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ITT - Cursed guns The Most Cursed Guns 08/16/2021 (Mon) 00:46:38 No. 417
Post either your own, or photos you've found (basically fucking everything)
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>>417 Here OP. Have some I found.
>>418 That axe blunderbuss thing looks fucking sweet
>>418 Thank you >>419 Yeah I kinda really want it
>>419 Yeah when I saw it I was immediately entranced. Just looks cool as hell.
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Some rips from a "certain" subreddit The Army dude with the three guns is an indian army anti drone set-up, kinda cool actually.
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>>426 Beautiful
>>425 Lol what the fuck
>>440 russian roulette with no.2
>>443 Lol, as long as the other guy goes first.
>>418 The boarding axe musket is so cool that the royal museum of Britain did a video on it today. https://youtu.be/s7GnbhiNUbk Notably his has a much longer handle too the point he uses it as a carbine. Because the dude sucks limes there is also no footage of him shooting it. 4/10
>>417 I've never heard anyone ever say anything good about link related. >>>/k/487
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Gentlemen BEHOLD
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>>505 Ah a kalash- >tfw really look at the receiver
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Gentlemen, we have seen a lot of pictures of people taking a perfectly fine gun and bubba-ing it to hell and back. We've seen "sporterized" abominations. But what happens when the manufacturer themselves decide to create the worst possible gun of all time. Observe. Standard mfg s333 thunderstruck, the 8round double barrel .22 with a 75lb trigger pull. Since it fires 2 rounds with every trigger pull technically this monstrosity carries only 4 rounds. I defy you to top this for sheer uselessness.
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>>507 I swear every LGS I visit has at least one of these things for sale that I was sincerely worried if it was gonna top a Taurus or an XD in being pushed to first timers.
>>524 It's so awful, last week I was getting ammo and saw it again, I had to try it real quick. Clerk got it out of the glass case and lemme try the trigger. Bro it sucks so goddamn bad. I knew right then and there it deserved it's own post. And also yeah it's weird how every lgs seems to have like at least one of these monstrosities. They must have have manufactured millions.
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Found this gem of a mosin
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I've been told all my builds are cursed. But.: left, 9mm AR build. Not completed. right: 7.62x39 side-charging AR patterned after Velvet Remedy. From Fallout:Equestria? That's right, a pony gun. This isn't my only pony gun either.
>>542 Anon I have no words. Huh.
>>502 I want one >>505 I hate the nation of Pakistan and it's government currently for a number of political reasons like funding Naxalite commies but then crying when their game of playing with fire... backfires on them. However I make an exception for the residents of the Khyber Pass region, they seem like alright people for putting all that British and Soviet scrap to use. >>542 No one cares if you build a retarded looking AR, your not ruining a piece of history by doing so so let your imagination run wild. I've thought about building an AR pistol and painting it white and gray myself actually.
>>507 So... what's the point of this? I mean, there has to be some utility for this to be made. You'd think firing two tiny bullets right next to each other would be worse than firing a sensibly sized bullet that's twice as large in any way. Unless you want to shoot both halfs of a siamese twin at the same time, I guess. Is this some hyper-specialized post-birth abortion gun?
>>552 There's some real retardation in the gun world. Far from the only example of just stupid. I'll keep my eye out for more when I get ammo this weekend
>>552 the increased surface area may theoretically lead to greater fragmentation and thus more wound trajectories, but were talking about .22lr out of a snub nose so i doubt either round would even fragment under anything other than the most ideal conditions for that to happen
>>542 Gaunt is that you buddy?
Yay Nay? I think it's kinda gimmicky honestly.
>>604 Heh, kinda gay.
>>636 >Heh, kinda gay. How would you go about making it less gay or more gay? I will say I do like the color of the hand guard though, it kinda almost has a Bakelite look to it though I don't think it would actually help all that much with protecting your hands from the heat under it and that think looks like it gets hot FAST.
>>643 I mean a real brace would be nice, but you can't do that without pissing off the ATF, so that's out. The handguard does look nice, and I agree on the color. The more I think about, I guess I just don't like how small it is. >anon its a pdw variant of course it's small Well yeah, you are right. I'm embarrassed to admit that what I would change is the stock, barrel, and sights. But at that point why not just buy a stock AR-15? And I have no answer for that. You got me there.
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wtf is going on?!?!?!??!
>>671 >>670 What do you mean?
Practically brand new, only shot once.
>>673 Only one previous owner.

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