/lit/ - Reading and Writing

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Meta thread for discussion of the board itself Vampyr Board owner 07/11/2021 (Sun) 06:59:49 No. 4
In this thread we talk about the board itself. We ask questions like >vol me fag >why this board suck pp? >banners? >why yo momma ghey And get answers like <k <cause you make shit threads <I don't know how to make those <Fuck you pavement ape! Also people call each other faggots. There is drama. And somehow a journo blames this all on David Duke.
>>125 I like it!
>>126 I like you
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>>127 Aww thanks anon! I think you are cool too.
I can post epubs here right? Or will I be ostracized if I'm low in physical media because of being an apartment fag?
>>232 Electronically published? I see no reason to bully you for that. I don't even have a place to live some of the time, I'd NEVER read books if it wasn't digital.
>>233 I have over 20,000 titles in epub alone. Don't get me started on mobi or old school pdfs. I move around so often it is a necessity. Yeah you are fine.
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How's this for a banner? Did I get the size right?
>>236 No idea. Chai explained it to me once. He said just make it vaguely banner shaped and it's fine. Anyway fuck yeah nice banner. Adding this.
>>237 Cool. Should I make some more banners or do you reckon we have enough already?
>>236 By default, the size is 300 wide x 100 tall. The BO can alter the default size or remove any scaling with CSS, however. >>238 No such thing as too many banners.
>>238 Never too many. Plus I really like this last one. >>239 >CSS Oh. I don't know how that works. That means I'm being bad at my job. Well shit. I'm gonna see if I can figure out this css stuff.
>>240 >>>/site/1950 has a line you can copypaste to unset the default height.
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Okay I've made a bunch. Let me know what you think.
>>242 lit af
>>242 These are fantastic! Really good stuff man. Love that medieval one. All so good.
Don't know if I should ask /lang/ or here but I want to read something in a foreign language but I don't understand what I am reading. How to find an easy book? Why is it easier to understand spanish movie dubs? I feel like I know the vocab but stuff goes over my head
>>301 I studied In Spain for a year once. And I read a Zorro book. Having a dictionary of Spanish to English helps.
>>301 Try starting with short stories. If you know the vocab but aren't grasping the plot, it's probably because you're not used to reading in Spanish. The only remedy for that is just practice.
hey Vamp I made you and Natasoc vols on /b/ so, like, feel free to clean things up from time to time
>>321 Remember when you had a thread asking for volunteers and I said no thanks and gave you the exact reasons why I had no desire whatsoever to do that?
books sounds like boobs
>>346 Yes they do. And damn I love boobs.
does anyone here know where i could find the book mentioned in his citation? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balanced_ternary#cite_note-setun-1
>>350 I can't find anything in English, but a search for Frolov GD Does turn up some hits. Unfortunately, these being in Russian I have no idea if it's what you want or not. 1963 being mid cold war it is hard to find books from the former Soviet Union. Most especially of a technical nature.
Reading is for nerds and gay people.
>>526 no u
>>613 >>614 >>615 Nice anon thanks!
>>617 What's with the sudden spike in posts? Are you copying 8kun/4chan threads, anon?
>>4 also, could you link from >>>/pdfs/ and >>>/library/ or better yet just drop their useful links here?
>>619 No, anons just be posting yo. Get in on it.
>>621 Yeah I can link them in the top bar for now, and later go digging through for content.
Hey I quit. And no one but me ever used this board anyway. So. Idk. I guess goodbye everything I ever worked for lol. Fucking kms

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