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/QTDDTOT/ Ask and ye shall recieve /k/ommando 06/29/2021 (Tue) 04:51:19 Id: 8f4b0f No. 155
Questions that don't deserve their own thread. Like can I use ballistol to clean leather.
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>>155 >making a thread without a picture Fuck.
>>155 Yeah, I mean it works. In a pinch you can use it to fry food even.
>>155 Has anyone seen any ammo lately?
>>180 Fucking A anon. Guess what im doing today! Fucking plinking. LGS is starting to have more ammo in stock. The ammo is coming back baby.
>>217 Nice anon hope you have fun. Not the most reliable ammo, but beggars can't be choosers. What you shooting it out of?
>>218 Rossi Rio Bravo. Love that lever action. Post pics when I get back from range.
What is your preferred method of buying? Local store, online? What sites if any, would you recommend?
>>294 Local store for me. I know the owner and I always get a good deal. If theres anything I want he can get it cheap. I love my LGS.
Not a question about guns but somewhat related. Are there any chain stores in burgerland where you can buy professional grade handcuffs without needing to show any kind of ID? Or would I have to press my luck with a smaller business?

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