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Art, Animation, Etcetera!

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We're All Gonna Make It!

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Sharing is Caring Request Creative Resources Threa 12/04/2020 (Fri) 16:49:41 No. 1050 [Reply] [Last]
Let's take advantage of our collective knowledge to help anons find the things they're looking for. Can't find a specific book anymore? Ask here. Forgot the name of that one YouTube-channel you really liked? Ask here. You have a rough idea of what you're looking for? Ask here.
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magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0aebc0f02e6c179b62e04c69af3e5adee3abee12&dn=IC-STUDY I saw this on cuckchan, It's about 1TB of size.
https://archive.org/details/atsushiishizakakoichiokawaraandkyokokasaharapresentallaftereffectsstandardeffects Grab 'em while they're hot! Loads of art books and books on how to use art programmes!
>>6442 Thanks man, great resource

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Inktober Thread Anonymous 10/01/2021 (Fri) 02:51:34 No. 4536 [Reply] [Last]
That's right. It's that time of the year. Challenge is to make one drawing a day for October based on the prompts in the image. Inktober is traditionally meant to practice your inking skills, but don't let that stop you from doing something else. Digital art, rough sketches, anything else is all fine. As long as you draw something. Join us here by posting every day! It's a nice way to make sure you stick to the challenge, and you can always asks us to bully you give you constructive feedback. Finally, don't worry about missing a day. Try to keep to the challenge, but it's much better to miss a day and continue than to miss one and give. Again, Just Draw. Good Luck!
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>>6405 Made it a bit latter than I would've liked, but it's here: https://board.artga.in/egaku/res/6790.html
Inktober is racist and if you participate then your racist and so is your mom.
>Inktober 2022 already here >barely drew anything since Inktober 2021 aaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

i made this rodrage 09/19/2022 (Mon) 00:18:40 No. 6396 [Reply]
this is a thing i made. the refference is here too

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/loomis/ Football Club! Anonymous 07/12/2022 (Tue) 19:45:30 No. 6296 [Reply]
Esteemed followers of the arts, our friends at anon.cafe need to know if we're still interested in participating in the Infinity Cup competition. For those who don't know it's an AI soccer tournament among boards from the post 8chan exodus Let's show them that we want to be there by having a dedicated thread! Will you be watching with me, anon?
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Starting in one hour. You'll be fighting for your tournament lives against /v/ in the eighth match of the day. https://cytu.be/r/infinitycup
>>6377 /v/ 0 - 0 /loomis/
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Infinity Cup 7 is now complete! Congratulations to /eris/ who joins the ranks of champions as they defeated /japan/ 3-1 in the Final! Stay tuned for the award winners over at our /icup/ board. Thank you to every anon who chipped in throughout the Cup, and thank you especially to all the anons who took the time to tune in. We'll see you in the next one!

Selling art. Anonymous 02/11/2021 (Thu) 10:34:22 No. 1721 [Reply]
So let's say I'm desperate to make money for >reasons Although I'm not a great painter how do I go about selling this stuff? Like hypothetically lets say that I produced something sort of akin to one of Gericault's head studies which aren't that great in comparison to his other works. or similar to Alice Neel, which is to say out of sheer technical failure. Is something like this worth selling? Regardless I think it's clear that I won't make it in time in regards to my skill in painting to produce quite the piece. I'll ultimately just have to cast the bait and hope something baits. Where? Do I just go to like a local Sotheby's or Christie's agent and bin the thing let them see if it sells, you know, at all? Do they accept early works from artists with no real industry experience? If not who does? I know some of you guys had enough experience with traditional art, not sure if you've all only sold digital since, but I do need any help and this is the only art discussion board I know of. How is something like this priced assuming you're given that option like online? I've seen 6x6 inch paintings get priced higher than 24x32 inch paper drawings of higher detail. It's super strange. Does something like that really make that much money? I know the most costly sketch ever sold was only 7 million so my plan of selling drawings as pieces is probably out of the question. Regardless how does one go about selling these things?
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>>5660 Stephen Silver started by doing caricatures and is extremely rich today. He probably made more money doing that than working in hymiewood tbh
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>>1721 I look at this shit and am bored of it in less than 5 seconds. Why would anyone ever pay money for it?

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Tower Girls: "Moe" Girls Edition Anonymous 09/17/2020 (Thu) 03:44:47 No. 94 [Reply] [Last]
Learning to love again Use your post number or the Random Number Generator at https://www.random.org to roll a number between 1 and 999 to play! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZQOlhv9fcY
Edited last time by loomis on 10/26/2020 (Mon) 03:08:36.
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>>6312 The holographic crown idea is a nice touch.
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This drawing is a repost of my towergirl submission from https://board.artga.in/egaku/res/6718.html#q6726 Don't mind me, just want to bring closure to my 2 years at /loomis/ by delivering my final roll. I no longer post here because the captcha is too annoying. If you are reading this Loomis, I just want to say thank you for creating /loomis/. I would never have started drawing if I didn't discover this board 2 years ago. It's a shame you had to go but that's how things are on the internet I guess. I will definitely keep drawing and improving until I become a master. Farwell. btw reply to my email >>1593 Vampire Princess Rate my rendering and composition.
>>6347 I think it's really cute and I like how you've painted the legs. I don't get why the swords get lighter in the background. Is the coffin really reflecting that much of the blue light?

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Anonymous 06/29/2022 (Wed) 21:18:18 No. 6256 [Reply]
New BO deleted the Drawpile thread (among others) and got rid of the name field huh? I just logged in a couple weeks ago so I'm surprised no one from staff tried to contact me directly. Oh well! Remember to email your pal Loomis (that's me!) at loomisadmin@protonmail.com, take care for now!
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>>6310 Yeah I did, check again; I'm not going anywhere until I've heard from some of the others. There are a few people who historically had only popped in once in a while on the board so you're stuck with me for the time being. I'm just not going to go out of my way to "promote" the board anymore is all. I'll leave that to the next BO-I hope he has more success than I did.
>>6311 I replied. Pls don't make me wait an entire week this time.
Who owns each /loomis/ site + artgain?

SAGE Anonymous 07/06/2022 (Wed) 03:03:13 No. 6281 [Reply]
The Stacy stride. The goblins walk.

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Clip Studio Paint Anonymous 02/10/2021 (Wed) 21:13:14 No. 1710 [Reply]
So I've been debating with myself about this for a while, but from what I've seen CSP seems like a really good digital drawing program and every artist I follow seems to gush about it. Now i know that throwing money at something doesn't necessarily mean it will make your drawing easier or better, but I've been using Krita for some time now from the recommendation of a lot of people here but it honestly seems pretty limited as of now and kind of runs like shit on my computer for reasons I haven't been able to figure out. I'm going to get the 3 month trial regardless to test it out, but I have a few pieces in Krita that I might as well finish first. I'm just wondering if anybody here uses it and what insight or tips they might have about it or if it's just a waste of time.
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Meanwhile I break my back using Ibis. Clip Studio is a really nice program and makes lineart easier for sure. At least for me
I love clip studio. It is built for illustration. I have everything I need to make a good illustration in clip (excluding perhaps some of the photo manipulation tricks ps has for photobashing) i would fully recommend using it and buying it so you can use the asset store. Pirate it for now and wait for their massive sales to buy it for like 40% off if you are so inclined. I would just buy the full version if I were you
Anyone here downloaded lack's brushes? I remember someone uploading them, but they were deleted

Drawing Hardware General Anonymous 05/09/2021 (Sun) 14:14:30 No. 2780 [Reply] [Last]
A THREAD FOR DIGITAL DRAWING HARDWARE AND PERIPHERAL QUESTIONS I was drawing this morning and my tablet (HUION WH1409 8192) pen's pressure was acting up and I pressed down harder on it thinking the nib was stuck or something but I felt the nib get lodged into the pen. The nib was really stuck in there but I managed to get it out. HOWEVER, now it's not registering pressure whatsoever and I've tried sticking objects down the shaft to see if I could maybe get whatever was in there out or maybe reset the pressure mechanism, but to no avail. I'm pretty sure it's just fucked. I found what model it was online but how exactly does replacing a previous pen work? Should it work out of the box when I touch the new pen to my tablet or am I going to have to install new drivers? Are the settings on it going to have to be reset?
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Is it feasible to use a tablet on your lap if you don't have the desk space for it?
>>5962 I believe some people do this-but personally I think it's worth designing your working area around the tablet if that makes sense. Having it on your lap is super unwieldy especially if you're using one of the larger models. I use a cheap Ikea table top with inexpensive adjustable legs as a desk https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/lagkapten-tabletop-black-brown-80487016/ https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/adils-leg-black-70217973/
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Finally made an infographic with an objective portrayal of various tablet inputs, I hope it keeps people from making the same mistakes I had in the past. >Graphire 3

Anonymous 03/09/2022 (Wed) 09:28:25 No. 5883 [Reply]
Looking to know how to space "impeccably" in animation, especially looping walk cycle. counting naturality, physics, and weight of the character, i want to be able to generate poses,motor patterns that are at least correct enough to be a walk cycle, of various states, the key is spacing and timing, drag/follow thru, i suppose. but there arent always rules for different scenes and perspectives... this seems like a necessary basic skills to have but i cant find enough in any animation book. books are welcome to recmmend.
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>>5888 Yeah I agree. Sadly the only real resources outside of that are ones you'd likely heard before: the Animator's Survival Kit the Illusion of Life Timing for Animation Drawn to Life
>>5883 >"impeccably" Even if you perfecting the movements you'll be at risk stepping into uncanny valley or creating robotic movements. Organics aren't flawless. You should expect this. >but i cant find enough in any animation book. In that case study yourself with rotoscoping.
>>5890 anything else? i have seen those. >>5894 >uncanny true but simulations these days have been impecabble to simulate disney like materials or even realistic, like in the past, while rotoing also gets you these weird chunky movements. either way maybe it's to systematically define things at least since there is an amount of consistent styling...

Anonymous 12/30/2021 (Thu) 23:45:05 No. 5488 [Reply]
I apologize for the incoming blogpost. I'm a non-artist, but I've been told I'm good at drawing. I always had a passing interest in drawing, but the last time I drew was probably back in 2014 for an art class. I decided to properly sit down and draw something for the first time about two years ago. The first image (not Hitler by the way) is what I ended up with. I think it's pretty good, especially considering that it was >1. my first portrait ever (not counting all the Crayola drawings back in preschool of course), >2. drawn with my non-dominant hand. Since then, I've done about eight portraits, all of them done in probably 2-3 hours. Only three of them I think are decent enough for posting. This next one of Elizabeth Taylor is my seventh and probably my best, also the first in several months. The first one is from where I left off last night while the second is some cleaning up I was doing today because I thought it might be good enough to finish. While I think it is decent work, it's not as accurate to her as I'd like it to be because I don't actually know how to do basic things like sketching. At the moment, the only way I know how to improve my art quality is to get some finer pencils and smoother paper. I have the bare minimum education art, in fact this is the first time I've been to any /loomis/. I also don't know if my artwork is particularly good, because I've only been told that I'm good by non-artists, one art teacher, and a guy in a draw thread who said I was ahead of most anons. My question is: where do I start at my skill level? Do I go do the most basics or is it more efficient to start somewhere in the middle? Another thing, I want to segue into animation, with emphasis on human anatomy, so how do I go about doing that? My mind's eye is alright I suppose, but not nearly as sharp as my real one.
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>>5497 >>5493 Alright, I'll try from the beginning. Also, is it worthwhile to do things in color early on or should I try to save that for later? It's something I've been tempted to do, but I think that it'll be tough for me because I don't sketch anything beforehand.
>>5499 I would stick to single color when learning shapes, anatomy, shading, etc. That way you do not waste time on picking colors and everything that goes with it. Learn coloring and realistic rendering in color, obviously. Try incorporate thing you learned in drawings you do for fun only. Don't get stuck grinding practice all the time either. It's too easy to get burned out that way, and you need to draw something else just so you have a chance to apply what you learned over past few hours or days.
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>>5488 > I want to segue into animation, with emphasis on human anatomy, so how do I go about doing that? My mind's eye is alright I suppose, but not nearly as sharp as my real one. i advice analyzing footage from action movies, draw every fourth frame or so at first but DO NOT TRACE it'll help you figure out how shit moves and how people move, but if you trace you learn nothing nude models are the best way to learn anatomy, but if you want to draw gore or something you should definitely get a book about it (pic related) i'm not experienced by any means, but this is how i got better at anatomy and animating people, it may not work for you you may need to get acquainted with the basics first (the animators' survival guide's good)

Weekly Theme Thread Anonymous 09/28/2020 (Mon) 04:02:17 No. 213 [Reply] [Last]
-See weekly theme. -Draw. It doesn’t matter what, or how, as long as it’s related to the theme. -Post. -Repeat next week.
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>>5316 and ELVES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7CeTfyfJ14 Hopefully will catch up tomorrow; this takes way more time than you'd think. At least for me lol
>>5630 Forgot to mention-we had a guest theme that week. KAPPA
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Resource Begging Thread Anonymous 04/26/2021 (Mon) 13:38:10 No. 2623 [Reply]
ITT beg for resources, anything from broad categories to specific angles goes. Pls post cute girl hands. 2d or 3d. I can't make my fingers not disgusting.
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>>4013 >any good... anything on the basics of construction with shapes? i'm just learning how to do this I would start with just looking at some pictures of cartoons characters or objects you have and tracing shapes over them. Anything complex is made up of very basic shapes, the square, circle, and triangle. You'll learn about perspective as you get a handle on construction, and be able to tackle more difficult subjects. The idea is to take simple forms and turn them 3D. Once you can do that, you can twist and turn them, change these shapes to be whatever you want, and you'll be able to visualize in 3D. Form drawing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhOdCVZjdDA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uEtdDvK6Xo I would start with CtrlPaint's beginner course on traditional sketching on his website.
>>4033 Thansk for the advice, but the shapes part is what I've already done. Those animals made from shapes is where I'm at now, and it's what I'm looking for. I don't mean to sound like I think I've mastered it, or anything. But I've been shapes and perspective for months and I want to move on from it.
I need references of people doing things. Not athletes in motion or static poses but actions being performed. Anything would work, really, I just want to practice describing different actions and contexts. I can just search, of course, for any random thing like "climbing ladder", "firing pistol" or "cooking". But that approach doesn't expose me to ideas outside my own perspective. Is there any way I could find a large collection of such images or videos without searching explicitly for specific actions?

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/AGM/ - All Gains Matter Anonymous 09/29/2020 (Tue) 05:00:38 No. 305 [Reply] [Last]
Don't neglect your wonderful body, Anon. Physical health and mental health are strongly correlated; become a man worthy of your anime Original Character girlfriend's heart and realize your true potential in the disgusting, 3D Pig-Dimension through the time-honored technique of lifting things off of the ground into an anatomically strategic position and then putting them back down again! Official /loomis/ home gym workout routine for amateurs All exercises use light dumbbells (10lb, 20lb and 40+lb for lower body exercises-and a $20-$30 door frame pull up bar recommended) or body weight and are performed 3 sets proceeding until failure. Each days' series of exercises should require roughly two episodes of japanese girl cartoons worth of time to complete. Recommended concurrent viewing for maximum gains and motivation (feel free to recommend your own below!): Baki the Grappler: https://4anime.to/anime/baki JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: https://4anime.to/anime/jojo-no-kimyou-na-bouken-tv Keijo: https://4anime.to/anime/keijo Hajime no Ippo: https://4anime.to/anime/hajime-no-ippo Hokuto no Ken: https://4anime.to/anime/hokuto-no-ken https://exrx.net/Lists/Directory Day 1 - the Biceps of Bridgman: Dumbbell Hammer Curl

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Edited last time by loomis on 09/29/2020 (Tue) 05:05:55.
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kyselves art kikes
>>4977 Oh, I knew I remembered black wallnut extract from somewhere. You're trying to get rid of your parasites. Terpentine has to be taken with the most disgusting of augars, so these things actually are tricked into killing themselves. I'm not sure anymore, but I think you took it right before eating or so (don't quote me on that). The most effective for me was some black extract imported from russia, maybe that was black wallnut. It was liquid though. I always took a cup of water with a few drops before eating. Aftee four days it started to get too uncomfortable for these fuckers, so they dipped. I hope you go through with it every day, until you see qn effect. After two weeks, there should be an effect at latest.

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Avoiding nudity? 11/29/2021 (Mon) 23:35:52 No. 5168 [Reply]
Could I learn figure drawing without nudes? I don't want to look at naked people Using models that use underwear would be fine, right? Like in this proko ref
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>>5319 >disgraced 8kun.top What happened? I know the timeline as this: >Hotwheels leaves because he's a cunt and blames everyone for "bullying" him. >Codemonkey takes over >site gets shat on by alt left. >Jim decides "let's rebrand" to 8kun. >codemonkey talks with lawyer about loli because unironic pedos have been getting loli banned everywhere. >lawyer says loli is not allowed >traffic bombs as anons leave to the webrings. >eventually codemonkey steps down and that's all I know. what happened afterwards?
>>5395 The story of 8chan so far as I know it, being a guy that posted on /loomis/ pretty much exclusively this entire time (but still believed in the "idea" of 8chan as a hedge against over moderated, censorious websites like R*ddit): >8chan.net picks up Gamergate traffic and becomes relevant out of nowhere after a couple years of just sort of floundering around like most non-4chan imageboards >Hotwheels begins taking heat from journalists, SJW-types etc. which he bravely shrugs off >8chan is taken over by a rich old boomer named Jim and his son Codemonkey, with Hotwheels remaining basically the CTO or whatever you might call it; Hotwheels was painted into a corner because he was cut off from all conceivable mainstream payment gateways so effectively selling the site was his only option >Suddenly, just a few months in the site stops working properly, posts on the front page are frozen in place for hours, sometimes days at a time (the catalog still works normally) >Instead of fixing the problem, Hotwheels and his friend Josh Moon who Jim hired with Hotwheels' recommendation deign to make a new imageboard engine entirely. The site is left broken for six months and well over 90% of the users, maybe over 95% even had left by that point. >Hotwheels has an epiphany and investigates the code; it was one of Josh's commits that broke the site and instead of taking care of that which probably took him no time at all and giving themselves time to work on this second project they put the cart before the horse, losing everything in the process. >8chan.net was still around and now "fixed", then some Kiwi shoots up a mosque full of people who unironically didn't do nuffin' and instead of blaming it on Reddit implicates 8chan, which is subsequently taken out in the legal kerfuffle that followed. >Some months pass after that and then 8chan comes back as "8kun", is hosted on a toaster and riddled with posting errors >We stuck it out as long as we could there despite its flaws but it was pretty insufferable, eventually I was approached by Mark who moderated /v/ from the beginning of the affair who'd apparently made his own imageboard with help, and that's how we ended up hear
>>5397 Sorry, but that really isn't any less or more than what I already know. I was wondering if there were any updates on drama after CM left.

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