/loomis/ - Art Gains

Art, Animation, Etcetera!

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We're All Gonna Make It!

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NG murder collab Cool drawing 06/19/2024 (Wed) 18:51:48 No. 6714 [Reply]

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shit comic 88 05/13/2024 (Mon) 04:36:27 No. 6692 [Reply]
wtf is this XD Im looking for wecomics on comicfury and i see this shit. when did the standard get THIS low
Mods, please remove this post. It's a thread that belongs into the comics thread or shitposting thread. Is most likely a bad actor trying to reduce this boards quality. Keeping this place organized is important. thx.

Shitposting Thread #1 Anonymous 04/08/2021 (Thu) 23:26:15 No. 2303 [Reply] [Last]
Let off some steam, Bennet
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>>6515 I'm glad you guys are still around. If you know of other loomis anons lost on other boards, please, get the team back together.
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To whom it may concern: If you're lurking, for what it's worth, I'm sorry.

Arms and Armor Anonymous 11/21/2023 (Tue) 06:30:17 No. 6604 [Reply]
Just keeping a thread open for fantasy and historical artists for various military dress and fantasy equipment that I think is worth drawing. I can post stuff on request if necesary.
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>>6611 I loved that book >>6621 Osprey is a treasure
>>6611 I swear I remember there being something like this but for architecture and medieval villages and castles too but for the life of me I always have trouble remembering what it was called.
>>6658 I remember those as well and I also have no clue. All I remember is they were really cool

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Weekly Theme Thread Anonymous 01/24/2022 (Mon) 19:19:01 No. 5665 [Reply] [Last]
-See weekly theme. -Draw. It doesn’t matter what, or how, as long as it’s related to the theme. -Post. -Repeat next week.
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>>6353 Dat File name
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Anonymous 12/12/2021 (Sun) 22:10:31 No. 5302 [Reply]
It fucks me up that that the best place to find artbooks is exhentai. I understand how this state of affairs came to be, but it's still absurd.
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>>5303 >can't get past the panda >>5317 >guide from reddit >got in within a week >>5325 >get in in under an hour Is loomis filled with retards?
>>5302 >drawthread resources >archive.org >torrent What the hell are you on about?
>>6640 not OP but e-hentai alone has almost every educational artbook you can think of, from Loomis to the god-awful Christopher Hart ones, lots of Korean and Japanese books have fan translations you can only find on that site, just filter for the howto and artbook tag

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Music Bread Anonymous 09/25/2020 (Fri) 19:11:41 No. 152 [Reply] [Last]
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I almost forgot abou this song - would have been a shame.
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I hadn't listened to this in a long time. That was a mistake, because it's easily the best album I've found to zone out and do stuff on autopilot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMLzinvl3Ss

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CMG - Comics Manga General Anonymous 10/26/2021 (Tue) 13:17:15 No. 4820 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is dedicated to sharing your own comics, panels or comic/manga related media. This is also a good place to receive comments on your writing, page flow, illustration techniques or style. Feel free to post inspirational material or links and media realated to comic and manga creation. Obviously useful discussions related to comic/manga creation are appreciated.
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>>6520 My biggest influence is Hayashida Q, and to a lesser extent Hirano Kouta. When Dorohedoro was going I really grew to love the silliness adjacent to cruelty and brutality. Another comic, Nekojiru Sou, is also like this (though it is much more cruel and the silliness is more contained in presentation). This has held a major influence over how I approach things. I wouldn't call myself obsessed but I did develop something of an obsession with her oneshot "underground underground" which i've read over many times as well. I became fond of this particular aesthetic of things being a little messy and impressionistic. I think in enjoying her works I also understood what I wanted from my own art, at least a little bit. I've struggled with trying to feel out how I want my own art to look, that has lead my nose to many more artists drawing manga in styles not seen as typically conventional. On the off side, not having conventional or 'current' influences also means it's not what people are used to expecting from manga.
>>5409 Its been two years since i made this post, i've graduated and dropped out of college I want to thank all you anons for keeping me drawing and pursuing comics, i've finished 1 and am still working on the other I'll get to the point, recently i met a former classmate, he told me i look even more insane then i did back then (i stopped shaving last year, it doesnt look good) point being, I am here to express my utter contempt for my former self I have gotten much better at drawing and have a clearer understanding of anatomy, but i will never again be able to make something this coherent and while i've understand anatomy better now, my drawings have degenerated, they're no longer as clean as the ones in this post I hate myself, i've gone insane, and I hate my former self for somehow being better than who I am now
>>6613 Sounds like the average artist experience to me.

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Inktober 2023 Anonymous 10/01/2023 (Sun) 20:37:33 No. 6494 [Reply] [Last]
It's October, and it's time for Inktober! The challenge is to make one drawing each day based on the prompts in the image. While Inktober is traditionally meant for inking, other forms of art such as rough sketches, digital artwork, and anything else are all fine and encouraged. As long as you make something. Most people do the daily challenge and aim for consistency, so don't worry about being a perfectionist. Others choose which prompts they like and only post for those days, so they can spend more time on a particular prompt. Some people even use a different set of prompts such as a Pokemon themed set. If you however choose to do so I would share which prompts you're using. That being said, don't over think this and make sure you end up drawing something. The only goal here is to encourage anons to share their art with each other, no matter how trash it might be. We are all trying to help each other become better artists, so feel free to ask for bullying constructive criticism too. Good luck!
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And that does it, the first Inktober I've actually fully completed! Not one every day mind you, but still every prompt drawn. I think I definitely learned a bit from keeping with it (not the least how hard it is to actually consistently draw on a more regular schedule) but more importantly what I actually enjoy drawing. It used to be geometric and more abstract forms were my go-to because I felt weak trying to depict a specific subject but with so many different prompts I definitely found it enjoyable throwing anatomy and organic shapes and forms in for variety, and those are things I'd like to focus on improving more (I've only studied plants and animals a small amount and my human anatomy is still really rough). I tried experimenting with line weight and spent more time on each piece way more in the first half of the month, and while I'd like to have kept that up I sort of had to rush to get the rest of these done and so resorted to more freehand 1px sketching, which I've done a lot of in the past. All in all I'm happy with way more of these than I was expecting and it's a relief to finally be done with them all. Thanks to all you other guys for participating! It's pretty engaging seeing what other people come up with for each prompt, and I hope I helped motivate you each to draw more the same way this all motivated me. Happy Inktober!
>>6592 >>6594 Congrats everyone! Glad you were able to finish! I'm still behind unfortunately since I didn't catch up this weekend, but even though I missed the deadline I'm still gonna finish it.
>>6595 I believe in you, anon!

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Anonymous 09/16/2020 (Wed) 23:11:37 No. 42 [Reply]
If you could tell your younger self something about learning art what would it be?
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>I think my pic related is more appropriate. >Yours is weird
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>>1078 >Bammes roasting Burne U N D Y N A M I C N D Y N A M I C
Utilize layer groupings!

/aether/ - Art exchange threadren shikanon 05/18/2023 (Thu) 08:58:39 No. 6481 [Reply]
There are a few drawthreads here, but no place for art trades/exchange. So I made one! I'm a hobby artist myself also looking for a few trades to get back in the grind. My most prominent character is Gabriel (red-haired boy) and his girlfriend Larissa (purplish hair, deadpan but kind) Anyway, feel free to share your characters too =)
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Cool work anon, always nice seeing someone working with a physical medium like pen and paper.

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drawfag backlock Anonymous 04/24/2021 (Sat) 22:30:54 No. 2598 [Reply]
Do you keep a backlog of things to draw? Are you waiting for your skill to catch up or do you just not have the time or motivation? Do you ever actually work through your ideas or is it still piling up? I have a txt that I keep everthing from random stuff I want to draw to full blown autistic webcomics. As of yet I'm not good enough for any of them. I wonder how many years it'll be until I git gud enough to make that flatland animaton with a cowtits carl sagan and a dfc.
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>>2598 OH GOD YES. >Tried a sticky note collage, twice >Got a book full of drawing excercises that i haven't finished >Considered remastering my childhood drawings
>>2598 I'm just tired of my day job. Once at home, I have my meals and straight to bed. I tried with the paywall thingy and it didn't take off.
I keep a list of ideas for things I want to write and make but as far as drawings go I usually sketch them down or just let them sit around in my head until I forget them. They're more striking as images so jotting them down as just another item on a list doesn't really keep the inspiration going for me.

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Anonymous 07/25/2023 (Tue) 09:11:22 No. 6490 [Reply]
how to make, plan out, successful art in comics or cartoons...be it panels or scene. the kind that gets millions on interwebs, webcomic. from styling, to marketting, basically what makes a SINGLE, One, piece of art, attracts, No less than 5 numbers, traffic and sales. or, sales. basically the so called quantification of the content, per se, by algorythm. the same one that decides where cookies or soup or takos goes to.

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Anonymous 07/25/2023 (Tue) 03:09:13 No. 6489 [Reply]
How to define artstyle, content, that will gain some hundred thousand traffics, sales, on interwebs, pixiv, DA so on? what are the summary, of the criteria, maybe in numbers?

Were there any resources you exclusively found on anon.cafe’s loomis board? Anonymous 03/05/2023 (Sun) 07:58:22 No. 6471 [Reply]
If so, can you post them here if you saved them? Or should I just look through the wayback machine?
I'm out of the loop; What's happened? I can still access it on my computer. artgain however is gone I think, and I only see one archive for an mp4
>>6471 Hey anon, you're in luck mediafire.com/folder/5strtvods5gda/Drawgfag_Resources
>>6471 I have like a gorillion on my hard disk too, but you'll have to be more specific

Anonymous 05/20/2023 (Sat) 02:56:54 No. 6483 [Reply]
I want to pay someone to make specific anime drawings. You can email me breadfromheaven@mail.com full body unique positions and situations, not polished super images.

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