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The "Signage MOSSAD" Anonymous 08/07/2022 (Sun) 09:25:26 Id: 17c68f No. 16495
MOSSAD is known as Israel's intelligence organization. The "Signage MOSSAD" in Israel is not the real MOSSAD. The real structuring of MOSSAD is in Switzerland and Turkey. The "Signage MOSSAD" in Israel exists to manipulate the US and UK with fake issues such as Iran and Palestinian supporters. MOSSAD is not a professional intelligence organization like CIA and MI6. MOSSAD is a cabalist and occult secret organization with intelligence organization capabilities. That's why it doesn't treat the people it targets like a professional intelligence organization. To give an example, he engages in ancient kabbalistic behaviors such as making senseless and strange movements and making ridiculous noises in order to drive people who have no reputation and environment crazy. If you try to express this situation to someone else, they will call you crazy. It is said that MOSSAD was founded in the 1940s. This is wrong. The establishment of MOSSAD dates back to ancient times. It is stated that the word meaning of MOSSAD is institute. In fact, MOSSAD is the name of one of the sentinel jinn who served Prophet Süleyman. Israel has given the name of a jinn to its so-called intelligence agency, as befits it. Speak Hebrew with a potential MOSSAD employee. They did not receive training in "Manipulation with the Hebrew language" in order not to betray their superiors. The mentally ill employees of MOSSAD, on the other hand, think of themselves as the most cunning person in the world and look at the people around them as idiots. The USA and England should look at MOSSAD from Turkey and Switzerland, not from Israel.
Heavy blow to MOSSAD by US Intelligence: Establishment of Neuralink Company When the subject of mind control is brought up, the cold war experiments of the CIA are often mentioned. For this reason, it is thought that the structure with the most common activities in mind control is the CIA. This is wrong. Although the US Intelligence is better at mind control and psychological warfare than its rivals, the structure that uses mind control and psychological warfare most widely in the world is MOSSAD. MOSSAD has secretly placed electrodes and chips in the skulls of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. The chip is able to give secret suggestions to people who are implanted and send voices to those people from the unknown. That's why MOSSAD can confuse countless people with metaphysical bullshit, especially in Turkey, Iran and India. The common feature of the peoples of these three countries is that they are easily arrogant in metaphysical matters and can believe them quickly. MOSSAD cannot do the same "metaphysical head" to Arab and Kurdish peoples. This recklessness of MOSSAD disturbed the US Intelligence the most. The US Intelligence no longer needed the chips and electrodes attached to the human skull for mind control. Therefore, an autistic Jew named Elon Musk founded the Neuralink Company. The establishment of the Neuralink company dealt a heavy blow to MOSSAD in this regard. Thanks to the Neuralink company, large masses have learned that they can place a chip in the human skull, and it has helped the states to wake up on this issue. The easiest measure that states can take against MOSSAD's mind control attacks is to determine whether there are chips and electrodes in the skulls of mind control victims by scientific and materialist methods. The operating frequencies of the chips and electrodes attached to the human skull are certain. It can be determined whether there are electrodes and chips by measuring with Oscillos(Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me), LCR meter and Frequency meter systems on the skull of the human being taken inside the Faraday cage and stripped to be naked. States should strengthen their signal intelligence, paying particular attention to the 1hz-1mhz range.
>>16511 Kill all federal agents and their families.
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MOSSAD has secretly placed electrodes and chips in the skulls of hundreds of thousands of people around the USA. The chip is able to give secret suggestions to people who are implanted and send "from the unknown voices" to those people. The easiest measure that united states can take against MOSSAD's mind control attacks is to determine whether there are chips and electrodes in the skulls of mind control victims by scientific and materialist methods. The operating frequencies of the chips and electrodes attached to the human skull are certain. It can be determined whether there are electrodes and chips by measuring with Oscillos(Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me), LCR meter and Frequency meter systems on the skull of the human being taken inside the Faraday cage and stripped to be naked. United States should strengthen their signal intelligence, paying particular attention to the 1hz-1mhz range.
>invasive cranial surgery >for hundreds of thousands of people >in complete secrecy >with no chips discovered by brain scans Re-evaluate your schizo hypothesis, faggot. Besides, social media is already a stronger tool for psyops.
>>16516 okay, smart guy what is the description of the object? how big is it? where in the skull can it be found? how are they inserting the chips into people? what are they using to access the chips? cell towers? satellites? what is the general age range of the people afflicted? what is their background? when did they start doing this? and where specifically did they implement it first? or do you not actually have an answer for any of those questions, because you're just pulling this outta your ass because you're a dissinfo agent / retarded schizophrenic?
>invasive cranial surgery https://techcrunch(Please use archive.today)/2020/08/28/take-a-closer-look-at-elon-musks-neuralink-surgical-robot/ focus on the present. We are not living 30 years ago. even elon musk's crappy company does this in a short time with an automatic machine. we are talking about MOSSAD here. >for hundreds of thousands of people How much opinion do you have about MOSSAD ? People from countries other than Armenia usually do not question the events around them. MOSSAD kidnaps the targeted person in the middle of the night and secretly performs surgery and puts her back in her home. The people of most countries cannot understand what is happening around midnight because they are stupid. >in complete secrecy You don't even need to be secretive if the people around you are jerks. >with no chips discovered by brain scans MRI and tomography can be done. I mentioned an easier method.These chips work with semiconductor technology. Every semiconductor has an operating frequency. This can be determined by measuring frequencies. The human body naturally emits waves similar to the sinusoidal wave. If the naked person's body emits square wave signals, they have an electronic implant in their body. > Re-evaluate your schizo hypothesis, faggot. Besides, social media is already a stronger tool for psyops. A tag that is easiest to hit when a different topic is raised Unless you're a medical doctor then Diagnosing a medical condition is wrong. You can call it silly or shit instead.
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anti-Zionism and anti-Israel Jews are not sincere. They are unfurling the Palestinian flag to show off. Instead of targeting the main power source of Zionism, they are putting on a show to deceive people. "anti-Zionism and anti-Israel Jews" should demand that MOSSAD be abolished and crypto-Jews reveal their true identities.
The anti-Israel Jews are real, they're called Orthodox Jews for the most part. Most Jews in the USA in reality are now vehemently anti-Israel, because they don't want to be sent there.
Let US Intelligence secretly give Hebrew suggestions by using ultraviolet, infrared and magnetic waves to poison the subconscious mind of MOSSAD agents in the USA. Magnetic frequencies that US Intelligence will use to poison MOSSAD spies Inculcate in Hebrew with 20hz-20khz band audio signals. Inculcate in Hebrew with 300mhz-500mhz band audio signals. Inculcate in Hebrew with 1ghz-3ghz band audio signals.
MOSSAD agents did not receive "hebrew manipulation" training so that they would not betray their superiors. That's why the subconscious Hebrew of MOSSAD agents is open to secret suggestions.
>>16565 Merged
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USA Intelligence gives PKK and YPG members "secret inspiration in Hebrew" USA Intelligence poisons the subconscious minds of PKK and YPG members "by giving secret inspirations in Hebrew" in electromagnetic frequencies and infrared wavelengths in the range of 20hz-20khz and 300mhz-3ghz. The reason why US Intelligence poisoned PKK and YPG members subconscious minds with Hebrew is because the subliminal poisoning process is done in Hebrew.
>>16614 Kill all federal agents and their families.
>>16615 based
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Technology companies cannot be bought with money alone. The main reason why Elon Musk could not buy Twitter is because technology companies cannot be bought with pure money power. In order for you to actually buy technology companies, you need to deter other power elements related to the relevant technology company and secretly take control of the electronic, cybernetic and telemetric devices used by those companies beforehand. Before purchasing, you should also secretly control the employees of the relevant technology company. The real owner of Twitter is MOSSAD. The American Nationalist Forces behind Elon Musk are actually trying to buy Twitter from MOSSAD. Since the original owner of Twitter is MOSSAD, it is difficult to secretly take control of Twitter employees and the servers and other devices Twitter uses. Because of this difficulty, Elon Musk and the US Nationalist Forces behind him are prolonging the process with various excuses.
It can also use infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths as sound pulses.
I was going to say something amazingly insightful about Twitter. But since this situation is going to court I think I won't say anything like I was going to in case it contaminates the trial. I'll be watching the court events with interest while trying to remain impartial.
You know a country is rigged when the government forces you to buy products, gives bailouts to companies, and uses regulations to prevent you from starting a business
>>16615 fpbp
The United States of America was a stupid country under the control of MOSSAD. The FBI has launched an investigation into the mind control activities of MOSSAD within the US borders.
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The CIA and MOSSAD Experiences of Russian Intelligence inherited from the Cold War Agents of Russian Intelligence are vigilant and full domination of the environment. Russian Intelligence has full domination of the psychological profile of the people it monitors from afar. Russian Intelligence does not evaluate the people it monitors with so-called labels like "crazy, cunning, jackal, bastard, stupid, idiot, etc...." as the state officials of other countries do. Russian Intelligence fully knows people's real temperament, state and movement, body rhythm, tone of voice, real body structure, real psychological state, and speech and behavior. Therefore, MOSSAD and the CIA cannot use a double and clone of any person within the borders of Russia and act on behalf of that person. MOSSAD and CIA cannot make any suggestive movements or sounds against the nature of the environment in which the targeted person is in order to drive anyone crazy within the borders of Russia. Russian Intelligence does not rely solely on conventional cybersecurity as it does in other countries. Russian Intelligence provides hardware cyber security of Russia. MOSSAD and CIA cannot place a secret badusb implant like NSA COTTONMOUTH on anyone's computer within the borders of Russia. The Signal Intelligence Unit of the Russian Intelligence immediately detects this situation and takes the necessary action. Russian Intelligence checks whether there are fake base stations in the area where the people it monitors remotely. Therefore, MOSSAD and the CIA cannot manipulate the communication of the people they target by setting up fake base stations within the borders of Russia. Russian Intelligence knows very well that MOSSAD is a mysterious and occult organization inspired by ancient Hebrew and Kabbalah. Russian Intelligence is one of the two intelligence agencies that can thinking how secretly and viciously MOSSAD can psychologically abuse the people it targets.
>>16721 Merged
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>>16626 https://www.economist(Please use archive.today)/business/2022/10/05/elon-musk-is-buying-twitter-really-probably

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