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Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 06:16:52 Id: f00258 No. 19944
Realistically speaking, how long do we have left until total societal collapse? Weimar tier hyper inflation? Full out war?
We're already fucking here, anon. The dollar has lost 99.4% of its value since 1913. Every single natural law has been violated by the government with no retribution. There are 60,000,000 illegals in the US and tens of millions of "legal" nonwhites. War is already here.
>>19944 Checked. Collapse isn't something that happens "one day". It's a process of various systems breaking down. You're seeing that now with all of the airline accidents, for example. It's been happening for a while, but now it's beginning to show up on a daily basis. Avoid big cities and stock up on everything you need while you can.
>>19946 This.
Another question would be; "Where does one go to survive?" Obviously big cities are out of the question.
>>19947 >Avoid big cities Unless you need to earn a living, I guess. >just learn to code and work from home! it's the new big thing! kek >>19959 For 95% there will be no "go." When drinkable water no longer comes from a tap, the area in which this takes place becomes an abattoir. Not many will last long. How much drinkable water do you have? Will your neighbors kill you for it? If "total collapse" takes place, shit's gonna be Biblical.
>>19944 It's not going to, we don't have one unified society that would collapse, we have several. If one is going to collapse, a different one is going to be just fine. There are things that can get really fucked if certain societies like Taiwan collapse but those are not on verge on collapsing as of right now. Even societies closest to collapse like China or Russia are not even close even as they are doing shit. At worst they will be forced to change their systems instead of their country getting destroyed. MAYBE Russia will fall apart into smaller states. US has its problems but a lot of that is external rather than internal, and people are slowly moving away from leftism into more conservative and libertarian moderate options. Which is good, we swung into one side too much so now we have to go back. Fuck, even jews which were a pretty progressive demographic due to their retarded beliefs that progressives are going to help them, have been turning less leftist after commies showed their true colours. Things are going to get worse before they get better, but we are slowly moving away from abject retardation into something more sensible. Now let's hope that no mongoloid authoritarian faggot will take over our civilization and make things even worse than they were. Though with Milei doing quite well, people might actually turn to libertarian solutions hopefully.
>>19944 (nice dub-dubs) You've been living the collapse for the last 20 years. At least.
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2 moar weeks
>>19946 And yet the regime is still standing! The government itself violates physical laws by existing while every single pillar which supports it has been destroyed. >>20048 > people are slowly moving away from leftism into more conservative and libertarian moderate options Respectfully, this is extremely naive and you are ignoring basic things about American politics. You say, "people" are becoming conservative. If you mean only White people, then sort of. Currently, around 55% of American voting *Whites* are "conservative." That's pretty fucking pathetic if you compare that to every other race on planet earth. It's nearly an even split at a time when races are competing for dominance and niggers are openly talking about committing genocide, real genocide with guns, against White people. Niggers vote >90% for Democrats. Spics vote significantly greater than 70% Democrat (Castisos skew the real number significantly lower than the real number because Castisos are technically White but lumped in with spics by the census takers) The nigger birth rate is higher than the national average and the spic birthrate nearly double the nigger birth rate. Immigrants, who are 85% or more non-White, have an even higher Democrat voting rate than their respective ethnic kin in America and a far higher birthrate. And they come in by the million. The average age of conservatives is 50. Conservative Whites are not having children. Even hyper-Christians are producing fewer than 2.5 sustainable births per female. It is insane. But this is now aside the point. You claim that "people" are becoming more conservative. No. Even if Whites shifted to a NORMAL 70% support for the less anti-White party, we would still lose elections consistently in the next few decades because non-Whites don't vote Republican. They're not liberals but liberal and conservative are idiot-politics. I only use voting conservative as a lazy indicator that one is not openly hostile to White people.
National conscription is coming, dumbasses. The WEF is looking to rev up the war machine to save itself and listless white people who do nothing but bitch online make for perfect cannon fodder against much Russia.
>>20744 Well, good luck getting me to join the regime's army.
>>19944 We're in that collapse, now. I would suggest brushing up on the Home Guard Auxiliaries from the Second World War. Infact, Americans should do that, too. They were the original specialists - those who were to sabotage any attempt for the Germans to, if they invaded, set up a Vichy-style government. The Home Guard built up hundreds of extremely well-hidden bunkers, and trained to assassinate any collaborationists who emerged. Fascinating group. It's odd to me that Americans don't do that - there are so many national parks, so much wilderness, yet so few hidden bunkers. You can literally set out and dig pretty far with what you can store in a regular car. Then, piece-by-piece, stock it up with whatever you need. All it takes is regular hand tools.
It's a controlled demolition that takes care of not destroying too many assets. A few towers fall, the city endures. >>20048 >two more weeks All people defending democracy should get the rope.
>>21817 How would you know if hidden bunkers exist or not?
>>21882 Because nobody mentions techniques related to them or materials used. You'd expect to see atleast one Forest Brothers style guide for the National Parks of the USA.

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