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Taiwan Tells China To Go Fuck Itself Strelok 01/04/2024 (Thu) 00:32:32 No. 9414
The Republic of China has told West Taiwan to stop meddling in their elections and to eat shit. I'm curious what CCP-anon who insisted that Taiwan was becoming part of China and how everyone in Taiwan considers themselves Chinese has to say on this? >Number of Taiwanese who identify as primarily Chinese has plummeted to below 3% (it was like 15% before Ukraine) >KMT (historically Chinese-sympathetic party) has taken an anti-China stance after China was caught red-handed bribing and interfering in Taiwan's elections >Young people in Taiwan hate China >Jewkraine of all things is turning the Taiwanese boomers against China >All three parties have distanced themselves from China >KMT and TPP are taking a hardline stance of no negotiation until China stops fucking around in international waters >DPP who is slated to win the elections goes much farther with a hardline "we were always independent, fuck you and fuck the horse you rode in on" stance >Foxconn on suicide watch Just like in Argentina, just like in Eastern Europe, China seems to lose allies faster than they can make them. FUCK China.
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>China seems to lose allies faster than they can make them I feel like china has the perpetual problem that their administration doesn't give a shit about anything other than consolidating their own control internally, so all their external projects are extremely limpwristed and backed by nothing more than flashing cash. There are several countries with inflated housing markets from private chinks essentially smuggling money out of the country which will get seized in the space of a year if trade breaks down. It's pretty funny that australia are already making plans to replace them with indonesia as the major partner in asia (it's also funny because of what it says about india). Taiwan draws good yuri.
>>9414 Time for some special operations, to put that providence in its place.
Funny how a board who keeps championing Russia also makes fun of its one of the two loyal allies. Your favorite frozen Tartarian gas station won't even see current day technology without the Chinese smuggling them through the borders.
>>9417 Russia and China have maybe a 30% overlap in their allies. Each is their own separate bloc. When I say I want a multipolar world for world peace, I mean what I say. Russia needs to smack down Europe and America needs to smack down China and Iran needs to smack down Israel so that all the world trouble-starters are out of the picture. Russia is not going to come to China's aid unless they feel an existential threat is approaching and vice versa. They are allies of convenience and Russia isn't a good guy. Russia is just an antihero seeking a carved-out world with no major superpower. I like that idea since Christianity, the REAL world economy none of this Jewish market shit, and cooler heads who hate war all tend to thrive without a bully on top.
>>9418 >Each is their own separate bloc. >Russia is not going to come to China's aid unless they feel an existential threat is approaching and vice versa. Which explains why Russia 1. Sent its warship to mess around Japanese waters https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/japan-says-russian-warships-spotted-near-taiwan-okinawa-islands-2023-07-01/ 2. Start embargoing Japanese aquaculture following the Chinese https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/10/16/japan/politics/russia-japan-seafood-import-ban/ Which coincides with Chinese interests to weaken Japan before taking Taiwan. And the cherry on top, China did nothing to combat piracy against cargo ships used by the Japanese around the red sea despite having ships there. China and Russia is on the same bloc, and with Russia going all in with using Yuan for international trade it would be pure delusion to believe otherwise.
>>9417 It's funny how asshurt it makes you that Ukraine doesn't get its dick sucked here and that makes you piss your panties and cry russophile. Fuxking faggot go back to your obnoxious generals on 4/pol/.
>>9414 >Jewkraine of all things is turning the Taiwanese boomers against China Which is ironic retarded considering how that's turning out for hohols...
>>9421 Ukraine were the ones trying to prevent the secession of independent civilian states, glowkun
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>>9419 >1. Sent its warship to mess around Japanese waters >2. Start embargoing Japanese aquaculture following the Chinese Did you notice that Russia completely ignored Japan for the first year of the war past standard harassment that has been ongoing since the 1800s between the two, and only started fucking with them seriously when Japan cut off/sanctioned an already-completed Russian gas project with Japan over Ukraine? I don't like it either, but have some self-awareness. >>9420 Why are you getting your panties in a knot over someone having a different opinion? I don't like Hohols but Hohols have as much of a right to be here as anyone else.
>>9423 Because it's the faggot that periodically comes here and whines about russophiles while deliberately ignoring posts that point out Russia's problems, of which there are many and the fact he's spreading his AIDS in another thread out of butthurt is annoying. Fuck defending this behavior.
>>9424 By all means insult him, call him wrong, call him a faggot, etc. but don't tell someone to leave unless they are at the level of personal insults with no substance, or being incredibly rude/telling others to leave. Every town needs a bicycle and a clown to liven up the gossip. Get rid of them and the whole place becomes stale.
>>9423 >Did you notice that Russia completely ignored Japan for the first year of the war So what were they doing before the war? https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/25/asia/china-russia-naval-flotilla-circles-japan-intl-hnk-ml/index.html And it doesn't matter which one started over who, Russia's buttbuddy relationship China existed since the Soviet days anyway. >>9420 >hohol I don't know who is this person you're talking about but I don't care for either of the subhuman countries. It's you who needs to be in 4pol since they have enforced flags and IDs because you care so much about who you're talking with on an anonymous barbecue sauce tester forum.
>>9426 >Russia's buttbuddy relationship China existed since the Soviet days anyway. Shina grow big because burgers decided to start investing there heavily as a reward for distancing themselves from the soviets. Besides, there was this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Soviet_border_conflict
>>9419 >China and Russia is on the same bloc I agree with you here with the but I think it's built more from a enemy of my enemy type mentality then from what benefits they get directly. Seeing as how Japan is airstrip nip for the U.S. military; I'm not surprised that Russia and China's view on Japan has aligned for them to collaborate there. Russia also has every reason to support the Yuan for international trade as a way to destroy the petrodollar and weaken the U.S. but if China decides to try and take Siberia a 2nd sino-soviet war could occur just as fast.
To use the high school gossip analogy, Russia and Japan are two people who used to be rivals but then simmered down and ignored each other aside from banter. Then Russia decided there were more benefits to befriending Japan than in pestering them. America, a big bully, came in and told Japan they would start bullying them if they were caught hanging out with Russia so Japan just followed America's lead. Then China who was always pestering everyone but who had been quiet for the last few years decided to roid up and then become friends out of mutual dislike of the bigger bully (America), but now China's off the roids, all the rest of the class knows they're injecting synthol to look bigger than they actually are, and Russia just goes along with it because everyone knows Russia is friends with China out of pity rather than actual friendship so there's no hard feelings.
Oh right and America was the one selling China roids and then later synthol in the first place because he thought it was funny and wanted to make China to look as artificial as their personality.
>>9429 >Then Russia decided there were more benefits to befriending Japan than in pestering them. This is false because they never had friendly relationship before and after WWI. All Russia did post WWII was establishing diplomatic relationship and then siphon money out of Japan in exchange for opening up dialogue for the islands near Hokkaido. It was never a relationship when both parties equally benefit each other or even share enemies, it's a parasite-host kind of relationship. >America, a big bully, came in and told Japan they would start bullying them if they were caught hanging out with Russia If this was true then it was a good thing. The Japanese Communist Party had connections to Stalin and had a decent chance to win elections immediately after the country lost WWII, since it appealed to farmers and starving people. They only became irrelevant when MacArthur intervened.
>>9429 >>9431 And if you want to ever prove that there is any reason whatsoever for Japan to befriend Russia even without the US in the picture, name one thing which Russia provides to Japan at a reasonable rate. Before you say crude oil and gas, you should know that Japan does already mine both resources themselves from territories they fought for in early 1900s anyway.
>>9425 How about you suck my cock he has to listen to me about as much as I have to listen to your faggoting about some one off post I wasn't even going to follow up on.
>>9426 >>hohol Not even in my post retard, you've made a habit of coming here to cry in the Russia/Ukraine threads whenever someone mocks shitty Ukraine propaganda but always are radio silent when Russia is mocked because you're a cherrypicking niggerfaggot.
>>9431 Soviet Russia =! Modern Russia. Capitalist America =! Modern Festering Corpse America. >>9432 Lumber, shellfish and molluscs, raw goods like sheet iron/steel. likely chemical fertilizers starting in 2024. If not for America giving Japan a raw deal by mandating they buy American grain, they'd likely be buying it from Russia at a massive discount right now.
>>9435 >Soviet Russia =! Modern Russia. And what is your point? That Japan can just forget anything happened within the past century and act like they never knew each Russia before? Why does Japan keep acting as if the Kuril island dispute never ends? Why does North Korea keep asking for gibs to Russia even thought the Soviets "disappeared"? Why did the Chinese make a deal with Russia for a land dispute all the way from the 19th century? Do you know there is such a concept as successor state? >Lumber Imported mostly from China, the US, Canada, Indonesia, and Vietnam https://wits.worldbank.org/CountryProfile/en/Country/JPN/Year/LTST/TradeFlow/Import/Partner/by-country/Product/44-49_Wood >shellfish and molluscs Animal imports mostly come from the Americas and Australia. https://wits.worldbank.org/CountryProfile/en/Country/JPN/Year/2021/TradeFlow/Import/Partner/all/Product/01-05_Animal >raw goods like sheet iron/steel Imported mostly from China, Europe, South Korea and MENA. https://wits.worldbank.org/CountryProfile/en/Country/JPN/Year/2021/TradeFlow/Import/Partner/all/Product/72-83_Metals Volume matters because the bigger sources correlate with who gives Japan the better deal. All the resources you mentioned, Japan can find better deal at larger quantities from other countries. I don't see any situation where Japan depends only on Russia for a certain resource. Then what is reason the Japanese government established diplomatic relations with Russia? I bet it's diplomatic courtesy and posturing to its citizen that it's doing something about the 80-year old territorial dispute. >If not for America giving Japan a raw deal by mandating they buy American grain [Citations needed] >Capitalist America =! Modern Festering Corpse America You can keep whining about the US internal problems, but the Japanese government never have to give a damn about them. The same way you don't just enter your neighbor's house whenever the married couple inside has a fight. So long as the US keep being the actor that protects Japan and its neighbors, Japan will stay loyal to it. Do you know what the US did in response to the seafood sanctions imposed to Japan by China and Russia?
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>>9436 >And what is your point? That you're in hysterics Russia of today is not the Soviet Union. As pretty much all of the USSR's former trade partners still engaging in Russian trade not only agree with but are happy with since it means they get a fair deal for their shit. >That Japan can just forget anything happened within the past century and act like they never knew each Russia before? They have historically seemed to have no problems doing so with the Dutch, Americans, etc. when it suits their (government's) needs. >Why does Japan keep acting as if the Kuril island dispute never ends? In geopolitics it's called a "bargaining chip" the average Nip doesn't give a shit about the Kuril islands. First, let's review the history of the islands. They were controlled by the Ainu until the 1800s and then for all intents and purposes they were conquered by the Americans until the 1890s when Russia and America got into a fight over them, and Japan finally jumped in and said they were theirs because they were finally getting around to (attempting to and failing to) colonize Hokkaido and didn't want an international conflict next door. They had a population of a few hundred Ainu indigenous peoples who said "yeah sure whatever we're Japanese just stop shooting us" until after WWII at which point Japan pulled a "we found an ancient map" CCP-tier piece of bullshit out of their ass via an old land deed to the Matsumae clan that even said clan denied existed/enforcing. Japan had effective control of the islands for about 20 years. That's their "long-standing history" of owning the Kuril islands which are just used as a talking point by Japanese Nationalists who are asshurt about Russia. Your talking points come from nazi weebs over on /kohi/ who read about the dispute and said "yeah the USSR sucked and we like Japan, so those islands gotta be Japanese" without even understanding the history of Hokkaido. Japan was conquering Korea before they even properly conquered Hokkaido outside of Hakodate/Sapporo. To add insult to injury, the Japanese don't call them the Kuril Islands they call them the "Northern Territories" you fucking gaijin. Back to why they matter(ed): Saving face aside, the islands gave Japan bargaining power and an excuse to maintain ties with Russia. Japan maintains a lot of shitty agreements with a lot of countries much shittier than Russia sending off gibs because it forces countries who would otherwise cut off diplomatic ties with Japan or ignore them to negotiate in good faith, and Japanese being the Eastern Jews that they are understand that so long as negotiations are open, more negotiations are possible. So long as the two smaller islands were still on the table, Japan understood that Russia needs the Kuril Islands to get their submarine fleets from Vladivostok to the Pacific because of how the Sea of Okhotsk freezes in the winter and that once global warming finished thawing the arctic circle Russia wouldn't give a shit about the islands so it was best to just keep negotiations open until then. With Russians living on the island, it would have been a massive headache for Japan to take the islands by force before that point. So long as Russia wasn't literally drilling the resources out of the island, Japan could sit on negotiations for as long as it took in exchange for giving pity money to the Russians. Of course, none of that matters now because Kishida butchered negotiations so badly sucking American cock that Russia halted the entire negotiations to the islands during a time when they were basically ready to start handing them off To Japan. Russia was willing to sign off on them in exchange for the oil/gas deal and passage rights and were even allowing Japanese citizens to come back to the islands, but after Kishida's stunts over the last two years they're militarizing the islands and evicting everyone now and cutting off fishing access. Good job, Kishida. You fucked it all up trying to be a Chink-tier wolf-warrior. >Do you know there is such a concept as successor state? Yes and a successor state agrees to take on the debts and obligations of the former country, not to act in law and culturally as the former country did. Russia could have partitioned off the USSR's debts to all of its member states but it took on the majority of that debt by itself as good stewards to show that they weren't communists any more and wanted to engage in world trade. It was working until Obama got upset that Putin wouldn't let him fuck some kids at the Kremlin and went full King Nigger towards Russia. Amazing how the collective conscious of the West forgets the 90s/00 and Russia's commitment to assisting America as responsible "world police." >We can get resources elsewhere Yeah and you'll have to now. >You can keep whining about the US internal problems, but the Japanese government never have to give a damn about them. Yeah they can not give a shit and then the Americans can raise tariffs by 10% like they did in the late 10s because of Japan's not-giving-a-fuck causing mass asshurt on the part of the Japanese government. They can not give a shit and have windows forced down their throats instead of every Japanese business using ITRON as they intended to do before the Americans got involved. >So long as the US keep being the actor that protects Japan and its neighbors, Japan will stay loyal to it. And we're gonna see that loyalty on full display in the next decade. It's like you forgot how Japan and America were at-odds from the 70s-90s because of American bullying. Or rather you never knew about it because you're a gaijin who gets his political information about Japan from imageboards. >Do you know what the US did in response to the seafood sanctions imposed to Japan by China and Russia? You act like America banned Russian seafood for Japan and not the Biden Administration to cover up their shit in Ukraine. You also act like Russian seafood hasn't proliferated into Japan/America through the unmapped grey markets and black markets that just lie about their country of origin.
>>9414 Fuck both chinas unless taiwan or PRC stop being pussies and finish what should've ended in the 50s. Also when are we getting a new chang kai shek?
>>9437 >First, let's review the history of the islands. <Skips straight into colonization of Korea before mentioning the war on 1905 I have no business to talk about whom the islands legally and rightfully belong to, I am not a lawyer. The whole point why the island dispute matters in this thread is how the Japanese perceive the issue, which shapes Japanese diplomacy more instead how the world or history sees it. The Japanese won a war for the islands and lost them again in another war against an adversary. That's what matters to them. >To add insult to injury, the Japanese don't call them the Kuril Islands they call them the "Northern Territories" you fucking gaijin. If you're that particular about terminology, the Japanese call them Chishima islands/千島列島. The "Northern Territories"/北方領土 is only used when talking about the dispute surrounding the islands, not the islands themselves. The closest related term is "Northern Regions"/北方地域 but it's used much less frequently than the first term. You are the illiterate gaijin. >the average Nip doesn't give a shit about the Kuril islands. You can say the same for every territorial dispute out there in the world had by democratic countries not constantly bombarded with government propaganda just like China. That doesn't make it less of a problem for the government. Heck even Taiwanese government has a beef with Japan about the Senkaku islands but both countries' population seem pretty chill. >So long as Russia wasn't literally drilling the resources out of the island, Japan could sit on negotiations for as long as it took in exchange for giving pity money to the Russians. And for how long does the Japanese need to give money? 40 more years? >Of course, none of that matters now because Kishida butchered negotiations so badly sucking American cock that Russia halted the entire negotiations to the islands during a time when they were basically ready to start handing them off To Japan. You could have said the same argument when Abe placed sanctions on Russia back in 2014 yet look who kept begging for more pity money from 2017. But anyway, I agree that the Chishima islands should no longer be a diplomatic issue. Let Russia have them for now. Japan should have given up the idea of trying to pacify its enemies by money, it was never effective in the long run. Japan could have instead raise a bigger navy then take the islands by force. >then the Americans can raise tariffs by 10% like they did in the late 10s because of Japan's not-giving-a-fuck causing mass asshurt on the part of the Japanese government. And what the Japanese government, or really anyone could do against it, even if they somehow have the clairvoyance to notice Trump will win the election and impose the tariffs? Interfere in the election, force Hillary to win and then face diplomatic hell like China is having? Sure, negotiation is always on the table but it's never an omnipotent solution, because it will come down to national sovereignty. >It's like you forgot how Japan and America were at-odds from the 70s-90s because of American bullying. Which "bullying" are you talking about? Plaza accords? Japanese were dumping cheap electronics en masse and threatening US's own companies. Was that really more important than the protection the US offers? >You act like America banned Russian seafood for Japan and not the Biden Administration to cover up their shit in Ukraine. You probably don't know what I referred to. It was the recent US bulk purchase of Japanese scallops to counter Chinese & Russian sanctions against Japanese seafood. https://www.reuters.com/world/us-military-begins-japan-seafood-purchases-counter-china-ban-2023-10-30/ Accumulation of small gestures like this is what wins East Asian countries. >Russian seafood hasn't proliferated into Japan/America through the unmapped grey markets and black markets that just lie about their country of origin. Whether or not that happened is your burden of proof to make. Otherwise I can even say some ayylmaos from a pink diamond shaped UFO came down to Japan and sell weed on a dank Shibuya alley at midnight.
Whoops, forgot elaborate some important parts. >>9439 >Heck even Taiwanese government has a beef with Japan about the Senkaku islands but both countries' population seem pretty chill. To add to this, they still have friendly relationship because both countries share technology, common threat (China) and defense responsibility. Even more, Taiwan is a huge weeb nation and Japan likes pre-contemporary Chinese culture that Taiwan preserves better than the mainland, which causes frequent cultural exchange that seeps down to the common Japanese. There are more benefits for both countries to stay friendly than to fight over a bunch of rocks. Russia doesn't have that much to give to Japan and any common Japanese willing to read the news and the trade reports know Russia takes much more from Japan than the other way around. Add the territorial dispute on top and you have an enemy.
No takers after these days? I'll finish the thread for good. >>9429 >America, a big bully, came in and told Japan they would start bullying them if they were caught hanging out with Russia so Japan Not only this is wrong, it also implies that Japan is so weak it can't establish its own foreign policy, which is also untrue currently. I am not sure where this assumption came from but someone has to debunk it. The US had been warning Japan about trying to pacify Russia with money as early as 2013 but Abe and his successors kept going anyway until 2022. When the US backed down from the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran and told Japan to stop buying oil from them, Japan instead kept buying oil and even tried mending the nuclear deal by opening talks with the 2 countries. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-iran-japan-usa-khamenei-idUSKCN1TE14V/ Even worse was that when Trump was thinking to remove US military away from Japan, Abe negotiated to keep them in place. https://www.reuters.com/article/usa-japan-defense-idINKCN1TQ0BI/ It may be hard to comprehend to those so spoilt with Soviets' absolute authority, but just because the US has military bases in Japan, it does not mean they could just tell its government what to do and expect it to happen. >>9437 >Russia of today is not the Soviet Union. On this context Japan couldn't care less of the difference because Russia doesn't even bother make a peace treaty almost 80 years after the last war and then kept the same allies in East Asia, exactly like the Soviets did. This situation is what makes Japan tense over the islands, they aren't sure when bombs will start being dropped. >but after Kishida's stunts over the last two years they're militarizing the islands and evicting everyone now and cutting off fishing access. Good job, Kishida. You fucked it all up trying to be a Chink-tier wolf-warrior. This is wrong. The islands have been militarized as early as June 2021, before Kishida was even in his current office. https://www.csis.org/blogs/new-perspectives-asia/russias-militarization-kuril-islands https://www.mod.go.jp/j/publication/wp/wp2022/html/n130504000.html >anti-ship missile installed in 2016 >3 Su-35 units added in August 2018 >anti-air missile systems added in December 2020 >military exercises involving 10,000 military personnels, 500 vehicles, 32 aircrafts & 12 ships in June 2021 >tanks added in January 2022 Demilitarization was never carried out in the first place. It's more like Russia had been baiting Japan with chance of negotiating peace on islands for money, while intermittenly halting negotiations underway for whatever reasons, giving the latter false hope. Exploiting Japan like it's a gambling addict. Japan too was at fault for falling to this trick, but an actual friend-ly country wouldn't let this happen in the first place. You can't have your cake (being allies with China and NK) and eat it too (being allied to Japan who is constantly under threat by YOU and the other 2 countries) Kishida may be quite messy when it comes to domestic policy, but he compensates that with foreign policy. He cut off this faulty policy of trying to buy its enemies into peace and instead strengthen Japan's relationship with NATO and started military exercises with European powers. https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/International-relations/Indo-Pacific/NATO-to-open-Japan-office-deepening-Indo-Pacific-engagement https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/06/13/national/nato-exercises-japan-attendance/ He takes the defense problem seriously. In conclusion, even without the US in picture at all, there is still no reason for Japan to ally with Russia. If the US withdraws its bases and troops overnight, Japan would instead scramble for other allies, starting from Europe in opposition to Russia, China and North Korea, all hostile countries in one camp. >>9427 >Besides, there was this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Soviet_border_conflict >>9419 >if China decides to try and take Siberia a 2nd sino-soviet war could occur just as fast. I don't understand where this distrust comes from. Let's assume it's true anyway; If China, a neighbor of Russia who actually made peace and border agreements with it after one short war still cannot gain Russia's full trust as an ally, what makes you think Japan, who actually had 2 big wars against Russia and are still technically not in peace with, can even hope to gain Russia's trust either? Even if Japan magically is allied with Russia, what would they gain from it? Armenia-Azerbaijan clashes in 2022/2023 show that Russia is unwilling to address the needs of its allying neighbor. No one cares whatever excuses it has when in comparison the US can maintain bases all over the world while also getting in wars with distant middle east countries. >Your talking points come from nazi weebs over on /kohi/ who read about the dispute and said "yeah the USSR sucked and we like Japan, so those islands gotta be Japanese" without even understanding the history of Hokkaido. That's rich coming from someone who deliberately skip some parts of history that does matter and make up plain lies for the remainder of this thread and >>59526 alongside 3+ other anons. You never even touched my points about North Korea being a thorn for Japan that Russia keeps feeding even after the Soviets are gone. Years of fellating all those altaic plastic boomsticks won't make you any better than that gay porn board in history comprehension.
>>9437 Sauce of gif?
Given that Taiwan officially embraces the one China policy when PR"C" inevitably loses the direct military conflict with the troon remnants of NATO will Taiwan be able to reclaim all the rightful continental clay and purge all commie traitors or will they have to compromise with a reversed version of the current one China dogma?
>>9443 >PR"C" inevitably loses the direct military conflict with the troon remnants of NATO Why would NATO be involved in a domestic dispute in China?
>>9444 They need to tell the Chinese to touch grass for not worshiping niggers of course.
>>9441 >No takers after these days? I'll finish the thread for good. Engaging would be equivalent to giving your kind of propaganda credence as having more than slivers of truth wrapped in a bundle of lies. The only way to win the game is not to play at all.
>>9446 What a pathetic declaration of defeat. > The only way to win the game is not to play at all. After a dozen of replies to my posts, sure.
>>9447 I don't know what you expect from someone who shits his pants over meanie words.
Outer Mongolia annexing inner Mongolia when?
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fuck chyna fuck chinks

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