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Neo-Holocaust 2.0 - Anti-Yanny Revamp edition /k/ommando 11/13/2023 (Mon) 08:32:00 No. 1382
The story so far... >IDF at the gates of Gaza >Allegedly, Israel has killed 6 times more children in Gaza in 3 weeks than both Russia and Ukraine in their spat >Al Qassam is bombing Israeli cities again.Not looking good for folks in the inner city part of Gaza >Support for Palestinians absolutely off the charts in Europe, South America, Australia, most authorities cracking down on stadiums and unorganized protests >According to weeb Hamas has sacrificed Beit Hanoun >Israel is trying to cut off Jabalia (refugee camp central) from Gaza City and is piecemeal going after both >Israel's goal seems to be to pincer areas on three sides before moving in for the kill >Lebanon ain't gonna do shit >Biden is denying Israel funding unless he gets full unmoderated funding to hide his crimes against humanity in Ukraine >Israel threatens to cease the existence of Hezbullah >Israeli forces have stopped being able to advance and are calling for a reshuffle of strategy coincidentally at the exact same time that they hit the urban pockets in Jabalia/Gaza City where Hamas is putting up more than token resistance. >Israel quite literally putting journalists on a hit list for spreading "hurtful recorded propaganda" >Israel to use "sponge bombs" to defeat Hummus
>>1382 Napalm sticks to mods
Next time some dumbass talks shit about how Germany got deservedly punished for engaging in genocide, ask why Israel has been engaging in genocide for the better part of a century and so far has suffered no meaningful retribution to the point almost nobody is willing to call it a genocide. Watch the cognitive dissonance hit in real time.
It's all Israel's fault, we need to free Palestine.

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