
>>3081 No, you really can't.
>>3197 Fucking pedos. How could anyone get off to the idea of removing a little girl's clothes and licking her tiny body all over, nibbling her neck and kissing her adorable little nipples? Only a heartless monster would think about her cute girlish mouth and tongue wrapped around a thick cock slick with her saliva, pumping in and out of her mouth until it erupts, the cum more than her little throat can swallow. The idea of thick viscous semen overflowing, dribbling down her chin over her flat chest, her tiny hands scooping it all up and watching her suck it off her fingertips is just horrible. You're all a bunch of sick perverts, thinking of spreading her smooth slender thighs, cock poised at the entrance to her pure, tight, virginal pussy, and thrusting in deep as a whimper escapes her lips which are slippery with cum, while her small body shudders from having her cherry taken in one quick stroke. I am disgusted at how you'd get even more excited as you lean over her, listening to her quickening breath, her girlish moans and gasps while you hasten your strokes, her sweet pants warm and moist on your face and her flat chest, shiny with a sheen of fresh sweat, rising and falling rapidly to meet yours. It is truly nasty how you'd run your hands all over her tiny body while you violate her, feeling her nipples hardening against your tongue as you lick her chest, her neck and her armpits, savoring the scent of her skin and sweat while she trembles from the stimulation and as she reaches her climax, hearing her cry out softly as she has her first orgasm while that cock is buried impossibly deep inside her, pulsing violently as an intense amount of hot cum spurts forth and floods through her freshly-deflowered pussy for the first time, filling her womb only to spill out of her with a sickening squelch. And as you lie atop her flushed body, she sighs breathlessly and her fingers dig into your back as she feels your cock hardening inside her again. You're all sick in the head.
So Acid, Codexx, are you going to deal with the blatant skirting the rules that's going on on /b/ or what? They're up to their same old tricks all over again.
>>3237 Just fucking ban all pedoshit. If you weren't sure before you have to be goddamned certain now they are bad actors.
>>3237 if the break rules, report them
>>3239 >just clean my site up janny No man. Like I don't like looking at child porn. Okay? And I am not going to keep doing it just to keep you out of jail.
>>3240 It's not child porn. Quit crying.
<Stupid text rule is gone <Something else retarded takes its place >All depictions of fictitious characters are 18+ years of age regardless of any contradicting textual description(s). AyyyLMAO. Literally fucking no one, not the law or consumers of the content, actually believes authors when they say "all characters 18", even if you are the creator, and beyond that you're not the creator, retard. Adding a statement like this is implies you have some level of authorial control over the content on this site. Not only is that patently false, since the content is user generated or taken from creators entirely outside this site, THIS IMPLIES YOU'RE A PUBLISHER/CREATOR OF THE CONTENT, NOT A PLATFORM. I strongly suggest you remove this entire sentence immediately. You still haven't fixed the line that implies conflating lolicon and pedophilia is a global ban, even though it isn't.

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