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/pol/ Meta thread Anonymous Board owner 07/11/2020 (Sat) 02:11:05 Id: b0ca41 No. 1063 [Reply] [Last]
Seeing as how the board is getting more active, figured it was about time to actual discus what's going on in regards to how the board should operate.
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Dig the Swamp Anonymous 01/03/2022 (Mon) 21:15:13 Id: 060130 No. 13445 [Reply] [Last]
Post what you got on these motherfuckers.
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>>21812 >Ignored all the red-flags <After the Fappening, GamerGate, 2016 <Jannies turned that place into yet another playground for the crayon eating kind
>>22054 I genuinely wish Moot kills himself, or drops dead suddenly in a public place somewhere.

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Banner Thread 10/01/2020 (Thu) 14:33:00 Id: d34bdf No. 1723 [Reply] [Last]
Let's spruce this place up. Here's a dump of some old banners, just to get things started.
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>>20740 You could start spamming halfchan pretty effectively, being how there's a 15 minute wait time to post now
>>21916 Halfchan sucks ballz. They are all retarded phoneposters

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It is impossible for Jewish genetics to exist! Anonymous 02/28/2025 (Fri) 23:23:25 Id: 7d6e7a No. 22346 [Reply]
Jewish ancestry is a topic of much debate, but the fact of the matter is that the existence of Jewish (Ashkenazi) racial genetics is not possible. DNA testing sites claim that certain individuals have Jewish genes, but such claims are not backed up by science. After all, the genes in question are not labeled as Jewish before they appear on a report. They are only labeled as such after the fact, which is to say, arbitrarily. Furthermore, it is strange that Jewish genes appear on genetic reports, but there are no such occurrences for Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, or any other religion. Many people of Jewish backgrounds carry similar genes due to ancestral circumstances, but that does not make those genes Jewish. It simply means that a group of people carry similar genes, such as a group of people carrying genes for blonde hair or blue eyes. Therefore, the labeling of certain genes as Jewish is done either out of ignorance or to serve an agenda. Since Jewish Supremacists consider themselves the chosen of a supposedly omnipotent God, it is most likely the latter because claiming that they have special genes serves to deem them as chosen on a genetic level. However, one can see that such a claim does not hold up under scientific scrutiny. https://vnnforum(Please use archive.today)/showthread.php?t=573168
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>>22406 >I hope you are kidding I wasn't. In fact, I've noticed that several actors are Jewish because of their hair. But it's never really been one of those things that I've ever really cared about. It's hard to say that Kikes are the only menace to society when there's also the ///CCP\\\ and the WEF.
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>>22407 >I wasn't. OK, so that proves my point: what people traditionally call Jewish genetic visually are just plain genetics if non-Jewish people can have those same genetics. As the phrase goes: "The [Aryans] know, shut it down!" I'll be waiting for that three billion dollar (shekel) wire transfer to my bank account, shlomo. If you're lucky, maybe I'll stay quiet about your fake and gay (Brahmin) LARP after that, lol!

White Victims of Multiculturalism - Thread #017: The justice system is a lie The Fire Rises 11/12/2023 (Sun) 22:12:25 Id: 4bcff5 No. 19768 [Reply] [Last]
White Victims of Multiculturalism - Thread #017: The justice system is a lie Previous Thread Archives: Please note that previous threads were titled "White Victims of Black Crime". Thread #016 - https://archive.ph/EaAbC This is the last thread before I merged all of my series into one. My Manifesto https://www.mediafire(Please use archive.today)/folder/xdljmbz2jgdoo/ Downloads https://pastebin(Please use archive.today)/Lgs1mAhp This contains links to all of my graphics (loose & .7z archives), as well as videos & pdfs that I've created. This link will stay the same, but the text in the pastebin will change to reflect newer uploads. Of note, is that I upload my graphics to my Mega.nz account. This allows me to update the files, but the links will stay the same. If you have trouble accessing that link: https://www.mediafire(Please use archive.today)/folder/u554qyhxm56p8/ (.7z) archives & individual graphics

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#Newcase https://pastebin_com/zmVGTe1E 1937 ---------------- September 5, 1989 Location: College Station,TX Victim(s): Dorothy Ruth Sledge McNew 42 Attacker(s): Jessie Gutierrez, Jose Angel Gutierrez Description: The Gutierrez brothers entered The Texas Coin Exchange, where they were waited on by Dorothy. After they had been in the store for about 10 minutes, J.A. Gutierrez pulled out a .22 pistol and, after seeing Dorothy attempt to leave the room, shot her in the back of the head. The brothers then put all of the jewelry into bags as they threatened to shoot anybody who looked at them, before fleeing with $500K in jewelry.

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#Newcase https://pastebin_com/katSnBLf 1938 ---------------- December 3, 1997 Location: Harleyville,SC Victim(s): James Bernard Brooks 77 Attacker(s): Calvin Alphonso Shuler Description: Shuler, who used to work with James, decided to rob the armored truck that James was in the back of when it went to make a pick up. Shuler ordered the driver and passenger out of the vehicle, before shooting at them. He then stole the truck with James locked inside, before getting into a firefight with James, who emptied his revolver at Shuler, who shot him 20 times with an SKS rifle.

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#Newcase Apparently an unwanted casserole is good enough reason to go on a crime spree. https://pastebin_com/qQd0hdAw 1939 ---------------- December 23, 1977 Location: Dallas,TX Victim(s): Larry Franklin Faircloth 32, Betty Faircloth (survived) Attacker(s): John W. Fearance Jr.

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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Fuck Your Computer Edition Anonymous 01/14/2022 (Fri) 00:37:09 Id: 1c210b No. 13597 [Reply]
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Sony Vice President of Playstation Network George Cacioppo exposed for trying to have sex with a 15 year old minors through Grindr App via chatlogs from "People Vs Predators" Group: https://archive.md/SlG30 >Archives Prove IGN Executive Review Editor Dan Stapleton Lied When Claiming Outlet Would Not Report On Sony Exec Pedophile Allegations Because They Don’t Cover “General Crime”: https://boundingintocomics(Please use archive.today)/2021/12/07/archives-prove-ign-executive-review-editor-lied-when-claiming-outlet-would-not-report-on-sony-exec-pedophile-allegations-because-they-dont-cover-general-crime/ https://archive.md/uuDNE https://archive.md/O7wma >Aforementioned People Vs Preds Groups also caught Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex. https://archive.md/xMz2f >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Kotaku: "Sega Changes PSO2 Name To Something Less Borderline Racist" https://archive.is/XwXUd >Guilty Gear Strive censors mention of Taiwan and other countries https://nichegamer(Please use archive.today)/2021/06/22/report-ai-kayano-voice-and-credit-removed-from-azur-lane-and-arknights-after-chinese-outcry/ https://archive.is/qTQD3 >Factorio developer attacked by SJWs after he refuses to denounce man whose programming advice he linked and denounces cancel culture

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>‘Final Fantasy VII Rebirth’ Director Says Japanese Devs “Now Create With A Global Audience Mind From The Very Start”, Confirms Games Subjected To “Thorough Ethical Reviews Tailored To Different Regions” https://archive.is/vNzuv <Hamaguchi, who was promoted from his role as the co-director of Remake to the director of the trilogy’s remaining entries following original Final Fantasy VII co-creator Tetsuya Nomura’s decision to take a more relaxed position in the series’ production, provided this insight into his home nation’s current approach to game development while speaking to the official Sony blog following Rebirth‘s recent Grand Award win at the 2024 Japan Asia PlayStation Partner Awards. <Asked by his hosts as to “What factors do you consider when designing a game for a wide global audience?”, the Square Enix veteran opined, “There are so many elements that go into game development. From the story to every little detail in the game’s presentation, we conduct thorough ethical reviews tailored to different regions. Taking the time and resources to ensure our work doesn’t become a source of negativity for anyone is essential in today’s world.” <“Back when the original Final Fantasy VII was released, it was primarily created for the Japanese market, and its global reach expanded as it gained recognition,” explained the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy lead programmer. “But today, rather than first prioritizing the Japanese market and letting the game’s reach grow organically, we now create with a global audience in mind from the very start. In that sense, we are in a completely different era.” <“As Japanese creators, we naturally develop the game in Japanese first before translating it into other languages,” he added. “During localization, we sometimes adjust phrasing to better fit different cultural contexts. However, this is a delicate process — players who have a deep respect and strong feelings for the original work often notice even the slightest differences between the Japanese and translated versions and ask why certain changes were made. It’s a challenge we constantly navigate in game creation.” <To this end, when later asked if he had advice for fledgling video game designers, Hamaguchi asserted, “I strongly encourage them to step out into the world and continue generating new ideas. It’s important not to limit your perspective to the values or market of your own country.” <“Maintaining a broad perspective will become even more crucial for creativity in the generations to come,” he added. “While it’s ideal to travel and experience the world firsthand, we are fortunate to live in an era where content and entertainment are easily accessible. There are countless opportunities to broaden your perspective and absorb new ideas. Always set your sights on competing on a global stage, and I hope that together, we can contribute to the growth and expansion of Japan’s entertainment worldwide.” Post pics because they're related to the subject of the article.
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>Nintendo to delist retro game from the Nintendo Switch Online library in Japan https://archive.ph/V4YWA >Trump tariffs threaten the future of physical video games, analyst warns https://archive.ph/W84rP They are really trying to force the "all digital" future, aren't they? Luckily it seems like no one is accepting it: >PS3 is still getting annual system software updates 19 years on https://archive.ph/yGSQN >Two Classic Rare Titles Are Getting Physical Re-Releases On NES And Game Boy https://archive.ph/yXQr3 >24 Percent Of Gen Z Brits Own A Classic Gaming System, While 74 Percent Say Retro Is "More Relaxing" https://archive.ph/Ou3hV <Following hot on the heels of a report which claims that 14 percent of North Americans still play on gaming systems released before 2000
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GTA 6 IS ONE HUNDRED FUCKING DOLLARY-DOOS. THE RUMORS WEREN'T LYING https://bgr(Please use archive.today)/tech/gta-6-price-leaked-and-youre-not-going-to-like-it/ https://archive.ph/zMZAd

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/pol/'s News Thread II Anonymous 06/24/2024 (Mon) 17:43:29 Id: ac4fe6 No. 20559 [Reply] [Last]
Previous thread >>10568 Archive: https://archive.ph/D1r26 This thread is for sharing news of all kinds that /pol/ users find relevant. The purpose of this is to encourage activity on the board by creating a source of constant topics that can be discussed and new threads created if they are "big" enough, as well as serving as a place where less "important" news can be shared without fear of "wasting" a thread on them. As with the rest of the board, it is a requirement to include an archive of the news article in question. Social media screenshots of "literal who" are discouraged unless they are a part of a major event. It is recommended that topics that have generated a lot of discussion in the thread have separate threads, in order to avoid derailing this thread.
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>Is Trump Trying To Push The US Into A Recession? https://archive.ph/tAegm <One month ago, when we first realized just how much fat Elon Musk's DOGE was slashing from the government money laundering apparatus, we made an observation: so much (deep state laundered) money was about to come out of the economy (one way or another), the US would enter a recession, first in Washington DC (something which others such as Michael Hartnett have since confirmed) and then across the US. <We were surprised at how much pushback we got, especially from supporters of Trump. But this wasn't meant to be a judgment call against the new administration which had only been in power for a few weeks. If anything, we had explained long ago that the only reason the US economy hadn't collapsed into a recession long ago is because of Biden's unprecedented debt issuance spree which we first described in the summer of 2003 (see "Here Is The $1 Trillion "Stealth Stimulus" Behind Bidenomics"), and which had sent US debt soaring by $1 trillion every 100 days. <But now that particular debt party appears to be ending. <Understandably, defusing this debt time-bomb is precisely what Elon Musk has undertaken, and the process of undoing all the catastrophic trends that culminated under the Biden administration would inevitably result in a recession (just as allowing the debt pile up to continue is the only thing that delayed the inevitable economic slowdown). <Still, our observation came a time when the "US exceptionalism" trade was still all the rage if only for a few more days, and thus few were willing to accept it. <Then little by little sentiment turned, and just a few weeks later, Wall Street was full of reports such as this one from Mizuho's Dominik Konstam "discovering" what we had said weeks earlier, namely that the efforts of DOGE would spark a new recession, first in the government and then everywhere else. <... <So slowly but surely, Wall Street admits that we were right. But what about the administration: would Trump be surprised to learn that Musk's austerity push plus the admin's tariff policies would lead to a recession? We wondered and then we start paying closer attention to what Trump and his closest lieutenants were saying. <First, there was Trump's Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent who (correctly) explained last week on Face the Nation how the media was misleading people that the economy was doing just great under Biden, and how the mood suddenly changed when Trump came in power. His point, of course, is that Trump has not been nowhere near long enough in power to slam the economy. <Some days later Bessent also explained why the economy had been doing so "great" during Biden's last years - he basically echoed what we said two years ago in "Here Is The $1 Trillion "Stealth Stimulus" Behind Bidenomics", in which we explained that the only reason the US economy hadn't collapsed is because the government was issuing $1 trillion in debt every 100 days, or as Bessent put it, "the market and the economy have become hooked, become addicted, to excessive government spending and there’s going to be a detox period.” <... <But the clearest indication that Trump is now eager to push the US economy into a recession - one which he can correctly blame on Biden's drunken-sailor spending ways - came from the president himself when in another interview over the weekend with Maria Bartiromo, the president was oddly defensive, and saying “I hate to predict things like that,” when asked if he expected a recession this year. “There is a period of transition, because what we’re doing is very big. We’re bringing wealth back to America. That’s a big thing. And there are always periods of — it takes a little time. It takes a little time. But I think it should be great for us. I mean, I think it should be great.” >Canola Futures Drop After China Slaps 100% Tariffs On Canadian Rapeseed https://archive.ph/bn0Ju

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>>22383 >destroying’ world order That is a good thing.
>Egg Prices Plummet After Trump Unveiled Plan To Reverse Biden's Bird Flu Mess https://archive.ph/MNmoF <The rudderless and delusional Democratic Party attempted to blame President Trump for the Biden-Harris regime's egg price hyperinflation crisis. However, the prior administration was hellbent on culling 150 million chickens nationwide, plunging the nation's egg-laying hen population into a disaster without any meaningful countermeasures to offset lost production. <Monday's print of the Urner Barry Egg Index (EBP) shows that wholesale prices have plunged from a record high of $7.57 on Jan. 24 to $5.72—a 24% drop in just weeks—while remaining essentially unchanged since President Trump took office. <One week ago, Trump told a joint session of Congress that "Joe Biden especially let the price of eggs get out of control. The egg price is out of control. And we're working hard to get it back down." <... <With egg prices sliding from their peak, the Trump administration recently outlined plans to import between 70 million and 100 million eggs over the next two months to cap prices. There was a follow-up report last week that US officials were speaking with large egg producers worldwide to procure new supplies. >SCOTUS Rejects Effort To Block Climate Lawsuits Against Energy Companies https://archive.ph/SqsoS <On Monday, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) rejected a lawsuit by Republican attorneys general that aimed at blocking left-wing lawsuits targeting energy companies for their alleged role in contributing to “global warming.” <As ABC News reports, the lawsuit was filed by attorneys general from 19 different states in response to several Democrat-led lawsuits against oil and gas companies. <... <In a 7-2 ruling, Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito dissented and said that they would have allowed the Republican lawsuit to move forward. <In his dissent, which did not comment on the merits of the case itself, Justice Thomas said that the Supreme Court did not yet have the discretion to reject the Republican lawsuit. <The high court has already rejected several appeals by energy companies, similarly seeking an end to the left-wing challenges.

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THE FINAL REDPILL Servant of Jesus Christ 07/20/2024 (Sat) 12:50:14 Id: 0a52c4 No. 21044 [Reply] [Last]
Here I will expose how the white aryan sun cult and evil jews are 2 sides of the same coin. Both are a controlled force. If you want to get saved from this world watch this: * https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=bXWHR8ZQtZc I also recommend these: * https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=4CsbIaghf7o * https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=hqh3XnoDm0g * https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=i9SQjfB-oFw * https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=EMty2StJ6BY * https://vimeo(Please use archive.today)/110741558 * https://www.bitchute(Please use archive.today)/playlist/fvpwpJ8m2YOu/ Good luck and see you at the white throne judgement!
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>>22159 look aat last pic in op. the son is god.
>>21557 what the fuck so the vaccine dna third strand thing is true or what lol

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Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 06:16:52 Id: f00258 No. 19944 [Reply]
Realistically speaking, how long do we have left until total societal collapse? Weimar tier hyper inflation? Full out war?
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>>21891 The best I can do is tell you that I knew a guy who claimed to know a guy who lived in a small cave / bunker he dug for himself by a tree in sandy soil. Apparently it wasn't entirely unliveable and he went for longer than I expected (a few months) before he was told by the police to stop living there. His family had a place in the city, he just didn't want to live there, and came back once in a while.
History is not a circle but a spiral, we will definitely see some kind of societal breakdown but it will manifest differently. I think we are already seeing the transition of society into something catastrophic. Can't pinpoit exactly where we're heading but I'm sure there's no coming back
>>22392 Withe both Canadian and European governments letting their masks fall off and exposing themselves as war mongers who want to to force everyone to give them money forever under threat of global war, it will be even faster to start World War 3 now.

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Unintelligent specimens think otherwise Anonymous 01/29/2025 (Wed) 20:10:23 Id: 7a9450 No. 22266 [Reply]
C18H10N2O4 doesn't determine the value of a person, the intelligence of a person, the culture of a person, the language of a person, the national origin of a person, the aggressiveness of a person, or ANYTHING ELSE Butthurt some members of your species have a little more C18H10N2O4 than you? CRY ABOUT IT.
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>>22266 H2O and O2 are just molecules but without them you are dead.
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<<22266 >starting a troll thread on one of the slowest boards on 8chan Yeah you're retarded
>>22266 Genes determine everything. Culture does not influence a person. The person's genes influence the culture.

DISEASE X: The much anticipated ending to the Ebola-Chan and Corona-Chan Trilogy Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 16:51:09 Id: 4cad7e No. 19945 [Reply]
https://archive.ph/uUz5E >World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus has called on countries to sign on to the health organization’s pandemic treaty so the world can prepare for "Disease X." >Ghebreyesus, speaking in front of an audience at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Wednesday, said that he hoped countries would reach a pandemic agreement by May to address this "common enemy." >Disease X is a hypothetical "placeholder" virus that has not yet been formed, but scientists say it could be 20 times deadlier than COVID-19. It was added to the WHO’s short list of pathogens for research in 2017 that could cause a "serious international epidemic," according to a 2022 WHO press release.
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>>19952 Did you forget how people had to be threatened with losing their livelihoods and having their lives ruined to get that shit, beyond the turbo normalfags?
>Five years ago, WHO's pandemic call shook world into action https://archive.ph/uaZjm <Five years ago on Tuesday, the World Health Organization announced Covid-19 had become a pandemic -- a moment when the world finally woke up to the unfolding disaster. <The WHO had already sounded its own highest alarm five weeks earlier. But that warning -- which does not mention the "p" word -- had gone unheeded. <At a press conference on March 11, 2020, the head of the United Nations' health agency, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, finally said the worsening outbreak could be "characterised as a pandemic".
>>22402 Sexo

Right-wing = cuckoldry Anonymous 03/08/2025 (Sat) 23:38:07 Id: ddb927 No. 22395 [Reply]
Being right-wing is simply the most cuck thing you could do in your life. Imagine, you are such a cuck that you are in favor and defend with tooth and nails a class that takes almost the whole fruit of your work and you are happy with it. Like findom to the extreme If you like them to take everything you produce imagine what "other things" you'd like them to take. > "Ah man it's the free market right, I'm just not efficient enough to eat my wife. I only have to pretend I don't see." Keeekw
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>>22395 >Being right-wing is simply the most cuck thing you could do in your life. Imagine, you are such a cuck that you are in favor and defend with tooth and nails a class that takes almost the whole fruit of your work and you are happy with it. Like findom to the extreme >Also I love Jews

Documentary thread Anonymous 09/12/2022 (Mon) 04:25:53 Id: 4069e8 No. 16745 [Reply] [Last]
The thread for posting long form video essays on people and subjects. Remember to preferably link to these sites: >>>/t/5546
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The nose behind the curtain of White Genocide. 19m. https://old()bitchute()com/video/wd7crowFpLoC/ Ritual child murder. 4h 12m https://www.bitchute()com/video/wyoEa2kXPQ5H The Dual Deception: 9/11 and the War on Terror (2016). Christopher Bollyn. 1h 58m https://www.bitchute()com/video/9bfQeHXMe3kK
The Jewish Mafia 41 min. 2017 documentary by Herve Ryssen. In French with English subtitles https://odysee com/@Qu%C3%A9ton:5/The-Jewish-Mafia:a (remove space in URL) Hitler Was Not Financed by Jewish Bankers 34 min. https://archive_ org/details/was-hitler-financed-by-the-jew-banksters-editfinal Germany's Economic Boom Explained (Third Reich) 24 min. https://rumble_ com/v5sis0b-nazi-germanys-economic-boom-explained.html The Myth that Germany Bombed the UK First 5 min. https://www.youtube_ com/watch?v=l4-VdlXpTcg Accompanying article: https://webbs_ substack_ com/p/the-strange-myth-of-the-battle-of https://archive.ph/h68Xv
<ZERO: An Investigation Into 9/11 https://archive(Please use archive.today)/details/ZeroInvestigationInto911 2007 documentary that already had some truthnukes

/biz/ general Anonymous 05/17/2020 (Sun) 19:44:32 Id: 6314b1 No. 232 [Reply]
So, to address the fact that the lockdown/pandemic/seizure-of-power/whateveryouwanttocallit has shown how fragile everything is, let's start a thread dedicate towards learning how to become wealth so that people are not caught with their pants down again. After all, the world runs on money, so why not learn how to properly earn and use it?
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>>7561 This edgy fucktard is onto something All systems of wealth are dependent on the existence of law and order. When there is no government to monopolize violence your ability to amass wealth through less tangible means plummets. Assuming everyone here is more worried about being self-sustaining and having true wealth unbound by the regulations and laws that keep societies free from banditry rather than getting more bing bing wahoo point on the scoreboard of fortune-500, wealth in its essence is: 1. Land: Owning a part of the earth is how you store wealth. Gold is considered to be a store of value but this is only possible when there is someone trustworthy to trade with that you can agree on a currency with. Land can't be "stolen" per se, unless you are forced out of it. So to not get forced out if you need to also have 2. Life: By having ownership over life you are able to generate more value: food, tools, shelter. Manpower in particular will also allow you to fortify your stored wealth in the form of land. This can either mean having many sons or making an agreement with other men to protect one another's land in case of infringement. Having livestock will allow you to more efficiently produce the aforementioned value, this livestock will also be a kind of currency that can be traded with trustworthy partners for land or manpower. While you're playing with shitcoins and stocks always keep in the back of your mind that until you invest in land and life, you're not wealthy. Consider if the casino will allow you to cash out before you get too deep into /biz/ness.
> JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon Sells $125 Million of Stock <Jamie Dimon sold $125 million of JPMorgan stock through a plan, while his wife Judith Kent sold $25 million of stock. https://archive.is/i0HKV <JPMorgan Chase (JPM.N) CEO Jamie Dimon has sold about $150 million of his shares in the bank, a SEC filing showed on Thursday, marking the first time the head of the largest US lender has sold shares since taking charge in 2005. https://archive.is/BWZVf I take it we're going to be in a world of hurt this year (If not the next).
So I take it that the stock market is taking a dive because the tariffs actually stuck around and are being implemented?

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W00t 02/28/2025 (Fri) 09:13:46 Id: 54e489 No. 22344 [Reply]
what do you guys think about politics
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>>22345 This.
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>>22355 Good on you, Trumpy. Get away from the globo agenda while the USA can.

should we raid 4chan/pol? Anonymous 09/04/2024 (Wed) 19:17:07 Id: 4fc5fb No. 21714 [Reply]
theres lots of people on pol being exposed to endless propaganda should we do something maybe encourage a mass exodus towards more based sites?
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>>21828 "8chan.moe" is a censored word yes. But I'm pretty sure any number of techniques could be used to bypass the filter fx "8chan .moe" could work
>>21836 8chan isn't dead, it has merely moved out elsewhere.
>>21714 Who's that anime girl?

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