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THE FINAL REDPILL Servant of Jesus Christ 07/20/2024 (Sat) 12:50:14 Id: 0a52c4 No. 21044
Here I will expose how the white aryan sun cult and evil jews are 2 sides of the same coin. Both are a controlled force. If you want to get saved from this world watch this: * https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=bXWHR8ZQtZc I also recommend these: * https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=4CsbIaghf7o * https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=hqh3XnoDm0g * https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=i9SQjfB-oFw * https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=EMty2StJ6BY * https://vimeo(Please use archive.today)/110741558 * https://www.bitchute(Please use archive.today)/playlist/fvpwpJ8m2YOu/ Good luck and see you at the white throne judgement!
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Last 2 images
>>21044 2nd pic > this makes him [Jesus] part man and part God > part That's heresy!
>>21046 You get the idea.
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Controlled website? No replies?
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>>21279 also forgot mention with this, the kundalini energy is said to be a kind of "electrical" feeling energy electricity is associated with the masculine, its an element that represents masculine. fire too, but this stuff is probably going to go over your guys heads
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>>21045 I just want to elaborate more also on these images: "Christianity has BEEN HIJACKED. What you see in mainstream society is not real Christianity, but a corruption of it (that should be incredibly obvious by this point). After Jesus died for us, his disciples were tasked with spreading the good news far and wide (Gospel means good news - salvation is by grace through faith, not any work you do, thats why its so good). So it didn't take long before the Roman government and Jews conspired to put a lid on it. They wanted to keep their control, power, traditions etc. So what did they do? They merged with Christianity. And you know what happens when you mix something pure with something impure...the pure thing is corrupted. So the Romans mixed their sun worship in with the true spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ, and they created the abomination called Catholicism. Sun worship is what the Bible calls "the spirit of Babylon". Its something that has been passed down from culture to culture throughout history...all the way back to Egypt. Find out about that and more in the documentary "Babylon USA" which I linked above. In addition to that, the Jews mixed their mysticism in with Christianity and created all of the various gnostic spinoff interpretations. You can find out about that in the "Hollywoods Gnostic Gospel Exposed" video (link 4). These gnostic interpretations are basically easten/non-dual ideas. Anyway, People inevitably caught onto how the Catholic church corrupted Christianity, by comparing its corrupted Latin translation of the Greek manuscripts, which only the priests could read (only they were allowed to dispense the word of God back then), and they compared that against the original Greek now translated correctly. Following this discovery was the protestant reformation and thank goodness for that. As a result of the reformation, people no longer needed to go to the pope or a priest, but could read Gods word directly for themselves. BUT the influence and damage that the Catholic church did was never completely undone. Even in the minds of people today, we have wars and corrupt things the Catholic church did, which people tie to Christians and blame on God. And we still have various corrupt denominations that sprang off as a result of Catholicism. Also today we now have new problems to deal with. Eastern religious ideas creeping into the churches (such as in pentecostalism). The kundalini spirit. You've probably seen videos of those crazy Christians laughing in hysteria, rolling around on the floor, or babbling. That IS NOT from the spirit of God, but a counterfeit. The newer Bible translations also tampering with key doctrines, such as the trinity, or the name of Jesus/Jehovah. Or weakening the text on certain words to make things UNCLEAR. That's why we have homosexuals in the church. Transvestites in the Church, and why Christianity in 2024 is a laughing stock. It's all part of a conspiracy to prepare Christians to merge with all the other religions and accept the coming antichrist. That's why YOU NEED to stick with a King James or some of the translations that preceeded it (such as the Geneva Bible). If you speak the original languages, you can of course go with the original Greek and Hebrew manuscripts too. The Jesuits, Freemasons, Jews, Gnostics...all of their infighting is all a stupid hegelian dialectic. None of it leads to the true and living God. The true and living God is outside creation. Satan has all these idiots fighting amongst themselves, and some within their ranks obviously worship satan and know fully whats going on. But yeah. And so that brings me to you guys. You guys the "white aryan" race, the nazis, sun symbolism, false spiritually dead Christianity, going back to pagan roots and all that...you guys represent the "phallus" within creation. The sword. The solution to the problem. You're all just being pawns in satans game.
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https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=LScKiXFY-Iw Here are a few images showing that almost every culture on earth worshipped demons
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>>21287 See the world conspiracy unfolding: Check out: * https://www.bitchute(Please use archive.today)/playlist/fvpwpJ8m2YOu/ for more info
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>>21305 Moving on to cultural stuff, then we'll finish up with some Jew coverage you guys are all familar with. Should be useful to newfags
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https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=cOs6t9tvs3I https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=vreWNDjDLz4 https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=uSe7prIm_84 Now we move onto the Jew stuff and images you guys are all familiar with, but will be useful to newbies. Link people to this thread for a quick redpill. Above are some interesting videos on elite families etc. No idea if these are legit, but pay attention to the symbology, in particular note some of the symbology on the family crests. After reading this thread you should understand what they mean. For example the double headed eagle, obviously duality and hegelian references. Just know that they're a bunch of satanic reincarnationist occultists at the end of the day. Creation is an ouroboros, so to them there is no finality of heaven and hell, its an endless cycle. They're in for a rude awakening. The Catholic Church, Jews, Masons etc are 2 sides of the same coin as has already been mentioned. It's just the spirit of Babylonian sun worship which represents the side of duality and order, vs the Jews and eastern religious ideas...and its all just the son/sun + the goddess figure + the all father. The satanic trinity fighting itself, when its all really just the same. All of these different occult groups and world religions just represent different ways of communicating this. isis, osiris, horus...brahma, veshnu, shiva...etc. They simply stole Christianity and then made Jesus a sun figure, mary a goddess figure, and made "yahwey" the all father/satan. All of their infighting is meaningless and a stupid waste of time because it's all just creation "sucking it's own phallus" in a sense (see image below). Those lower in the ranks of these various groyps cannot see that, but the people at the top obviously do, because they worship the devil in full conscience. That's why If you want to escape the matrix for real, the answer is Jesus. That's why you're wasting your time with all this aryan "save teh white man" stuff. Yes preserving white culture and racial differences is good, I'm not against that. But realize whats going on at large here. The battle is SPIRITUAL. The flesh doesn't matter at the end of the day.
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>>21314 There's one more image im working on that talks about trans and homosexuality being linked to self reference. Why these people are bunch of faggots. I will link that at a later date
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>>21322 Oh also heres the vimeo link from the top of the thread uploaded to mega: https://mega.nz/file/w0ZETYoL#aXA0NOXzmXFov3hsK4i85cMC5-YATkb12DC5mNWxarg All links in this thread are on mega.nz now
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By the way guys, me showing all of this stuff is so you can see or get an idea of "the spirit that is in the world". You can sense the archetypes and movements of these spirits at a macro level through people, symbols, synchronicity etc "Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience" - Ephesians 2:2 KJV
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>>21167 >>21168 more symbolism and archetypes in various media alluding to this satanic trinity/anima stuff
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more coming soon...
Interesting! I have to look through these. I find it strange too that there are no replies... Thanks for your efforts, OP. Eye-opening.
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>>21363 hehe thanks for checking it out, its no wonder why though
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>>21367 some blindfold symbolism i've noticed too
>>21368 >>21367 >>21331 BTW guys for these 3 images, i realize they're grasping at straws. the symbolism is alot less clear and there isnt much of it. just wanted to throw it out there for some people who might know about it. the angel wings and sun stuff is blatantly obvious and clear though, and theres tons of symbolism for it
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OP, keep your schizo ramblings. While I may disagree with 90% of the stuff and see it as reaching (Leon being the devil and killing Christ in RE4, a game that went through several phases of development Hell), the other 10% is spot on or pointing out connections that I never really noticed
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>>21371 hmm well, at least you got something out of it. main thing i want you guys to know is that Jesus is the truth. if you get that then you dont need to look at all this crap. also i'm just too lazy to organize all this information and make it intelligible. i get mentally fatigued after writing a couple of paragraphs and need to rest for an hour. my main goal is to just dump this all somewhere so someone else can organize and deal with it. sorry if it comes off as schizo
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>>21374 a few more dualism/hegelian/false trinity symbols
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>>21375 batman and jokers another one. order and chaos >>21374 >>21373 >>21372 >>21370 also with these "hole" symbolism pics, now you probably understand the psychology behind bondage porn, glory holes, master/slave power dynamics etc. the masculine energy restricts and dominates, thats what all this power play porn is about
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>>21376 more stuff about porn. the goddess is symbolized also in archetypes such as "the pig" or "the whore". freaking sad world we live in man, cant wait to get the hell out of here
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>>21378 you guys should be freaking out by now. i mean, thats a normal healthy reaction to all this tbh. im brutally red pilling you lol. i dont want any of you guys to end up in the lake of fire. yes, even the shills
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bit more anima symbolism
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>>21382 some anima symbolism in music videos ive come across. some of them are japanese so make sure to turn the subtitles on: 1. https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=M7FH1dL51oU 2. https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=-9XKsTsx9D4 3. https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=TlhIk7iPU9o 4. https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=3vhA8njtoQg 5. https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=mOKMoL8_jaQ ive uploaded them to mega too, you cant see the subtitles when streaming it from the browser, so download the vid: 1. https://mega.nz/file/c9B3CB7A#XnwAD1ZnCWOup9sauV0-YVYtLeHYKtYB_MbnFB-bKcw 2. https://mega.nz/file/MtIxQY6Y#NyTID0krPY3ue395NPNdbMHxkNOdOEJARw95A5s0aNk 3. https://mega.nz/file/Rsp1iLBa#zcVgnlAFiF_5E4DPzuJWppBgeIX8ZihJrOgSPBmE_zI 4. https://mega.nz/file/t9BzlSiJ#H_E_XG6Xn8K7fb7uyxAMbtsgFxP7W8fwGfsnR03VADg 5. https://mega.nz/file/llBAUDqR#qpapk5x4yTlGBrC8bd-lzJ2K6ruSaOBKmUQm9MgKrNI finally out of all the videos ive linked, you definitely need to watch this one, ignore sthe start and watch the 2nd half about wandavision (this is what they believe): https://mega.nz/file/xloWiRqZ#K8lQL4M1kXWNIEHYWrdiSyOkwK9tJlavLPaYuPAS91k
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heres a collection of damning evidence of illuminati symbolism. most of them short clips: https://mega.nz/file/whQymZyB#GpgQnsS4Xhg_vjiSTWuBBOOPyf0N-6m4SKK395XmtB4 https://mega.nz/file/w5IyjKLb#_eORqLAEGyZHTSRIaazMGSdjTj8aOv8e-kLij-XDnZ8 https://mega.nz/file/Jsw0kZgI#c6H_xhcArzrEExjR94aKjCbjBVNvrfpDlKlrdvqgt5M https://mega.nz/file/o4gljRBb#HmU8-1miTH7sAcYgpcqEQtyeFkpPF9QHTd3fH2Nr6_E https://mega.nz/file/RlxC1LyL#xa4ddBlnlGIdDpEbqCXV-O28UWF9XRGs1Upu4M2HhHc https://mega.nz/file/8tYQwI5C#4dgS-LVb_N4cO3wI35P5aNg_KjWJIz1AN2SbRLPd8HQ https://mega.nz/file/okBzxZpT#0UC8zMKCeuwJljAkXdFbMsiUIMaputSEcR5QF7eq7tY https://mega.nz/file/49x3gJCI#tL6JOP9Aa37V7Iq0-mUyRmlUiJxuHtIN1xDBXWHfQ0c https://mega.nz/file/oo5ShaqZ#9UF2bfNTHOrRKyNVQAHXSQUDzIMqoHYpx0nnm3dnGNw https://mega.nz/file/RwhG1KxD#ftVXoe8dvL7Rx_7f90E-qLIeLg0WtmHDkvx8PP7i2XQ https://mega.nz/file/RwgCTa5b#n91IqH-aO157PYu1tAnLbo7nw17EoGw06KYC7BUbvw8 https://mega.nz/file/M8IHXKKR#-eAVvr9OIJb-mKE-sjfBXC4IGcjSo8XsS6ROBrtmTJg https://mega.nz/file/w5pGkazS#Iwq5oG5A5PVVmPi4eXvWSdleFO7nv4Giz_GNTjgfGFg https://mega.nz/file/Zxoy2aQS#2gV9D_7WVPtxHzaVNfbK1qIuEPKUyqqemclhUM2X2_A https://mega.nz/file/FhwECKQJ#qv2EBcL186zwOgqFMjdaRwvImmjTcmWxc7hmnuDoViM https://mega.nz/file/BoBz2SgB#l-cBqkO_-rTXfoxiSl-HT22mlkQhr0xBsjQx9AD-04U https://mega.nz/file/8gRDjSbK#stFMojJ4RlwSpr2PGN5Qw56lFhDT8kQhouhCjaKV-Qk https://mega.nz/file/5th3WDBQ#Xx0gomLEOqu-zYtQ2IB4NlkTLRg4sNmfA9uK4B2hKc8 https://mega.nz/file/AtQwEQxR#Mh0eXfsCdsGzeYENu2RyEIpm1RQForizXpQ-VwABQlA https://mega.nz/file/dgRCFabC#emaGwofg681tX025TWyicjpUy4hRZePLht5-9KnD2XM https://mega.nz/file/E8hjVTxJ#sToWh45_D83U2xR_0QQJTdV2VXFI_wsy3Aw3gpP3sMg https://mega.nz/file/MsBF1DCA#2dIWE_hxDnTBXm-3zxqwpUiwXxh9Fmdm4L83x4RVd9g
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>>21310 found this image lying around. 2023 update
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the 2nd image is a reference to the wickerman or burning man. im not sure what the wickerman is symbolic of. just from the symbolism alone i can see it has something to do with the antichrist. the real Jesus Christ was a sacrifice for mans sins, so if we invert that for antichrist then the wickerman is a sacrifice of some sorts. in the actual movie about the wickerman, its about a Christian guy who goes to some town, not realizing the whole town is full of occultists that want to sacrifice the dude to their pagan gods (for a bountiful harvest). they needed someone pure or something i think this has some sort of correlation with the red heifer too that the jews sperg out about
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>>21390 some files and various conversations on dead internet theory. basically why this thread has 0 responses or little interaction: https://mega.nz/file/A1IRzB7K#e5ffdQGUoAWrUEdOz1ueReCYD4ZfcxKazPjc5-y3byU the doco again if you skipped over it above. full breakdown of dead internet: https://mega.nz/file/Ewwi1aIR#fNE10PEfJPRPLD3h6BycqHvKGWkOQlnPqdfQzlc_a8I
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>>21391 this ties into a few cultural things i want to bring up. they're basically turning us into a bunch of soulless golems by centralizing the world and uniting everybody. when theres no segregation everybody thinks the same thoughts, has the same opinions. it kills relativity. everybody is using these generic pre made tools to make video games now, the same with website design software and so on. so they all end up looking the same and soulless. real architecture is being replaced by soulless square sterile buildings. flatpack houses etc. ease of cost and efficiency. when you focus solely on efficiency something is lost (soul). you need to balance both yin and yang when people play games now, its incredibly polarize with how they play them. theyre either 100% focusing on efficient gameplay. thats the whole esports cancer. then theres people who play for 100% fun which equally gets old after a while. people used to be balanced in how they would play games, a bit of fun, a bit of efficient gameplay. now its hardcore one or the other. polarization is a problem not just in gaming though, its everywhere. politics included also segwaying into internet a little bit, internet now is designed to manipulate your dopamine and keep you hooked, but you're not actually enjoying the thing. its a sort of enslavement. like how a gambling casino takes advantage of your dopamine and you cant stop even though you need too, or a drug. instead of making stuff with soul, its just about keeping you enslaved as the new business strategy this all of course is an artificial problem they're creating on purpose though, so some hero figure comes along and fixes it (the antichrist)
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>>21392 https://mega.nz/file/Q4QW2JqQ#rqS4Py_gvv8wE-gHougPWJvqC8PdOUKnX7o8HCPJojU this video sorta perfectly encapsulates what i mean. i swear the dude who made this knows whats going on lol. this is polarization, complete with black cube symbolism and the generic corporate lgbtq mural art
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this image is a hodgepodge of ideas about modern culture. 2 things i particularly want to focus in on are: 1. attention span 2. seriousness phones, having tons of tabs open in a browser, social media etc etc as you can see in the image, all attack attention span. when you have scattered attention you're basically adhd. a more focused mind is a masculine trait, a mind that is all over the place is feminine. think women in the kitchen, doing chores + managing kids. their brains are designed for that. not men though, men should focus on one thing or a few things at a time. so another way you're being made effeminate is through the attack on your attention span. barely anyone can sit down and read a book anymore because of that, ESPECIALLY the Bible the more stimulation you get, the more highly revved your mind is. to enjoy normal more "mundane" things again, you need to down-rev your mind this video explains it better than i can: https://mega.nz/file/cl5iUCgB#IvpM7PJAvGoJAlY04jRKQUFIHREhVlvdABq-ifQIbnA okay now onto seriousness. meme culture actually has really damaged the psyche of human beings, in that they no longer know when its appropriate to be serious, and when to joke around. when everything is a joke, it negatively affects your survival response. so for example alex jones, his over exaggerated behavior causes people to think that conspiracies are stupid. so they no longer actually perceive a real threat anymore. andrew tate clowning around on social media turns everything into a joke too. elon musk smoking weed on the joe rogan podcast. seeing world leaders and billionaires act like clowns and asses effects your perception of reality the reality is, there is an eternal lake of fire waiting for you on the other side if you are not saved. you are in horrific danger if you don't know about Jesus Christ or have accepted him. your soul is in danger and you should be scared. this culture though has made everyone not care. "oh some people bombed some building?" *laughs*. let me spread some meme about muslims cutting some dudes head off etc. meme culture is affecting your ability to perceive and judge reality accurately theres this anime called yugioh and a character in it i always think of when i think of this. hes called pegasus and he uses this card called "toon world" and it basically takes all the serious cards and turns them into cartoon joke versions: https://mega.nz/file/o9hnyJBa#H3CFuGXrqai5KN3Fg4WLEVDeh4bTbqUeAKBenRGltWo https://mega.nz/file/s9Rj2b7Q#e6u68BEAhbXx4SfYsOnE3lmlzMJR_TExlVUAgoA67q0 that is basically what the devil is doing to this world by attacking seriousness --- bare in mind again guys, that this is all artificial. all of these problems im talking about were created on purpose, because they want the "light of the world" the antichrist son/sun to come and save the day
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minecraft end poem
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pic related is another effect of globalization/centralization having unrestricted access to everything leads to a lack of innovation. its only within restriction that we can create something unique, novel and interesting think of consoles for a sec, it was because game devs had to work within the restriction and limitations of certain hardware, that they were able to create things truly unique apply this same principle to politics and culture aswell it seems counterintuitive i know, but having access to "all the things" leads to a kind of emptiness and lack of creative force
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>>21400 >>21401 this is why communism is garbage btw. and in pics above you can see without winners and losers (duality) everything is just "flat". no rich and no poor = flat line. a kind of deadness occurs because theres no relative or relational interplay between opposites. this is also why having no good or evil is bad, and why having no male and female gender roles is bad. though you guys already know the obvious. relativity creates a self excitatory circuit
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>>21402 so creation we know is a looping ouroboros. all things collapse inevitably, they're absorbed, recycled, something new is born. there's a force of entropy and a force of creation. God did not intend for all races and cultures to go to the same end destination of inevitable transhumanism/merging with machine. some races he wants to live more naturalistic and amongst nature. blacks are a prime example of this because they live in huts and dont really build socieities and structures the same way whites do. theres a yin and yang force at play here, endlessly dancing. Jesus Christ is the sabbath. the sabbath represents rest from the endless momentum of creation. so for example the Bible says when you eat or drink you'll be hungry again eventually, but eat and drink the spiritual words of Jesus, and it says you'll never hunger or thirst again. Jesus represents the stopping of the momentum of the ouroboros. REST. thats why creation is associated with 666, it was created on the 6th day, but 7th is the sabbath. you know the saying "no rest for the wicked". now you understand what it means. this also is why salvation is not by your own works. God is that stability, that rest for creation. his existence is determinate, perfect, it never changes like we do. creation really REALLY needs to rest and recharge. when you keep things on the hamster wheel so to speak, they inevitably collapse. the land needs to not be farmed all the time. the animals need a break. people need to not be greedy jews.
>>21403 antichrist represents an inverted black sabbath. that is, hes going to be like Jesus, the cornerstone of creation
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a little 10min summary on political ideologies and how polarization works. i slightly disagree with the vid in that i would not advocate being directly in the middle, but lean more toward the right. the Bible has a bias toward "the right", thats why it advocates "righteousness": https://mega.nz/file/l8h2EZJa#o7N2OZcCNk09tJdu1c2maET7_ML6bUpFdsVzmZEjtN4 is very much related to the image i posted here (the 2nd one): >>21396
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>>21403 more information related to the sabbath. sorry if this all seems a bit disorganized. going through literally all my notes over years of research and handpicking stuff. none of its in order and i cant be bothered organizing it
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i know im being a little hypocritical with this image since my thread is so messy. im just lazy lol
>>21286 two questions, does that mean hellsing is a good anime, and are nazis good or bad? to much to read at one go
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so all of these problems we're seeing with the world right now, are a result of this image here: >>21091 self reference, self focus. this is what all the occult hidden teachings are all about. self reference is inherently paradoxical, confusing and non-nonsensical. thats why this thread can be so confusing (it doesnt help that i havent organized it for you guys). you have the anima which can take on "dark" and "light" manifestations like lilith/the witch (dark) and the angel/goddess (light). then you have the observer or the i, who is the hero, who can also take on a dark and light manifestation e.g adam (light) or samael (dark). hero and anti-hero. in various cultures sun symbolism and moon symbolism is reversed. in japanese culture the sun gets swapped for the moon and vice versa (tsukiyomi and amaterasu). and then in various media archetypes are swapped or reversed in their roles, like the lucy and luca/luke archetypes. all of this is extremely messy, and honestly, it makes my head hurt thinking about it im still working on that tranny/homosexual image btw. it very much ties into this clusterf*** mindscrew self reference garbage --- further up we mentioned the hegelian spiral, and how a thesis and antithesis clash or resolve, to create a synthesis. so lets say some right wing idea conflicts with a left wing idea. the synthesis or thing that remains is the result of the 2 things battling it out and resolving. then this process repeats with the new synthesis in mind, over and over again, in a spiral like pattern until will reach an omega point. that omega point is the antichrist. creations self-actualization (HIS-STORY) a primary figurehead you should really pay attention to to understand this self referential nonsense is the philosopher hegel. the lefts mindset in the mainstream and ideas like marxism are really the result of this dudes philosophy. he influenced marx and was definitely an occultist of some sort. he took the religious and spiritual aspects out of those teachings and made them "sound secular" so they would be acceptable without sounding blasphemous. watch this short doco for more information: https://mega.nz/file/xgB1GIDA#5Y7sii5qm3C63ipmCpsGKfPceXfhO-mH3Sb45QmLS7I the key thing to note here is SINthesis. this is the problem synthesis is the combining of 2 things, rather than keeping them separate in their proper place. for example take religion and science. ever since the protestant reformation these things have been separated from each other. and thats a GOOD thing. yes science cannot explain or justify its own axioms...but so what? it doesnt need a self referential system that includes the observer in the equation to do that. its good already, the way that it is. typically what justifies these axioms are our belief in Gods truths and some sort of relativity...since nobody believes in God as an explanation for these things anymore, and they're self absorbed now, they want to replace this cornerstone of creation with SELF "pythagorean mathematics" is a system of math that is self referential, note the word "python" in that word...obviously its secretly talking about the ouroboros. that system of mathematics has "the monad" and all things are a part of the monad. anyway, you can look into it. during the absolute power and reign of the catholic church we also had things like classical education, aristotilean education, the trivium and quadrivium etc, which also had many self referential elements (thankfully severed thanks to the protestant reformation) things like the separation of church and state. these are all good because they are dualistic. systems that try to unify and combine things you need to be extremely cautious of. these systems of thought that try to include everything in themselves, absorb everything into themselves, you need to be wary of. remember, their goal is oneness. to resist the spiral like hegelian process you need to be grounded in something timeless and immovable, like the word of God. everything in creation is changing and moving, but Gods word stays the same: "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away" - Matthew 24:35 KJV
>>21422 lol nazis are bad. they're a polarized sun cult
>>21397 also with the attention span stuff, just want to bring up a few more points. the pacing in movies/media now caters to the tiktok generation. its about getting and keeping your attention. big explosions, constant action scenes to stop you from being bored, rather than properly pacing and slowly telling a story for a compelling build up, at the right level of progression. since our culture is multicultural now...a bunch on indians, a bunch of africans, some homos, some trannies, a bunch of this and that, nobody gets along. companies are driven by profits and diversity/woke stuff. this results in outsourcing to different departments, oursourcing to overseas etc, so our media is becoming fragmented and cobbled together trash. you should actually not watch anything modern because you're probably damaging your brain. im not kidding. stick with old stuff. heres an example of what i mean: https://mega.nz/file/8swxhSBK#91enDYeuKy5v-aW07bKIVtQx0FysSx4BpQ2ib0rU8CQ this is so over the top. its an extreme example but highlights well what they're doing
>>21402 >More inequality makes life more fun Then surely the British are having the time of their life right now, given that 3,000,000 rely on food banks, as opposed to 25,000 in 2008. They get a surge of happiness realizing that they are on a 9 month long hospital wait list, and the interest payments for their flexible rate mortgage they were coerced into going on in 2006 have increase again.. Trust me, you DONT want food security or not having to worry about debt, now get back to work wagie, lunch is nearly over!!!
>>21391 >dead internet theory. basically why this thread has 0 responses or little interaction No, this thread has zero interactions because it's unorganized stream of consciousness drivel about triangles and primary colors in contemporary popshit media.
>>21432 nah, its dead internet. if i were to post something like this back in say 2011, people would actually ask questions and for clarification about certain things. they'd not instantly dismiss it as people do nowadays. i remember what the old internet was like and how people interacted back then. now people ask either extremely dumb questions like this guy: >>21422 or they'll write barely anything, like a 1 liner response. or they're aggressive assholes. if its something positive its usually 1 line going "wow good job finding out x", but nothing to ever show they're actually reasoning through and processing the information
>>21433 >back in say 2011, people would actually ask questions The internet today is oversaturated with incoherent ramblings. You can put any topic into a search engine and get hundreds of websites of meaningless SEO AI babble. It doesn't take dozens of thrown together images to prove that the pro-gay pope isn't Christian, nor does it take a lot of research or brain power to realize that the heraldic eagle is NOT, in fact, an angelic/satanic symbol like you claim. There's a few nuggets of wisdom here and there in your dump, but the rest is either shit or provable horseshit.
>>21434 acidentally posted too soon So in your place I'd rework your dump, cut out all the stupid (like the WTC-three-phase electric generator-deletion mutation connection) and turn it into an actual viewpoint supported by arguments, instead of what looks like someone's cheat sheet for Schizophrenia 201.
There are a lot of interesting thoughts here, and while I haven't looked at all of the images yet, I will try to eventually. >>21413 This one here stood out to me. A real, true rainbow, the symbol of the Noahic Covenant, actually has 7 colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. This is a fact, something that has been verified by generations of people and is something one can personally see after a rainstorm is over. As you can see in the image you posted, the flag of the LGBT has 6 colors. This is not necesarily because of some "subtractive or additive" color. It is because the true rainbow is a symbol of God's faithfulness and love, and homosexuality and sodomy goes against the word of God. The LGBT flag is a corruption of God's symbol and meant to represent a false, worldly, and faulty love instead of a true one. It almost looks like a rainbow because it is meant to confuse people. But sin cannot ever be holy, so it is one color off from being an actual rainbow.
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>>21435 >instead of what looks like someone's cheat sheet for Schizophrenia 201 LMAO >>21434 way too reductionistic. the stuff ive posted here is existiential level stuff anon. you dont get it yet. the intention of posting all of it is to give you a sense at the macro level that these psychological archetypes are playing out. the symbols appear over and over again because they're literal foundational archetypes in our psyches. while we may have free will as individuals, collectively these things are playing out and happening. im just trying to show you that >>21437 nice find anon. i can still see the subtractive/additive being a thing even with that new found info, maybe plus or minus the 7th color instead --- more stuff to come guys, stay tuned...
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>>21287 a bit more on spiritual beings and how they operate spirits operate primarily through "the right brain" which is symbolic and holstic. thats why the elite/occultists use symbols and things to communicate. this form of communication evades the conscious mind but the subconscious is able to recognize it, because it take things in "as a whole". thats why you can be presented with a holistic symbol or archetype, and it can make you feel something, say some disturbing movie scene or something...but you cant figure out why its making you feel a certain way, why its making you anxious or disturbed. its because your conscious mind cant process it, but the subconscious can and DOES recognize it the conscious mind is limited and finite, it deals in particulars and specifics...so for example, say you're walking through town. there are hundreds of things going on in the background being absorbed by your subconscious. the chirping of birds, conversations being had, the car driving past. your conscious mind can only deal with and focus on a limited amount of things at once, so its filtering out ALOT of stuff. it isn't until i point something out and your attention is directed to that thing, that you notice it. for example, the meme "you are now aware of your breathing and are breathing manually". your automatic breathing is something you're not aware of, but now you are because i pointed out how have these people managed to carry out a global conspiracy against humanity without anybody noticing? by shutting down your ability to holistically process reality. most of you are specialists in some area, like say, you went to school to become a techie or an engineer. you dont know much about anything outside of your specialized area of expertise. because of that you cant see the big picture or whats happening at large. this is the condition of most people. our education system trains people to be this way. its a brain imbalance they do this with companies and businesses too. employees have some specific role they play within a company. highly specialized, highly individualized. but they cant see the overall hierarchy of the company, where they fit in, what their companies/bosses intentions and directive for the business is. they're walled off in their little cubicle like a good goy doing their programming job. no idea what its all for. totally oblivious now onto spirits. spirits can cause you to notice synchronicities, or see patterns, in order to communicate with you. say a cool breeze wafts past and you feel the breeze on your neck. a spirit is able to hijack your perception of feeling that breeze on your neck, and interpret it as if you had been touched. spirits can manipulate your own senses and cause you to interpret them differently a distinct example of this is on 4chans /x/ where there is general thread about succubi that has been going on for ages. these spiritual beings are very real, and are able to give sexual dreams, but also "touch" and sexually stimulate through that persons "self perception". these beings are related to the anima stuff weve been talking about thus far, because the anima is yourself. so these spirits cause you to have an erection, interpret your own flow as you being given fellatio, when in reality "nothing is happening" (yet in spirit it is) another distinct example of these spirits abilities to hijack "self", is that they can sneak in intrusive thoughts, or thoughts that are not yours, which you interpret as originating from yourself. seriously, self examine yourself one day. ask yourself why you enjoy horror movies so much, why you enjoy watching porn. why you enjoy alot of the evil things you like, or hold alot of the evil opinions you have. its because these spirits are manipulating you THROUGH SELF
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>>21440 >interpret your own flow as you being given fellatio meant to say blood flow --- also regarding spirits...why do we always hear about spiritual activity in say african countries, but we never hear about it in western countries? i think this has something to do with how the "observer" affects "what is observed" (double slit experiment) in the Bible we're told Jesus couldn't heal certain people "because of their unbelief". western countries are heavily grounded in science and so dont believe in the supernatural or paranormal --- a few extremely interesting docos regarding the paranormal. 1 on magicians and stage magic, the other on demonic possession/mental institutions, and the other on human sacrifice in africa: https://mega.nz/file/Y5oSUSxY#48DzbnbW6UX_ornvH6F4Zrm9o0jmpvTdHAOf1RUjD9o https://mega.nz/file/U8JEiIrZ#ZcRGPr8OxhFLoUz03-3WhFGWzu0cRDdV1qHLGCxktZ0 https://mega.nz/file/wk5iRQiD#r8NvzkH-gVcew4t1E9v0ymXimOKLlaKYQJrwtFbnFWk
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>>21400 >your message is prevented from being posted due to r9k ???
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>>21392 >also segwaying into internet a little bit, internet now is designed to manipulate your dopamine and keep you hooked, but you're not actually enjoying the thing. its a sort of enslavement. like how a gambling casino takes advantage of your dopamine and you cant stop even though you need too, or a drug. instead of making stuff with soul, its just about keeping you enslaved as the new business strategy
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you guys are familiar with these tacitics but posting anyway for ch00bs, n00bs, fr00bs and nubs
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>>21464 soz i dont mean to be racist btw. i hope jews get saved too, just found this image incredibly funny as i was going through my archives
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>>21465 LMAO
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>>21466 a couple more anima symbolism images. i only post to you guys the most blatant or easy to detect ones
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>>21467 some more
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>>21394 more tech info
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>>21474 >Angela Anaconda Well that explains why they had to shove in that ugly ass cartoon as a filler before Digimon's movie premiere, not a surprise that leafs are the most useful white golems when it comes to poisoning the well with liberalism.
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>>21475 >ugly ass cartoon kek --- okay so this "death of slim shady album" i feel like is probably foreshadowing the rising of the antichrist. it was the devils plan all along to be defeated by "the beast". his son/sun will defeat him because he wants him to be king of the world. the devil wants to make his own trinity, because hes a copy cat of God if you ever watched the anime code geass, the character "ZERO" who is a luciferian archetype gets defeated by suzaku who is the generic good boy christian archetype. this is the type of person he wants to defeat him, a person with masculine sun energy, who represents the law, morality. false spiritually dead christianity ZERO/lelouches father is portrayed in that anime as some tyrannical authoritarian dictator like figure who is extremely harsh and unfair. the whole ploy of this anime is to defeat this father authoritarian like dictator figure (who represents God almighty) in the minds of the people. to do this he allows himself to be defeated by suzaku this is whats going on with all this antichrist stuff. he wants you to love the antichrist over Jesus Christ. he wants you to hate God who is in heaven and see him as some kind of unfair dictator
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this symbolism is a bit of a shot in the dark. its just a theory i have rolling around in my brain, i could very well be wrong but wanted to share it here anyway. so just letting you guys know, out of all the symbolism in this thread, this one here is just random and has no backing. the vibes im getting from the olympic games stuff make me think of this too, anyway here goes i play a game called world of warcraft, this game has announced 3 new expansions all at once. this is suspicious...why would you announce 3 at once? this makes me think its symbolic. as youve seen littered throughout this thread, 3 is symbolic of trinities. look at the names of the expansions too, i think they might hint to us the direction the world will be going..."the war within" etc. seems like theres going to be some philosophical or existential turmoil in store for the world as for the giant sword in the trailer piercing the world. ive mentioned "a sword" is symbolic of duality. so its going to be some kind of idea that threatens the existence of the world? a system or thought paradigm that the world struggles with. in the trailer a giant sword is thrown into the world to pierce it and then the white dude in that clip i think might be symbolic of the antichrist. they need his help to defeat whatever beings threw this giant sword at their world so yeah thats my crappy take lol. often stories in games and their gods parallel to the real world in some way. they're always hiding stuff and doing stuff like that
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this is probably obvious to you guys, but for newbies check out this image. this is what they do in gaming nowdays. they have a character from every race, every religious pantheon, spiritual path etc they did this in hollywood too with the movie industry. that friendly jackie chan guy we all know and love? yeah while he may be cool, it got you used to asians and multiculturalism. every movie has a character from different race, ethnicity, religious outlook and portrays them as your buddy/someone to get along with. its been a slow turning of the steering wheel, eroding those natural mental barriers in your mind that make you want to preserve your culture. michael jacksons songs "it doesnt matter if you're black or white"...crap like that has erroded your racism. now you see this multi cultural soup were in as totally normal OR you're polarized and hate other races people. thats what this all does. if indians were in india or chinese were in china, you tend to be less racist because you can appreciate from afar different perspectives and ways of living, while being in your own culture racism actually is a healthy barrier in the psyche, a force of duality that keeps things separated and segregated. God wants this, because he wants there to be relational interplay between different things. thats why he scattered the languages of people at the tower of Babel when they were all trying to merge into a multicultural soup why is being a multicultural soup bad? because it destroys relativity. when you have 2 things that are different to each other like say MALE and FEMALE, there is a relational interplay that happens. when you encounter a culture or people group alien to your own, it creates relational interplay. this is a kind of energy that is exciting, vibrant and full of life. we are driven to seek novelty, newness, find something different to ourselves. when everything is the same it leads to a deadness, such as whats happening in our current society
>>21489 i should also add to this, its when you're FORCED to live with another race of people, that you start to resent them. its when you're FORCED to pay taxes that you hate it when you're able to volunteer, you enjoy it. thats why the Bible advocates a kind of voluntary communism. help people out, give to people, but only if you want to do it. the Bible never advocates forcing you to give your money to the poor https://mega.nz/file/l9Bg2I4R#0_QMu70kVkwhEZu-ZkJhMrv6NhNediVAW_QVlBL_FnQ
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a random thing about love love has a "softening effect". you often hear about people "being edgy" right? look at this image for instance. the hard stick of butter is a solid block that retains its hard corners or edges the hard edges are symbolically equivalent to identity, walls, borders, segregation etc. earlier in the freemasonry symbolism i also showed how the masculine energy is represented by the square because of its hard edges or corners, which represented duality, whilst the feminine energy is represented by the compass because of its rounded edges, and because the corners are gone theres no longer the distinction or duality of the corners. they've melded into one okay so, the feminine energy of "love" tends to melt or break down those hard edges/corners. ever known a friend who once he got with a girl, turned into a big softy? this is probably why. we also know that we had to resist our mothers love in our formative years, because if we didn't we'd turn out to be too soft so that "softening effect" while it seems kind of funny and is very pleasurable, is actually very dangerous. its deceptively dangerous. you're literally being melted away like the image portrays, and it feels good, yet your very identity is being destroyed while this is happening check out these Bible verses about the seductress woman: "My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding: That thou mayest regard discretion, and that thy lips may keep knowledge. For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil: But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a twoedged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell." - Proverbs 5:1-5 KJV the feminine energy for that reason is something be highly HIGHLY cautious of notice here how it talks about honey, sweetness etc. sweetness and pleasure is often deadly in excess. thats why we should never be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God you can take this "softening" "sweetness" effect of the feminine and apply it to other concepts in life too. like the cozy life we all live here in a western society. its deceptive because the reality is, an eternal lake of fire is waiting for you on the other side of this reality. thats the reality you are completely unaware of. the comforts, the pleasures you have in life warp your perception of reality to perceive it completely different as to what it actually is. millions of people are burning in hell because of this. they look at other people not take their lives seriously. they dont fear God. so they follow the rest of the pack and burn in hell too as a result the memes everyone spouts about cancer and people dying in air planes and suicide. its all fun and games. but those things are really happening. see what its doing? its catching you off guard. like that stick of butter, your survival instinct is being melted. you are being softened up so that you're not even scared anymore that your own a one way ticket to the slaughterhouse
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>>21492 yeah so once you take into account what ive written above, this "one love" crap is actually death. people dont know theyre "undoing" themselves and destroying themselves by defying God
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>>21504 added a few more things. dunno how to delete posts :(
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>>21508 some more symbolism
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>>21508 tying into the multicultural stew thing
>>21520 ah i forgot mention, that pink penguin is the chef komatsus pet. the one with the sol symbol on it sorry for the spelling mistakes and sloppy job on the last few images btw. im just in a rush to churn this stuff out so i can move on with my life
>>21524 I can't believe that lucifer is gonna CUM all over creation....
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>>21526 i kno rite well not ejaculate over it, but in it. he's going to "fill its void". thats the role of the masculine. 0 represents the female, 1 represents the male phallus. where does the 1 go? ;) king solomon archetypally represents either Jesus Christ and his bride (the church) or lucifer and his bride (the world)
>>21527 So if I cum inside lucifer, will I rule over him?
>>21528 LOL. you shouldnt speak that way about your current master. bad things might happen
>>21529 I'm gonna turn lucifer into the whore of mankind.
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>>21536 your current identity is still undecided. did you not read the thread? you are equivalent to lucifer at the moment. you are his seed. you are the i/eye. that means you would be turning yourself in your own whore, which overarchingly means you are becoming his whore lol. bit of a mindscrew, but thats what would be happening
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>>21536 also remember, when you succumb to the feminine it may seem as if you are dominating. physically you are pounding away at a womans flesh and "dominating her", but actually, your soul is being destroyed, so she is dominating you lel
>>21540 >>21542 That implies that mankind already rules over him.
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>>21545 lol. nah you're not getting it my bro. there is no way to fight the devil without confirming SELF to Jesus, but before even doing that, you need to be born again. Your first birth was a flesh birth, but you still have a dead spirit which needs to be born. so you cant do anything but be a puppet to the devil atm your identity is in a temporary deciding stage as to who its going to turn into the image of, either Jesus or the devil. there is nothing else
>>21547 There's nothing to get, it's the direct conclusion of what you said.
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>>21548 okay then. have fun anon
>>21549 >turns tail when the slightest contradiction is pointed out See you around, sophist.
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back to a bit more symbolism
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>>21553 i need to point out, the 2 big images in this post you need to take with a grain of salt. the dude says some retarded stuff about flat earth and has some other inaccuracies, but he has some decent takes on most of the symbols presented. the retarded stuff like seeing 666 in the keloggs logo etc you can safely ignore. i hope these 2 images dont ruin the validity of the thread for you
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well, im almost done guys! a bit more to go and its finally over. last few bits of info are stuff you guys already know images attached are some more reasons why gaming stinks nowadays a little rant about online gaming: its primarily due to centralization that nobody talks with each other anymore in online games. that, multiculturalism, censorship and bots. the centralization means people talk on discord instead of in the game worlds, so game worlds feel dead and empty. centralization means no independent clusters of unique thought can form, all the same ideas get spread around. when that is the case theres "nothing new" or novel to talk about, so why bother? multiculturalism means theres no true connection or social cohesion with similar people to you. ever played a game with a bunch of mexicans writing random crap? it sucks. i remember it used to be so easy to make friends back in the day on xbox live etc. everyone was relatable, spoke English etc. and then censorship stops people from talking because they dont want to get banned from the hate speech fairies. bots, well we'll get to that in a bit... i think theres a very obvious and intentional effort going on to shut down communication amongst people online. going off track for a sec, but theres actually very few places of public discourse online that has a sizable community that is truly uncensored. if there are uncensored places, due to the manipulated search engines they are unfindable, so very few to no people go there. when we think of how this translates to gaming, gaming could potentially be a place where people could discuss wrong think ideas, so i think they've secretly cracked down on it i think they know how important social energy is and they harness that socialization (hence why social media and phones are so influential). they steer the hivemind to their advantage and direct the flow of human traffic by encouraging social features on the garbage/trash they want you to play. for example fortnite. that game has tranny/feminizing colors and artwork. its brainwashing you into globalism, its turning you more effeminate, its turning you into a golem. so they make it easy to talk on dumpster fire games like that. but then with games from the old world, before the tranny agenda (e.g halo master chief collection or something), they make communication basically non-existent. when theres no social energy, a game is basically dead, and they know that its possible people are just golems now. satan is working in the hivemind collective and all that, but if that is the case it certainly didnt happen over night. they've been slowly steering things in this direction. which brings me to the bot thing. i distinctly remember way back around 2016 lurking in game chat, cause i always loved to do that. and one day i remember the conversations were just making zero sense. its like people were talking "at each other", but there was no actual back and forth. so i think even way back then they were probably rolling out and testing bots to just create this "deadness" in games they dont you to play, so suck out all the social energy and relativity and then when it comes to actual game design decisions, theres just a ton of little things they're doing which all add up. ill bring up one example, old school runescape. most of you have probably played that. in that game you used to farm to make gold, you'd grind for ages and it gave your items a sense of value. then they added a "bond" thing you can purchase, which takes away all sense of value you had from the work you put into obtaining your items, because you can just buy a bond now and buy the items you want with those. i know there are people here who play who will disagree with me and say bonds are no big deal and they're necessary to combat bots and all that...but you're simply wrong. trade and sense of value regarding items is an absolutely integral part to the game, and a HUGE part of what makes it fun, and gives you that sense of investment then they added the grand exchange, which makes everyone centralize in 1 location to do trade, and made the whole game world empty. nobody traded at local banks anymore. it freaking killed the game world i could go on and on for hours covering several games and go super in depth, but im not going to bother. you get the gist. they're just purposefully gimping games to destroy any and all energy of socialization/relativity. and they'll only foster and promote that energy on the stuff they want you consume and play my friend is actually a game dev on steam, and ive seen convos from him showing that he needs to work with trannies and get their approval/get vetted by them
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>>21559 briefly tying into this gaming is the "own nothing and be happy" stuff physical media/owning physical things like game discs is being phased out. everythings going digital. really bad idea to go digital when you consider what they're doing/have done to the internet. if you read and watched the dead internet stuff mentioned further up in the thread, you know they're purging and sterilizing everything
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>>21560 things are going subscription based too, photoshop you used to buy it, now you have to renew the license every year to use it. people dont download mp3's anymore and actually download their music, instead they stream it through spotify. things are going toward the trend of being streamed, rented, borrowed etc but never owned or purchased
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these soi faced cucks are just as bad as trannies/homos/women too. they typically vote left, vehemently defend modern culture and are pretentious dweebs
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>>21563 >>21562 "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind" - 1 Corinthians 6:9 KJV being effeminate is sin
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>>21563 >>21562 you know the kinds of people im talking about lol, they play games like disco elysium and are massive faggots
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>>21555 >pic 4 The wings and red eye on her are interesting pieces of evidence, yes. But overall, the idea that the series should be avoided is clear even without them. The whole series is filled with humanoid females that represent youkai, which are demons from Japanese folklore meant to explain the seemingly inexplicable happenings in nature. Things such as echoes, disease, and even the sudden disappearance of dead bodies. These demons are painted as fun, whimsical, and endearing. Any piece of media that shows demons as something other than evil and malicious is evil in itself and should be avoided completely for the sake of your health and future. >>21562 >>21563 This is because they are weak willed people. They don't have the motivation to investigate even the smallest things for themselves so they just go along with whatever the current narrative is. This is also why they often blindly follow the Marxist, far-left thinking that is spread on social media and many mainstream news sources. Not only because they are addicted to the internet and spend too much time exposed to these sources of information, but also because they think that going with the narrative makes them "nice people", and who doesn't want to be nice, right? To them, sticking out by thinking differently, and subsequently being accused of being some horrible person is terrifying to them because they don't have the guts to stand alone. Their weak-willed nature also makes them fantastic consumers, so this is why they buy useless objects. They don't have the self control to resist the advertising and inner temptation to be greedy. This could also be why they often have the same hairstyle and facial hair. Nothing wrong with beards, but the way these guys look could also be due to their lack of motivation to stay groomed and tidy and at least somewhat fashionable. They also don't have the self confidence to know what to do while getting their photo taken, so they do this awkward open mouthed thing and often cant bring themselves to look directly at the camera out of anxiety. You may also notice that some of their poses are feminine, which again is because of awkwardness, but also a lack of understanding on how to carry themselves like grown men. If you found out about their pasts, I am sure you would find that many grew up without a strong father figure. >It's really no surprise that so many white chicks are dating- I'll stop you there. That is a complete myth. White women are much more likely to date and marry a man of their own race. Don't let the media and pornography fool you, it is meant to demoralize White men. The porn especially. Just because there are movies, shows, and social media accounts that show white women with black men does not mean this reflects reality. >>21560 >pic 2 A reminder that Nintendo was a sponsor in the 2024 Seattle Pride Parade. Even though the previous year's parade featured naked men on bicycles exposing themselves to everyone in the crowd, which included children. https://archive.is/97xoa >>21564 If one looks to the Greek text, the truth that homosexuality is wrong is even clearer. The term "effeminate" is not used exactly. Instead, "sodomites" and "catamites" are mentioned as those who shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Sodomites are male homosexuals, of course. Catamites are homosexuals as well, specifically ones that submit to sodomites. So the Bible clearly says that everyone involved in a homosexual act is guilty of sin, not just the one taking the dominant role. Furthermore, in ancient Greece (and Rome too I think), the term catamite was a term to describe a boy who was in a sexual relationship with a man. So, the Bible is also condemning this practice at the same time. Interesting to see how even centuries ago, there was a clear problem with homosexuals and sexual abuse of minors, huh?
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>>21568 >The whole series is filled with humanoid females that represent youkai, which are demons from Japanese folklore yep you're absolutely right. touhou somehow turned a whole bunch of people i used to know into trannies too. its like a tranny converter, dunno how or why but it seems to have that effect on peoples psyche i should add to this that anime and japanese video games in general glorify the occult. the amount of anime with witches, wizard spells, chakras etc. it all definitely contributed to a generation interested in the occult. as youve already seen in the pictures posted so far too, japan seems in bed with the jews and kabbalah/mysticism also anthropromorphism from japanese media is particularly dangerous. it takes the piss out of serious/evil demonic things. like they make a baphomet character some cute chibi or something, and in the mind of the viewer they translate that to think its all fun and games >It's really no surprise that so many white chicks are dating- ah i didnt write that someone else did, i just stapled the images together
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>>21572 >Touhou somehow turned a whole bunch of people i used to know into trannies too It could be very well that aspects of the series stir up those ideas in people, a land of fantasy and make-believe and magic making them think that they can try and live out a false life away from reality. Or it could also be that the series is connected to a lot of online spaces that are filled with trannies and homosexuals, and those people convince depressed and confused people that being trans would solve everything. This has gotten notably worse lately as the series becomes a lot more mainstream through memes. Even worse, many of these memes are popular with children and teenagers. >anime and japanese video games in general glorify the occult Also very true. You'd be hard pressed to find a Japanese game series or anime that does not have occult elements, and makes these elements look good, fun, and positive for humanity. Sometimes it's something as obvious as a show about witches slinging spells, or it could be something about zombies and the undead which some might not realize is occult. And of course, Japanese media is famous for not only making occult things look good, but also making Christian ideas seem bad through a strawman and other methods. Like Shin Megami Tensei, taking small bits of Christian ideas, purposely simplifying them and twisting them, then putting them in the game and saying "See? Look at how bad being Lawful is, its the same as following Chaos and Lucifer! Look at how selfish and foolish Christian ideas are! You should be completely Neutral and just go with the flow of life." Beyond that example, think of all the times angels, nuns, or churches are featured in an anime or video game. They are almost always shown to be evil, corrupt, or even perverted. No doubt that there is evil both from within those behind these series, and from outside of themselves. Ironically, sometimes I think people don't even mean to put occult glorifying elements in their games or anime; it just seems like what's popular so they implement them. It could be a blind leading the blind situation. Take this screenshot from Persona 3: Reload (which is connected to SMT). Arcana cards, which are based off of tarot cards, which is undoubtedly occult. One of the cards is a Persona card, which features Yamata-no-Orochi, a monster from Japanese folklore that would only relent from attacking a certain town if it was fed one daughter every year. Clearly occult as well. And it mentions a Homunculus, an occult object that is a miniature, magic-made human being. It's not grasping at straws, it's right in everyone's faces. >also anthropromorphism from japanese media is particularly dangerous Yes, the Bible repeatedly describes demonic figures as humanoid looking beings that have horns or other animal features on them. Those who have seen demons have said the same thing. So by carelessly, or purposely, putting horns on anime and game characters, japanese media creators are dulling people's senses and making demonic features look safe or even attractive. >ah i didnt write that someone else did That's fine, I wasn't sure, I just wanted to nip the misconception at the bud as soon as possible either way. >>21573 Two examples of this pervasive hunger to consume and consume media without ceasing. In order to try and fill a void in themselves, they get hyped up for a corporate product, consume it relentlessly until they quickly become bored and begin getting excited for the next thing. They are trying to fill themselves with something that can not sustain them. Which could cause tears. Or he could be crying because he is remembering his childhood and wondering where all the time went, as Star Wars was a part of many people's early lives.
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>>21576 yeah, all just proves how japan are in bed with jews >Two examples of this pervasive hunger to consume and consume media without ceasing. In order to try and fill a void in themselves, they get hyped up for a corporate product, consume it relentlessly until they quickly become bored and begin getting excited for the next thing. They are trying to fill themselves with something that can not sustain them. Which could cause tears. Or he could be crying because he is remembering his childhood and wondering where all the time went, as Star Wars was a part of many people's early lives. the worst part is how the dude is crying over something so lame aswell. its sjw woke trash with a female main lead character
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>>21508 one more little update to that humanity stew pic xD i like this pic alot, feel like it conveys very quickly their overall plan and shows how grotesque it is
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some videos on the damaging effects of multiculturalism + jewish inventions like tinder etc on the dating market. most of these videos point out obvious markers of attraction which are totally normal. height, a more square jaw etc. the mistake (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me)s make is that women should not be hated for this. we're attracted to those markers of attraction, good genetics etc. its totally normal. whats ruined everything is the unnatural importation of all different races and racemixing, which causes women to be more selective and picky, and has upset the natural balance of things collectively. anyway the vids will explain it better than me will cover briefly later on too, but things like our diet, whatever they're putting in our food, fads like the vegan diet, high carb etc are causing us to become more feminine. things like estrogenic compounds, like in plastics have contributed greatly to this mess we're all in. men are deformed during their developmental years so become less attractive to women. and when women are most attractive this current culture has accused men of being pedophiles for having that attraction. also due to the decline in Christianity people are becoming much more "carnal" and shallow, so they really focus on looks. there's really way too many factors to go into. anyway: REDPILL SERIES: 1. https://mega.nz/file/d5JHnKJR#yzWH3O7A4NO1mHlXO1HYWc58YWfDUSWVb6i-cV7DKjo 2. https://mega.nz/file/QsJgHQxJ#OtzpobgmFvLizINwRyHEs1BNTAZAA-m_VhgyQzb4V6E 3. https://mega.nz/file/lhxHjBwQ#DXNHoBlpUQ2fg32SH2zndxq5uTcrTQCCJydOV-qVYHI 4. https://mega.nz/file/MoQTCCJZ#mApVj1VlJP5TiXOhcVO1ZTltuAPru2p-HlPKc0ldI04 5. https://mega.nz/file/BwAnUJ5a#uQ-kgPXoOSNwc2EAACX8RgQK6IAT9anHIAARn2gVtC4 6. https://mega.nz/file/9gYUFK4A#ZoAuZEiU4hA5aZIVU3Oc4t0eXF19lrf9VHZlPjAtEng 7. https://mega.nz/file/Jxg21CbJ#svIP716g7f-PXhhl6Le82IxUYI8UIWg9Iui_IOZYaek 8. https://mega.nz/file/08AzjSTT#2vArLuz6-zNyIkShMMquZTPg0-xr7mdamJz4aF_XPgY 9. https://mega.nz/file/AtZjBSYK#UqR-pTmIS_lDEiiVyk2ImHurV1XV5h9j8flB_RvxLCY 10. https://mega.nz/file/h8YEDboC#VylT7UuC1eL2mTeNV_Rgk5lyKRFquzW5D-3tkimuuNo 11. https://mega.nz/file/4tRgwbyA#iLnLYNqw6WNbm2iCS_R2mFuGKuxmi1WaWgza9NOXqfs BLACKPILL SERIES: 1. https://mega.nz/file/h8YSnIwA#26NB_z9ygdV46PbZedqfGsKj5TvJWbQ7kmlh2p5MYls 2. https://mega.nz/file/I1QRUKQS#osDFSH8nelPHQiDXIKCG3fA1QQoqb0DxFpKFDetEsLs 3. https://mega.nz/file/Jk5iySjI#XSsLITD36qA6whTHM4aiT5SvZEMfj4hdHYEvXdf47ss 4. https://mega.nz/file/VoZ00KaK#5z_G8Dou5b1cILotyCAi76mexDGXRufRy78SJeF1yDg 5. https://mega.nz/file/YghRXbYa#cdjRf3R470X24sSTyPW6S3mLvva9DZHXnagvB_roagU 6. https://mega.nz/file/Zo5DlY5a#wrTPsHqIhqmH-8A1E0aH7iDgMZ_96QTOjFJWfugDVQs 7. https://mega.nz/file/hkA0GTqa#c5ZwyT4-SIbiYIfmCzih5cY2CbwtBM6mQWTpk_3SVck 8. https://mega.nz/file/Blx2zTKa#Sg17SvMLCmvcINNNBZmpa6k-UcFbbG6Oqy-66il52Mk 9. https://mega.nz/file/dkwUTL4T#MO6Wg0rMYcYGoACQr4_P3AGGzHwvYzUixWfLjFzU0Ao 10. https://mega.nz/file/h0JBnKJK#x_1RVd3woZE659LnGl1BeNq6kddP3eBW3Ftj05pbUjA 11. https://mega.nz/file/g0RQQJKa#aksYnI-ky58W0jNIAR8KZ6eXpBKLmeVp4YV8EyT7K8w 12. https://mega.nz/file/E1ZlFIwC#FC2uxA3f-CyKT8Vv1Lah2rLFAszsmTLTqEQwv3pg0aA 13. https://mega.nz/file/QtoSgTjS#Qi_5n8LU-4O0ce0I3LLbmfGez9K28TV9jcer2ByFsOg OTHER: https://mega.nz/file/YxRWUa7Y#f9TXFgbmKIiXDIdESdq_UM_0jS0_Rba1kB2ulmtlohM
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>>21581 its important to remember pic related though in relation to all this. jews/the elite/satanic forces are just taking advantage of our weaknesses in the flesh, and we're making mistakes. men are at home playing video games and jacking off to porn, so they become autistic and unable to socialize properly. women are out sleeping around with chads and experimenting. we need to ultimately forgive each other though. both sides have been dumb. doesnt mean you should go out and accept a non-virgin wife though, but just treat people kindly and forgive them. our modern culture is just screwed and we're all victims of it
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>>21582 this goes for other races too. they're being imported by jews/elite/satanic forces. if they were in their own country it'd be fine. so yeah forgive and be kind and all that, but im not advocating the one love new world order lets all sing kumbayah thing
>>21433 true but the reason for me giving a one liner was bc i read the inter thing and my brain was cooked
ITT religious undesirables teammald over being phased out from modern sex culture how can you dicktucks never grow bored of tandem tugging to each others raster collages? what do you conspiritards expect to gain by malding over foreseeable outcomes? old mad at new ig
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>>21585 >>21584 there's a scene in the anime magi kingdom of magic, where aladdin gets shown why the jews (the magicians in the show) are dominating the goy. its because the goy were willingly dumb. hopefully you guys are just bots
>>21586 yeah come at me with some toon drama SOP for fairy tale minded fuckwits
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>>21581 oh and also, i need to point with the red and black pill videos i linked. i dont endorse or recommend everything they say. they're just to red pill you on how attraction works. its way better when you know this stuff because jews have brainwashed alot of people since birth into having this disney movie view of the world and relationships. again you guys prob already know all this stuff but this is meant to be a comprehensive red pill thread
>>21586 >>21588 > let us consult Aladdin to support my conspiracy but also, > jewDisney wants to brainwash us That was fast.
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>>21589 shoo, shoo you annoying cockroach
>ohshit, my indefensible hoodoo is indefensible >"Ohmigod, this fucking insect, interrupting my dystopian daymare circletwerk" Maybe 'cockroach' would have a lil more bite if it weren't uttered from one of the many indistinguishable conspiracy skeevies I found huddled under one rock.
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>>21572 btw guys, this is an example of anthropomorphism. it takes something serious, turns it into something cutesy or cartoony to lesson the seriousness of it imagine if like, i made a slide show of your mothers funeral, but with cute chibi anime characters. it would lessen the seriousness of that whole thing. japan does this, except with the occult, sorcery, eastern pagan ideas etc. you've gotta keep yourself on guard this stuff subtly affects your perception of reality, almost to the point where you are literally incapable of being serious anymore. like when have you ever been truly serious or scared of something in the last few years? you're probably finding it pretty difficult. its because of stuff like this, meme culture etc thats why its so dangerous. like, you probably wont even care, and its intended to have that effect, to not make you care. thats why so many people dont fear God and why they're all going to hell
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>>21581 here are some videos from the goat. i dont agree with all of this guys ideas, but he rightly criticizes how shallow culture is, talks about how body building is retarded and stresses/ages your body, how veganism is retarded, how having children is good. i agree with those points. he talks about eating raw meat and drinking blood which i dont agree with though. i only disagree with drinking blood because the Bible commands not too, but apparently blood is like one of the most nutritious foods you can consume and gives you a high. i suspect the elite drink blood because they know about this. those evil rich old fags live till their 100's because they're probably drinking blood. then you have all the conspiracy theories surrounding jews being vampires, adrenochrome etc etc. whatever the bible strongly commands you NOT to do...guess what satanists/occultists/jews do? the exact opposite i would link more of his stuff about food, but i disagree with alot of his ideas. hes right that eating meat is good. hes a bit brutal, he says eating brains, organs, testicles...and eating it raw is the best. it probably is, but i cant really stomach that lol. ill talk more about my ideas on food and nutrition later. heres his videos: 1. https://mega.nz/file/ApIUiDSB#jNAlGN0s2pjp3vxb6m-TRR6V5RjgiSHA5wWypd1N60Y 2. https://mega.nz/file/MpBX0Zjb#2A-bQ6f8XbGVbfe_oo8FbWpDBCo0BbL5nf3NDon6LBI 3. https://mega.nz/file/0ppDHYTA#p3uydWDOSenX88agnj6Byw3WhEtoqoQ8f48aM1V0Zvw 4. https://mega.nz/file/Z9g3ELqB#BRLCOMKc07n_VpuMR8Le4KIz3v3VNyz2uGs5IaPj5Qk 5. https://mega.nz/file/JpJnkBha#k6jonByNd819VFSCYPK-D1TK9tlvh-5LZQKXnLPMeSo 6. https://mega.nz/file/51Yi0aaR#P4tgN_RumuYWZ3KPJYuUOdvGivXncV2WjVUyrNibtzY 7. https://mega.nz/file/V1xDWYTD#nmkKWHpIJ4cW6VPC_M9CAwM1RAkLQPleWILmpT-Cov4
>>21596 them making men and women hate each other, making living unaffordable, feminism, porn etc is why people are not producing children which gives cause to import migrants
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just noticed this one
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more mind control stuff
>>21596 aight lets talk about food overarchingly you need to realize that reality has yin and yang to it. both positive and negative. you need to balance both of these forces and that includes with food aswell. you need both the rain and the sunshine to grow, not just one or the other. some stress is good, for example omega 6's are pro inflammatory, but when you get rid of them and have tons of omega 3 instead, your immune system tanks. so thats an example of some stressors being healthy. theres a correct balance or ratio to all this. lots of plants and various foods have some negative stuff about them, which isnt a problem when taken periodically or in small quantities. and you also just want to generally enjoy your life no? having some processed foods for enjoyment every so often is fine as long as you're mindful of whats in them. just be careful because things like sugar are crack for your brain, can cause addictive tendencies etc. know yourself so what we want to avoid with food is polarization. that means extreme dieting of any kind (unless you have some kind of condition). you want to rotate your foods and stick to acceptable portion sizes, that way your body easily deals with all the negative effects, and grows stronger. lectins are an example of this. a small amount damages your gut wall, but then it rebuilds itself back stronger. not when you have tons of lectins though. in nature fruit was seasonal, vegetables and things were seasonal, so this balancing typically all happened without you having to really consciously think about it. thats the problem with all these health channels you fad dieting you see, they say stuff like "AHH X FOOD DOES THIS THEREFORE AVOID IT ENTIRELY". but does a small amount of that thing every so often do the bad thing? no from my research i think the ideal diet is keto or lower carb most of the time. this means you become "metabolically flexible". your body learns how to use ketones for energy AND carbohydrates. since you're using ketones most of the time your body is incredibly sensitive to carbs, which makes them more awesome when you use them. its not a good idea to stay into keto too long as that stresses/ages the body. so periodically break out of it. you could also just do low carb most of the time if you feel ketosis is too restrictive. being on keto or low carb diet naturally means your fat and protein intake is going to be higher. there is no way around that. having more fat in your diet is good as it actually increases testosterone. running your body off ketones too is incredibly anti-inflammatory. meat is very anti-inflammatory. fat is (the right kinds of fat, NOT seed oil) also. fats are not as dangerous when you're on keto, but THEY ARE DANGEROUS if you are on a higher carb diet so, if you insist on a higher carb diet, DO NOT pair that with fat/protein (well go over the kinds of fat etc later). also if on a higher carb diet, make sure you're actually using that energy and doing something physical after you take them in, so your body actually sucks in all the sugar to be used. never go on a higher carb intake and just sit around, otherwise it just floats around in your blood and makes you insulin insensitive, causes damage etc. insulin is a thing in your body that is triggered specifically by carbs/sugar, and its actually a signal for your body to store fat. thats why when you're on a keto diet you can get away with having lots more fat note that if you do switch or transition over to keto...it ALWAYS ALWAYS needs to be a gradual process. any kind of sudden change in the diet/to the body upsets the micrbiome and other things. it will take 3 months to a year for your body to get used to ketones and start loving them. the first 3 months can be incredibly miserable. you can get lots of side effects like keto rash, difficulty sleeping, constipation. your body starts dumping all salt reserves which leads to an electrolyte imbalance. heart palpitations can happen. this is all because youve never went a day in your life without a meal, so your body is entirely un-used to it. you need to transition slowly, make gradual adjustments. there are tons of resources out there for you to learn how to do it. i recommend just going low carb for most people as you need ALOT of knowledge to do keto correctly
>>21600 >so, if you insist on a higher carb diet, DO NOT pair that with fat/protein meant to say "lots of fat/protein". you dont want to do that like you would typically on a keto diet
>>21600 >meat is very anti-inflammatory also with this, the right kind of meat. poultry has alot of omega 6 if its fed with corn/soy. what the animals are fed affects you. it needs to be grass fed meat, organic if possible. more on that later
>>21600 >so, if you insist on a higher carb diet, DO NOT pair that with fat/protein in some cases this can work. theres this guy paul saladino who does carnivore + fruit. but that dude is also incredibly active aswell. if you're metabolically healthy and know what you're doing go for it, but for most people who arent aware of the carbs they're ingesting and how they're processed by the body, dont pair high carb with high fat/protein
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so the main things you want to watch out for in the modern diet from my research are: 1. processed foods processing takes natural ingredients and removes things like the fiber, uses things like super heating methods to destroy bacteria (pasturization) to kill germs, it does stuff like changes the fat globule particle size in milk (homogenization). adds preservatives and other stuff too. all of this to make a packaged product that lasts longer on the shelf. the problem with processing though is that it can have multiple negative effects on the body. for example eating a whole orange causes a slow rise in blood sugar due to the fiber and various enzymes being present. when you remove those such as in processed non freshly squeezed orange juice, you get a spike in blood sugar. repeatedly exposing youreself to blood sugar spikes over time blunts or makes your body insensitive to insulin, leading to conditions like diabetes. having sugar floating around in your body due to insulin insensitivty damages the nerves, the eyes. thats why diabetics sometimes need limbs amputated, or they go blind. also no fiber in processed foods and the way its all packaghed can disrupt the bowel, leading to conditions like diverticulitis, where small pockets form in the intestine. it can also lead to bowel cancer foods in nature typically come perfectly packaged in a holistic way, they have just the right amount of this thing or that thing which offsets the negative effects of the food. coffee for example. the caffiene in coffee is found to not affect telomeres, but artificial caffiene shortens them. when you isolate things like with processed food, problems begin to happen. the holistic packaging of natural foods is what makes them "bioavailable" too. that means they actually are recognized and absorbed by your body and not just excreted out. this is why alot of supplements and vitamins are useless, because the body does not recognize them. they are not holstically packaged like those vitamins are found in nature. processed foods are also not good long term for the gut microbiome. because all the enzymes bacteria are typically destroyed, they are almost like a "dead" food. there are lots of bacteria in fresh natural foods that are very good for building up the gut and keeping it healthy. all of this is why processed foods really need to be only an occasional treat (unless you've done your research) 2. sugar sugar is like sandpaper for the arteries almost, in excess. repeated exposure to high levels of sugar lead to the things mentioned above...insulin resistance, nerve damage, eye damage. cancer also loves sugar. sugar is also very inflammatory to the body. inflammation causes swelling in joints, organs. sugar is also addictive as hell, it changes your tastebuds/palette over time to crave or want sweet things only, and it makes normal actual healthy food boring. its like porn, vanilla sex which would normally be extremely enjoyable becomes boring once you see porn, in a similar sense it desensitizes you to the wonderful taste of normal food. sugar also like carbs signals your body to release insulin so you put on weight. sugar also rots your teeth and screws up your microbiome and mouth bacteria 3. grains grains typically have gluten and antinutrients. most commercial grain products are not processed in a good way so negatively effects your body. for example bread...white bread is just a straight blood sugar spike. the good bread is stuff like fermented sourdough rye, which gives you a nice slow/steady release of glucose, and its fermented to reduce the impact of the gluten/antinutrients. its best to bake your own bread fresh if you consume grains. grains are also sprayed with glyphosate which is carcinogenic and damages your gut 4. oxalates oxalates are mainly known for causing kidney stones. painful stones that can crystalize in the kidneys. oxalates also distribute in the joints and other places though. alot of healthy foods have oxalates, and your body flushes them out if you consume them occasionally and not in excess, so foods that have them are ok. dark chocolate is one, but by far spinach is the worse offender. vegans and people clueless about keto typically load up on green leafy vegetables (which just happen to be FULL of oxalates), and they put them in smoothies. soy and almons also have tons of oxalates. its common to hear about these people forming and getting kidney stones because of the green smoothies. potatos have them too. cooking your food can reduce the amount of them 5. phytoestrogens flax seeds, sesame seeds, soy and other foods have phytoestrogens. the absolute worse offenders though are probably flax seeds. people eat them to get their omega 3, but this is a trap. your body hardly even absorbs omega 3 from these seeds. something like a 1% conversion rate. this conversion rate increases the less omega 6 in your body i think? i cant remember. just stay away from soy, flax seeds in excess (a few sprinkled on your subway sandwich bread isnt going to hurt you). in general dont eat a vegan diet as the lowering of saturated animal fats actually tanks your testosterone. flax seeds also have cyanide, cadmium and a bunch of other stuff which makes them worth avoiding consuming regularily/in excess 6. lectins found in stuff like tomatos, beans, chia seeds etc. i think the most well known and dangerous are in kidney beans which can potentially kill you if they arent soaked and cooked to remove them. just cook and prepare your food properly and this reduces them. dont eat too much of them in 1 sitting. for example green frozen peas...just stick with half a cup and cook them, dont consume them all the time, and the lectins will be negligible (unless you're sensitive/have gut issues) 7. glyphosate found in stuff like grains, oats, dark chocolate. as mentioned above has been linked to cancer and damages the gut, possibly leading to conditions like leaky gut, some kind of weird immune reaction in the gut etc. your gut is everything, your 2nd brain almost. it affects your mood, your cognition, how much you absorb from your food, whether you gain weight or not, whether you process toxic things in foods well or not (for example oxalates. some people with a damaged microbiome from antibiotics get kidney stones extremely easily) 8. heavy metals (cadmium, mercury, lead) founds in various foods in small amounts. its good to aware of the big offenders like dark chocolate and fish. i reccomend salmon 300-400g twice a week as you absolutely need it for omega 3, but be aware that you should stick to that 300-400g serving size, otherwise regular consumption could build up mercury in the body. lead damages the kidneys, raises blood pressure and can cause cardiovascular issues. cadmium also damages your kidneys, is very hard to get out of the body once its there, and it replaces calcium in your bones so your bone density ends up weaker 9. non natural fed meat when you buy meat ALWAYS opt for grass fed lamb/beef/animal products. when you get eggs or chicken make sure its "pasture raised" and organic. this way you know the animals were treated well, allowed to eat bugs and stuff. when animals are feed grains like corn and soy, their meat also absorbs the inflammatory omega 6 found in corn and soy...then you ingest it. also if youve ever looked at a organic pasture raised chicken egg, its a deep orange color, compared to the pale sickly yellow ones you find from caged chickens. when it comes to fish always make sure they're "wild caught". this ensures that you're getting omega 3 and not the inflammatory gay stuff found from what they feed farmed fish 10. microplastics things like packaging and certain ingredients and things like salt can have microplastics (which is why its best to go with himalayan salt). small fish like sardines can have alot of microplastics, so again limit their consumption 11. overcooking food burnt meat creates carcinogens (cancer causing), it also destroys heat sensitive nutrients e.g vitamin c. in general NEVER overcook your food unless theres some harmful thing in it you need to destroy. cooking typically always lowers the nutritional value of food, thats why for example some people eat meat raw. research the best way to cook food. some food like broccoli needs to be cooked to remove goitrogens (steaming is really good for broccoli), or spinach to reduce oxalates etc. whenever you see the black stuff on food though, that stuff is carcinogenic
[Expand Post]12. artificial sweetners possibly damages the gut microbiome and corrupts DNA. theres been some stuff come out about sucralose recently. avoid them 13. antiobiotics/hormones chickens are pumped with antibiotics to stop them from spreading germs, due to the unsanitary conditions they live in (squashed in cages/small areas, massive amounts of them at once). cows also get them i think. these antibiotics unfortunately damage your gut microbiome. hormones found in animal products like dairy are responsible for reproductive damage like e.g prostate cancer being linked to saturated fat in animal products. thats why you need to find organic and as natural as possible...and also stick to acceptable/reasonable portion sizes 14. omega 6/seed oils/PUFAs omega 6 causes inflammation in the body. some of this can be good as it helps your immune system, but too much is extremely bad. our diets are filled with way too much omega 6, like at a 20:1 ratio these days, when it should be more like 8:1 or lower. omega 6 is found in abundance in most nuts/seeds (which is why you should not overindulge with them. they come in shells and are a pain to eat in nature for a reason). seed and vegetable oils contain high amounts of these omega 6's, they become even more inflammatory when people cook with these oils, which oxidizes them...e.g frying stuff. these seed/vegetable omega 6 oils are responsible for most of the worlds health problems. they're linked to insulin insensitivty, cardiovascular problems, clogged arteries, cancer, joint pain etc etc. the jews replaced animal products and told us they were bad, then told us to eat this crap instead. this crap is 100000 times worse. when you have oils, you want something that has a low smoke point and is lower in omega 6. stuff like avocado oil is good, olive oil, coconut oil, butter and lard is better to cook with than these to be cont...(2mrw)
>>21044 You're objectively wrong, though.
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>>21606 >You're objectively wrong, though.
>>21605 >when you have oils, you want something that has a low smoke point and is lower in omega 6. stuff like avocado oil is good, olive oil, coconut oil, butter and lard is better to cook with than these ideally you should not cook with avocado and olive oil to be honest. id just go with coconut oil, butter or lard to be safe. olive oil oxidization is a problem. this is also why you want to get extra virgin cold pressed and not just any olive oil. cold pressed means it isnt going to get oxidized due to heat extraction
>>21605 15. antinutrients found in most seeds and grains, they stop you from absorbing the nutrients in food. they bind to very important stuff you need like zinc etc and cause gut disturbances. a small amount of these are relatively harmless 16. inflammatory foods this really covers a wide array of things. some stuff your gut microbiome doesnt agree with might result in an inflammatory response. some fermented foods might cause inflammation in excess if you havent got a microbiome that can deal with it. stuff like lectins. mold on food like mold getting on nuts due to the crappy way they were stored. inflammation causes pain and swelling in stuff like joints and organs, it disrupts stuff and over time can lead to things like cancer and heart disease. some inflammation is a good response like having some omega 6. but for example excessive inflammation might cause your body to release cholesterol to repair damaged arteries or whatever and lead to plaque build up over time 17. mold & mycotoxins can be on stuff like most nuts, on coffee beans etc. ever feel weird and inflamed after eating some nuts? this is probably why. these cause an inflammatory reponse. limit or avoid nuts, or get them fresh for this reason. research what kind of nuts you eat 18. saturated fat and cholesterol this is a big one. the mistake people make going on keto or low carb, is that they start eating tons of saturated fat to fill the void that carbs left. saturated fat like butter. this is a bad idea. while i do adocate keto/low carb, i do not reccomend eating tons of saturated fat. saturated fat mainly comes from animal products and is the stuff that is hard at room temperature. stuff like cheeses and butter. whilst cheese is good because of the fermentation, i would personally reccomend staying away from too much butter. it is extremely high in saturated fat. the Bible also talks about not eating the fat on animals i believe, so i'd go for leaner cuts of meat. again a bit of fat isnt too bad, but dont neglect mainstream health advice and just eat tons of that. saturated fat signals to the liver to increase your cholesterol production. whilst cholesterol isnt bad in and of itself, it can be bad for certain individuals also dont overdo it on the eggs too. eggs have a tiny amount of saturated fat, but almost 2/3rds of the entire rda of cholesterol in 1 egg. some people can get away with eating tons of eggs, and some are called "hyperresponders" and this can cause you negative effects to ldl and hdl particle sizes so all in all, while a keto/low carb diet naturally increases your saturated fat/fat and protein intake, its wise to play it cautious here. if you have the ability to test your cholesterol/get blood work and things done you might be able to be a bit more lenient with this. some spikes in saturated fat may be ok, but consistently eating a high amount of it id stay away from 19. aflatoxins found in certain foods like peanuts, peanut butter and corn. its carcinogenic to the liver i believe? (cancer causing) 20. histamines fermented foods like saurkraut, kefir or canned fish have histamines. these can cause in inflammatory response 21. canned/jarred foods typically loaded with sodium, has preservatives and plastics in the can lining (bpa). never eat this stuff except once in a blue moon, when you're low on food etc. canned food should be kept as a back up plan 22. acidic/alkaline food stuff like coffee is acidic, things like tomatos are acidic. that acidity can be good for you but its bad for your teeth and can damage your gut and cause things like GERD? or heartburn. you do want your stomach to be acidic though so it breaks down food better. so i reccomend pairing coffee with milk. milk breaks down the acidity. citrus fruits are acidic but also that acidity is good for you...just go easy on this acidity stuff, and things you eat daily pair with some other food that breaks down the acidity. cream or cheese in tomato soup for instance will reduce the acidity of the tomatos 23. pesticides vegetables/fruit/nuts etc gets sprayed with these chemicals to stop insects and stuff getting on them. theres a dirty dozen list out there somewhere, but ideally what you want to do is buy fruits and vegetables organic when the skin is thin and easily exposed (e.g strawberry), but for example with an avocado or a banana, you can probably get away with not organic. organic stuff still gets sprayed with stuff just as bad, so theres probably no avoiding this...just do your best 24. goitrogens found in green leafy vegetables like kale, but also in the cruciferous vegetable family like broccoli, cabbage etc. can screw with your thyroid and give you a goiter if you're susceptible. again you can eaisly avoid goitrogens by just rotating your food around and having small portion sizes every once in a while. i think you should be beginning to see now why you're not meant to just eat heaps of 1 food, and why were meant to balance yin and yang here when it comes to food 25. red meat
[Expand Post]again another mistake people make on keto/low carb, is they think this means they should eat tons of red meat. dont eat tons of red meat, eat in moderation. maybe once or twice a week. red meat in mainstream science is said to be carcinogenic, but id say thats mainly attributed to non grass fed red meat, and red meat thats been processed like salami. red meat is also high in purines which can give you gout in your big toe 26. water its better to drink mineralized water, or get water from fruit, or when you have tea or coffee. just have your water with something in it, rather than plain filtered water with nothing. drinking plain water with nothing actually makes you pee out minerals and flushes it all out of your body, which is exactly what you dont want. water with stuff in it your body tends to hold onto (unless you're consuming with a diuretic like caffiene) 27. oxidized food unfresh food is more oxidized. the reason your avocado starts to turn blackish is due to that. dont buy pre ground coffee for instance, buy the beans fresh then grind them right before you consume so you get a fresher taste and the antioxidants too. snap frozen vegetables are actually fresher than the stuff you see on shelves so go for those if you dont mind the texture after its been frozen 28. preservatives/additives things like sulfites in lemon juice. just avoid them where possible. you're gonna consume some processed food every now and again, try to research the preservatives if you do so you know what you're doing 29. a1 milk and lactose a1 milk is some mutation in cows? some protein in the milk and has nothing to do with the lactose, but has been attributed to people developing schizophrenia and other problems. a1 milk has been linked to cancer too. most milk is a1, so you want to get a2 milk, preferably non-homogenized, organic...some people go for raw, but the government has made raw milk illegal (hmm i wonder why). lactose intolerance is a big issue thats been blowing up in modern culture, PROBABLY because the enzymes in raw milk get destroyed when you pasturize it. easiest way to deal with all this? just go easy on the milk
>>21609 ill give you an example of my diet so you have a template to work with later
>>21609 >21. canned/jarred foods whoops didnt mean to say jarred. mainly canned, but jarred foods do have lots of sodium typically. jarred food is typically alright
>>21609 30. purines in various foods like nutritional yeast, red meat, sardines etc. contributes to gout (painful crystals in joints, most well known for affecting the big toe) 31. high carbs rarely do this unless you're actually using the energy. if you do, consume slow release low glycemic index foods. consider the source of your carbs...carbs from fruit are specifically processed by the liver i think? but fruit, potatos, yams, white rice, oats and things like sourdough sprouted rye are decent carb sources. just think about your carb source if you use them 32. arsenic in all rice. less in white rice. white rice is deshelled and processed though so spikes blood sugar and can contribute to insulin resistance. look up foods with arsenic and just avoid 33. acrylamide can cause cancer. a result of cooking food...toasted bread, french fries. when you make toast that brown stuff you see on the bread? thats acrylamide. coffee has some too, but dark coffee has alot less 34. cyanide found mainly in seeds like cherry, apple and the apricot pits. primary culprit most people get cyanide from when they try to "eat healthy" is prob from flax seeds. the swedish gov put out a warning about flax seeds 35. some pickled food eating too much pickled food like gherkins can contribute to gastointestinal cancer. again, everything in moderation 36. animal protein/eating alot animal protein has been linked to a significant reduction in longevity. dont eat tons of it. try to get your protein sources also from the other stuff you're eating, not just animal products. eating alot of food and going through alot of calories also reduces your overall lifespan...so dont eat alot either
>>21612 >look up foods with arsenic and just avoid meant to say limit them
>>21610 okay so my diet looks something like: - 200g wild caught salmon twice per week - 6-10 organic pastured eggs per week - 200g red meat once per week - 200g organic poultry per week - 50-75g sheep or goat cheese daily (sheep and goat are naturally a2 dairy protein) - 1 cup a2 kefir daily - blueberries or mixed berries 1/4-1/2 cup daily - dark choc 86%+ 10-20g daily + calcium source - organic coffee + milk, green tea, matcha - an avocado almost daily - chia seeds twice per week (soak or grind them) - tomatos (paste is good due to lectins being removed) - carrots - saurkraut - red onion 1/4 - green frozen peas 2 times per week - broccoli 3 times a week - kale once a week - mushrooms once a week - some hummus (1 or 2 tbspn) - some nutritional yeast (like a tspn daily) - ALOT of olive oil. olive oil is my main calorie source. 5 tablespoons daily - various spices and condiments...cayenne, rosemary, djon mustard etc - lemons for lemon juice water - carb sources occasionally: sprouted sourdough rye, soaked oats, white rice, potatos bare in mind this is a keto diet for the majority stuff here. you can get way more calories in if you want to do low carb, but something like this and just rotating things with variety is good. some processed every now and again. you can up the meat sometimes, the fat sometimes. this is just a general template
>>21614 environmental toxins: think about the plastics in your room you're breathing in, the dust, whether you live in a city and theres smog, think about the material your clothing is made of, and your bedding and blankets. theres not much you can do about what your house is made of, but think of what the timber is treated with, the chemicals in the paint. think about what you wash your hands with, the plastics and things you're touching, what the materials you're eating your food with is made of. what you store your food in (plastic vs jars/glass). think about shampoos, deodorants, your shoes, emfs/bluetooth and wireless technologies. think about what your dental fillings and things are made of...etc etc. you can only do so much but wherever you can, try to opt for healthy choices, for example choosing glass over plastic. all these little things add up to your overall health, so the more small things you take care of will all add up for an overall very positive effect. when you neglect all these things they all add up anons. thats why people are getting cancer, getting sick etc
>>21614 ahh forgot apple cidar vinegar, cucumber and organic salad mixes sometimes like once or twice a week. i try to avoid high oxalate greens though
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>>21616 whats the tl;dr? in general something like the mediterranean diet but lower on the carbs. diversify and rotate what you eat so the negative effects of one food dont build up in your system generally the most nutrient dense is going to be raw animal products. extremely bioavailable for your body. the most disgusting and grotesque stuff like raw liver and brain is insanely healthy for you (if you dont get food poisoning lol). next would be cooked meat. after that animal products and fermented animal products like cheese. you want to balance these animal products which are the staple of your diet with fruits and vegetables after that are the veggies and fruit. veggies have more nutrients than fruit but need to be properly prepared and in right quanities. fermentation helps alot with that too. soaking, boiling etc. fruit your body absorbs very easily so you can eat it as it is, but its not that nutritionally dense
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>>21617 soz it should look more like this xD
>>21618 as far as supplements go, you dont really need to supplement if you're following the above dieting advice, this is especially true while you are young. your body sucks at handling stuff when it gets older though. in that case the best thing to supplement are probably omega 3 (make sure its ifoss). we get hardly any omega 3 in our diet and have to limit the amount of fish due to mercury, so get some omega 3. look for high DHA. max you should shoot for is 1000mg dha per day. thats way more than enough next up is zinc (make sure its a bioavailable form, picolinate is one i use). zinc depletes copper in the body so make sure its paired with copper. dont go over 15mg magnesium (citrate, glycinate or taurate). get 200-400mg daily iodine or potassium iodide taurine. this has a whole bunch of positive health benefits for the body. insanely underrated amino acid get d3 + k2 if you dont go out in the sun. vitamin d increases the calcium in your blood, so the k2 makes it go into your bones rather than your artery walls. vitamin d assists in immune function and a whole bunch of other stuff in the body vitamin c ascorbic acid. dirt cheap when you buy powdered and might aswell considering the very positive effects it has for your body. getting a tub and consuming a tiny 1/4 of a 1/4 tspn daily is more than enough. a small tub will last you for years. dont consume alot as its been correlated with kidney stones thats really all you need. maybe a good b supplement, but they have way more b vitamins than you need. i just use some nutritional yeast for that
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>>21396 more on how they're slowly slowly incrementally changing things so you dont notice
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some stuff on twitch. the multicultural cesspool they want to create
>>21403 oh and with this too, i forgot to mention with the "voluntary communism" thing. the Bible also commanded farmers and things to not "glean" their fields, so poor people could come along and work to get food if they so desired. they were allowed to get the leftovers/scraps. handouts were not a thing
>>21605 what do you mean with sugar? all sugar or only artificial, because milk contains a lot ot it, honey has a lot, berries have a lot, but its all natural
>>21633 obviously i dont mean the natural sugars, im talking cane sugar, brown sugar, extracted sugars. fruit is processed by the liver, milk sugars are fine, honey is a bit spiky but is fine too due to the enzymes and things. raw honey is best. eat all of that in the context of generally being low carb
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some videos from the matador. just want to clarify i'm not a fascist like this guy. i believe some level of "racism" is good, but in the sense that its a mental barrier or wall that stops everything from mixing and merging together, which is a good thing. this keeps things interesting and diverse, and encourages relativity and relational interplay. i dont believe racism is good in the sense that you just hate peoples guts and want to kill them because they're "black dumb apes". however i do believe in freedom of expression, and if someone wants to drop a racial joke or something or feels that way, it should be allowed...thats on that person. i think most people will naturally not want to be that way though. the Bible says to be kind, but the freedom to express oneself is what creates relativity and stops the world from being a boring place, so i wouldnt want to totally restrict peoples expression i believe races like the blacks are a force of entropy that return things to nature, just like women etc as i showed in the left/right brain images above. you have a force in creation that builds things up and creates societies and structures like the whites/east asians with high i.q, and a force that degenerates or returns things to nature/a naturalistic state, like the lower i.q races. some races i believe God intended to live more naturalistic, some races are meant to be in futuristic high tech cities evolving to merge with machine and doing their whole transhumanism crap, and others somewhere inbetween. God loves variety and i think you should see things from that perspective too (buts its up to you) i also believe its ok to engage in racially stereotyping and profiling certain races and religious/cultures, but sometimes i will overlook those racial profiles on an individual or cultural basis. as far as my political views, i'm a hard right conservative. when i say conservative i do not mean donald trump level of conservative, because that guys a cuck compared to the conservatives from a 100 years ago. they've slowly shifted the goal posts over the years as to what a conservative means, so its far left vs the right, but the right is very left compared to what it used to be. so just to clarify that. i'm not in the middle but very much biased toward the right i believe some level of race mixing is ok too, and some level of immigration. as long as the immigrants conform to the culture and are respectful, and as long as the race mixing is not on a mass scale or the norm. countries and cultures should be a majority their native people and not a melting pot. so yeah, hard right conservatism, but not quite the level of facism that demands complete racial segregation. also if for some reason a bunch of people converted to Christianity on masse scale and they needed somewhere to go, i'd advocate letting them borrow some land or giving them a section or something, but not complete unrestricted/unregulated absorption into the culture. perhaps there would be a slow merger over time with a small percentage of the population. again, my ideas are to CONSERVE also in regards to colonization, those nations should be made up of both the colonizers and the natives. natives initial "unfair" treatment was due to them worshipping pagan gods in the first place. in the Bible we see that God wiped out idolatrous nations. those natives were gradually given the same rights as colonizers, and now things are pretty much even. the past doesn't justify handouts and special treatments anymore, and certainly doesnt justify mass immigration and the lefts encouragement of a multicultural melting pot. if you are racially profiled for your appearance/race i believe you need to get over it, as its normal to do that. if you do racially profile id encourage not to be a dick about it though, thats where it goes too far just want to make some of that clear so you dont think i agree with this guy in everything, he just brings up very good points which is why im linking his vids: 1. https://mega.nz/file/poxCgSpY#QmCZJPTddJ_bsPwSoGsLJDoOZ0bwbEdpJ-cCr9ktQzw 2. https://mega.nz/file/NkgUBTzZ#BDX8YXakQsBXuU3KDbljkVt0VsyBNOPPxMDeqRI2rp4 3. https://mega.nz/file/h5J33TCL#Xcx2qIc2uzu1HglSBWkdNnqgLm--rVJRE2kOBELGnYE 4. https://mega.nz/file/MsgCxJSR#6YRYTCoktAaiZqYIhiamvT6XwPdVMMLchmrd4Gd94e0 5. https://mega.nz/file/Y1JyRaJT#yecQiS8kUnYs-r9kJFE8-n0eNAVQG3RG8b4XArhTeaE 6. https://mega.nz/file/sswDALiR#5W4TDhX-zIef_IIkePGzRi4rZpFdguisMbxKNXyReRg 7. https://mega.nz/file/o9gWSCST#fJ9V-3hxporKkrbNQ-CaLLKfLmUDjYhPWHZeRnldsa4 8. https://mega.nz/file/o0Y2BIJC#LrVhJDdvlqxxzJsyrtZwrHiidhEwK_ITy379fTqpd8A 9. https://mega.nz/file/0lIC0CiL#4KUL_qqtrpnNUvTtnZPEjq6JY7Rfq89I_942yPhFqe8 10. https://mega.nz/file/csJWEBRR#O_U_N9D53zAGsXvhBpC8pD_YhhhRoQBnWyPuzxvlLgk 11. https://mega.nz/file/E85RGAqQ#ALtCAalE0LaaIIKHQZfowUBj9G-mI-59UpdoKhNoZec 12. https://mega.nz/file/1kRABTSK#3GVuHgBTPjt5VOiAF5eJNqyFbYv6CNewMHHVJhd2eqQ 13. https://mega.nz/file/4pBzlBiC#0pIpxENSNhoZuepLwbU_5TI8mUgmfGo4X0OYZmU_740 14. https://mega.nz/file/p9ZXGSBZ#Qi2tiEfET49Svu2WBoa3RVq8EyE1AxA1gjsjx6vT2_4 15. https://mega.nz/file/t0ADFTzT#M9IT4S6sJofl0uTK9cZWo5yY9nqqkglQ67m925vw6tM 16. https://mega.nz/file/ksRxXYJK#sHHHFn_uMfi_OzVKzDiIzgLGqRl3ilB07CydBwIIRQo 17. https://mega.nz/file/F9ZE0BRa#TlLxHD6TR3qPL2ekbkcAi07zbONcrO_XUVS15MHZe1Q 18. https://mega.nz/file/F0hXUQ7a#cqEKds7Kj9yLpa3QVpVdfMzRpDt8wWlsR0JBRaTfCwE 19. https://mega.nz/file/MsoXURpQ#EhG2_fwcqcy06jhLLGKzcmHlPE97u110DyztDs9xAWI 20. https://mega.nz/file/xoghBBCI#UKdEnSbin4RCayKWBPQ1avzNHJDwuA5Js6FvscU_qHk 21. https://mega.nz/file/hpwHkKyR#qP6mtzLio3b7nnWpgGTU8oxvUkK5wN6ZtU6PxmK7YpI 22. https://mega.nz/file/VwwjwYaa#bPy70jClDbyQmvfP9JNkidlPYLWLTZ4YbST-2HdZIEA
>>21638 >but sometimes i will overlook those racial profiles on an individual or cultural basis meant to say very often. so for example lets say blacks from the united states commit most of the homicides disproportionately to their population size...i will racially profile black people i dont know based on that reason, depending on how they dress, their body language etc. however i'm very open to making black friends and i know on an individual basis, individuals are often different to their collective group. if a black guy is raised in japan he's going to be very very different to one raised in USA. if i know a black person personally and i can "feel out" there personality, i'll know whether he's a good guy or not. the same for muslims, i know not all muslims are extremists, however i wouldnt want for instance them becoming the majority of the population in an area, because i know what their religion tends to devolve into. so yeah, things like that
>>21639 i criticize jews alot in this thread, and i joke around, but i actually do want jews to be saved also. the jews have spiritual blinders over their eyes at the moment which is what the Bible says. this is because of their collective rejection of Jesus and them baring the burden of crucifying him. they are the natural branches though. we as gentiles are "grafted in", but they were initially trusted with Gods law. i think what God wants and the way he planned stuff out, he wants humility from all sides. he wants jews to be humble, and this multicultural cesspit we're in atm, hes knocking white people down a peg now too. he wants all races and cultures and nations to be humble before him
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>>21287 some more on paranormal stuff. the second image mentions something about how he was "protected by angels". just want to point out how this is a load of crap. new agers and people into the occult think they can summon angels or something to protect them. they cant. they're either just fallen angels or demons
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why trump is full of crap. i'm getting to the very bottom of everything i wanted to share/upload. last thing will be that image about trannies i said i'd make, some stuff about mind control and then this thread is done
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>>21367 >>21368 >>21370 >>21332 >>21333 just another quick image montage of various ways they portray the goddess or the anima. notice the blue eye symbolism and white hair. it can be an elf sometimes, it can be freya, it can be blonde hair blue eyes like android 18. sometimes they invert it with black hair and red eyes and they make the guy have blue eyes and white or blonde hair. these things are interchangable. the dark side of the goddess/anima is lilith, so instead of angel you'll see succubi imagery, a woman with seductive red hair etc etc notice how in that image they have the male with a red shirt and black hair. it can be difficult to pin down how they portray these archetypes but once you have an eye for it, it can be easy to see
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heres some stuff about the rapture so you dont get deceived about who the messiah (messiah means christ) is. as you've seen so far in this thread, Jesus Christ and the antichrist look similar if you haven't been paying attention to your Bible and can discern the different between "soul" which comes from this world, and "spirit" which is from above. both represent masculine sun energy, difference is, one of them is spiritually dead
>>21640 should make it very clear though, make no mistake, THEY ARE the synagogue of satan. the jews fell so that the gentiles could be saved, an inversion happened. this was not only to humble the jews but to save the gentiles. through their fall salvation become possible for us. now the jews are satans hands and feet in this world, doing his bidding. they used to be Gods chosen now they're satans chosen. see how stuff got flipped upside down? hes humbling the jews so then the gentiles got a hold of the teachings of Christ and then colonized the world, this was Gods plan because God wanted to bring his word to everybody. at the same time he wanted to punish the native tribes around the world for engaging in human sacrifice, for worshipping nature, devils, spirits, for sodomy, for cannibalism etc etc. the brown skinned natives got treated like crap for a while, like slaves etc, discriminated against or whatever BECAUSE of their idolatry and worshiping false gods. hes humbling the natives now God is allowing the jews (as they are the synagogue of satan) to subjugate the whites who colonized the natives. so now its the white peoples turn to be humbled see how God is humbling everybody from all sides? the Bible says God wants no flesh will glory in his presence. the jews were not chosen as ambassadors of Gods word initially because they were so great, but because they were the least. people tend to get a big head when God establishes them for something. lucifer is the prime example of this kind of pride. God made him incredibly beautiful and it got to his head. God made jews his chosen people and it got to their head. God is always looking to knock down this pride. it swells up within human beings like leaven
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now for a little rant on indians. why indians you might ask? because they're a big problem atm. blacks you guys already the problem with, chinese and other races you know the problem with. anyway: >they are the majority of the worlds phone scammers. they also run tons of scams online including dropshipping (alibaba dropshipping), running fake pest control companies, fake plumbing companies, fake crypto. there have been reports of them doing things like lying on their job resumes in canada >well known for having a dirty polluted country, and defecation in the streets. their religious beliefs advocates eating cow feces and drinking cow piss >they steal all the basic jobs in western countries, especially tech jobs. they own almost every street corner dairy and are every uber and door dash driver. this makes it hard for people actually native to the country to get basic low paying jobs. natives need those floor sweeping jobs etc but they're always taken by indians >ungrateful on average for being in western countries. i see consistently attitudes of entitlement. you'd think they'd be incredibly grateful and humble to be able to live and work in a western country. not all of them are like this, but again consistently i (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me)se attitudes >tend to sneak their religious ideas into everything. for example doctor k, a popular indian psychologist on twitch always inserts his satanic hindu beliefs at every opportunity. i swear hes a plant by (((them))), but i know satan works in the collective conscience, so he probably artificially boosted dr k to celebrity status to push hindu garbage >usually do a poor job at the jobs they do occupy. this is problematic for stuff like care homes, jobs looking after the elderly and doctors. indians because of their religious upbringing do not have empathy and morals the same as Christians tend to have, this results in them being dismissive, prescribing the wrong meds etc etc because they just dont care >lust after white women. literally they see white women as some kind of status symbol if you're familiar with (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me) rhetoric. they comprise most of the (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me)s because they dont belong in western countries in the first place. indians are the perfect height, looks etc FOR THEIR women, in a multicultural melting pot they tend to end up at the bottom of the barrel. multiculturalism is trash because it upsets these natural balances >they've ruined tech and the internet. all the big tech owners are indians because jews hire them to be the face of tech. indians create soulless products like their a.i because their religious beliefs are inherently nihilistic and therefore soulless (dissolve the ego, meditate to kill yourself and merge with with the oneness or whatever) too. hinduism is a religion of death >tying into the above, technology is full of spyware and invasive in terms of privacy because indians are the tech workers and they dont give a crap about morals because of their culture (based on hinduism) >tend to be conformist obedient slaves...again because of their culture (based on hinduism), which makes them perfect worker drones for the jews, and why they're importing them en masse into western countries >horny as hell. all the creeps on omegle, dating apps, only fans etc tend to be indians. they inflate womens egos by acting as an endless supply of simps. they're well known for being sexual deviants in general. again, because of their horrible religious culture (based on hinduism) >they are much less likely to have a problem with lying, cheating, stealing, backstabbing. again because they barely have any morals due to the culture (based on hinduism) most if not all of the points above are primarily due to indians culture. hinduism is an inherently nihilistic religion. it doesnt care about morals, goodness or righteousness...so what do you expect from indians who are raised there? it's an absolutely terrible idea to import en masse these people who dont value the moral goodness contained in the Bible. they need to be saved and given the gospel, and they should absolutely not be flooding our countries. greedy people hire them to save money because they work for pennies, but they should really ask themselves, at what cost? here's a documentary which i cant upload to mega (because my account would probably get banned) highlighting why indian culture is so terrible. be warned, it is graphic. youve probably heard of it before: https://archive(Please use archive.today)/details/codex-pajeet-ii-india-is-the-worst-country-on-earth.-99d-2b-76a-2927aa-387967c-3a-001844239271c-5753 https://rumble(Please use archive.today)/v4rydpl-pajeet-documentary-2024.html https://www.bitchute(Please use archive.today)/video/FYTnCWO9qHfK all 3 of those links will work (just replace the link with (Please use archive.today) as 8chan gets rid of it for whatever reason). this documentary is a bit """racist""" but it brings up points that need to be addressed. these people need to be shamed for this behavior. shame on them for being like this. and again, any nation that rejects Jesus moral teachings and follows after doctrines of devils/demons/pagan religious ideas is going to wind up with a terrible society like india. its just that simple
>>21647 >just replace the link with (Please use archive.today) rep[lace the link where it says (Please use archive.today) with DOT COM. for the very first link its DOT ORG
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>>21644 >>21646 also regarding the antichrist: a surefire easy way to know who the antichrist is, is whoever the jew collectively convert to believing in. the Bible tells us that jews will never collectively all believe on Jesus. yes individual jews can be saved. yes they are the natural branches, but they will never. ever. ever collectively convert. never so thats your #1 way to find out who the antichrist is if youve been following the thread you will realize antichrist is going to appear "good". hes going to solve the worlds problems. hes going to be a hero, he's going to bring order to the chaos. christ means messiah, antichrist means "in place of christ", so instead of Jesus, this guy. so many people are going to be begging for this guy because they've artificially made the world a mess most likely the antichrist WILL REJECT a position of leadership. this might make him appear to be more genuine or something. do not be deceived. the people might demand or force or pressure him into being a leader. again, do not be deceived. HE IS THE ANTICHRIST. you dont think people are going to like him? he will probably be an (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me) like you guys. hes probably going to be an underdog. hes going to be likable. do not let my slither his way into your heart yes hes going to embody masculine sun energy, which is morality, which is what we all like. yes we like order and we want to put an end to the madness. but dont be fooled. this guy isnt the answer. this guy is just another king saul. saul 2.0. he appears to be good but really he isnt. saul is actually symbolic of the antichrist. ever see that show better call saul? hes like that, a corrupt lawyer who "seems good" saul was a king God gave people because they rejected him
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i want to just briefly touch on again the blindfold symbolism and how this ties into artificial intelligence and the anima so with artificial intelligence right, what it does is it calculates "the median" from a large body set of data. this results in whatever it spits out being "generic". youve probably asked a.i some questions, and whatever it spits out at you, is usually generic and soulless. this is because its picking "the median". its been trained on "everything" so this genericism, or median is basically similar to the images further up talking about equalization or equality. when things are equal, there are no highs or lows...you end up with a painfully boring ass middleground or luke warm this is what the jews are trying to do by promoting equality, diversity, inclusion etc. they want to turn humanity into a generic soup so that theres no advantage of a certain race and genetics, nor disadvantage, no winners or losers what they're doing by doing this, is they're turning collective society into the anima, into "bricks", into a "blank canvas" for the antichrist to come and rule over that is what the blindfold represents i believe, because the eyes contain the "i/eye-dentity". by covering the eyes you're covering the identity of the person remember, the anima represents your reflection. all of external reality, which the jews are turning into a "blank canvas" or generic median also with the angel symbolism, the wings represent freedom. youve heard the saying "as free as a bird" or "the skies the limit"...so the antichrist is "free" to mold this collective soup as he sees fit look at that latex lucy picture for example. that is what the jews are turning humanity into. an identityless submissive slut for the antichrist to dominate its so damn evil. unbelievably evil check the symbolism in this video. it makes it so apparent: https://mega.nz/file/VkgUSDSI#jmLmkvkm57HdrFoIipusgaxyqXZ9ktrAxCug-2ON2Cs
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>>21650 some misc info pertaining to 322 and the anima. im not sure what the full implications are so take this images with a grain of salt. consider this another post in this thread like the world of warcraft one further up where i'm taking a "shot in the dark" and just putting stuff out there
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>>21170 so you guys might be wondering "how do they know all this/plan all this?" for example with the illuminati card game. well, this is my THEORY, but its because reality has some level of determinism to it. so in the first 7 or so images of this thread, i highlighted the fact that Gods word created us out of nothing. God is a determinate existence, so reality likewise has some elements of determinism to it. the "randomness" element to reality comes from the nothingness. and we already see this deterministic element to reality with the Bible itself, how it tells us whats going to happen in the future. and these things are absolutely going to happen despite how things may appear at an individual level we do indeed have free will, but collectively and somewhat at the macro level, things are being played out that the Bible tells us will happen. its like a cell in a body, individual cells might be doing their own thing, but the body at large has an agenda, and those individual cells are fulfilling that agenda unknowingly this "deterministic" element to reality is tapped into, through what the occult calls "the akashic records". the akashic records are like a giant database of all of reality. a network of every possibility. i believe its impossible to tell for certain in detail events that will happen, as the akashic records require interpretation of correlations within the network... you can only ever get a "vague idea" by correlating symbols, ideas etc within this network jews tap into this network using something called "gematria", which is a combination of "geometry" + "math". geometry (or shape) and mathematics are the most "hard" or "solid" things about reality...why is this? well, with language right, when we say the word "salty", a hundred different things can come to mind to different people. there is alot of room for subjective experience and interpretation. but when we think of the concept of the number "1", everybody has almost the same idea in their head as to what that means. mathematics is also extremely binary, there is either a right or wrong answer in math, with no wiggle room for your feelings or "gauging" for an answer. math is very "hard" or determinate for this reason, and shape is also (the geometry part to gematria). for example when you explain what a triangle is, in peoples minds they all have the same idea, as opposed to a word/concept like "cloudy" which can have a hundred different associations built in the mind of that person so math and geometry are like the "hardest" most "grounded" thing there is in reality. its extremely determinate, extremely binary. the jews tap into this akashic network to predict future events using these numbers and geometry, connecting them to language, and then correlating things like names, dates, places, events etc. the actual interpretation of gematria is not set in stone. reality itself is like a sock, that is, it can be interpreted either one way or the other. the right way up or its inverse. therefore it requires that interpretation. you can become very good at interpreting to see an overall pattern (you use this thread as an example), but its insanely difficult to say "this is 100% sure whats happening" when it comes to detail, you typically can only gauge at a macro level a rough idea of something or certain archetypes (again, use this thread as an example) i recommend staying away from gematria as you dont need it, and it will only lead you to false conclusions that come from within the creation. the Bible has everything you need. ive seen way too many gematria schizos get lost in the endless sauce/code. its a complete waste of time. just wanted to touch on this subject briefly
>>21652 oh and also, gematria is not to be confused with simply number meanings. when the number 7 is associated with completion in the Bible, that IS NOT doing gematria, that is simply the symbolic meaning of a number
some additional thoughts on this: >at an individual level we do indeed have free will, but collectively and somewhat at the macro level, things are being played out that the Bible tells us will happen. its like a cell in a body, individual cells might be doing their own thing, but the body at large has an agenda, and those individual cells are fulfilling that agenda unknowingly so in regards to the antichrist stuff, what this means is that reality will produce an antichrist. the Bible tells us this will happen 100% guaranteed. its in the script of reality at a macro level BUT, on AN INDIVIDUAL level, lets say X person is being groomed by fallen angels, demonic spirits, jews etc to become this antichrist, you can actually avoid fulfilling the script. you have the power to change your destiny, in which case someone else is going to get groomed into that position, but you wont do you kinda see what i mean? reality has certain things it must fulfill because things must play out according to its script. but you have the power to avoid certain fates, in which case reality will select someone or something else to fulfill that role. thats how this all works the Bible tells "broad is the way to destruction" and that many people are going to hell. but "narrow is the way to life" you dont have to be a statistic in that "broad way!"...you can become one of the few that finds the narrow path
>>21654 also when it comes to free will, God knows what you're going to select, because he "knows your stats" so to speak. reality must have rich and poor, smart and dumb, beautiful and ugly...it has to have all those things. each of us are born with various stats, a certain amount of good looks, certain amount of intellect God knows all these factors and pretty much knows whether you're going to pick him or not. this doesnt negate your free will because you're acting the way you want to act. if you were born filthy rich, God knows you're going to be too prideful to accept him. he knows. you as the filthy rich person still have free will. you're acting in accordance to the circumstances in which you were born into
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>>21275 >>21274 just a couple of extra images about the pedo swirl
>>21656 so with all this stuff guys, you should be starting to understand by now, they're symbolically explaining the same stuff over and over, just using different ways to do it. its the same archetypes just expressed in different ways. im just pointing out the many different ways in which you can see it
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>>21649 so heres another THEORY i have. so lately i've been wondering. why go through all this effort to groom an antichrist, when you can just choose one of your own dedicated occultist people? the knowledge i've touched on here is truly only the tip of the iceberg. the jews have books and documents probably as numerous as the total volume/collection that comprises the talmud on mind control and other such things so, why not just choose one of your own to be this epic figure that the world worships? why choose some childish pathetic underdog like figure to be their king? i can only think of one reason. they truly want a moral person. this whole charade wont work unless the person is actually """good""" thats what stuff like anime was made for, thats what alot of the plot elements in stories and things was made for. anime typically has "good morals", and its no wonder since japan supports the rising sun as its flag. japan churns out that masculine "sun" energy associated with the positive morals and the law. they are using stuff like this to groom this person into have good morals. if the devil is trying to establish himself as an independent truly free existence away from God? to do this he would need to form his own trinity. for that trinity to properly work, you cant be a "fake moral person". thats why no occultist or person who wants power can ever get this antichrist position most likely. i think of the philosophers stone from harry potter. harry potter wanted to find the stone but not use its power. he was just merely intellectually curious, and that is the key here. the person they want to fill this antichrist role will most likely be a """"good"""" person for a world governmental system to work they really need a leader that isnt corrupt, from that persons very core. it makes alot of sense when you think about it so again, be careful. because this is most likely how you're going to get duped. i'm trying to cover all bases here
>>21658 so when you think about it, if the above is true, then from the elitist/occultists perspective, they just want this guy around so they can have a functioning peaceful society with true integrity. in that sense he's just being used. the wicked can continue to be wicked, and they have a nice little leader installed in a position of power for them so things never go south. isnt that wonderful. the devil gets his happy little trinity and the universe exists without God happily ever after (yeah right)
>>21659 also to add to this. nobody wants the burden of leadership. the elite and occultists are not interested in leading a bunch of sheep and morons, they'd rather get someone else to do from their perspective what they would consider to be a crappy job. only idiots want to be in the public eye under a microscope. elitists/occultists operate from the shadows. they always have and they always will
>>21660 only God almighty is actually qualified to lead creation, and his son Jesus, because they actually care about the sheep. God word says "its better to serve than to be served". So God actually leads creation out of selfless service, because he enjoys it. no so with these occultist fags, thats why none of them want to be the leader, in the spotlight etc
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aight, this is my second to last write up. one more on homosexuals/trannies after this and we're done. so here i really want to define to you guys what "soul" is and what "spirit" is. both of them are similar in the sense that they are "aethrial". they are "illusory" or "transparent". you could use "vague" as another word to describe what these are so first of all your "soul" is similar to your "sense of self", its more of a localized thing rather than something that applies universally, which is what "spirit" is your sense of self is something that you've built up over your life time. how is it built up exactly? its built up through relativity. so for example you compared one thing, to another thing, and this created an association. you have done this hundreds of thousands of times over your entire life. you compared yourself to this other person. you compared this song to that song, you compared this taste to some other taste. all of these comparisons and relativities built up a network. and in the middle of these relations, a "ghost", or a "sense" of something started to form this vague sense of something is illusory or somewhat fragile, though in mosts peoples minds who never question anything, for them it feels very concrete. in reality it exists in a delicate balance, and if you were to question it too much you would destroy "the sense" of it. people who are looking to get into non-dual spirituality and feel "the oneness" purposefully go out of there way to over question, over analyze this "sense" of self, and when they do so that sense of self collapses into oneness, because this illusory sense must exist within a balance. there is such a thing as too much questioning, too much of something, and that is precisely what destroys this delicate balance so let me give you an example. lets say you're listening to a song. if you focus too hard or you listen too hard to each and every instrument, you lose "the sense" of the song. thats what i mean by delicate balance. you cant focus too hard, but you cant not focus at all, it's somewhere in a place of balance where this "sense" exists. thats why its considered to be illusory or even rather evasive when you try to pin it down this "soul" or "sense of self" is heavily related to duality and relativity. when you hear various words, you call upon that relativistic network you've built over your entire life to understand "the meaning" of a word. you understand through this network and "sense" when and where it's appropriate to relativistically do something. so you know its okay to laugh at a friends joke, but not at a funeral, because of this network that you've built. this network we've all built socially relativistically contextualizes "the spirit" communicated in an intention. so a swear or curse word might be bad in one culture, but it may be a common greeting in another. now, people can wrongly take this to mean that everything is relative and that there's no morals, but actually, its the relativity itself and the cultivation of that relativity which is "morality" itself. (thats why the bible is all about relations/relationship governance). no relativity, for example no binary gender roles, destroys relativity, therefore is inherently immoral also, things like the collective sense of value we assign to money, the sense of the ownership of property, the sense of social hierarchy etc. all of that is related to this so, in the Bible we hear Jesus call himself "the bread of life". we know that Jesus is "the word of God"...and Jesus correlates those words with bread, okay. the Bible also tells us in the old testament that the jews ate "manna" (another kind of bread) in the wilderness but inevitably they died as it could not sustain them forever. Jesus Christ in contrast the Bible tells us is "the hidden manna" (or bread) that gives eternal life. so that regular old manna sustained for a while, but it wasn't enough to give eternal life. and remember, manna = bread, and bread in this context is talking about mental or spiritual nourishment...WORDS. what i find interesting is how in video games, spells are always used with "mana", and this is very similar to "manna". and we tend to call words "spelling", and mana is used to cast "spells" (just an interesting correlation there) we know duality is tied to language aswell, as i already mentioned further up, when you define something you automatically define what it is not. this creates a duality, a relation so all of that i wanted to inform you about to bring up these Bible passages: --- "we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal" - 2 Corinthians 4:18 KJV and "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear" - Hebrews 11:3 KJV --- what i want you to realize is that the reality you are looking at with your eyes, in other words, the flesh, is not the true real reality. its the INVISIBLE stuff that is the real true reality. its the soul and spirit we just talked about above. that is THE TRUE reality. this is what is going to continue on after death what you need to realize is that this physical world is just an expression of that which is invisible. so take white people right? white people could represent the spiritual concept of purity, they are an expression of that in physicality. but does the actual color of your skin matter in the grand scheme things? no it does not. look at this verse: --- "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life" - John 6:63 KJV --- so we see that white skin might represent something symbolically like purity (probably why we tend to associate white people with angels and other such imagery), yet the flesh in the end is not what matters and is not going to continue. it profits nothing actually. its THE SPIRIT that actually matters. this is insanely important to realize, because when it comes to stuff like racism, yes racism is good as a mental barrier etc as i've already talked about, but the truth is THE SPIRIT, that's what matters. its the stuff we cant see that matters in the end what im saying here is also further evidenced by the old testament, which was full of "shadows" or "types" of the true reality which is spiritual. take for example the temple of God solomon built. it was a literal physical temple in the old testament, but the truth is that it actually represents a spiritual thing (our bodies for Gods spirit to dwell in), which is the true reality. take also for example "the jews". a literal physical race of people. the reality is that "the jews" represented a spiritual concept, that is "gods chosen people". its not a literal race of people in the flesh that are jewish. its spiritual. the same for circumcision. literally circumcising your foreskin represented the spiritual concept of removing the callousness surrounding your most sensitive area...your heart the Bible says that "we're all one in Christ Jesus", that is, we're all one in spirit. that doesn't mean we become a melting pot in the flesh though. so take note, its THE INVISIBLE things that matter
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>>21658 >thats what stuff like anime was made for, thats what alot of the plot elements in stories and things was made for. anime typically has "good morals", and its no wonder since japan supports the rising sun as its flag. japan churns out that masculine "sun" energy associated with the positive morals and the law. they are using stuff like this to groom this person into have good morals. another THEORY i have regarding this, i think the antichrist grooming probably really kicked off around the 90's. if you grew up watching disney movies (FULL of pedo swirl/sun symbolism/young boy programming), stuff like pinnochio, aladdin, the jungle book, you were probably indoctrinated to be a potential candidate. toy story...stuff like that anime and videos games too. japans flag is the rising sun and they pump out the majority of video games and anime. all of these things tend to mentally stunt your growth into an adult and keep you in a child like state. thats why we have this epidemic of 1ncels and man children so weve got a generation of kids in the 90's who were programmed to be potential antichrist candidates. for the girls there's "princess programming", i dont really know much about it but has something to do with turning girls into entitled sluts or something. if you want to find out more about that theres a channel on youtube/rumble/bitchute called "probably alexandria". she has some good stuff, but also says some retarded stuff like flat earth...anyway i think she covers stuff about the princess programming
>>21664 websites like the chan sites too were probably intended to cultivate this masculine "sun" energy. i suspect that this was the idea behind chan boards from their very inception. all the pedos and neo nazis hang out here too, which is further confirmation of that. you know what? id go even a step further and say that the internets inception, from its very beginnings they knew what they were going to use it for. they knew they were going to use it for social engineering also a slight misc thing, im not really sure how pedo preferences plays into this, but the right wing mindset in their psychology tends to love little girls. we also see this in japanese media with loli, girls being cute etc. i'm not sure what the psychological reasons are for this, perhaps a force of opposites attracting? if anyone could give insight that'd be appreciated
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>>21383 a bit more imagery of the goddess/anima and the hero/antichrist. notice how in some of these tattoos the woman is riding a black panther...panther = the beast or antichrist
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>>21666 again, more of the same imagery. im not really showing you stuff in media now, just trying to give you "a feel" for how to detect these symbolic tropes. you guys gonna be pros after this thread lol note the robot dude = duality/binary = masculinity. masculine is the order within creation. the knight is "the hero"...etc etc. the painting is the mother goddess and the sun/son. you the gist by now
>>21666 the reason i bring up that tattoo btw is because its a popular one
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>>21669 similar imagery also on some clothing brands. panther = beast/antichrist, the snake = satan. satan vs lucifer, hegelian dialectic etc
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>>21642 >some stuff about mind control and then this thread is done ah almost forgot this. lets quickly write about this. this isnt my information, i got it from somewhere but dont wanna lead you astray so cant give you the source sadly :( so all of reality is from your POV right? you have this bubble or field of consciousness, and inside of that is all of reality. inside this POV or field/bubble of consciousness you can sense a few things. you see SHAPES, you can see COLOR, and you can hear SOUNDS which ties to WORDS. all 3 of these come together when it comes to SYMBOLS. other senses like smell, taste and touch are not really used in mind control. perhaps taste is by loading food with sugar lol. anyway i'll go over the first 3 then talk about symbols 1. SHAPES so every object you see is made out of shapes, more squarish shapes, more roundish shapes. did you know almost every shape that exists can be made out of triangles? (except a perfect circle). you could at most make a pixelated circle from triangles, as it'd always have jagged edges if you zoomed all the way in. anyway, shapes exist all around you. these shapes have an intrinsic or inherit meaning which is self existing within the human psyche...the circle, the square, the triangle are the main ones (like in squid game). other examples are the cross, the straight line, the chevron (upward/downward facing chalice shape). just by viewing these shapes, it can put you into a certain state of consciousness. you will see squares and straight lines used in certain advertisements for a more logical left brained purpose, in others you will see curves or circles used for more intuitive dynamic/feminine or right brained things remember we talked earlier about the freemasonic logo, how "the square" in the logo represents the masculine, and "the compass" the feminine because it makes a circle (curviture) so an example of this in action, if you're in a perfectly square room, that has an effect on your consciousness of being very logical. a room with a random triangle indent in it with a circular curve somewhere is going to feel less logical to your consciousness. also (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me) image attached, notice how the perfect square lettering has a certain impact on your consciousness associated with order, whereas the letter in the more free flowing italics looking font gives you more a feeling of "expression" this is why architecture is so important btw see this video for more info: https://mega.nz/file/4hYACCKb#u2ZsyURacDvrzSeoQTz97gIvTByBD0IkDJqHPjEnbr0 2. COLOR colors are frequencies. we decode color the same way we decode wave lengths of sound with our ears. so in your visual POV/bubble of perception you see a bunch of shapes of different objects, you also see that these objects have color or intensity of light or the absence of it (darkness). color/light too also has "intrinsic meaning" within our psyche. ive attached a little image about color but tbh its pretty garbage. most of the mainstream stuff you'll find about color sucks ass. if you really want to learn about color and the intrinsic meaning/effect it has on your consciousness, study color within the context of the occult but for example they might use a blue color on the news, because color makes you feel more calm, more submissive, so the crap they're telling you just flows right into your subconscious, right into the right brain without resistance. a red color might make you more fiery and excited and energetic. earlier i mentioned naruto and ichigo from bleach, how they give him orange hair or an orange jumpsuit. and they use those colors to symbolize the sun energy. blue is used for this too, blue is associated with order, logic, angels etc anyway these intrinsic meanings are something your SUBCONSCIOUS understands. your conscious mind unless it has studied this stuff, has no idea. so you're feeling all this stuff from these colors and shapes and you have no idea why, because only your subconscious recognizes whats going on. the same for the psychological archetypes like the anima, etc 3. SOUND & WORDS so the third main thing within your POV/bubble of consciousness is sound. theres so much that goes into sound its unbelievable. here are a couple of docos on mind control involving sound (particularly music): https://mega.nz/file/4spiAKKD#UuuRB9Idz8by2bwc6lwshrZFMRhsxTc8ZqRoD3psJBQ https://mega.nz/file/dlhjRDIa#SEXCFHpBv94VlVFlN2I4yeAPIH3-zTQsD4mZKmtMqDw if you want to watch the full series on sound/music and mind control go here (put a DOT COM where the stupid message in brackets is, or just type "hans utter music and psychobiology" on youtube or google): https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/playlist?list=PLOSOdEu01wYLt9yezG72Bj-En2JQPeMhO okay and now to words. the Bible says "the power of life and death is in the tongue". the stuff i mentioned further up about dualities, relativity, how we build up a network of associations, and this gives words their inherent sense of meaning. well, that meaning is extremely powerful with mind control. in hypnosis and things like that, repeating certain words can have a strong effect that can slip into the subconscious because of its associated meaning. you can also reverse the perception of something using language and words skillfully. if you use power words like "ABSOLUTE", decisive words, with no hesitancy, that tends to have an effect of "authority", the person you're speaking to, their psyche takes on a feminine form in the presence of such wording and becomes more "obedient". why were the german people drawn to figures like hitler? because he used power words, decisive words, which if you're not aware of, can dominate your psyche look at for instance the videos i linked in this thread from pastor steven anderson. and just the king james Bible in general. the way it uses its wording. extremely binary, strong, decisive. these things are masculine, and the masculine energy tends to dominate the psyche of the feminine. thats why they want to put you in a feminine frame of mind btw, so the masculine can come along and dominate it 4. SYMBOLS so symbols, which is all the stuff near the top of the thread and what we've been looking at so far, is a series of archetypes put together to form a complex more deeper meaning. it is a combination of shapes, colors or words into an arrangement, for specific purposes of reaching the psyche at fundamental levels of awareness. symbols are a language unto themselves..they are read almost just like words, and are combined just like words in a sentence. these all come together to influence individuals thinking, emotions and behavior
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>>21650 another game i just noticed
>>21671 >look at for instance the videos i linked in this thread from pastor steven anderson. and just the king james Bible in general. the way it uses its wording. extremely binary, strong, decisive. these things are masculine, and the masculine energy tends to dominate the psyche of the feminine. thats why they want to put you in a feminine frame of mind btw, so the masculine can come along and dominate it also when you speak in a way where you are absolutely sure of yourself. when you assert yourself, this speaking technique can actually cause the other person to doubt, to second guess. i know ive had this speaking technique used on me and it worked. i was "wtf? no thats wrong". but they were so sure, using such a surity in their language that i mentally folded and doubted myself a bit. thats the power of words and sound. hitler had a commanding voice like that. a voice that can lead and direct
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alright! and with this image im done. please link people to this thread to red pill them without having to explain absolutely everything. feel free to """steal""" any ideas here and use them as your own, TO SPREAD THE TRUTH OF JESUS CHRIST ONLY(Please use archive.today)anize what i've written, do with it what you will
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also just wanna say before i go, i'm a pretty backslidden Christian. Jesus is on my mind every day and this is the only way i know how to help the cause. churches and the world is in a pretty sad state atm. i was little bit racist in the thread and slung around a few cuss words. hope you guys will overlook that. its just me in my sorry state atm i really needed to "unload" all that stuff somewhere. feels really good to get it off my chest finally. ive tried many times over multiple chans, reddits, discords to get the message out but i guess the collective conscious just doesn't want or care about it. after many frustrating attempts im now done with trying to share all this stuff. and also, after 17 years of my life figuring out all that stuff, im fairly confident i know whats going on in this reality now. i dont really need to look into this stuff anymore if you read through all this thread and watch the links etc you'll pretty much know everything i've discovered. i put all the main things here i'm off to live my (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me) life now til i kick the bucket. im probably gonna quit the internet too since its useless now its been fun, anon-kun o/ my goodbye song: https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=TdVIoJt-F4s
>>21468 >>21379 >>21554 >skull and wings Forgot to add Street Fighter's Vega/M. Bison and to a lesser extent the Team Captain hat from Team Fortress 2. Regarding the rest of the posts, some of the words in your texts have been hit by the wordfilter which spoils some of the posts affected, is there a way you could perhaps copy them to a txt document or something? That file format can be uploaded to the site.
>>21677 Never mind on Bison, he's already here >>21167
>>21643 can you explain to me what all the colors mean?
>>21651 i dont fully understand, what is the anima?
>>21284 >>21285 all of it got removed
>>21448 can you reupload this please
so how do i get saved? i dont understand all of this
>>21904 i mean there's no hope for this world. just focus on god, jehovah, the trinity. put all your faith in it as far as how to go through life. basically ignore reality. it's all fake anyway. all you have to do is believe in the creator outside of the creation, everything will work out because it's his creation. it's his creation that is being misused in this way also.
>>22131 doesnt the trinity teach that Yeshua is not YHWH? but Yeshua said that he and the Father are one, he is ofc the Father
>>22159 look aat last pic in op. the son is god.

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