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Last american drone strike in Afghanistan /k/ommando 09/17/2021 (Fri) 22:26:20 No. 538
One last batch of muzzies killed before we leave apparently. The US armed forces on the way out decided to strike and kill 10 civvies at kabul airport, including seven kids. The only real way to explain this is something wasn't disabled that we abandoned and this was how we disabled it. Alternatively, salty over getting their shit pushed in by goat herders some drone officer decided to kill some random afghanis. Aljazeera link because lol https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/9/17/drone-strike-killed-10-civilians-in-kabul-us-acknowledges
IMO, it's all part of a broader effort to discredit America's war-fighting competency - Precision strikes/droning HVT's used to be our bread and butter, now it's being called into question. Taking it even further; the stuff with General Milley making treasonous calls to the Chinese and the Fed Reserve fags skimming money from the pumping are also part of the giant demoralization op designed to diminish America's standing across the globe.
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>>544 Fuck Mainland China and the Federal Reserve.
>>538 >One last batch of muzzies killed before we leave apparently. Turned out to be a team of American Christian aid worker helping give aid to Afghani Christians. Biden killed half a dozen Americans and it's not front page news.
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>>551 Yup, say what you will about Q-tards and their worship of Mr. Cloud Act, Operation Warp Speed, Take the guns first due process later, professional TV conman, Don Zion Drumpf they're right about one thing that being the mainstream Corporate Media did indeed have a huge hate boner for the dude and very much treated him unfairly as though his rivals are somehow Saints which very very much are fucking not either.
>>551 Fucks sake. I mean wow what are the odds. A city full of Afghanis. In the middle of Afghanistan. And we hit what 4? 6? Of the what can only be like 60-80 of the only Americans in country. If that wasn't intentional that's one hell of an outside probability. Maybe that one anon was right and its some form of deliberate demoralization.

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