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Buying guns /k/ommando 06/28/2021 (Mon) 20:06:39 No. 34
This board should be thriving. Everyone should own 3 guns minimum. A glock brand glock. A rifle A shotgun Whats your excuse anons? Also if you have any interest in purchasing a firearm let me walk you through it. Easy peasy. The catalogue looks like a holocaust is all im saying.
>>34 Glocks suck. They jam super easy just look at all the police footage. And they explode. No thanks OP i like my hands
>>42 Dishonest cuck. Glock is fine. Just keep it clean and use the appropriate caliber.
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Ballistol cleans guns and saves lives. Checkem
No one owns guns on /k/ Your all noguns. Faggots.
>>56 >t. Leaf
>>72 >doesnt post gun of his own.
>>44 Checked. And based. Ballistol can be used to clean bore and fry egg.
>>111 Checking that check of a sweet check.
Buying your first gun can be intimidating. But its actually pretty easy. All you need is time, and money. So let me walk you through it. Go into a gun store. Find a pistol, or rifle you like. Inform the staff that you would like to purchase said weapon. They will get a form for you to fill out. Its really easy and takes maybe 5 minutes if you have never done it before. Fill out paperwork, give them the money, and then depending on firearm purchased and the state you either walk out with your gun 30 minutes later or a couple days later they call you and let you know you can pick up your gun. Done. Have questions any step of the way? Ask here and I'll try to help, or ask the clerk when your out shopping. Some arent useless.
>Whats your excuse anons? was an idiot and procrastinated taking the Firearms Safety Test in Canada and now Trudeau has indefinitely cancelled the ability to take the exams for over a year and without passing it you can't get a license
>>190 Wow. Trudeaus a dick.
>>190 Matchlock, flintlock, and wheellock are considered antiques and as such require no license or registration. All other black powder is the same provided its made before 1898 or designed before then and reproduced in modern machines. So yes and no. Trudeau has made it impossible to get a modern weapon, but theres nothing preventing you from buying two sashes abd thirteen black powder pistols and going full pirate style.
Step one. Finding a lgs. Anon do you have a phonebook? Or an internet connection? The answer is yes obviously how the hell else would you even read this otherwise? So duckduckgo your town/city and gun store Step one completed.
>>500 Step 2. Go to the gun store. Fingerfuck gats, ask lots of questions and generally annoying to the staff. Don't worry about it it's literally their fucking job. If you find a fun you like then inform the staff that you want to buy it. A background check will be required. Those used to take ten to thirty minutes. With all the Corona fuckery it might take ten days right now. Sorry. Anyway heres a 4473. This is how a background is checked. They hand you this paper and you fill it out. Pay for your gun then leave and wait for a phonecall saying you can buy a gun. Further tips. Ask of they have ammo for the gun you want. Odds are if theres nothing on the shelves in your caliber they have some in the back and will sell you a box or two with your shiny new gun.

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