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Famous guns /k/ommando 08/13/2021 (Fri) 22:50:43 No. 403
Guns that are infamous. Such as this Charter Arms .38 undercover Used to kill famous hippie John Lennon. I call it the "imagine there's no oxygen" pistol.
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And fuck a marlboro, say hello to the real cowboy killer.
Behold the Carcano NOT used by a low ranking soldier and Manchurian candidate to blow JFK's brains out along with all other passengers in rapid succession while said victims were in a moving vehicle. Also proof that John Moses Browning's designs are without flaw. >>403 I was actually thinking about getting a Charter in 9mm, now I just want one for meme's sake so now it's in my bucket list. Why isn't this advertised their website?
>>409 https://charterfirearms.com/products/79920-9-mm-pitbull-rimless-revolver The pitbull and bulldog revolvers are available in 9mm. And appear to have the same styling as the undercover used by Chapman. Yeah for pure meme potential carrying the ultimate hippy killer is pretty fucking cool. Also nice contribution. Didn't think of franz ferdinand or JFK. Shit what'd they use to merc bobby kennedy? Also Browning was incapable of making a bad weapon. God himself helped that man.
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A .22 caliber Iver Johnson cadet model revolver. The weapon used by Sirhan Sirhan to gun down Robert Kennedy. Democratic nominee for president of the United States of America.
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A Fabrique Nationale m1910. Chambered in .380 ACP. Serial number 19074 The gun used to kill Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and start the war that probably broke western morality. Browning sure made them reliable.
>>409 >the weapon used for the art is a revolver >Doesn't even look like the 1910 This angers me. Stupid noguns artist.
>>410 >Also Browning was incapable of making a bad weapon. God himself helped that man. Well nearly every war the USA has fought since abandoning the 1911 as their primary side arm has been lost or resulted in a stalemate so that may very well be true so obviously he takes offense to that. >>411 >>412 These are great examples of guns to make 9mm worshiping arm chair tactitards seethe. If they're good enough to assassinate important enough people to cause such incredible shitstorms then they're decent enough for self defense. Of course 9mm is fine but those types of people are just annoying. >>413 Didn't notice till now but yeah that's annoying. Someone should go pay some Nippon to make a more historically accurate moe version.
>>414 Exactly. So far we haven't had much of that here, but inevitably there will be a thread full of photos of ballistics gel all shot to shit. And one day we will find someone to redo that art. Still love the drivers "are you serious" expression.
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September 8th 1935. Huey long is killed by a lone gunman, who walked up and shot him with a FN1910. A popular assassination gun.
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On March 16th 1984, Gary Plauché shot and killed the pedophile who raped his son. As far as I can tell he used a .38 hollow point fired from a Smith and Wesson model 19 .357 revolver. Can't say I blame Gary. The gun that cures pedophilia.
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>>411 The .32 Iver Johnson safety automatic revolver used to kill william McKinley on september 14th 1901. Iver Johnson apparently has two presidential kills to it's name.
April 14th 1865, Archyankee and general all around shitheel Abraham Lincoln is shot in the head with a .44 fired from an original Henry Deringer pocket pistol. He died from complications following loss of his brains the following day.
>>463 And once again the official artwork uses the wrong gun. Fucking noguns artists.
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From 1976 to 1977 in New York David Berkowitz shot, and stabbed several random individuals in the city. Girls smooching in cars with a date was his favored target. He used a Charter arms .44 bulldog pug revolver. He was known as the .44 killer, and Son Of Sam. Of note this jew later found Christ in prison and is now a christian. He maintains a fun little website on Jesus Christ at Ariseandshine.org
>>464 TBF they didn't exactly have a quick means of communication and flow of information back then. I'm sure once the artist found that out that he painted the wrong gun he himself was embarrassed too.
>>467 Good points. Well if we ever make a draw thread maybe we can start correcting these paintings.
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On Feb. 21, 1965, Malcolm X, leader of Muslim Mosque, Inc. and the Organization of Afro-American Unity, was assassinated during an Organization of Afro-American Unity meeting at the Audubon Ballroom in Manhattan. More well known as a leader of the nation of Islam, he was shot at least 21 times, with a mix of 12 gauge shot, 9x19luger, and .45acp There is still some controversy surrounding who exactly shot him, and the actual murder weapons have never been revealed. Supposedly a 12gauge sawn off was found nearby discarded in a jacket, the exact brand has never been revealed. Talmadge Hayer was identified as the shooter with the shotgun and beaten severely by the crowd before police arrived. He suffered several broken ribs and a broken leg. Several witness were also hit with gunfire. The assassination began with a man in the crowd shouting "hey nigger get your hand out of my pocket!" Malcolm X standing at the podium then reportedly said "Hey cool it!" And as the crowd whirled around in confusion a man stepped toward the stage and fired a single blast from a concealed sawn off shotgun. While he was then beaten and pulled down by the crowd, Malcolm X bodyguards stepped towards this first assassin, leaving a bleeding and wounded Malcolm temporarily alone at the podium. Then two more gunmen from the crowd stepped forward and fired a mix of .45acp and 9x19luger rounds into his body. The cause of death was listed as several rounds to the heart.
on August 25, 1967 in Arlington Virginia the leader of the American Nazi Party was gunned down at the Dominion Hills Shopping Center while trying to do his laundry. George Lincoln Rockwell was shot by former National Socialist (glownig) John Patler from the rooftop of the shopping center when he went out to his car to go and get bleach to clean his clothes with at the laundromat. Patler was arrested half an hour later, after throwing his gun into Four Mile Run nearby, when he was spotted with wet trousers waiting for a bus by a police officer. Police say two shots were fired from a rooftop of a beauty salon across the street from the Dominion Hills shopping centre. Two bullets went through the windscreen of the 49-year-old's blue and white Chevrolet and hit him in the head and the chest. He died instantly. Eye-witnesses said the Nazi leader was reversing his car out of a parking space in the shopping centre when the incident happened. As the shots hit his car he dived onto the passenger seat in an attempt to escape. His car apparently crashed into another vehicle. A coroner pronounced him dead at the scene. George Lincoln Rockwell, who lived just yards from the scene of his death, founded the American Nazi Party, originally known as the World Union of Free Enterprise and National Socialists, in 1959. John Patler was expelled from the party that previous april for "Bolshevik leanings" (nazbol) The weapon used was reportedly a C96 "Broomhandle" Mauser, firing the 7.63x25mm Mauser round. John was accused of having stolen this exact weapon from the American Nazi Party Headquarters. Spent shells of the same type were found on his local farm.
I have two here, First is a .442 Webley "British Bulldog" used by one Charles Guiteau to assassinate President Andrew Garfield. Mr. Guiteau was a Republican party member who had canvassed support for Garfield during the 1880 election, and expected to be rewarded with a government position (as was the fashion in politics at the time). Guiteau wanted to be named Ambassador to the Qing court in China, despite not actually speaking Chinese and knowing next to nothing about China. Garfield, who had no idea who Guiteau even was, rejected his demand for a job. So, after purchasing the aforementioned Webley (with Ivory grips as it would "look more striking in a museum) So, after following Garfield's schedule for days (and neglecting to kill him at one point because Garfield had his wife with him and Guiteau "Did not want to upset the poor woman") He eventually struck on July 2nd, 1881, firing two shots that hit Garfield in the back, one shattering a vertebrae but not actually hitting the spine. Garfield lingered for months before finally succumbing to infection (because his retarded doctors kept poking his would with their bare fingers.) dying on September 19th of that same year. Guiteau was found guilty and sentenced to hang on June 30th, 1882. His last words was him reciting a poem he had written called "I am going to the Lordy", though famously, he was overpowered by the jeers from the crowd to the point he stopped and shouted at them, "You are all low, consummate jackasses!" And that was the execution of the 20th president of the United States.
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>>880 Second, of course, is the Sten gun wielded by two Czech soldiers in the employ of British special intelligence. Which were used, but were not what killed, Deputy Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia Reinhard Heydrich. Famously, the Stens used in the assassination both jammed, and Heydrich probably would have survived if he had kept driving, instead of stopping his car to shoot at his assassins, giving them time to throw a grenade at the car, which would pepper Heydrich with shrapnel and eventually lead to his death.
>>880 Very nice featured gun. Just oozes brutality and sex. >>881 A classic now. Still it's autistic lines grow on you.
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>>1003 I can for the life of me understand how can one grow to like the mark 2 sten, i can only say id shoot the mark 1 or 5, the rest look terribly and like it will hurt to shoot.
>>1025 Yeah 2-3 stocks look like kaffir gunsmith tier. Just bolted on angled steel. Cant imagine that's fun.
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>>1030 Id prefer the austen, i know the brits were trying to save up on cost and time but holy shit, thats too much.
>>1025 Shooting them do seem real uncomfortable, but I guess its the aesthetics of a straight barebones weapon with little regard to end-user ergonomics and an extreme focus on costs-savings that as wartime pressures mount or unmount, the weapon somehow gets simplified even further in just strange oddball ways or actually starts picking up in terms of finish, ergos, and etc. alongside the fact that even someone with little machining experience or so can churn these out with stampings makes it appealing. Personally, I prefer the Owen & Sterling guns since both represent the extreme opposite ends of cost-efficiency/reliability & ergos as best as a Brit side-magazine can be/ features.
Any more famous guns?
>>461 Happy anniversary to Gary! The man who cured pedophilia.
>>403 >I call it the "imagine there's no oxygen" pistol. You and a million others...

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