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Happy Birthday Hitler Strelok 04/20/2023 (Thu) 14:47:31 No. 1821
I'd just like to say a happy birthday to the greatest leader to have ever existed. Sieg Heil.
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I miss him bros
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>>1821 He was a good leader, but a complete baka when it came to everything else one needs to win a world war. Still, he was a fun guy overall, I wish he got a better ending.
>>1821 He was a real one. Wish we lived in a world where leaders could still be as inspirational as him
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>>1824 >He was the real one If you read any of the Jewish whitepapers you'd realize the British and French royalty set him up to fail from the start in order to begin initiating the NWO. They wanted to use the German prince, but Hitler happened to be the next closest useful idiot. Even if there has not been a war, his leftist policies were set to crash the German economy like a bad case of dehydration crashing trailer trash at a dance party with alcohol.
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>>1821 I forgot his bday fuck I'm a terrible person.
(6.29 MB Mein Führer)

Happy 4/20
>>1825 You got proofs?
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>>1828 I only provide slaps to that flag.
>>1829 Says the chinese.
>>1830 All I will say is if you look up the more detailed account of Rudolf Hess' flight to Britain you begin to see exactly how they Hitler from the start. Churchill committed a coup against the royalty in order to ensure the peace deal never went through. The Hess proposal was almost no different from the "secret" proposal given after Poland to reinstate the German Prince as the head of state and in exchange begin the reparations process from WWI in earnest. Technically the gloal elites laid out their plans before WWI started but I'm not interested in educating or interacting with Hitlerites on the subject.
>>1829 >>1831 >All I will say is if you look up the more detailed account of Rudolf Hess' flight to Britain you begin to see exactly how they Hitler from the start. Do you have any PDFs or links that point to that? I'd like to take a read for that myself. >The British and French royalty set up Hitler to fall to start the NWO So how did the French royalty set Hitler up when they didn't even exist, as France was a republic at the time? >Churchill committed a coup against the royalty in order to ensure the peace deal never went through. So the British royalty set Hitler up to fail as the fall guy, but somehow also were working to make peace with Germany at the same time, before Churchill's coup? Which is it, Chinkman? >German prince Who is this German prince you're referring to? Kronprinz Wilhelm, who would have been Wilhelm III? >Technically the gloal elites laid out their plans before WWI started That's been true since the formulation of Tikkun Olam, since that's the elites' ultimate goal at the end of the day. But yes, they've laid out their plans ever since the publishing of The Protocols of Zion. >but I'm not interested in educating or interacting with Hitlerites on the subject. That's fine with me. If you're going to spout bullshit and not even bother to "educate" us "Hitlerites" on why we're wrong, then you go fuck yourself for all I care.
>>1832 Anon hes a chinese, their history us more bamrainwashed then that if an us
>>1821 Hitler fucked up and all remaining Aryans pay the price la~
>>1825 What leftist policies? They participated in international trade like any other western country and the Night of the Long Knives killed any actual socialism within the party. Are these leftist policies the failure to deliver the Beetle or that (in the early days at least) people were issued treasury certificates and other tickets as currency, I don't know much about how their economy worked. Also I wouldn't necessarily say Hitler was set up to fail. Hitler may have put too much good faith into diplomacy with the west especially the fucking British and all the territory he took thinking he could get away with it, he wasn't tricked or mislead into good faith unless he just didn't hear what the entire world's opinion on him was. It's like saying Saddam Hussein was a US puppet. If war entered his plans then so-be-it. >>1832 >Do you have any PDFs or links that point to that? I'd like to take a read for that myself. The fact that his interrogation files are classified until 2045 looks pretty damning. Hitler believed in alliance with the UK for an unreasonable amount of time into the war. >So how did the French royalty set Hitler up I think he just means elites. >Which is it, Chinkman? Edward VIII was forced out of the throne into becoming the Governor of the Bahamas because of his favorable views towards Hitler, like Reza Shah.
Hitler was a shitty commander and a shittier economist.

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