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"Mass" shooting, h'whuite supremacist, long as fuck mannyfesto, discuss. Anonymous 05/14/2022 (Sat) 21:15:15 Id: 8cb070 No. 15337
From what I hear, New york kid buys 4k worth of gear, makes todo list that mentions 4chan, 8chan, Dicksword, Twitch, livestreaming, etc. Goes and kills 8 niggers at Walmart. Drops weapons the moment police show up and is quietly arrested. Autistic faggot? Copycat Tarrant? Fed psyop? YOU DECIDE
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>>15337 So did the faggot actually post anything here, or just link to it?
>>15337 All three.
>>15340 It probably wasn't posted on /v/ or else I'd have known about it. I think he was just LARPing about the post itself. Like how he's most certainly a shill.
>pdf >If there’s one thing I want you to get from these writings, it’s that White birth rates must change. Everyday the White population becomes fewer in number. To maintain a population the people must achieve a birth rate that reaches replacement fertility levels, in the western world that is about 2.06 births per woman. >The ONLY White country that reaches these levels is Argentina, at 2.247. He thinks Argentinians are FUCKING WHITE >>15339 As far as I know, there's no reason to think he even knows this site exists.
>>15342 He posted sam hyde pics and says they are pictures of him in that manifesto. I think he's just a huge MKULTRA schizo shitpost.
>>15339 He mentionned 8chan.moe on his manifesto, at least. See >>>/v/600115
https://litter.catbox.moe/mg7w5y.mp4 Video of the shooting. Files uploaded to litter.catbox.moe are set to be deleted after some hours, so save and reupload it elsewhere.
His YouTube channel and pages for two videos archived, and the videos here. https://archive.ph/qfRWt https://archive.ph/xZmls https://archive.ph/0KFMT Anon says, "The Russian dance one will ignite a shitstorm in the current climate."
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>>15344 (checked) God fucking damn it. The usual dickbags are going to jump on this. Well now I guess Acid can see just how safe and secure this place really is.
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>>15344 >>15348 OH SHIT, OH FUCK.
>>15345 It cuts to Suika after the first shot, where's the rest of the video?
>>15345 so funny du dummer hurensohn. fick dich du kleiner alpenaffe. wir ficken euch
(3.67 MB 480x716 shooting aftermath.mp4)

Imagine killing random nigs and thinking you're 'saving the huwhite race'. These (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me) sperg-outs are getting boring.
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>>15349 On the one hand, this site will be in the limelight, attacked by the MSM, and potentially deplatformed. On the other hand, there will be newfags to convert, and >we can finally go back to embracing infamy.
>>15352 Why is the nigger filming this just pointing the camera at the concrete and the grass? I really do hate niggers in every way.
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>>15355 Nigs gonna nog.
Let's blame this attack on this twitter nip
Why don't you huwhite trash turn back to the euro-ghettos where you were born?
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>>15358 Nips are not for bully
>>15356 Well this shit is going to be used as an excuse and smokescreen for everything now >no free speech because of shooter >more money to ukraine because of shooter >gun control >inflation? What inflation? Crazy shooter killed people! >crazy shooter wanted more white babies, we need abortions!
>>15352 What the fuck is filtered in this post? Who's the faggot in charge of /pol/ right now?
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Does this autist realize he did exactly what he said the Jews were doing here?
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>>15362 I said 'in.cel'
Go back ti Leddit
>>15363 it's almost as if he is a glownigger.
>>15358 What the fuck and why? Are you some retarded fednigger trying to falseflag?
>>15363 Are you expecting reason from someone that just went to a fucking supermarket to shoot random nobodies "to save the white race"?
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>>15363 >Manifesto says Jews are dividing the races <Goes out and shoots a bunch of niggers Sounds like the person who did the shooting and person who wrote the manifesto weren't the same person.
>>15353 Either that or the feds capitalize on this to push their dis/misinformation narrative, shut this place down and seize all the data and everyone here who rawdogged it instead of exclusively using Tor gets a raided by police and dragged before the media myself included
>>15366 Look at his twitter ID you monkey, it was a joke
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>>15367 You're right, maybe I am expecting too much from these clowns at this point. It's been shooting after shooting at this point, a bunch of nobodies dead and nothing changes. They think they will become the next big meme and will spend the rest of their pathetic lives rotting in a prison cell, forgotten. Mentally ill White men are so alienated from society these days that I imagine they actually believe that this is fighting in service of some 'greater cause'. Instead it's just a nihilistic sperg-out. >>15368 He says that he is going to kill blacks in the manifesto too. It's literally just a product of irrational thinking
>>15353 I like your positive thinking. Might bring back other lost anons as well. >>15356 >ban them! Fucking pathetic. They better be getting paid for this crap, because any normal person pushing for feelings of safety over their own rights deserves neither. >>15363 You are expecting too much of today's youth. This whole thing is glowing.
>>15369 >Either that or the feds capitalize on this to push their dis/misinformation narrative, shut this place down and seize all the data Yes, that's included in what I said. > everyone here who rawdogged it gets raided by police and dragged before the media myself included That requires too many resources. If it happens at all, it will be a select few. >>15370 I noticed it. That's doesn't imply it's a joke whatsoever. It only gives logic to the scapegoating attempt, since it's believable that normalfags will attack anything with the word 8chan in it.
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>>15372 >He says that he is going to kill blacks in the manifesto too. Sounds like different parts were written by different people. Almost as if this was a group effort.
The aftermath of this is going to unbearable here in America. Nigs are already essentially a protected class, the 'gods of America'. The copypasta about American culture revolving around niggers is 100% true. This will really just take it to the next level. >>15375 I could see it being either way. Sloppy job Mossad or some retarded (Hello, I just arrived from Discord, please bully me) having a spergout are equally likely.
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10 Fatal (Including a former cop.), 3 Injured, currently, w/ 5 (deaths?)* being outside.
>Jew York Who gives a fuck? False flaggers gonna false flag.
So... where is the video? I have edits to make.
autistic retard but if he killed niggers he's based regardless
>>15363 He's a /pol/tard, and thus automatically incapable of introspection.
>>15339 No post here, and it looks like no post on 4chan or 8kun either. Just to Twitch and to his own Discord server that he sent people invites to shortly before the shooting. First mention of his username on 4chan was someone who saw the Twitch stream after it was already down. http://archive.4plebs(Please use archive.today)/_/search/text/jimboboiii/order/asc/
I'm lurking 4chan in hopes someone drops the full video. But in the meantime I found this post. Is this one of you fags or is it someone who was genuinely lost back in 2019?
>>15384 probably someone who's lost
Everyone's glowing so hard on the chans today
>>15387 The only thing I am seeing is schizos claiming it's fake for the most retarded reasons possible.
>>15388 Reminds me of the retards who didn't understand video compression claiming that the shell casings in Tarrant's video were 'disappearing'.
>>15389 Speaking of video compression, my 480p crop of the Suika Ibuki rickroll that we have so far is almost done.
>>15389 That's exactly what I was thinking. I don't even understand the logic behind how that would make the shooting a "false flag" anyway. If it really were a false flag they might as well really commit a massacre.
>>15388 Idk, some of the reasons could almost have some basis. Manifesto does read like someone chose the “most used buzzwords of 2021” and threw them together into one document.
>talks about saving the white race by upping white fertility rate <first thing he does is shoot a white woman aiming with his "nigger" labeled sight glowniggers could not have made it less obvious. >he also admits that this attack will further negatively impact gun control >also implying he doesn't give a shit he admits to being a glowie too.
>>15394 Firebomb Brazil.
The shooter himself is not a glownigger. He was simply recruited and encouraged to do this by a team of actual glowniggers, who also wrote his manifesto for him.
>>15397 Yes, an MKULTRA attack
Important notice: >>>/site/5445
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>>15399 Acid make "8ch.moe" redirect to 8kuntz or to 9chan
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Oh no no no no no hahahahahahaahah
>>15399 if this isn't confirmation that the manifesto wasn't written by the guy, i don't know what is. how are they so fucking incompetent?
>>15352 >>15362 >>15364 The filter actually fits seeing as he was a literal redditor
>>15344 god fucking damn it
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Alright, here's the Suika Ibuki edit that we have so far, cropped and converted down. Just barely fit into the site's 32mb file size limit, I'm glad I went for 96kb/s for audio instead of 128kb/s.
That username "Jimboboiii" is such a fellow kids glownigger move. Also BO, you can snag the proper Lain CSS from >>>/tw/ with proper fonts. These ones are wonky and small.
>>15406 shut the fuck up you want to rape animals and children
>>15407 Conductor we have a problem
>>15409 https://contents.kaotic(Please use archive.today)/key=euCmXke9O-xpKEMTKUYibw,end=1652574610/2022/05/2e2a4a78682c_134328.mp4
>>15411 Hello I am not a CIA agent either and I agree that this website is full of evil toxic murderous antisemitic transphobic racists and we should shut it down
fuck off nigger
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The Glowee asset shot up a store in the city with an FBI field office. FBI has two options. Admit they let the problem get out of hand as they did under Obama repeatedly (we all know that's a lie) or admit they're so incompetent they cannot even stop a telegraphed attack in their own backyard.
>>15352 >killing random nigs Is al ways a good thing. As is killing jews and leftards.
>>15418 and you couldn't stop sucking dick.
>>15415 This is the same thing Jews say but against goyim.
>>15418 >stop I think you misunderstand the federal agents' role here, anon
>>15421 ok CIA
>>15384 I genuinely didn't find out about .moe until pretty recently.
>>15426 >Projecting And still butthurt. KEK!
>>15428 Calm down, Agent Smalls.
>>15429 >Calm down Impotent leftard lingo. And STILL butthurt. KEK!
>>15433 >muh glownigger meme
wow, 50 replies of two retards arguing whether it was a psyop? who gives a fuck. you should return to your /qresearch/ discussions. where are the screen caps from >>15338 the video is absolutely free speech, distribute magnet
An autist on the farm has found the shooter's odysee and bitchute accounts https://www.bitchute(Please use archive.today)/channel/wgCozUzY6JSF/ https://gab(Please use archive.today)/HailVictory https://www.bitchute(Please use archive.today)/channel/wgCozUzY6JSF/ https://odysee(Please use archive.today)/@HailVictory:4 https://worldtruthvideos.website/@Jimboboiii?page=liked-videos
>>15436 Hilarious. I hope you niggers are archiving that shit, 'cause I'm eating Japanese right now.
>>15437 The accounts listed on the farm don't use the alleged shooter's name. You feds should start by confirming that they're actually his.
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>>15438 I'm eating.
Why are there stream caps but no stream copy?
>>15440 good question. it's extremely convenient that someone spent this much time assembling their gear, down to technical information, and fails to set up a broadcast of backups, etc, especially in this day and age.
>>15440 tl;dr as much as i understand right now >faggot was part of a /k/-offshoot (((discord))) group that discussed armour, and gear, and shit >pulled this stunt, streaming it on twitch, shared the stream with his discord faggot brigade >posted his 'manifesto' and other shit before hand >claims to have posted it on 4chan and other places, name-dropped 8chan.moe (there is no evidence that he actually posted here, just name-dropped us to cause a shitstorm, see >>>/site/5445 ) >supposedly a canadian member of the discord group managed to recover remnants of the stream from his chromium cache >made an edited version that adds suika ibuki music to the video after the first person is shot ( >>15405 ) which we have And that's it so far. We're still waiting to see if the full video comes out somewhere, if it was even saved at all. Also, I accidentally overwrote my copy of the 108mb, 1280x1280 mp4 when I was trying to do another re-encode like a fucking retard. The original catbox link is gone, if someone could reshare that file, I'd appreciate it. Consider packing it in a compressed archive like zip, rar, or 7z so that it doesn't get removed as fast. I'm willing to bet that catbox has the file hash for that mp4 flagged. P.S. Here's a 32mb re-encode of the Christchurch shooting.
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Hmmm, seems like we may get it after all. Let's hope this isn't fake and gay shit.
>>15447 Tell the fag to upload on Anonfiles while using Tor.
>>15448 It depends on how big the file is, it may need to be split up into multiple archives. Also, I'm not posting on cuckchan.
>>15449 Tell him to post here :^)
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Leaf niggers are abhorrent
>>15416 >screenshotting your own posts, (You)s and all I thought only the FBI did that.
>>15442 He livestreamed it, I guess he assumed some of his retarded discord buddies would have OBS or some shit running recording their screens, livestreams are shit for safe keeping but on the previous shootings we always had the footage immediately after, both in Christchurch and Halle, which just makes this whole thing seem pretty weird if you ask me, either glowops or the internet jannies have really stepped up their game after previous incidents. >>15447 This faggot has been blue balling us for hours now, anyone too stupid to be able to post the video anonymously is too stupid to have it in the first place, just some leaf faggot wasting our time.
>>15447 I hope the stress puts him in the hospital. Fucking retarded pussy.
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>>15447 >I can't be bothered with basic OPSEC please handhold me 4chins Shameful/10
>>15457 gay, not an ounce of energy the old tarrant memes had probably came from some faggy discord, too also, killing some random grandma at the shopping mall won't save the white race
>>15459 I mean if all the white people are dead then they won't be under threat anymore. It makes perfect sense.
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insane micro, terrible macro.
>>15459 The first one made me giggle, though. Maybe it's just the woman's stance as her memories get turned into mush.
>>15465 he lets the white guy at the end go. so i guess he was profiling none of us have good enough PIXELS to see if any of the poeple he killed were actually white. could be spics.
>>15467 https://anonfiles(Please use archive.today)/N3v96eg6yf/8q1fys_mp4 better quality w/ sound + sauce.
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Hers's the video.
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Here's a 720p encode split into two parts.
>>15474 Part two.
>site will be shut down back to plebbit eh
>>15459 >killing some random grandma at the shopping mall won't save the white race Well it was a fed posing as a white supremacist so I don't think he cared much about the white race in the first place. In fact, I think he would very much side with its destruction. If you look at the manifesto, it contains portions that are blatantly copy-pasted from Tarrant's. Not just a sentence here or there but entire paragraphs. Half of it is just images copy-pasted into the document. And the manifesto contains the word "nigger" exactly zero times. The portion where he says he isn't a cianigger, he says it in the most cringe-worthy way imaginable just so he could say glow without saying nigger. >“three letter agent glow so bright” Ah, truly one of us. Unmistakable, he said the thing, could only have come from an evil nahtzee white supremacist.
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I think there has been a legitimate effort by FBI to brainwash Ukrainian second generation immigrants like it's MK-Ultra.
>>15465 He's THAT GOOD at making killshots and he got tricked into attacking a fucking SUPERMARKET? Jesus fucking Christ where do the feds FIND these kids
This white cracker drove 4 hours from his town and came too our store and shoot up our black community and of course some of his kind too.
Has to be fake. Not what happened, but why it happened. Doesn't make sense. He spared the last guy (even said sorry to him, apparently for scaring him) because he clearly was targeting shitskins, but if that really was his motive, why a grocery store of all places? He could have gone to a block party, nigger club, nigger funeral, nigger church, a rap concert. A grocery store is the last place i think of for niggers to congregate. He also was going to kill himself, but they talked him out of suicide and now he's pleading not guilty. So many problems on so many levels. >>15483 Because you are a nigger you clearly are incapable of critical thought and will always be lead by your jewish masters to live with, smother, and attack people that just want nothing to do with you. While you ignore the people that enslave you and your children and have been for generations. They will continue to put you in harms way as they use you as a weapon against us. You will never fight them because you are not smart or diligent enough to identify your enemies or focus on anything other than your selves in the most frivolous ways possible.
>>15487 >REDACTED) has the highest black population percentage (zip code *) and isn’t that far away. Plus NY has heavy gun laws so it would ease me if I knew that any legally armed civilian was limited to 10 round magazines or cucked firearms. the guy had knee pads and body armor, that last part is clearly the only reason
In case any future mass shooters are in this thread: please stop targeting random stranger civilians. Read into that what you will.
>>15488 There are a shitload of places within that same city he was in that are as i described. he had no excuse to attack something as retarded as a grocery store.
>>15487 You can't be serious. A store is one of the best places to find niggers and you would be stopping a bunch of shoplifting at the same time.
>>15492 A store is one of the best places to find literal-who niggers. Meanwhile politicians, BLM and Antifa leaders are left safe and sound. Probably already making their plans to benefit from this event.
>>15491 do it yourself then if youre just gonna complain, plenty of niggers to go around coward
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Feels kind of like a false flag (yet again).
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>>15492 >>15493 >>15494 Heres what a block party looks like. niggers gather like this all the time. this particular one is in new york and was only a month or 2 prior. his target location was fucking RETARDED. so inexcusably bad reason to throw your life away. tarrant attacked a mosque, if muslims are your target this makes sense. he even went during worship where he knew theyd be. dylan roof attacked a church in the middle of it holding a political meeting and shot a race baiting senator and his political groupies. his target was political nogs. this makes sense. you want to shoot nogs so you go to a grocery store in the middle of the day in a black neighborhood? i guarantee niggers will shoot eachother more that weekend than this guy did during his spree that will ultimately lead him to not have kids and lower the white birthrate further. >>15494 Just as many as before considering he didnt kill any nogs. just a few spics and mutts. almost exclusively older women that were likely done having kids. you know. because it was a grocery store in the middle of the day.
>>15499 A block party happens at random intervals. You want a reliable way to shoot niggers then a store is the place to be. Especially on the first and fifteenth day of the month. Reliable. Regardless of who he shot, the logic is impeccible.
>one last look at Martha, to remind you why you are doing this
>>15506 well, it failed miserably. because it was barely busy. parking lot wasnt even full. and almost nobody was there except a few old people and workers. a concert. fast food place on a sunday, nigger bar/club at night, nigger school all would have been better choices.
>>15384 I can understand not using Markchan, though I myself do as evident by this very post, but to use cuckchan? Does this guy not know about the webring?
>>15483 It is always ok to kill shitskins. You are not people.
>>15494 >Waaaaaah do i t yourself waaaah waaaaah There are plenty of people to do it for me. >waaaaah coward waaaaah Coward means winner. Those that I hate get killed, while I stay alive and well. Go cry to your mom, snowflake.
>>15514 Oh look, it's the guy who says "its always okay to" like an automaton. >>15516 Well none of us are going to
>>15536 I will be enjoying your slaughter, while I survive just fine. All jews will be killed. All leftards will be killed. All feds will be killed.
Time to get it started boys! Fund the chaos, enjoy the show! bc1qwhsas8jwf2ygsx63lp9kqd75hdgtqshqrj07qd
>>15543 No thanks.
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To top it all off, he was a Jew too
>>15475 These appear to be upscaled versions of the original files...
most sad thing is huwhite (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me)s self loathing automatically (assumming he's w h i t e bc: >pale skin >hating niggs and probably stealing manifesto from other mfs as the npcs they are without even searching a bit of information about the true identity of this faggot . me being whitey: >why live
most sad thing is huwhite (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me)s self loathing automatically (assumming he's w h i t e bc: >pale skin >hating niggs and probably stealing manifesto from other mfs as the npcs they are without even searching a bit of information about the true identity of this faggot .
>>15539 You'll be enjoying nothing, go to cuckchan if you want some useful idiots.
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>>15539 >All feds will be killed. That would include you low hanging fruit I know I don't know why you still try when we caught you samefagging a while ago.
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Fed psyop
Need someone to leak his school mental health records. I would bed a dollar he has autism in addition to other issues. Probably still wets the bed.
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>>15478 hello, how can i access to the manifesto??
republican states. Gun is worthless. thats the truth
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When are we going to do something about all these autistic bedwetting freaks shooting up schools and markets? Everyone blames guns but no one looks into the autism diagnosis that almost every one of these fucks has. With all the lockdowns and issues over past few years only makes it worse.
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Why do white and new white simp cucks only target babies and civilians? You get no points for hitting random NPCs. Micah Johnson and Aaron Alexis are the current record holders. White people are failing to even get on the scoreboards here. We've become a disgrace while basketball Americans are dominating yet another of our past times.
>>15631 Ignorant scums like you is the reason why the Dutch should colonize your whole country for another 300 years.

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